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Colegio De Sta. Lourdes of Leyte Foundation Inc.

Barangay 1 Quezon Tabontabon, Leyte


Module No. 6| TED Talks and Critical/Creative Thinking in Today’s Society
October 4, 2021- October 8, 2021
Date of Submission: October 18, 2021


By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

 know the features of a good TED talk;
 to perform a good TED talk using visual aids; and
 give a talk in front of a corporate or academic audience, in a business or an
academic conference.

Input Starter
Covid-19 Reminders
Focused Discussion
Point of Clarification


Your safety is top priority during this COVID-19. Observe the following safety pre-cautions
Safety Pre-Cautions
Sanitize hands on the way in and on the way out
Don’t touch your face
Wear a face mask at minimum when in the home doing any work
Limit interactions with the home
Don’t touch anything that you don’t need to
Maintain separation distance from others
Carry disinfectants such as sanitizers, alcohols and etc.

Focused Discussions

Chapter 2| Lesson 3: TED Talks and Critical/Creative Thinking in Todays Society

In the last lesson, we took up more traditional reports, as seen in television

newscasts and reports in the classroom. For this lesson, we will see how reports in
today’s modern world. People from all over the world share their knowledge on various
media platforms, wether they are amateurs from Youtube or experts on TED Talks.

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People from the past might have thought that animation and graphics would
have dominated the information revolution, but it turns out that human beings like
watching other humans talk-and that public speaking remains one of the more
important ways to spread ideas in the 21st century. Instead of being extinct in the
information age, public speaking has become even more important. Filipinos, like
Mikey Bustos, have huge followings on their Youtube videos, while Filipino experts
have shared their knowledge in TEDx Talks in universities in the Philippines.

TED Talks: Waliking the Talk

Sometimes, people with good public speaking skills and mediocre ideas get
more attention than people with great ideas but average public speaking skills. That’s
actually a problem. According to John Bates, “I think the world needs people with great
ideas to have the communication skills to much, because we need those ideas more
than ever” (quoted in Clark, D.) When people have good ideas, they should be able to
share it with others. There are times when funding a good idea relies solely on one’s
public speaking skills, or times when groundbreaking ideas need to be shared to
create a social revolution.

It is important to know that content is king. Whatever one chooses to talk about,
it should come from a place of passion. One’s enthusiasm for the topic should shine,
and it should be something worth sharing to the world. All the research in the world
will not matter if one does not feel strongly about the topic. After all, the slogan of TED
Talks is, “Ideas Worth Sharing,” and not, “A Few O.K Ideas.”

When people speak in front of an audience, they are already on a place of

vulnerability, which is why some people freeze up or are afraid of showing their
emotions. The opposite should take place—speakers should use their emotions to
connect to the audience—it makes them more relatable and more accessible.
Personal anecdotes are great ways to connect to an audience.

Lastly, it is important to speak slowly so the audience can understand the

concepts one talks about. The temptation is to speak as fast as you can in order to get
the experience over and done with, but that would simply give a bad impression.

There really isn’t much more to say. The best way to know how to give a TED
talk is to watch several, and to study what makes them effective. And the best way to
present a TED talk is to practice and prepare, as much as possible.

The titles that follow are TED talks in different topics. You are to analyze each
TED talk. Links are already provided for your access.

1. “What Reality Are You Creating for Yourself?” (Isaac Lidsky)

Watch this TED talk at third address:
lf#t-692833 (retrieved April 11, 2017).

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2. “All it Takes is 10 Mindful Minutes” (Andy Puddicombe)
Watch this TED talk at this address:
s#-545342 (retrieved April 11, 2017).

3. “Confessions of a Bad Feminist” (Roxane Gray)

Watch this TED talk at this address:
(retrieved April 11, 2017).

4. “Life Learning and Filipino Martial Arts” (Felipe Jocano Jr.)

Watch this TEDxTalk at this address: (retrieved April 11, 2017).

5. “What Makes s Good Life?” (Robert Waldinger)

Watch this TED talk at this address:
om_the_longest_study_on_happiness (retrieved April 12, 2017).


Learning Activity:

Instruction: Respond to the following questions and write your answers in a clean
sheets of paper. (10 points each)

1. What makes TED Talks interesting?

2. Would you ever want to give a TED talk? Why or why not?


Indicators Points Score

Content 4

Clarity of Thoughts 3

Organization of Ideas 3

Total 10

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Rate yourself from 1 to 5 (1 being the lowest while 5 being the highest) on the level of
understanding that you are able to attain for this module:
1 2 3 4 5

▪ For further learning kindly visit the link given below.
▪ |Talk Like TED- How to Give a
Killer Speech


Please write any questions or points of clarification about the content of this module:


* Lidsky, I. (2016, June), What reality are you creating for yourself? TED Talks. Retrieved
April 11, 2017 from
*Puddicombe, A. (2012, November). All it takes is 10 mindful minutes. TED Talks. Retrieved
April 11,2017 from
* Waldinger, R. (2015, November). What makes a good life? TED Talks. Retrieved April 12,
2007 from



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