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May we request everyone to please settle down for we are about to start in a few moments..


Literacy is most commonly defined as the ability to read and write. But beyond the functional level, literacy plays a vital
role in transforming students into socially engaged citizens. Being able to read and write means being able to keep up
with current events, communicate effectively and understand the issues that are shaping our world. Today is another
great opportunity for us teachers to relearn and retool on literacy instruction.

Good Morning and Welcome to our School-Based Training on Literacy Instruction for K-3 teachers! To our participants,
and guests this morning, we are honored to have you here!

-To begin, let us show our love to our country by singing the Nationalistic Song to be led by Maam Angeline Abalos and
to be followed by a solemn prayer prepared to us by Ma’am Catherine M. Queñano.

-Thank you very much Ma’am Angeline and Ma’am Cathy

-At this point, let us all welcome our Education Program Supervisor in English, Ma. Nimfa R. Gabertan for her opening
remarks. Let us give her a virtual clap.

-Thank you very much Ma’am Nimfa for your words of welcome. We are so delighted to have you with us this morning.

-And to give to us words of encouragement and motivation, please allow me to present to you, Mr. Junlever C. Zipagan,
Public Schools District Supervisor In-charge in English, Key Stage 2.

-Thank you very much Sir. To present to us the purpose of this training, please join me in welcoming our Public Schools
District Supervisor In-charge in English, Key Stage 1. Maam Daisy E. Canizares

-Thank you very much Maam Daisy for that clear presentation.

-At this point, let us listen to Ma’am Eloisa C. Tamon, our school principal for the presentation of participants.

On behalf of Maám Tamon, I would like to present the lovely participants from Kinder to Grade 3 and also the
participants from Grades 4 to 6 English Teachers

And now let me present to you the resource speakers that will facilitate in the discussion of the following topics for the
whole 5 day training.

-Thank you so much Ma’am Tamon.

-To make this training successful let us abide to some house rules that will be presented to us by Ma’am Zharramaine A.
Carbaquil. Go Ma’am Zharra!

-Thank you very much Ma’am Carbaquil for setting to us the house rules. And with that, we will now proceed to the
session proper.

Before we get started with the session proper, First, I just wanted to give you all a heads up that breakaway links will be
provided in every topic discussed for brainstorming and sharing of ideas. You will be grouped according to your grade
level and links will be provided in our chat box.

Second, all individual or group output will also be uploaded in the google drive that will be posted in CUBAO ALL in group
chat and the chat box as well. Same with our attendance link kindly please check or google meet chatbox.

Take note your output and attendance will be the basis of your certificate for the whole training.

Third, after this training evaluation link will be available and we highly recommend everyone who participated to fill out the
said link.

Lastly, Participants from Grades 4to 6 you have the option to choose which group to join.
FIRST TOPIC: (read bionotes of Macon and her topic)

For our first resource speaker, she is Bachelor of Elementary Education graduate from Catanduanes State University, she
is a grade 3 teacher and she attended the recent Division and District Literacy Training. To discuss with us the Nature of
Reading, let us all welcome to the virtual floor Ma. Conception Anciano. Let’s give her a virtual clap.

-Thank you very much Ma’am Anciano for acquainting us about the nature reading.

-For the meantime we will have a lunch break. Teachers, please be back at exactly 1:00pm. Thank you!

-Welcome back teachers. We will now proceed to the next topic.

SECOND TOPIC: (read bionotes of Macon and her topic)

Once again, to discuss ______ let us welcome Maam Ma. Concepcion Anciano

Thank you very much Ma’am Macon for that presentation. We learned a lot.

THIRD TOPIC: (read bio notes of Ma’am Espi and her topic)

-Thank you Ma’am Grizel for sharing to us your knowledge and expertise about your topic, Raising Learners’
Phonological Awareness as Foundational Skill to Decoding

-To sum up all our learnings for today, let us listen to Ma’am Rossana S. Alejandria, Grade 3 Teacher

-Thank you Ma’am Rossana.

Now, we have come to the last part of the program. I woud like to remind everyone for the evaluation link. Please do
make some time to fill out the form.


Congratulations to each and everyone who joined us today! Thank you for your active and sincere participation.

I am Teacher Gennilyn Mercado, a grade 1 teacher your mistress of Ceremony. See you next Saturday! May God bless
each and everyone of us.

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