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John Bryan J.

BSBA Financial Management 4-A
Mini Case Study #1: Adding credibility generates a 46% increase in conversion for mattress company.

How do you ensure that your companies can continue to create value for customers in this changed
world? Ecommerce can play a critical role.

By adding quality to your product, it will ensure your company to continue to create value to
customers and also gives advantage against your competitors. Because of the pandemic, many
businesses shift to the E-commerce, that’s why producing an informative website to market your
product will be helpful in this time were people are now buying products online. People now a day
needs credible information about the products before they consider it to buy. By providing this kind of
information will attract customers to buy your product. Just like what this furniture company did on
their website. Aside from linking a certification of a good quality to their product they also give
customers background about this Green Guard Gold certificate. Through this, the customers have the
idea about the product quality. Having a strong, well-known brand enhances your credibility with
customers, your industry, and the marketplace as a whole. As you build your credibility, you also build
recognition, loyalty, and competitiveness. Everything goes hand-in-hand, and you’ll find that your
credibility has a direct connection to customers ease of purchase. We want to buy from companies we
like, know, and trust. If your brand is credible, you’re far more likely to get the sale.

How can you help spark ideas for improving your company’s ecommerce efforts?

Aside from providing credible information about your products to your website, it is also
recommendable to improve the visibility of your websites in search engines like Google. A good product
deserved to have a good publicity for them to be able to discover by potential customers. Through
optimizing quality and content within the website will increase online traffic which in turn will benefit
the organization’s business. They must improve their on-page and off-page optimization, to increase the
internal strength for the users and search engine crawlers and improve the promotions of the business
data like website link, description, title which will improve brand reputation. A company should be
honest in all aspects on their business includes information about their brand, products or services
because misleading your audience (even accidentally) is sure to damage your ethos and discourage
prospects from trusting you. Even if it’s not an outright lie, business writing that “stretches the truth”
can often backfire. Some advertisers will try to “fudge” the truth by saying things like “contains natural
ingredients” when in fact only a miniscule fraction of the ingredients are natural. If your claims don’t
hold up under scrutiny, you can be sure that it won’t ingratiate you with potential customers.

Mini Case Study #2: Dunkin’ increases gift card sales 300% by quickly tapping into changing customer

How do you ensure that your companies can continue to create value for customers in this changed
world? Ecommerce can play a critical role.

In terms of creating value to your customers, it can be shown by giving help and support to
them by doing an act of appreciation. This will create a good relationship between the company and its
customers. Just like what the Dunkin’ did, they send a virtual coffee break in the form of a Dunkin’ e-gift
John Bryan J. Aquino
BSBA Financial Management 4-A
cards and Dunkin’ would donate $1 for every card purchase at site to help families affected by Covid-19
as a way of company’s appreciation to the frontline heroes. They marketed this concept through online
digital platforms, through which gained good response and reach, Dunkin’ placed their brand in front of
wider audience and helped them to build good brand reputation. It could also tap in new customers and
communicate the message to digital world. Their gift card sales made through restaurants and merchant
website went up by 92%. Establishing e gift cards are more efficient compare to the traditional gift cards
it increase your Sales and Revenue The foremost benefit of e- Commerce gift cards is that they  boost
your sales. reports that Gift Cards are the most requested present during the holiday
season. When the pressure is high to search for a perfect gift for the close ones, people switch to the
Gift card option.

How can you help spark ideas for improving your company’s ecommerce efforts?

Business should learn how to adapt to changes in digital technologies and personalize customer
experience will become the winner in the long run. Their idea makes their gift cards system to be more
useful than its traditional form and attract more potential customers. To sustain this company’s
increase, they should add some features to the e-gift cards such as giving the users some promotions,
coupons, vouchers and discounts or cash back will attract the current users and new customers to use
gift cards. You must also make your E-gift cards visible by spreading word across all marketing channels,
like displaying E-gift cards to their online stores or websites and make it easy for them to apply and use.
They can also make some specialized gift cards for special occasion which is more effective according to
some studies. As mobile payment transactions become the norm, people will likely turn to digital gifting
as well. It will increase your turnover. The gift card is like a new product offered on the market,
therefore an opportunity to increase its turnover. Note that the latter not only takes into account the
purchase of the card, but also includes additional income. This corresponds to the additional expenses
incurred by users, beyond the amount of the e-card.

Mini Case Study #3: Home décor company generates $734.40 in sales from “penny campaigns”

How do you ensure that your companies can continue to create value for customers in this changed
world? Ecommerce can play a critical role.

A company should improve their advertising program which helps them to promote their
business through ads. One of the best example is the Google Adwords which is an online advertising
program developed by Google marketers and advertisers which is used by this case study. This is a paid
platform of Google, through which the organizations can run paid ad campaigns based on your business
goals and needs. By running ad campaigns, the company can deliver the right message about the
products and services to the audience. Penny clicks is also a good one, it is also an artificial of pay per
click advertising. The advertising platform will provide the contents and ads options which would be best
match for the consumer interest. While running an ad campaign online, the organization has full control
over the budget. The entire business model is easy to simplify; you want people to click through to your
website, so you pay them. Clicks have an inherent value based on a number of different factors, which
John Bryan J. Aquino
BSBA Financial Management 4-A
combine to make the cost of each click. The cheapest possible payment per click is a single cent, a
penny. Thus, the cheapest possible way to use PPC advertising is with penny clicks.

How can you help spark ideas for improving your company’s ecommerce efforts?

A company should not only focus on one kind of promotions, they should also invest to different
kinds of promotion to broaden their market. You should engage your business to different types of ads
campaigns such as Search Campaigns or Text Ads, Display Campaign or Image Ads, Video Campaigns that
appears on Youtube, Universal App Campaign which are ads for mobile apps, Shoppin Campaigns, and
LocaL Campaign or Local results ads which appear in the Google Maps. Promotion is a key element in
putting across the benefits of your product or service to the customers. Well-designed marketing and
promotional strategies ensure long-term success, bring in more customers and ensure profitability for
businesses. If your company wants to pursue a cheap advertising, there’s only one thing that can beat
penny clicks, and that’s completely free advertising. Now, you’re pretty unlikely to get truly free
advertising. Any actual ads network will require some minimal amount of payment if you want to use it.
Free sources of advertising are things like organic posting on social media, word of mouth advocacy
from brand allies, and news coverage in industry journals. While good, they aren’t quite what we’re
talking about. So, yes, you can get penny clicks. All you have to do is sacrifice any pretense of successful
advertising, audience targeting, competition, or profits. You’ll get a lot of people clicking your ads, sure.
You’ll get a lot of faces looking at your website. That’s pretty much all they’ll do, though. They won’t buy
anything you sell, unless you happen to be targeted at those markets, which is pretty unlikely.

Mini Case Study #4: Vegan blog grows traffic to 50,000 monthly visits with more diverse SEO outreach

How do you ensure that your companies can continue to create value for customers in this changed
world? Ecommerce can play a critical role.

One should have an effective website optimization such as backlinks. A backlink is a hyperlink
from an external source that points directly to your website or webpage. Backlinks are essential for
online store owner or any e-commerce platform because it will help you to boost your traffic to your
website, maintain and attract organic traffic to their store. Building a quality backlinks are time
consuming and takes expertise but the results are beneficial to your company and to the customers as it
provides convenience and value to customers. Backlinks are also called inbound links because they
represent another website's traffic coming to your own site. The quality and quantity of
your backlinks can help you rank higher in search engines such as Google and Bing. This is because
your backlinks are considered an indicator of how popular your website is with users. Implementing,
managing, and analyzing the performance of backlinks is an important aspect of search engine
optimization (SEO) and SEO strategies. Backlinks are a cornerstone of great search engine optimization
(SEO) and are considered to be critical as ranking factors. We’ll show you how to analyze your backlink
profile, fix problems on your website, get quality backlinks, avoid bad ones, find relevant backlinks to
your website, and strategize properly.
John Bryan J. Aquino
BSBA Financial Management 4-A
How can you help spark ideas for improving your company’s ecommerce efforts?

They should improve their SEO performance, by fixing broken links which is the fastest way to
score high-value backlinks. Another is by writing guest post, by authoring a guest blog post or two. Also
use social media to your advantage, in which your social media platforms should already link to your
website. Next is to write free testimonials, which is one of the easiest ways to rack up backlinks is to
write testimonials for products your using. And lastly, promote your best contents because you can’t
expect backlinks to organically arise without a little nudge. Backlink will help your company to be
recognized by people and it’s all about getting your name out there in an honest way. We do business in
a world where genuine buzz is worth far more than shameless promotion, and that's just as true for
backlinks as it is for anything else. Google and viewers can both tell if a backlink is genuine. A Company
should participate in some industry forums relevant to your niche, you can get your backlink out there
and get some referrals to your site as well. A company can also comment on relevant blogs, If you're
selective about the blogs that you choose to comment on, and if your comments add value to the post,
you can get significant traffic with this method. Adding value is your top goal. You're not just trying to
get your link posted, you're looking to build a connection with the blogger and present yourself as a
thoughtful, intelligent contributor to the industry.

Mini Case Study #5: Footwear store increases conversion 21.5% with clearer communication on

How do you ensure that your companies can continue to create value for customers in this changed
world? Ecommerce can play a critical role.

As the backbone of your online presence, every type of communication, piece of content or,
advertisement that you put online will drive the consumer back to your website. As such, it’s important
that your website gives consumers a clear idea of what your brand is about and what types of products
or services you offer. A website that communicates effectively will benefit immensely if visitors are able
to understand what the website is all about; and the experience will also be more pleasant for and
useful to them. It’s hard to build a successful website that doesn’t start with a solid foundation of
effective communication. Because of the pandemic, customers have built a behavior of online shopping.
That’s why company’s customer service and quality of service is important because it will play the key in
long run. Kuru Footwears who’s selling men and women shoes in which they promise a world’s most
comfortable and superior support to their customers. During the pandemic time, Kuru Footwear
increased its conversion with clearer communication on website. They overcome the effect of pandemic
by providing a high customer service and ease of experience by offering free shipping, free exchange
and returns. Although these message was already on their website in various places, their company’s
digital marketing and web development team rearranged it by exploring options to insert these
messages where customer visibility is more in the website.

How can you help spark ideas for improving your company’s ecommerce efforts?
John Bryan J. Aquino
BSBA Financial Management 4-A
The best thing is, to provide a customer service message to the customers that will gives
assurance to the customers that no matter happen, even there is a pandemic happening you can
provide customer support to them. Communication is one of the foundational elements of a good
website. It is essential for a positive user experience and for a successful website that truly benefits its
owners. All types of websites are affected by the need for good communication in one way or another.
Regardless of whether the website in question is an e-commerce website, a blog, a portfolio website, an
information website for a service company, a government website or any other type of website, there is
a significant need to communicate effectively with visitors. These measures will help every company to
market online channels in the right manner and possibly increase their sales and brand reputation even
during pandemic times. And also they should increase compensation for those customers who have
problem about their products or transactions. They should satisfy every customer’s problem by
providing some compensation such as freebies in case of defects on the items they receive or discounts
or vouchers for their next order, this kinds of motivation will create a loyal customers.

Mini Case Study #6: Facebook Live show quadruples online orders for gourmet deli and marketplace

How do you ensure that your companies can continue to create value for customers in this changed
world? Ecommerce can play a critical role.

Creating value for the customers are not only exclusives for big companies but also for small and
medium businesses. The willingness of a business person to provide products and services to their
customers is their key to be successful on their business amidst different changes brought by society
such as the COVID-19. Having a flexible mindset at all points especially on e-commerce journey is
important because a business that can adapt to change, who’s adopt digital technologies and
personalize customer experience will become the winner in the long run. Just like what Volpatt did to his
business, he continues engaging with customers and launched a Facebook Live cooking show. Volpatt
cooked and showcased wines for fans along with other products that the market sells, encouraging
viewers to buy them online. He also saved her Facebook broadcast to repost it to different social media
platforms. You can include a link to your website on your Facebook page. Indeed, many businesses
report that the greatest benefit of Facebook is the extra traffic that it steers to their site. Visitors who
come to the website can be exposed to stronger marketing messages and, often, the option of buying
goods and services. Customers who come to your website from Facebook are likely to be more receptive
than the average visitor, because they already know something about your business and were motivated
to click the website link.

How can you help spark ideas for improving your company’s ecommerce efforts?

By improving companies social media marketing on promoting their business using social media
networking sites to reach potential targeted customers. Some of the most popular social networking
sites that can be use are, Facbebook , Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter, Pinterest and Snapchat. Social media
channels have both organic and paid ways to promote the products and services. By using social media,
the companies can communicate to their targeted audience without paying anything and increase their
reputation and brand name. The most popular social media network site in Facebook. You can use
Facebook to 'talk' to existing and potential customers by posting and receiving messages. But don't use
Facebook to aggressively promote your products or services. You'll have much greater success if you
share information related to your business that is actually useful or interesting to other users. This
John Bryan J. Aquino
BSBA Financial Management 4-A
increases your credibility and promotes your business by building long-term relationships with other
users. For example, a veterinarian could post tips for looking after pets, timing them according to when
particular health issues arise (e.g. ticks in summer). You should also listen as much as you talk. Paying
attention to what the market thinks about your business, your industry, a product or a marketing
campaign can provide valuable insights.

Mini Case Study #7: Retail company increases revenue 311% with website redesign

How do you ensure that your companies can continue to create value for customers in this changed
world? Ecommerce can play a critical role.

Many people now are engaged in online shopping and they looking for a business that make
them feel safe and secure about their money that being spent. That’s why businesses should focus
about their websites security features to value their customers. It is hard to buy online because people
are only dependent on what they can only see on the screen that’s why by adding more photos about
your product listing and getting product reviews from your previous customers will help your customers
to decide about their purchases. Through this, your customers will be more confident to buy products
on your business because of the relevant information that you provided. Campaigns with better
conversion rates are generally more efficient than campaigns with weaker conversion rates. A higher
conversion rate lets you cover more ground without increasing your ad budget, or you can reduce your
ad budget and have cash leftover for testing new marketing tactics. Creating an air-tight sales funnel is
the key to boosting conversion rates. Your campaigns, your website and your sales processes need to be
as in-sync as possible. As you learn which factors are most important for driving conversions on your
website, you’ll eventually discover how to make your site more valuable for visitors and customers —
and the benefits of this extend far beyond short-term profits.

How can you help spark ideas for improving your company’s ecommerce efforts?

A company should prioritize to build a high conversion rate of their campaign, having a high
conversion rate means your campaign success at getting leads to convert. Marketers should focus first
to their market traffic before making another investment in solving their problem. In case of low
conversion rate which means your campaign was ineffective, then you must figure out why. Take a look
what are the problems existing on your website and find a way how to optimize your campaign. You can
also take a look on your competitors on what they are doing. Then you can start to invest specially on
your PPC or Search Engine Optimization. A company should boost their conversion rates by sharpening
your ads. The first step toward increasing conversions is nailing your ad copy to stand out from the
competition. Optimize your landing pages. Deliver on promises made in your ad copy, and use concise,
catchy headlines that immediately engage visitors. Test new ad funnels. Create new ads and variations
of your landing pages. See how conversion rates change with different advertising approaches. Pare
down your audience. Sometimes casting a wider net is better, but tightening your focus to specific
consumer groups is an easy way to boost conversion rates. Use FOMO to your advantage. That’s the fear
of missing out. If you’re advertising a sale, say in your ads or on your landing pages that time is running
out — and you can even use countdown clocks for added urgency. Grow your social media.  Urge visitors
to follow you on Facebook, Twitter and other accounts. Install social media login buttons on your
website if it requires a member sign-in; people are much more likely to register using social logins. And if
John Bryan J. Aquino
BSBA Financial Management 4-A
you have a strong social following, display the number of followers or shares on your pages for
increased social proof.

Mini Case Study #8: 3D models platform increases click through 12% with A/B testing

How do you ensure that your companies can continue to create value for customers in this changed
world? Ecommerce can play a critical role.

Because of the pandemic, digital marketing is now emerging and now a dynamic field of
marketing. It is now growing at steady pace and all companies have started to adapt it. Competition on
digital marketing such as on websites is emerging that is why companies should ensure that there is a
harmony on every element of their websites. Some test finds out that by lessening the prominent of
your website background and providing more emphasis to your search bar and rest of the page’s user
interface is more successful to increase conversion rate and engagement to your business. It is not
enough just to produce a perfect product and set a reasonable price for it. Customers have lots and lots
of great options and that’s why they look for some additional value when making their choice. They
want to feel appreciated while communicating with a brand, they seek valuable experience, and want to
rely on true experts, those who understand and listen to them. Providing value for customers requires
attention to small details in addition to having a killer product.

How can you help spark ideas for improving your company’s ecommerce efforts?

Digital sale has shown an upward trend and customer likelihood to buy goods and service
online. Companies should make their website backgrounds a low contrast image which blends with the
rest of the page to perform much better compare to high contrast backgrounds. It is more engaging to
customers to take action and flow to your other internal pages. You can also increase the sizes of the
icons and fonts of your website and make it readable for every user. And lastly, websites also must be
mobile friendly because mobile first experience always matters as it preferred by customers and search
engines. Another thing, a company should invest for their technology plan such as adopting technologies
that will dictate the future of marketing. Just like the breakthrough augmented reality (AR)
which overlays digitally created content into the user’s real-world environment; features include
transparent optics and a viewable environment in which users are aware of their surroundings and
themselves. Augmented shopping is what you called in using an augmented reality designs. It enables
customers to engage with brands and products via digital experiences that allow them to try on, try out,
interact, or personalize their product virtually; these experiences help deliver more detailed, intuitive
product information than standard web experiences.

Mini Case Study #9: Automating organic Pinterest postings generates $56,000 per month for women’s
clothing store

How do you ensure that your companies can continue to create value for customers in this changed
world? Ecommerce can play a critical role.
John Bryan J. Aquino
BSBA Financial Management 4-A
It’s 2021, and after a whirlwind of a decade it’s safe to say that social media has dominated the
online space and taken society by storm. Social media has impacted the way we communicate, shop,
and interact with brands on a daily basis. When marketing to younger audiences, Facebook and
Instagram are the common focus for many e-commerce businesses. What many don’t realize is that
Pinterest has now become a huge player in driving traffic to e-tailer products and brands. Learning why
Pinterest is good for business has never been more important. If your effort on promoting your
products and services is not working then there’s a problem on it. That’s why a company should make
sure that their promotions reach their customers by using a test, learn and evolve system on their idea.
Through this they can improve their promotion and become more visible to their target customers. They
can use other platform or different apps to upgrade their product promotion. Just like what they did,
they Link their Pinterest page to Shopify and activate the products they want to sell on Pinterest. Since
Pinterest launching a new app with Shopify merchants can now have a quick way to upload catalogs to
Pinterest and turn their product into shoppable product pins, in just few clicks.

How can you help spark ideas for improving your company’s ecommerce efforts?

Since their idea of installing Shopify plugin to automatically push product images to Pinterest
become successful. Companies who also have a very visual product can do it. It will enable them to
reach potential customers specially those people who are already audience of Pinterest. Since, Pinterest
is an international image sharing and social media service designed to enable saving and discovery of
information on the Internet using images, and on smaller scale, animated GIFs and videos, in the form of
pin boards. It is now easy for companies to reach customers in global scale. When it comes to
generating traffic to your products and services, Pinterest has a strong advantage over other platforms
because it emphasizes link-sharing and saving, allowing users to share links to your website on their
accounts. Instagram, on the other hand, doesn’t allow link-sharing in posts unless you have a paid
Instagram ad campaign. It only allows you to add a link in your Instagram bio, where you can use other
third-party tools like Linkinbio. For e-commerce businesses, you can implement Instagram’s Shopping
feature. It allows you to tag specific products in your feed and story posts, with the intent that
consumers eventually land on your website. You can also add the “shop” button to your business profile
and tag your posts so they appear in this section.

Mini Case Study #10: Female wellness product overcomes ad ban with SEO-focused content creation
and attracts 9,248 organic visitors in latest month

How do you ensure that your companies can continue to create value for customers in this changed
world? Ecommerce can play a critical role.

Because of large competition on the market, many businesses are willing to do anything just to
eliminate others. That’ why a company should implement strategy that would build their brand long-
term so that even they turn off the investment, it could still bring in value to their customers. The
company’s primary content focus should not on the promotion of product, but instead helping the
target audience to get what they need by indentifying the needs of your target customers like making a
list of products that they need, and identifying the type of information to help them. Through this, you
are building the trust of your customers to you and to your products which leads them to buy your
products. Another great idea is by offering what you call a customer’s post-sale support which is
John Bryan J. Aquino
BSBA Financial Management 4-A
actually a great way for ecommerce websites to build both trust and customer’s loyalty. To achieve this,
use ongoing communication such as product tracking, email or SMS notifications, and delivery
confirmations. You should consider making a sale to be the start of a relationship with a customer rather
than the end. It’s also important to enable customers to ask any post-sale questions they might have
about purchases.

How can you help spark ideas for improving your company’s ecommerce efforts?

A business must be always Customer first, Content second, and Profit last. A company should
prioritize their customer if they do this successfully everything will follow. Building the trust of their
customers and make them able to find value to your company is great thing for a business. Second is to
create a content that adds value to them and their lives like providing e-books or web articles to their
customers to help them solve their problem and to ease their health problems specially, if you are
offering a health products. Establishing this kind of company or business and customer relationship will
ensure your advantage against competitors. Offering customers post-sale support is a great way for
ecommerce websites to build both trust and customer’s loyalty. You should consider making a sale to be
the start of a relationship with a customer rather than the end. To achieve this, use ongoing
communication such as product tracking, email or SMS notifications, and delivery confirmations. It’s also
important to enable customers to ask any post-sale questions they might have about purchases. In
addition to this, implement a reasonable and comprehensive returns policy. If customers have any
issues with their product, make sure that their money or a replacement is provided expeditiously. Great
customer service in this regard is an effective way of building trust and loyalty.

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