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> Reading Comprehension Test Cl Beale AE 7 UES pect SND) PAODRR— ZIMA» 35 AH (PSOGT 45 OEE APE HRS ESE, 410M: SUA GES: HRA LAY BES © 1. Rodney and lan became _ after their parents passed away when they were young, A. orphans B. wizards C. twins D. surgeons 2. Terri___a_strange smell in the room, but she couldn't tell where it was coming from. A. demanded B. detected C. deposited D. dominated 3. The plantis not _ to the country, but it is imported and sold at many gardening stores there. | A. constructive B. intensive C. native D. extensive | 4. Barney asked the owner of the restaurant if the painting that was hanging on the wall was : A. as usual B. in danger C. under control D. for sale 8. Canada is a huge country, but much of its __in the north is wilderness and doesn't have many residents. A. theory B. territory C. glory D. ivory 2 .. The shoes Brent bought were cheap but not very - They started to fall apart after a few months. A. measurable B. noble C. durable D. honorable 7. Although he didn't mean to__anyone with his joke, some People did think it was insulting. A. comfort B. reward C. alert D. offend 168 8, When his father retired at the age of 65, Carl Bhatae as (R we of the family business, @S chosen to ___the management A. take over B. consist in C. feed on D. recover from * ver 9, The young boy threw the ball as hard as he could, and his dog ran swiflly to it A pitch B. sketch C. fetch — 40. The two main _ __ in the presidential election were national television debate. A candidates B. hostages C. beggars D. ditch scheduled to participate ina D. refugees mma > 169 HO >) Reading Comprehension Test BoB > AE #10 Ml Ai HRA MSOF RAPS ° o SLO hy ESS ee) 5) Sumo wrestling is the national sport of Japan. Its history (11) back at least 1,309 years. The aim of the game is for one of the two fighters to force the other one out of a circular ring on the ground by pushing or throwing him. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of sumo wrestling (12) . Their minimum weight is (13) 67 kilograms. However, many weigh around 150 kilograms. Much of the weight, though, is muscle rather than fat. The fighters achieve these weights by eating a (14) high in healthy protein, such as chicken and fish And there are (15) advantages to being heavier: you become harder to push out of the ring and therefore harder to beat. 11. A. defends B. lengthens C. stretches D. intensifies 12. A. is how far fighters are thrown B. is the clothes the fighters wear C. is how long the matches last D. is the weight of the fighters 13. A. eventually B. leisurely C. organically D. officially 14, A. diet B. cue C. dose D. faith 15. A. portable B. regional C. severe D. obvious 170 bam ns (R aw Ikaria is a small Greek island in the Medi lediterranean Sea. Its (16) live ; f (16) live, on average, ten years longer than other people in the western world, Researchers have tried to explain this extra decade of life and (17) . Based on their research, 1! i 4 , =a , they found that people on Ikaria build healthy habits and activities into their (1 18) lives. For instance, many do (19) labor in their gardens and consume natural foods such as freshly grown vegetables. However, they do noi stress about being healthy and active (20) . For instance, they don't go to the gym, and many smoke and drink alcohol. This way of thinking—along with a warm climate— might explain their long lives. 16. A. headphones: B. inhabitants C. fertilizers D. goddesses 11. A. have encouraged people to travel to the west B. have come up with some conclusions C. have discovered why people pass away early D. have decided that Japanese diets are better 18. A. singular B. technical C. rusty D. everyday 19. A. traveling B. arithmetic C. manual D. cultural 20. A. constantly B. delicately C. fatally D. fluently san+ D171 ‘HO > Reading Comprehension Test ERD : RBRREE RR _ 315 BL SNK 5 OME SOMA 1B 2 HX: RE ERAOS—y9 IEE HGR LAMP RMA RIES © (Sicsionss Learn About Art Therapy The National University is proud to announce that we will be holding our first ever art therapy workshop next month, We have a very special guest—the celebrated artist Kieran Maxwell—who will teach different art techniques. He will be joined by Lilith Palmer, who is hugely respected for her work in therapy. Both art students and Psychology students are welcome to attend the workshop. However, limited, so please see the secretary in the Diamond Building to register This will be a unique and interesting workshop that will surely benefit your numbers are for the event. ir studies, 21. What will take place next month? A. Avisit to an art gallery B. A birthday celebration C. A special workshop D. Auniversity open house 22. Who is this notice aimed at? A. Students taking specific majors. B. Visitors to a college C. University staff members D. School secretaries ; | | { [ow — . Why will people receive this email? samen (R From: — admin@ope To: mailing-list@o Subject: Your Last Chane Dear Opera Lover, | You are receiving this message because you signed up for emails from—the largest community of opera lovers on the internet, Today, we have a very special offer for you. The world’s final performance of the | magnificent opera, The Ghosts of the West, will take place at the National Theater | in Taipei on December 31st this year. Tickets are expensive and very hard to come by, but we have managed to secure | five pairs of tickets with a great view of the stage. We are offering you the chance to win these tickets! All you have to do is answer the following question: | Who wrote The Ghosts of the West? To answer the question and enter the competition, please click on this link: \ Good luck! The Operas-are-us Team 25. What do people have to do to win tickets? A. Fill outa survey B. Write a short story C. Send a photo D. Answer a question A. They are part of a company. B. They are fans of operas. C. They are famous pop singers: D. They are interested in ghosts. What will happen on December 31st? A. Anew club will open in Taiwan. 8. Aspecial memorial will be held. C. An opera will be shown for the last time. D. A famous theater will close down mam <> 173 BOX >. Reading Comprehension Test It is not usually a good idea to eat just before we go to sleep. But sometimes we are simply hungry and cannot follow this advice. When we're hungry at night, though, is easy to reach for a snack that is not healthy. Perhaps some potato chips or a chocolate bar is our midnight snack of choice. These are not good options: The former is full of salt, while the latter is full of sugar. However, there are many healthy alternatives, many of which are specifically suited to the hours before bedtime. Here are two delicious and healthy suggestions, both of which are low in calories and easy to prepare at home. A banana with peanut butter combines the goodness of fruit with a nice amount of protein and healthy fats. The fruit provides various vitamins, while the protein helps you to feel full. A kiwi fruit is another good choice. It contains a chemical called serotonin, which can make you feel relaxed and therefore fall asleep more quickly. 174 ties CR vy is it NOT a good idea t 26. Why is I ‘@ to eat chocolate bars | A. Chocolate gives you nightmares, before bedtime? B. They contain a lot of sugar, C. Chocolate keeps you awake, [ 0. They make you feel uncomfortable, According to this article, what does a banana with peanut butter NOT provide? A. Different vitamins B. Beneficial fats C. Arelaxing chemical D. Sufficient protein s According to this article, why is a kiwi fruit a good snack before bed? A. it keeps your blood pressure low. B. Itis a good source of protein. C. Itis quite cheap to buy. D. Ithhelps you to fall asleep. wa + D> 175 HO >) Reading Comprehension Test CERESIERSZEERT] are based on the information provided in the following emails. From: _ To: —__g.bobson@bobsonsbuilders.com__ Subject: Management Courses Hi Gareth, Thank you for my recent promotion to Head of Customer Services. As | now have a team of five people to manage, | think it would be a good idea for me to | develop my managerial skills. | have taken the liberty of researching some courses organized by an outside company (details enclosed). There is one particular | course, Leadership Skills, which costs US$350 and will be held on March ‘st. | think taking this course would be good for my personal development and would also be good for the company. Thanks. Philip Fairbank Head of Customer Services Bobsons Builders 176 BaNEDME (R From: __g.bobson@bobsonsbuiidars com To: 2 Subject: Hi Philip, Thanks for your email regarding the management courses at The Bold Business Leaders Company. | think it is only right that you develop your managerial skills. | am sure you are aware of our tight budget, so | am only able to provide US$250 for courses provided by an outside company. I'd also like to take this opportunity to invite you out to dinner with the other Bobsons Builders managers at a local restaurant this Saturday night. | like to do this every few weeks. | think it's important that we have time to bond together in a non-work environment. Needless to say, the night is on me. Thanks. Gareth Bobson General Manager Bobsons Builders |. What is true about Philip? A. He works for The Bold Business Leaders Company. B. He is going on vacation on March 1st. C. He has started a new role at Bobsons Builders. D. He doesn't like being a manager. nt course? Why will Philip probably NOT be able to take the manageme! A. His boss doesn''t think it is necessary. B. His boss can't provide enough money. C. His boss found out the course is full. D. His boss has arranged a diferent workshoP- 4 turday night? . What does Gareth NOT say about the dinner on Sa! A. Itwill be paid for by him. 8. Itis a regular event. C. Itwill be at his home. D. Itis for colleagues to bond. => 177 Hox Reading Comprehension Test Lee) Nowadays, emails, video chats, and social media are favored ways to communicate However, many people still love to send and receive letters and postcards. To do this, they Need to use a postage stamp. The first postage stamp, called the Penny Black, was used in the United Kingdom in 1840. Before this, a hand stamp was used to confirm that postage had been paid. If it had Not been paid, the person who was receiving the letter had to pay a fairly large sum of Money. A man named Sir Rowland Hill came up with the idea of issuing postage stamps at much cheaper prices and asking the sender to pay. This transformed the postal system, Prompting millions more letters to be sent. The simple design of the Penny Black featured the amount of money—one penny— and the Queen's head. However, as other countries quickly adopted the postage stamp, their stamps also included the name of the issuing country. Thus, the UK is the only country in the world whose stamps do not feature the country's name. Billions of stamps have since been issued around the world. Many feature special designs, famous people, and historical events. The variety of stamps available is one reason why lots of people enjoy collecting them. 32. According to this article, which of the 34. What happened when postage stamps following is still popular today? were introduced? A. Chatting with friends A. More people started to send letters. B. Making phone calls B. People said they were too expensive. C. Playing games with cards C. Fewer people sent letters. D. Sending letters in the mail D. Postal workers demanded more 33. Before 1840, what happened when money. postage had not been paid? 35. What was included on the Penny A. The letter was sent back to the Black? Person who sent it A. An image of Sir Rowland Hill B. The person who received the letter B. A picture of a royal family member had to pay. C. The name of the issuing country C. The letter was kept in the bank. D. The description of a historical event D. The post office had to pay. 178

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