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nee > Reading Comprehension Test C2 Baa Be 70 AUB AWBASMA + SAMMI + 4 95 ML PPI 45 OH EBS : Ste ft ' ce #10 Gs SRA-OHES- MARU LON ARAPRA RS Bess BES ° 1. Although most people did not think Jane was__, she considered herself to be fat. hoe A. bony B. overweight C. coarse D. astonishing 2. Maria her son, who is a successful lawyer at one of the biggest law firms in the country. A. is allergic to capable of C. is proud of D. is known as 3. Bygetting __, companies are able to stop others from illegally using their product designs and slogans. A. trademarks B. catalogs C. crops D. abstracts 4. Itis believed that the dinosaurs became __after a meteor struck Earth, causing large amounts of dust to fill the sky. A. extraordinary —_B. evident C. enjoyable D. extinct 5. Because she was new at the company, Rita was not familiar with the she needed to follow. A. encounters B. procedures C. barriers D. bandages 6. ne Many people liketo and get the best deal, others find it difficult to do. shave B. sneeze C. negotiate D. upset 7. As Betty was shopping at the mall, she her f i i embarrassing for both of them, oa IE EN A. brought up B . fan into C. tore up D. put off 146, 10. sanenma R Nancy was born in the Philippines, but her family later moved to Canada and she was __ in that country, A. exposed B. evolved C. endangered D. educated Carmen __ the watch that her grandmother gave her as a graduation present a few years ago. ‘A. cherishes B. dashes C. refreshes D. publishes twas early spring, and many flowers in Lucy's garden were just starting to A. whistle B. twinkle C. bud D. weep 147 HOX >) Reading Comprehension Test BoABD : HAE #10 + BiB HEBSMeNOF in a previous film. O; ‘A movie sequel is a film that continues a story that started in a p' ten, ci fe the same amount of artisti cess as they did in th, ame amount of artistic suct : directors find it difficult to achieve the si i her ls (11). One distin first lm. Consequently, many sequels (11). )an Oscar for Best Picture been Godfather Part Il. This is the only sequel to have ever beer ; It continues the (14) of an Italian-American crime family that began in The Godfather, Some fans of the films actualy think that The Godfather Part ils superior to the first movie, (15) often place it at or near the top of lists of the best movies ever made. That is quite an achievement for a sequel. 11. A. are considered inferior to their originals B. are launched in different languages C. are considered better than the previous films D. make a lot of money when shown at the cinema 12. A. exception B. prediction C. suggestion D. administration 13. A. prevented B. crowned C. surveyed D. awarded 14. A. bet B. verse C. tale D. proof 15. A. Tablets B. Critics C. Species D. Parades 148 Pipes ere) Kuwait is @ country in the Middle East. It is a very (16) country, pate R which potentially explains why it offers workers the most Paid vacation days on the planet. Employees in Kuwait are able to take 30 days of paid leave (17 In addition to this, there are 13 public holidays, which are also paid. This brings the total to 43 days. At the (18) end of the scale is the United States. While many employers offer paid leave, there is no legal requirement that they have to. Thus, a minority of companies (19) . This cannot be good for an employee's personal health or career (20) 16. A.needy B. wealthy C. vague 47. A. annually B. increasingly C. manually 48. A. long-term B. universal C. opposite 19. A. are closed down by the government B. offer their staff no paid leave at all C. pay the highest wages in the country D. give their workers ten weeks of vacation 20. A. property B. presentation C. discipline D. thorough D. honestly D. troublesome D. motivation » 149 HOR > Reading Comprehension Test seer z rl ‘ee 5 (Seat sama 12 a + SUBMEAR BA RIOE —py9 ae Hea LNRAP ABS BES Bee Looking for a new career? an Jobs4All! Our fantastic app will find you a new career in no websites in the local area enings for you. All you need to do is enter your personal details and wishes, and Jobs4All will do the rest. Whether you want a career in finance, publishing, law, or the service industry, Jobs4Alll is the right app for you. And it only costs NT$400 per month! What are you waiting for? Get Jobs4All today! Then look no further th time at all. It automatically searches all other job-seeking | | to provide a personalized list of job op | Zé 21. Whats this advertisement for? A. Abook publishing service B. An app to help you find work C. A guide to the local area D. An app to help with your money 2 8S . What is true about Jobs4All? A. Itis free to use. B, Itis not yet available. C. It has to be paid for, D. It requires an online interview, * 150 rane R Mia Berry 124 Park Lane London Dear Ms. Berry, Please allow me to introduce myself: | am Dean Morrison, the event organizer at | Henry's Hotel in New York. As you may know, we host an annual awards ceremony that is highly regarded among dessert cooks around the world, This year's Dessert | Awards will be held at our hotel on the evening of Saturday, December 12th The reason | am writing to you is that we would like to invite you to present the main | award of the evening: Best Dessert of the Year. You are one of the most respected dessert cooks in the UK, and we can think of no one more qualified to present this award. We will, of course, provide a free stay in our five-star hotel. Please let me know | ifyou are able to fly to New York. | Sincerely, Dean Morrison 23. Who is Dean Morrison? 25, What does Dean offer Ms. Berry? A. Someone who makes desserts ‘A. Accommodations at no cost B. Someone who arranges events B. Free flights and meals C. Someone who writes recipes C. A shuttle bus ride D. Someone who has bought a hotel D. A choice of five hotels 24. Why does Dean want Ms. Berry to come to New York? A.To accept an award B. To try a unique cake C.To present an award D. To review a hotel 154 > Reading Comprehension Test k tap water. Much of that tap water has hag fuoride added to it. Fluoride is a chemical substance that helps fo keep teeth healthy ang reduces levels of tooth decay. Adding it to drinking water is generally regarded as a safe practice. But how did people find out about the benefits of fluoride? in 1909, an American dentist called Frederick McKay observed that children in the state of Colorado had marks on their teeth but few holes in their teeth. In 1931, researchers determined that too much fluoride in the water had caused the marks but had also protected their teeth. In 1942, another dentist called Henry Trendley Dean established a safe level of fluoride in water. This level provided maximum protection from tooth decay and minimum chance of tooth marks. In 1945, a city in Michigan became the first in the world to add fluoride to its drinking water. The project soon expanded across the US. By 2010, two-thirds of Americans were supplied with water containing fluoride. Most people in the United States drin! 152 26. 27. 8 28. soem R Where did Frederick McKay make his observations? ‘A. Across America B. In Canada C. Across the world D. In one US state What did Henry Trendley Dean do? A. Proved that fluoride was not safe B. Established a water company C. Set safe levels of a chemical D. Banned fluoride in Michigan HOY How is this article mainly organized? A. By location B. By date C. By percentage D. By cost » 153 > Reading Comprehension Test TIGER CEEAT) are based on the inform rovided in the following notice ang bi he information provided ! ised on the it messages. ! Join the Great Allen Beach Clean-up’ problem in our oceans. However, a lot of tion is a big ee een a en 4, because of its location, Allen Beach 's beaches an a —— peers I'm asking you to join me for the Great Allen Beach Clean-up! I've organized a minibus to take us to the beach on Sunday, September 12th. It will pick us up at the following times and locations: 08:00 University Library 08:10 - Graduate College 08:20 ~ Morris Apartments 08:30 - Town Square All protective gear, including thick gloves and face masks, will be provided. Litter pickers and environmentally friendly trash bags will also be handed out at the beach. As the wind is usually strong on Allen Beach, you are advised to wear warm clothing. A free lunch will be delivered at midday. Together we can keep our beaches clean! ‘Todd Matheson Environment Society 154 29. 30. BneMs R (oo Aaron 12:35, Hey, Mina. Do you want to help out at the beach clean-up tomorrow? Mina 12:36 Absolutely. | always want to help the environment. I didn't realize you did, too, to be honest. Aaron 12:38 Actually, | want to use it as an opportunity to take Photos for my art project. Mina 12:39 That sounds about right! Is transportation provided? Aaron 12:41 Yes, a minibus will take us there. It leaves at 08:30. Mina 12:42 OK, great. See you tomorrow! EEE ee, What does Todd advise people to do? 31. Where will the minibus pick Aaron A. Bring their own gloves and Mina up? B. Put on warm clothes A. University Library C. Tell others about the event B. Graduate College D. Throw away trash responsibly C. Morris Apartments D. Town Square Why does Aaron want to take part in the beach clean-up? A To help the environment 8. To spend time with Mina C. To get material for a project D. To have a free lunch > 155 > Reading Comprehension Test (aan 25) Edward Jenner was an English scientist who lived from 1749 to 1823, He is celebrateg substance that contains a tiny, harmless ting the disease that is causeq s a disease that affected a for developing the world's first vaccine. This is @ part of a virus. It is given to people to prevent them from ge! by the virus. Jenner created a vaccine for smallpox, which wa: huge number of people. It caused a fever and skin spots, and 30 percent of those who caught it died. Jenner believed that people who had cowpox—@ similar but much less dangerous disease—would not develop smallpox. In order to test this out, he injected a young boy with a small amount of cowpox. He then exposed the boy to smallpox, and the boy did not develop the more serious disease. Jenner did the same to 23 other people, none of whom caught smallpox. At first, many doubted his methods. However, they were soon won over by the results, and Jenner's vaccine spread to Europe and the rest of the world. Jenner is credited with saving millions of lives. Indeed, it is said that he has saved more lives than any other person. By 1980, smallpox was no longer a threat anywhere on the planet. Jenner's methods have also been used to control many other serious diseases. Itis hoped that his findings will continue to save lives for many centuries to come. 32. What is the article mainly about? A. How Edward Jenner lived his life B. Where deadly diseases come from C. How Jenner's idea saved millions 34. How did people react to Jenner's discovery at first? A. They immediately accepted it. D. Why viruses cause diseases 33. 8 What did Edward Jenner believe? A, That a mild disease could prevent a deadly disease B. That cows did not develop any diseases C. That smallpox could never be cured D. That cowpox was more dangerous than smallpox 156 B. They asked the government to sponsor it. C. They were not certain about it. D. They accused him of trying to make money. 35. What had happened by 1980? A. Smallpox had gotten more serious. 8. Smallpox had been eliminated. C. Smallpox had been confined to England, D. Smallpox had turned into cowpox

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