Nicolas J. Magbanua I (Activities in Chapter 1)

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TEACHER: Mr. Christopher Perile DATE: DECEMBER 23,2020

Chapter 1: Communication, Processes, Principles and ethics

Lesson 1: The Nature of Language and Communication

Create a one-act role-playing script employing the different types
of communication. Enclose the appropriate non-verbal communication
(gestures, hand movement, facial expressions, etc.) in the parentheses
that best support the lines (verbal communication).

“Santa Claus on a Diet”

Santa : Ho.. ho..ho. Look at me. 350 pounds of pure, lean muscles.Wow..(patting his belly and
flexing his biceps).
Elf: (coming towards the door) Hey.. Fatsan… it’s time to go. You still have 5 million of
present to be delivered this evening before it get morning (with a killer smile).
Santa: Hey, hey, hey! What did you call, you little weasel? (angry) Who are you calling fat?
(walking toward elf). I’ m not fat. I’m in a top shape. In fact, I have a lean muscles
( flexing his belly).
Elf : Yeah…yeah…yeah, whatever Santa. Let’s just go. The reindeer and the sleigh are ready to
go (Shaking head with fear).
Santa : Okay lets go then. (Walking toward the sleigh)
Rudolf : God heavens. Look at Santa he’s getting fattier. Do we need to pull the sleigh with all
this present and him? I really need a muscle (with shilly- shallying eyes)

( Arriving at Johny’ s House)

Boom…. Bang…. Smoke is everywhere…..

Johny: (Dringking water) Who is that? (pointing a knife toward the Christmas tree with a
shaking a hand). Is that you Santa?
Santa: ( Face Johnny with a big smile)
Johny: Santa is like a pig so fat.
Elf : You’re right. Santa is not getting simmer all these days.
Johny: Never expecting it though (with a dissapoinment)
Elf: Listen… I have an idea (whispering on Johny’s ear) Why we don’t we send Santa on Slim
Up Center?
Johny: Slim Up Center? Isn’t that terribly expensive?
Elf : We should barter it with present instead. Maybe they will be ok with that. (Laughing)
Johny : That’s a very good idea. You should hurry then. Santa are you ready? (helping Santa to
stand up).
Santa: Sure guys!!! (stretching his butt for a high fall on the roof).
Johny: Goodbye Santa… Have a nice trip.. (waving his hand)

(Sleigh Drive off)

Elf : Well Santa we can’t pull your weight any longer. Maybe it’s time for you to go on a diet.
Santa: Diet? What are you talking about? I’m thin as stick!!(Saying angrily)
Rudolf : Well, a giant stick Santa.( laughing ) Just face it. You need to lose some weight.
Santa: But I don’t want to (tries to jump on a sleigh)
Elf: No Santa !!!(stopping Santa).
Rudolf: Hey guys were almost there.

Identify the word or phrase asked or described by the following:
1. It refers to talking to oneself or communication with oneself.
2. The communication between or among people having different linguistic,
religious, ethnic, social and professional backgrounds.
3. The type of communication that involves the use of electronic media.
4. This is the exchange of thoughts, ideas, views, opinions, feelings, etc.
5. This is the reason behind any interaction. It is the meaning shared between the
sender and the receiver.
6. The type of communication that intends to deepen one’s relationship with other
7. This type of organizational communication is also called as bottom-up
8. Communication becomes _______if the objective is to achieve something at the
end of the conversation.
9. It is the environment in which the communication takes place. It also concerns the
expectations of the sender and the receiver and common understanding through
environmental signals.
10.The Latin word which means to share or to make ideas common.

1. Intrapersonal Communication 6. Informal Communication
2. Intercultural Communication 7. Upward Communication
3. Extended Communication 8. Transactional
4. Communication 9. Context
5. Message 10.Communicares

In few sentences, kindly answer the following questions.
1. How can we assure that good communication process takes place?
- Communication occurs when a sender expresses an emotion or a feeling, creates an idea,
or senses the need to communicate. The communication process is triggered when the
sender makes a conscious or an unconscious decision to share the message with another
person or on the receiver. Every communicative act is based on something that conveys
meaning. The message may be either verbal (spoken or written) or nonverbal (body
language, physical appearance, or vocal tone). Messages may also come from the context
—or place and time—of the communication.
Every message is sent and received through one of our five senses—it is seen,
heard, touched, tasted, or smelled. The sensory media through which messages are sent
and received are we all know as the communication channels. In a work setting,
messages may be seen through body movement, letters, memos, newsletters, bulletin
board notices, signs, emails, and so on. Messages that are heard come through
conversations, interviews, presentations, telephones, radios, and other audio media. Sight
and sound are the two most frequent communication channels used in our society. Back
to the particular question, how can we assure that good communication takes place.
Simply, as the sender convey a message and the receiver gets the message (through
seeing, hearing, feeling, touching, or smelling), and he or she will usually give feedback
(return message) unconsciously or consciously but rest assured that sender’s message
must be clear, concise, and direct in approach, “saying what he/ she really trying to
imply with. Deliver the message using diplomacy, respect, kindness, knowledge, and
intelligence. Most of all avoid combativeness at all costs. Thus, the effective or good
communication takes place.

2. Describe the relationship of Language and Communication.

- Communication is getting something across from one person to another so that the idea
of the sender arrives and is acquired by the receiver then give feedback to the particular
question. Any means whatsoever to get information from sender to receiver could be
considered communication. Language would be one way of conveying information. It
would not be the only way, but it is definitely the most powerful way in terms of scope,
flexibility, transmission of detailed information. It was really difficult to give a precise
relationship of language and communication but for my own way of understanding
without offending to anyone who thinks differently to my own point of view, simply
looking onto this matter. The relationship of language and communication can be
embodied as the relationship with my parents yet indeed need each other in order for
existence. Any communication is impossible to do without language. Simply the reason
is that language is the origin of contacts with world, even sign language is important for
a deaf person to communicate with another person. To sum up, communication and
language are enlaced as the communication is the means of exchanging messages and
information through writing, speaking and other means, whereas language is a tool to
facilitate communication. As through a language one can communicate, in other words,
communication happens through the languages, without language one cannot convey
anything to anyone.

3. How can visual communication enhance the message conveyed by a

speaker? Cite a situation when it is best to employ visual communication.

- Visual Communication involves the use of images and symbolism for the exchange of
ideas from a source to the intended audience. Visual Communication can help enhance
the message conveyed by the speaker when the message being conveyed is new to the
audience, such as instructional or educational presentation by enable the audience to
more quickly understand the point of view of the speaker and easily grasp concept much
quicker than words and text. In this way receiver can ensure a high level of
comprehension and speaker can get immediate feedback. A particular situation where it
is best to use visual communication is in giving a traffic and way in a tourist like, travel
brochure, for them to know about the spots and to easily get to their specific given tourist
spot easier.
4. Would you know any strategy or method by which you can reduce the
complexity of understanding another culture?

- We are surrounded with different countries and tribes that has different cultures and
practices which are very complex for such individual with no prior knowledge to
understand or comprehend. But for my own way of definite understanding we can reduce
this kind of circumstances in doing some strategy and method in coping with. For me
there are three (3) strategy or method in reducing the complexity of understanding
another culture. First, is through observe. Simply observe what kind of constructs are
commonly used in their interactions. Observation is the best strategy to understand the
foreign environment. Our unconscious mind is very skillful in that since the faculty of
observation is innate on us. Don’t be overwhelmed by foreign culture as perceiving it as
complex. there is no complex culture that man cannot be adapted. I suspect our ego is
hampering us from learning foreign culture. if we so kick out our ego, then it will the
worst ally in this endeavor. Second, is travel, one of the best ways also to experience and
understand other cultures is to actually live among them. It might take a while to save
for, but planning a trip overseas to a country we’re interested in can be the best way of
opening ourselves up to new cultures. Lastly, is being more accepting, sometimes, for
one reason or another, it’s not all that easy to understand some cultural differences. In
these situations, the best approach is just to acknowledge that some people are different
and to accept that that’s okay. We don’t have to understand, or even agree with, someone
in order to accept them. The main thing to remember is that everyone, no matter what
their cultural background, has their own unique opinions, habits and ways of life. The
sooner you accept that everyone is different, the easier it becomes to understand and
embrace cultural differences.

Lesson 2: Communication Principles and Ethics

Create/ draw a poster that exhibits the ethics in communication,
emphasizing on the different scenarios that you may encounter in the
workplace as persons of your chosen field in the near future.
These criteria shall apply.
Relevance to the topic 30%
Content 30%
Creativity 20 %
Uniqueness 20 %
Total 100%

Essay: Elaborate your ideas regarding the Communication Models and
Principles and Ethics of Communication by answering the following questions
in few yet concise sentences.

1. What do you think are the importance of knowing the different

communication models? What roles do they play in the communication

- The importance of knowing the different communication models is

immeasurable in the person’s life. It helps us understand the structures
and processes involved in how humans communicate. And as well
through these models we can best summarized the communication
process as the transmission of a message from a sender to a receiver in
an understandable manner. The roles they play for us is a representation
of methods, sample or a guide and a visual representation of
communication process which provides completes idea towards
achieving an effective communication in a various way.

2. How can one observe ethics in communication?

- We spend a lot of time communicating, so if we want to be ethical, how you

communicate is going to play a big part in that. For my humble opinion a person
can observe ethics in communication if she/he keep confidential information
confidential, and does not discuss the personal or business situations of others
publicly or share with the third party because ethical
communication encompasses being honest in all communications. To sum up,
loyalty, honesty, safety, truthfulness, and empathy are the ethical actions one
should possess to improve the ability of one person to ethically communicate.

3. Why is it important to have a code of conduct or a code of ethics in


- It is important to have a code of conduct or a code of ethics in communication

because it gives a person about general idea of what types of behavior and
decisions are acceptable and encouraged during a conversation matter. And as
well, it helps the person should act in specific situation and how to supposed to
approach problem.

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