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Shuttle systems are in the works at national parks

By STEVE HENDRIX What it plans: A long-standing leaf season, it can take up to five land Explorer shuttle system, between the park and local towns
The Washington Post plan for a light rail system to bring hours to creep through. The Park which runs as often as every 15 for a per-passenger fee.
As more people try to squeeze people in from the gateway town of Service plans a free mandatory minutes on some routes between What it plans: The park’s current
more cars inside national park Tusayan, Ariz., to the South Rim shuttle, prohibiting private cars en- June and October, is free and vol- master plan envisions a set of three
boundaries, some of the most pop- got so far that some of the train sta- tirely at the busiest times. Local op- untary (you can still drive in and do satellite parking areas on the west-
ular parks are planning new or ex- tions have already been built. But position is stiff, but Zion’s success battle for limited parking within the ern edge of the park, with Zionlike
panded shuttle systems similar to sticker shock may have derailed may be winning converts. Herb park). shuttle transport into Yosemite Val-
the successful one at Zion in Utah. that idea permanently, and now Handly, executive vice president of What it plans: To expand some ley. But stiff opposition from the
Among park advocates, all eyes are Congress is strongly encouraging the Smoky Mountain Convention routes and meet growing demand surrounding communities may
on the huge transportation bill cur- planners to look instead at a & Visitors Bureau, was a shuttle (312,000 people rode the system scuttle that project.
rently moving through Congress; shuttle-bus system along the same skeptic before he visited Zion. ‘‘I last year), Acadia plans to add eight
many of these plans will live or die route. went from looking at it negatively or 10 buses to the 17 it now runs. In
Grand Teton
based on what the appropriators to coming back and saying I wish the long term, the park service What it has now: There’s no pub-
decide. Here are a few of the things Great Smoky Mountains we had a system like that in our plans to build a new visitors center lic transportation system operating
you may encounter now and on fu- community and in our national on the mainland where day users at the park.
What it has now: There is free What it plans: The Park Service
ture national park vacations: trolley service between Gatlinburg, park,’’ he said. can park and board the shuttle.
is proposing a scheduled shuttle
Tenn., and the park entrance, with
Grand Canyon limited stops within park bound- Acadia Yosemite system between the town of Jack-
son, Wyo., and park headquarters
What it has now: Between March aries. What it has now: Maine’s Acadia What it has now: The park oper- and into major activity centers, in-
and November, certain roads along What it plans: Peak season traffic is one of the friendliest parks to ates a limited voluntary, free shut- cluding Jenny Lake, Colter Bay,
the South Rim are closed to private is legendary at this Tennessee carless travelers. With a network of tle system in the heavily developed Jackson Lake Lodge and Signal
vehicles. You can still drive to the park, especially in the Cades Cove eight bus routes connecting Bar eastern third of Yosemite Valley, Mountain. Jackson not only sup-
developed areas at Grand Canyon area of historic Appalachian struc- Harbor with the park attractions on and just took delivery of a fleet of ports the plan but has offered mu-
Village, but you must take one of tures. There is an 11-mile, one-way Mount Desert Island — including a low-emission diesel-hybrid vehicles nicipal space for shuttle facilities.
the free shuttle lines out to view loop that, like the Zion of old, can stop at the airport — it’s possible to to replace its fleet of older city bus- The park’s master plan also propos-
spots along the roads to Hermits barely accommodate its 2 million fly in for an Acadia visit with no es. A regionwide system, YARTS, es a network of bicycle and walk-
Rest, Yaki Point and Mather Point. driving visitors a year. In the fall stop at the Hertz counter. The Is- provides alternative transportation ing paths along major roadways.

On Zion’s buses, we are commuters into the wild

> ZION from 1H
And now? ‘‘You should
go up and see,’’ Anderson
If you go
says, beaming.
Getting there: Las Vegas is with a pool and Zion shuttle
There’s still a line of the closest major airport to Zi- stop just outside the entrance.
morning sun creeping down on National Park, leaving you Rooms in summer begin at
the red cliff face as I walk with a 150-mile drive to south- $105.
out to the curb, where a big, western Utah (about 21⁄2 hours
white bus waits to take me Where to eat: The outdoor pa-
at western highway speeds). tio of Zion Lodge’s Red Rock
on a tour through the future
of America’s national parks. Where to stay: The only hotel Grill surprised me with its ex-
Day is still just shouldering within the park is the Zion cellent dinner menu and fes-
aside the cool canyon shad- Lodge, a lean but comfortable tive cocktail offerings. The
ows, but the large parking compound spread along a breaded Navajo eggplant with
lot behind the visitors center wide spot in the valley that’s tomatillo and jack cheese
is more than half full of cars. open year-round (888-297- ($12.95) came on a bed of
A steady current of visi- 2757, spinach with a sweet corn-
tors flows through the wide Some of the rooms are in two- and-bean salsa. I had another
plaza of the new $2.5 million story hotel buildings, starting memorable outdoor meal
center, eddying around the at $133, some in quadplex among the cliffs at the Bit and
handsome timber kiosks, cabins, starting at $148. All Spur (1212 Zion Park Blvd.,
where carefully crafted dis- boast killer views of the can- 435-772-3498, www.
plays brief them on Zion’s at- yon. The lodge itself consists in Springdale.
tractions and history. Two of a theater for ranger talks, a The sweet potato-and-masa
kiosks are devoted to de- dining room and lunch bar, tamales came recommended,
scribing various half- and Photos courtesy National Park Service and a gift shop filled with the but I was glad to have my
full-day itineraries, and by Only shuttles are allowed in the Zion National Park in Utah. They run all day and visitors get off and on at Native American flute music head turned by the unlikely
the time they reach the any stop. The park drew almost 2.7 million folks last year. that is the Muzak of western special: spearfish tacos with a
covered-timber bus shelter souvenir stores. There are mango chutney ($18.50). A
on the far side, most people ence. From April through plenty of good hotels and mo- crazy thing to order in desert
should have a good idea how October, the park actually tels in the gateway community Utah, I know, but they were
Zion works. does ban private cars along of Springdale, a mile from the magnificent.
Zion, in southwest Utah, the 6-mile scenic route, park entrance. The Best West- Information: Zion National
is one of the Four Corner along with motorcycles, tour ern Zion Park Inn (1215 Zion Park, 435-772-3256,
parks, and tourists typically buses and RVs. The only Park Blvd., 800-934-7275,
add it to their circuit visits of way to the park’s most popu- is a — Steve Hendrix
Grand Canyon, Bryce Can- lar sites is by foot, bicycle or clean and attractive option The Washington Post
yon and Arches national one of these free shuttles
parks. Like those others, Zi- that run like clockwork from
on is defined by the dramatic 5:35 a.m. to nearly midnight.
landforms carved by the Visitors park in one of
eons from the high desert the lots by the visitors center system like this.’’ overhang, where old, old wa-
plateau, most notably the or in the adjacent town of Acadia National Park in ter drips out of the rock onto
tight and winding Zion Can- Springdale, less than 2 miles Maine already has a volun- my face. By the time I get
yon. Its intimate grandeur — away. A second free shuttle tary shuttle, paid for in part back to the road, another
a soaring corridor lined with loop connects spots all along by L.L. Bean, that brings visi- shuttle is pulling up. It’s full,
homey riverside clearings Springdale’s main street with tors into the park from Bar and just after I squeeze into
and a variety of day trails — the park, allowing visitors to Harbor. The free service has the last seat, a young family
drew almost 2.7 million folks ride door-to-trail from their proven hugely popular, cut- of six climbs up. The father
last year. That’s where the ting summer traffic conges- sees the crowd and looks as
hotels and making this vil- if he might back down the
shuttle goes. lage of 500 Utah’s smallest tion and reducing park pollu-
tion by as much as shutting steps. But his littlest girl,
At the white bus, I step town with a full-scale mass about 7, cries, ‘‘Oh boy, we
aside for an older couple to transit system. down one power plant would
do, Loomis says. At Harpers get to stand!’’ and on they
make their way up the steps In spite of some initial lo- come.
— slow but serious hikers, cal opposition to closing the Ferry, W. Va., visitors leave
their cars at remote lots and They are the Arnell fami-
judging by the matching road in summer, both ly, from Camarillo, Calif.,
Tilley hats, the Magellan Springdale and the Park Ser- ride buses down into the
cramped little mountain and in spite of not getting
GPS unit and Komperdell vice now consider the shut- seats every time, they’ve em-
collapsible trekking poles. tle a boffo success. Visitation town. And shuttle systems
are on the planning boards of braced shuttle life.
‘‘Welcome to Zion Na- hasn’t declined, and the park Eventually, I do follow
tional Park and the Zion reports that a whopping 98 several of the biggest and
most popular parks, includ- Ranger Anderson’s advice,
shuttle,’’ says the driver, af- percent of recorded com- and get off at the Grotto stop
ter we pull away with a hy- ments are favorable. Officials ing Yosemite, Grand Can- for the two-hour climb up to
draulic hiss. His spiel is car- from parks nationwide and yon, Yellowstone, Grand Angels Landing. It’s a beauti-
ried on speakers in our bus as far away as New Zealand Teton and Great Smoky ful scramble and a surpris-
and through the attached have come to see how they Mountains. ingly tricky one. ‘‘This is one
One site along the route in Zion is Weeping Rock, where the water Each of these parks faces
trailer bus trundling behind continuously seeping from it, has been dated to be 4,000 years old. got the cars out of Zion. of our most strenuous
us. ‘‘The Zion shuttle is the Under the gaze of the its own set of traffic prob- hikes,’’ the shuttle driver
only access into the canyon ‘‘Patriarchs,’’ the Marquises lems, and none is likely to had said. ‘‘It’s not for those
and the Zion Scenic Drive. ‘‘If you look to the left, a whiff of outdoor grill. Not and I stand at the silent road- get a Zionlike mandatory with a fear of heights.’’
We’ll be making eight stops you’ll see the west temple, another vehicle passes, and side, enjoying the phenome- shuttle along with a ban on But the payoff is worth it,
on our way up-canyon. the highest peak in Zion,’’ an exquisite desert silence non of a dead-silent national cars from the park’s interior, a sweeping north-south view
You’re welcome to get off at says the driver as we make fills the void, broken only by park on a glorious peak- even seasonally. But each of a canyon that has taken
any stop, stay as long as you our way at a stately 21 mph. the soft mariachi shake of season morning. park still faces hard opposi- the breath of human visitors
like and get back on another ‘‘The three peaks coming in- leaves from the cottonwoods ‘‘It would be chaos if ev- tion from local businesses since the days of the Paiute
shuttle. Buses run every sev- to view on your left are Abra- along the river. erybody drove back in here,’’ and officials who fear Ameri- Indians. Way down below,
en minutes. If you were to ham, Isaac and Jacob, the fa- I’ve visited Zion once be- says Paula Marquis. ‘‘I guess cans won’t visit a park that the ribbon of highway lies
stay on the bus for the entire mous Court of the Patri- fore, in the summer of 1999, this is the way all the big doesn’t welcome their cars, along the gray-green Virgin
loop, the trip up and back archs. and well remember the buzz- parks are going to go.’’ as well. River. It’s empty except for
will take about 90 minutes. ‘‘Next stop, Court of the kill crush we’d found on this She might be right. Mass ‘‘They should come here two toy shuttles. They make
The last shuttle to the visi- Patriarchs. Please collect same route. We had hoped to transit is nothing new in na- and see,’’ says Dean Cook, not a sound that travels this
tors center departs the Tem- your personal belongings.’’ actually walk on one or more tional parks. According to general manager of the Best high.
ple of Sinawava at 11 p.m. We are commuters into of the trails, but it would the National Parks Conserva- Western Zion Park Inn in Two hours later, with a
‘‘First stop, the Zion Hu- the wild. The schematic have been easier to find tion Association, 96 units of Springdale, and president of hint of dusk in the air, I
man History Museum.’’ route map on the wall of the parking in Georgetown on the park system operate the Zion Canyon Visitors Bu- climb back on the faithful
At first, though, we’re not bus reads like an outdoors New Year’s Eve than in any some kind of alternative to reau. A shuttle stop sits right shuttle and ride one stop to
version of subway stops: of the small, jammed lots in the one-family/one-car mod- in front of his motel, and a the Zion Lodge, an austere
going anywhere. The shuttle but comfortable hotel spec-
idles quietly for a good four Canyon Junction, Court of this canyon. Eventually, we el, from the ferryboats of San group of his guests wait
the Patriarchs, Zion Lodge, did what everyone else was Francisco’s Alcatraz, Michi- there for the bus. The local tacularly situated between
minutes near the park en- high canyon walls. Guests at
trance as an unyielding the Grotto, Weeping Rock, doing: double-parked on the gan’s Isle Royale and the opposition largely vanished,
Big Bend. roadside, flattening a bit of he says, once tourists em- the lodge are given a pass to
string of cars and RVs zips Statue of Liberty to the shut- drive into Zion, but only to
by. Nothing surprising about ‘‘What’s our stop?’’ asks a desert vegetation in the pro- tle buses, vans and trolleys braced this new option so
boy. cess, and walked almost a heartily. unload their luggage and
that. About 2,800 cars will in parks such as Denali and park. Unlike my visit here
pour into the park on this ‘‘This one,’’ says his fa- mile through traffic just to Glacier Bay in Alaska. And Back inside the park, I
hop on and off the shuttle six years ago, when traffic
beautiful June day in south- ther, Gene Marquis, a Navy get to a trailhead. Like many as more people try to wedge around the lodge looked like
western Utah, bringing some engineer from La Plata, Md., national parks, Zion was be- more cars into the most pop- system like a Gray Line tour- a stadium parking lot after
of the 2 million-plus visitors who’s here with his wife and ing loved to death by drivers ular parks, observers say ist with an all-day pass. The the Super Bowl, it was now
that come to Zion each year. two sons during a two-week like me. And short of ban- shuttle systems similar to Zi- driver rattles on about the as calm as an ancient glade.
Finally, we pull out and western park swing. They ning cars from the most pop- on’s will almost certainly be- surrounding geology: ‘‘The On a clear evening like
join the pack heading along hadn’t heard about Zion’s ular road in the park, it come more common. Navajo sandstone is only 89 this, with no backed-up traf-
Route 9. But after about a unique shuttle system before seemed there was nothing to ‘‘You have to look at each percent solid. The rest is wa- fic, the outdoor patio of the
mile, something profound showing up this morning. So be done. park individually, but every- ter that filters very slowly lodge’s Red Rock Grill may
happens. Traffic forks right, far, they’re loving it. But, amazingly enough in body thinks it’s going very through. The water continu- be the most pleasant dining
toward the Mount Carmel The Marquises scramble this era of intractable prob- well at Zion,’’ says Gerry ously seeping from Weeping room in the country. After a
Tunnel, and points east. The off, along with several other lems, they did something. Gaumer, a Park Service Rock has been dated to be fine (and not expensive)
shuttle bears left, into the families, and I follow. The Starting the very next year, spokesman. ‘‘It could be a 4,000 years old. meal of breaded eggplant
heart of Zion on a highway shuttle is propane-powered, the Park Service launched a good model to follow.’’ ‘‘Next stop — Weeping and tomatillo, I watch the
that is utterly empty. It’s qui- and it pulls away with some- radical pilot program that ‘‘Absolutely,’’ says Laura Rock.’’ sun slide up the cliffs, giving
et, a two-lane drive all our thing less than a roar — has, by all accounts, trans- Loomis of the NPCA. ‘‘A lot I step off and climb up the canyon over to the night
own. more like a soft grumble and formed the visitor’s experi- of parks could benefit from a the short trail to the mossy once again.

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