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Problem Solving Process

Problem: Using the same elevator for the transportation of all patients in the hospital
Facility: FEU - Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation
Budget: Php 3000

Name of Student: Louise Germaine U. Goboy

Statements and Analysis Alternative Implementation Rationale Evaluation
Cues Course of

The hospital has only COVID-19, especially Discuss the Seek the approval of In addition to the Were the cleaning
one elevator for the Delta variant which importance of having the hospital’s hourly disinfection, the staff and sanitation
patients and their takes about only five to disinfect the management and elevator will also be workers oriented about
companions. to ten seconds, elevator regularly. collaborate with them disinfected right after the disinfection
spreads rapidly from regarding the each time it is used to protocol for the
COVID patients are one person to another Disinfect the elevator proposed transport COVID elevator?
transported using the (ABC News, 2021). thoroughly every hour implementation. patients to ensure that ____Yes
same elevator that and after each time it no one will be able to ____No
non-COVID patients Given that there is is used for the Orient cleaning staff use it before it is
and their companions only one elevator for transportation of and sanitation workers disinfected. The Was the elevator
use. patient transportation COVID patients to the about the disinfection thorough disinfection thoroughly disinfected
in the hospital, there is COVID ward on the protocol for the that will be done regularly?
“There are instances a high chance for 6th floor. elevator: regularly can help ____Yes
wherein non-COVID cross contamination of - Review the prevent cross ____No
patients need to use the virus from COVID elevator contamination of the Was the disinfection
the elevator right after patients to non-COVID manufacturer’s virus from COVID effective and efficient
it is used to transport patients and/or their guidelines for patients to non-COVID to prevent COVID-19
a COVID patient in the companions. cleaning to patients and/or their from spreading?
COVID ward” as know what companions. ____Yes
verbalized by the head Reference: disinfectant can ____No
nurse. ABC News. (2021, be used
June 23). From 15 (Hussey, 2020). Was the public
“I’m worried that minutes to 5 Seconds: - The elevator oriented regarding the
non-COVID patients Delta Covid outbreak must be disinfection protocol
or their companions has Australian health disinfected for the elevator every
may get the virus by officials on high alert. every hour. after use?
just riding the ABC News. Retrieved - Disinfection ____Yes
elevator”’ as September 18, 2021, must also be ____No
verbalized by the head from done right after
nurse. a COVID
/news/2021-06-24/covi patient gets out
“The virus may stay d-delta-kappa-variant- of the elevator.
for a long time in the spread-in-fleeting-mo
elevator since it is a ment-nsw-vic/1002386 Thoroughly disinfect
closed space” as 80. the elevator regularly.
verbalized by the head
nurse. Reference:
Hussey, R. (2020,
December 1).
Covid-19 Guide to
Cleaning &
Disinfecting Elevators.
Stanley Elevator.
Retrieved September
18, 2021, from

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