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REVIEWER IN UTS  DAVID HUME – “ A wise man proportions his

belief to the evidence”

- The self emerges as one accumulates
 SOCRATES – “As for me, all I know is that I recurring experiences that had been
know nothing” internalized and had become part of one’s
- The self emerges when humans possess person hood
certain virtues and leads a virtuous life and  IMMANUEL KANT – “Science is organized
such life is spent in the search of goodness knowledge. Wisdom is organized life”
to be better and happier - The self emerges as one’s crystalized
 PLATO – “There’s the body, which is material, knowledge of himself and others appear
mortal and “moved”. Then there’s the soul, before him based on one’s recurring
which is ideal, immortal, and “unmoved” observations.
- The self emerges as one utilizes ideas that  SIGMUND FREUD – “One day, in retrospect,
are well thought of and utilizes ones senses the years of struggle will strike you as the
to recognize the truth most beautiful”
 ST. AUGUSTINE – “The way to God was to look - The Self therefore emerges as one strives to
into oneself” address unmet needs and find pleasurable
- The Self emerges as one utilizes his faculty experiences to gratify needs that are
of free will to not deviate from the right determined by aspirations and instincts as
order or oppose himself to the will of God, one goes through the different stages of
but become submissive to it. growth and development
- His adage said “My heart is restless until it  GILBERT REYLE – “A person can see things,
finds its rest in you Lord” only when his eyes are open, and when his
 RENE DECARTES – “The human mind has surroundings are illuminated: but he can have
principles or a priori knowledge, independent pictures in his mind’s eye, when his eyes are
of experience” shut and when the world is dark”
- The self emerges due to the human mind’s - Anything perceived by the human senses
principles or a priori knowledge which is can be explained through the behavior from
independent from experience. A human which they were observed.
person does not only possess a good mind,  PAUL CHURCHLAND – “The brain is the engine
but uses it well too. Enhancements of one’s of reason and the seat for the soul”
self can be done by reading good books to - Folklores and mythical beliefs are fallacious
carry conversations with the finest minds of for they are not anchored on scientific and
past centuries. The SELF is a real seeker neurological explanations.
after truth, as it is necessary that at least  MAURICE MERLEAU PONTY – “We know not
once in our life we have doubts through our intellect but through our
 JOHN LOCKE – “All knowledge comes from experience”
experience” - Anything in this world has a rigorous,
- The self emerges with experiences. The self methodic, and unrelenting feature of a
is crystalized when an exercises the phenomenon under scrutiny.
principle of freedom., with the aid of the
state in protecting individual liberty
 THE SELF – emerges in our interactions with
 SELFHOOD – Is inevitably inter subjective
 SOCIAL SELF – is the aspect where the human  Postmodern consciousness – means we no
person is being looked into in this lesson longer experience a secure sense of self, and
 SOCIOLOGY – is the study of society and how doubt is increasingly placed on the very
this affects a person in a variety of context assumption of a bounded identity with tangible
 There are only two populations in this world: attributes
- The Self – is a product of the interaction
with society among other constructions
 SOCIETY expect us to value our lives for it is a
God-given gift. This way, the family and in turn,
the society, helps shape behaviors of the child.
CONSTRUAL – defines themselves in terms of
internal attributes such as traits, abilities,
values and preferences.
CONSTRUAL – define themselves in terms of
their relationships with other
 CONSTRUAL – means the act of construing,
interpreting, or interpretation
 The INDEPENDENT SELF – describes themself in
psychological terms and activities that are
geared towards attaining personal goals and
individualization of The self
describes themselves in social term which are
embedded in a network of social relations
geared towards living in harmony in the social
and environmental context and enhancing the
collective life of the community
 INDIVIDUALIST CULTURES –see The Self as fully
autonomous and believes that equality
between individuals is ideal
meet and mergein different cultures, and
identity of The Self in the social perspective is
now a process of becoming
 With modernity, The Self is coerced into
existence; new communication technologies
lead to new ‘global selves’ where the
differences of culture fall away that collectivist
value and practices are declining in the East
while the leadership models in the West
recognize the importance of shared values and

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