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Fraction to percentage (approx.) can be learnt using the below table. Ex. 1/9
= 11 % approximately

1.) A book-seller sold 30% of his books & left with 420 books. How many
books did he have initially in his stock?

A. 1400 B. 1000 C.800 D.600

2.) A county cricket club has won 10 matches & lost 4. If the matches played
represent 70% of the total matches in the tournament, then how many more
matches should the team win so as to have a record of exactly 75% win?

A. 5 B. 6 C. 4 D. 3

3.) Simran’s salary is 25% more than Ranjan’s salary. By what percentage,
Ranjan's salary is less than Simran’s salary?

A. 25% B. 20% C. 16.67% D. 15%

4.) The cost of an article was Rs. 75. The cost was increased by 20 % and
later it was decreased by 20 %. The present cost of the article is

A. 72 B. 62 C. 60 D. 75
5) Meena bought 2 articles at the same price. By selling one he gains a profit
of 50% & by selling other one he incurs a loss of 50%. Find the effective loss
or profit percentage which he incurs in this transaction?

A. 25% profit B. 25% loss C. No profit no loss

D. Data insufficient

6) A shopkeeper has certain number of eggs of which 5% are found to be

broken. He sells 93% of the remainder and still has 266 eggs left. How
many eggs did he originally have?

A. 3000 B. 4000 C. 4200 D. None of


7) A number is decreased by 10% and then increased by 10%. The number

so obtained is 10 less than the original number. What was the original
A. 1000 B. 2000 C. 3000 D. 4000

9) In an examination, there were 2000 candidates, out of which 900

candidates were boys and the rest were girls. If 32% of the boys and 38% of
the girls passed, then the total percentage of failed candidates is:

A. 68.5% B. 64.7% C. 35.3% D. 70%

10) In a group of persons, 70 % of the persons are male and 30 % of the

persons are married. If two seventh of the males are married, what fraction
of the females is single?

A. 2/7 B. 1/3 C. 3/7 D. 2/3

11) An MBA student gets a fellowship from which he spends 70% on

personal expenses and 20% on books, fees, etc. The remaining amount is
saved and it amounts to Rs.4800 in a year. The value of the monthly
fellowship is:

A. Rs.3000 B. Rs.3500 C. Rs.5000 D. Rs.4000

12) A student must get 40 % marks to pass an examination. Student gets

30 marks and fails by 6 marks. What are the maximum marks of the exam?

A. 80 B. 110 C. 90 D. 85
13) The salary of an employee is first increased by 20 % and then again
increased by 30 %. Find the percent increase in his salary from the original

A. 56 B. 6 C. 44 D. 50

14) A shopkeeper increases the price of his new product by 20 %. He makes

a loss & decreases the price by 35 %. Find total percent change?

A. 22 % increase B. 20 % decrease C. 22 % decrease D. 20

% increase.

15) Student A scores 30 out of 75 marks. Student B scores 25 out of 60

marks. Who performed better in terms of percentage?

A. B B. A C. Same performance D.
Cant’ say

16) Sugar is now being sold at Rs. 27 per kg. During last month its cost was
Rs. 24 per kg. Find by how much % a family should reduce its consumption,
so as to keep the expenditure same.

A. 3 % B. 11 1/9 % C. 8 % D. 10 %

17) Two numbers are 20 % and 25 % less than third number. By how much
percent is the second number to be enhanced to make it equal to the first

A. 6 2/3 B. 6 ¼ C. 25 D. 33 1/3

18) A man’s expenditure and savings are in the ratio 5 : 3. If his income
increases by 12 % and expenditure by 15 %, then how much percent do his
savings increase?

A. 3 % B. 5 % C. 7 % D. 27 %

19) In a company, 90 % of employees own motorbikes, 15 % of employees

own cars. What percent of the employees own both?

A. 5 B. 9 C. 11 D. Can’t say

20) In a class, 60 % of the students play cricket, 30 % of the students play

football. 10 % play both the games. How many students play neither if there
are 100 students in the class?
A. 10 B. 20 C. 30 D. Can’t say

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