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1. This is done by groups.

2. Check your groupings that I created and posted in MS TEAMS AND MOODLE
3. Create a PUGH MATRIX of a topic such as, for example, relating to Learning
Management System like Moodle, Facebook group, Google Classroom, etc.
Choose at least five (5) alternatives and choose your own baseline or standard
from the alternatives chosen. Note: Matrix of LMS will no longer be accepted.
4. Define at least five (5) criteria for choosing the best alternative solution such as in
this example, the best learning strategy and assign weights.
5. Rate your members using the IGS. ONLY ONE IGS will be submitted for the three
assignments namely PUGH MATRIX, KANO AND TRIZ. Kano and Triz will be given
to you later. IGS must be submitted in Excel file. Use the FILENAME: SSP 031-
6. Each group is required of only one output for each assignment. Documentation is
in softcopy in .pdf file to be submitted in MOODLE. Use the filename: SSP 031-
7. The leader is tasked to submit both the outputs and IGS. IGS must be submitted
together with the KANO ANALYSIS and TRIZ assignment.
7. Submit according to the specified deadline.

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