Final PQD - PQ-055-MTC-2021

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Prequalification of Bidders for projects governed by Procurement Regulations

for ADB Borrowers: Goods, Works, Nonconsulting and Consulting Services



Prequalification of Bidders for the
Procurement of

Issued on: 28 September 2021

Invitation for Prequalification No.:


OCB No.: OCB/001/MTC-2022

Employer: Ministry of Transport and

Communications (MTC)

Country: Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste

Summary Description

Page No.


Section 1 - Instructions to Applicants (ITA) -------------------------- 1-1

Section 2 - Application Data Sheet (ADS) ---------------------------- 2-1

Section 3 - Qualification Criteria (QLC) ------------------------------- 3-1

Section 4 - Application Forms (APF) ----------------------------------- 4-1

Section 5 - Eligible Countries (ELC) ----------------------------------- 5-1


Section 6 - Scope of Contract (SOC) ----------------------------------- 6-1

This Prequalification Document (PQD) has been prepared by National Procurement Commission and
is based on the Standard Procurement Document for the Prequalification of Bidders (SPQD) issued
by the Asian Development Bank dated June 2018.

ADB’s SPQD has the structure and the provisions of the Master Procurement Document entitled
“Prequalification Documents for Procurement of Works”, prepared by multilateral development banks
and other public international financial institutions except where ADB-specific considerations have
required a change.
PART I – Prequalification Procedures
Section 1: Instructions to Applicants 1-1

Section 1: Instructions to Applicants

Table of Clauses

A. General .................................................................................................................................. 1-2

1. Scope of Application ............................................................................................................... 1-2
2. Source of Funds ..................................................................................................................... 1-2
3. Fraud and Corruption ............................................................................................................. 1-2
4. Eligible Applicants .................................................................................................................. 1-5
5. Eligible Materials, Equipment and Services .......................................................................... 1-6

B. Contents of Prequalification Document ............................................................................. 1-6

6. Sections of the Prequalification Document ............................................................................. 1-6
7. Clarification of Prequalification Document .............................................................................. 1-7
8. Amendment of Prequalification Document ............................................................................. 1-7

C. Preparation of Applications................................................................................................. 1-8

9. Cost of Applications ................................................................................................................ 1-8
10. Language of Application ......................................................................................................... 1-8
11. Documents Comprising the Application ................................................................................. 1-8
12. Application Submission Sheet ................................................................................................ 1-8
13. Documents Establishing the Eligibility of the Applicant .......................................................... 1-8
14. Documents Establishing the Qualifications of the Applicant .................................................. 1-9
15. Format and Signing of the Application .................................................................................. 1-9

D. Submission of Applications ................................................................................................ 1-9

16. Sealing and Marking of Applications ...................................................................................... 1-9
17. Deadline for Submission of Applications .............................................................................. 1-10
18. Late Applications .................................................................................................................. 1-10
19. Opening of Applications ........................................................................................................ 1-10

E. Evaluation of Applications ................................................................................................ 1-10

20. Confidentiality ....................................................................................................................... 1-10
21. Clarification of Applications .................................................................................................. 1-10
22. Responsiveness of Applications ........................................................................................... 1-10
23. Domestic Preference ............................................................................................................ 1-10
24. Subcontractors ..................................................................................................................... 1-10

F. Prequalification of Applicants ........................................................................................... 1-11

25. Evaluation of Applications .................................................................................................... 1-11
26. Employer’s Right to Accept or Reject Applications ............................................................. 1-11
27. Prequalification of Applicants .............................................................................................. 1-11
28. Notification of Prequalification .............................................................................................. 1-12
29. Invitation to Bid ..................................................................................................................... 1-12
30. Changes in Qualifications of Applicants ............................................................................... 1-12
31. Bidding-Related Complaints ................................................................................................. 1-12

Prequalification of Bidders
1-2 Section 1: Instructions to Applicants

A. General
1. Scope of 1.1 In connection with the Invitation for Prequalification (IFP) indicated in
Application Section 2 (Application Data Sheet) (ADS), the Employer, as defined in
the ADS, issues this Prequalification Document to applicants interested
in bidding for the works described in Section 6 (Scope of Contract).
The number of contracts and the name and identification of each
contract as well as the open competitive bidding (OCB) number
corresponding to this prequalification are provided in the ADS.

2. Source of 2.1 The Borrower or Recipient (hereinafter called “Borrower”) indicated in

Funds the ADS has applied for or received financing (hereinafter called
“funds”) from the Asian Development Bank (hereinafter called “ADB”)
toward the cost of the project named in the ADS. The Borrower intends
to apply a portion of the funds to eligible payments under the
contract(s) resulting from the bidding for which this prequalification is
conducted (hereinafter called “Contract”).

2.2 Payments by the ADB will be made only at the request of the Borrower
and upon approval by the ADB in accordance with the terms and
conditions of the Financing Agreement between the Borrower and the
ADB (hereinafter called “Financing Agreement”), and will be subject in
all respects to the terms and conditions of that Financing Agreement.
No party other than the Borrower shall derive any rights from the
Financing Agreement or have any claim to the funds.

3. Fraud and 3.1 ADB’s Anticorruption Policy (1998, as amended to date) requires
Corruption Borrowers (including beneficiaries of ADB-financed activity), as well as
Bidders, Suppliers, and Contractors under ADB-financed contracts,
observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and
execution of such contracts. In pursuance of this policy, ADB

(a) defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth
below as follows:

(i) “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving,

or soliciting, directly or indirectly, anything of value to
influence improperly the actions of another party;

(ii) “fraudulent practice” means any act or omission,

including a misrepresentation, that knowingly or
recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, a party to
obtain a financial or other benefit or to avoid an

(iii) “coercive practice” means impairing or harming, or

threatening to impair or harm, directly or indirectly, any
party or the property of the party to influence improperly
the actions of a party;

(iv) “collusive practice” means an arrangement between two

or more parties designed to achieve an improper
purpose, including influencing improperly the actions of

For the purpose of prequalification, the clause applies to “Applicants”.

Prequalification of Bidders
Section 1: Instructions to Applicants 1-3

another party;

(v) “abuse” means theft, waste, or improper use of assets

related to ADB-related activity, either committed
intentionally or through reckless disregard;

(vi) “conflict of interest” means any situation in which a party

has interests that could improperly influence that party’s
performance of official duties or responsibilities,
contractual obligations, or compliance with applicable
laws and regulations;

(vii) “obstructive practice” means (a) deliberately destroying,

falsifying, altering, or concealing of evidence material to
an ADB investigation, or deliberately making false
statements to investigators, with the intent to impede an
ADB investigation; (b) threatening, harassing, or
intimidating any party to prevent it from disclosing its
knowledge of matters relevant to a Bank investigation or
from pursuing the investigation; or (c) deliberate acts
intended to impede the exercise of ADB’s contractual
rights of audit or inspection or access to information; and

(viii) “integrity violation" is any act, as defined under ADB’s

Integrity Principles and Guidelines (2015, as amended
from time to time), which violates ADB’s Anticorruption
Policy, including (i) to (vii) above and the following:
violations of ADB sanctions, retaliation against
whistleblowers or witnesses, and other violations of
ADB's Anticorruption Policy, including failure to adhere
to the highest ethical standard.

(b) will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder
recommended for award has, directly or through an agent,
engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or
obstructive practices or other integrity violations in competing
for the Contract ;
(c) will cancel the portion of the financing allocated to a contract if it
determines at any time that representatives of the Borrower or
of a beneficiary of ADB financing engaged in corrupt,
fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive practices or other
integrity violations during the procurement or the execution of
that contract, without the Borrower having taken timely and
appropriate action satisfactory to ADB to remedy the situation;
(d) will impose remedial actions on a firm or an individual, at any
time, in accordance with ADB’s Anticorruption Policy and
Integrity Principles and Guidelines, including declaring
ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to

For the purpose of prequalification, item (b) is modified as “ will reject a proposal for prequalification if it determines that
the Applicant recommended for prequalification has, directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent,
collusive, coercive, or obstructive practices or other integrity violations in competing for the Contract.”

Prequalification of Bidders
1-4 Section 1: Instructions to Applicants

participate in ADB-financed, -administered, or -supported
activities or to benefit from an ADB-financed, -administered, or -
supported contract, financially or otherwise, if it at any time
determines that the firm or individual has, directly or through an
agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or
obstructive practices or other integrity violations.

3.2 All Applicants, consultants, contractors, suppliers, and other third

parties engaged or involved in ADB-related activities have a duty to
cooperate fully in any screening or investigation when requested by
ADB to do so. Such cooperation includes, but is not limited to, the

(a) being available to be interviewed and replying fully and

truthfully to all questions asked;

(b) providing ADB with any items requested that are within the
party’s control including, but not limited to, documents and
other physical objects;

(c) upon written request by ADB, authorizing other related entities

to release directly to ADB such information that is specifically
and materially related, directly or indirectly, to the said entities
or issues which are the subject of the investigation;

(d) cooperating with all reasonable requests to search or physically

inspect their person and/or work areas, including files,
electronic databases, and personal property used on ADB
activities, or that utilizes ADB’s Information and
Communications Technology (ICT) resources or systems
(including mobile phones, personal electronic devices, and
electronic storage devices such as external disk drives);
(e) cooperating in any testing requested by ADB, including but not
limited to, fingerprint identification, handwriting analysis, and
physical examination and analysis; and

(f) preserving and protecting confidentiality of all information

discussed with, and as required by, ADB.
3.3 All Applicants, consultants, contractors and suppliers shall ensure that,
in its contract with its sub-consultants, Subcontractors and other third
parties engaged or involved in ADB-related activities, such sub-
consultants, Subcontractors and other third parties similarly undertake
the foregoing duty to cooperate fully in any screening or investigation
when requested by ADB to do so.
3.4 The Employer hereby puts the Applicant on notice that the Applicant or
any Joint Venture partner of the Applicant (if any) may not be able to
receive any payments under the Contract if the Applicant or any of its
Joint Venture partners, as appropriate, is, or is owned (in whole or in
part) by a person or entity subject to applicable sanctions.

Whether as a Contractor, Subcontractor, Consultant, Manufacturer or Supplier, or Service Provider; or in any other
capacity (different names are used depending on the particular Bidding Document).

Prequalification of Bidders
Section 1: Instructions to Applicants 1-5

4. Eligible 4.1 An Applicant may be a natural person, private entity, or government-

Applicants owned enterprise, subject to ITA 4.6 or any combination of them with a
formal intent to enter into an agreement or under an existing
agreement in the form of a Joint Venture. In the case of a Joint
(a) all partners shall be jointly and severally liable; and
(b) a Joint Venture shall nominate a Representative who shall have
the authority to conduct all business for and on behalf of any
and all the partners of the Joint Venture during the
prequalification process; in the event the Joint Venture is
prequalified, during the bidding process; and, in the event the
Joint Venture is awarded the Contract, during contract
4.2 An Applicant, and all partners constituting the Applicant, shall have the
nationality of an eligible country, in accordance with Section 5 (Eligible
Countries). An Applicant shall be deemed to have the nationality of a
country if the Applicant is a citizen of that country; or is constituted,
incorporated, or registered and operates in conformity with the
provisions of the laws of that country. This requirement shall also apply
to the determination of the nationality of proposed Subcontractors or
Suppliers for any part of the Contract including related services.
4.3 At the time of bidding, Bidders shall not have a conflict of interest. All
Bidders found to have a conflict of interest shall be disqualified.
Bidders may be considered to be in a conflict of interest with one or
more parties in the bidding process if any of, including but not limited
to, the following apply:
(a) they have controlling shareholders in common; or
(b) they receive or have received any direct or indirect subsidy
from any of them; or
(c) they have the same legal representative for purposes of this
bid; or
(d) they have a relationship with each other, directly or through
common third parties, that puts them in a position to have
access to material information about or improperly influence the
bid of another Bidder, or influence the decisions of the
Employer regarding this bidding process; or
(e) a Bidder participates in more than one bid in this bidding
process, either individually or as a partner in a Joint Venture,
except for alternative offers if permitted by the Bidding
Document. This will result in the disqualification of all Bids in
which it is involved. However, subject to any finding of a conflict
of interest in terms of ITA 4.3 (a) to (d) above, this does not limit
the participation of a Bidder as a Subcontractor in another bid
or of a firm as a Subcontractor in more than one bid; or
(f) a Bidder, Joint Venture partner, associates, parent company, or
any affiliated entity, participated as a consultant in the
preparation of the design or technical specifications of the
works, plant and services that are the subject of the bid; or
(g) a Bidder was affiliated with a firm or entity that has been hired
(or is proposed to be hired) by the Employer or Borrower as

Prequalification of Bidders
1-6 Section 1: Instructions to Applicants

Engineer for the Contract; or

(h) a Bidder would be providing goods, works, or nonconsulting
services resulting from or directly related to consulting services
for the preparation or implementation of the project specified in
the ADS ITA 2.1 that it provided or were provided by any
affiliate that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is
under common control with that firm.
4.4 Applicants found to be in conflict of interest situations at the time of
prequalification but otherwise meeting requirements shall be invited
to submit bids, however in the invitation for bids such applicants will
be informed about conflict of interest and will be required to manage it
in a manner acceptable to ADB to comply with ITA 4.3 above.

4.5 A firm shall not be eligible to participate in any procurement activities

under an ADB-financed, -administered, or -supported project while
under temporary suspension or debarment by ADB pursuant to its
Anticorruption Policy (see ITA 3), whether such debarment was
directly imposed by ADB, or enforced by ADB pursuant to the
Agreement for Mutual Enforcement of Debarment Decisions. A bid
from a temporarily suspended or debarred firm will be rejected.

4.6 Government-owned enterprises in the Employer’s country shall be

eligible only if they can establish that they (i) are legally and
financially autonomous, (ii) operate under commercial law, and (iii)
are not in any way dependent agencies of the Employer.

4.7 Applicants shall be excluded if by an act of compliance with a decision

of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the
Charter of the United Nations, the Borrower’s country prohibits any
import of goods or contracting of works or services from that country or
any payments to persons or entities in that country.

4.8 Applicants shall provide such evidence of their continued eligibility

satisfactory to the Employer, as the Employer shall reasonably

5. Eligible 5.1 The materials, equipment and services to be supplied under the
Materials, Contract and financed by ADB shall have as their country of origin in
Equipment and an eligible country of ADB; see Section 5 (Eligible Countries).

B. Contents of Prequalification Document

6. Sections of the 6.1 The Prequalification Document consists of Parts I and II which include
Prequalification all the sections indicated below, and should be read in conjunction with
Document any Addenda issued in accordance with ITA 8.
PART I Prequalification Procedures
 Section 1 Instructions to Applicants (ITA)
 Section 2 Application Data Sheet (ADS)
 Section 3 Qualification Criteria (QLC)
 Section 4 Application Forms (APF)

Prequalification of Bidders
Section 1: Instructions to Applicants 1-7

 Section 5 Eligible Countries (ELC)

PART II Requirements
 Section 6 Scope of Contract (SOC)

6.2 The IFP issued by the Employer is not part of the Prequalification

6.3 The Employer is not responsible for the completeness of the

Prequalification Document and its addenda, if they were not obtained
directly from the source stated by the Employer in the IFP.

6.4 The Applicant is expected to examine all instructions, forms, and terms
in the Prequalification Document and to furnish all information or
documentation required by the Prequalification Document. The
information or documentation shall be complete, accurate, current, and
verifiable. The Employer shall have the right to conduct independent
checks to determine the completeness and accuracy of the information
or documentation provided by the Applicant, and to take remedial
actions, including rejection of the Applicant, as appropriate.

7. Clarification of 7.1 A prospective Applicant requiring any clarification on the

Prequalification Prequalification Document shall contact the Employer in writing at the
Document Employer’s address indicated in the ADS. The Employer will respond
in writing to any request for clarification provided that such request is
received no later than 14 days prior to the deadline for submission of
Applications. The Employer shall forward copies of its response to all
Applicants who have acquired the Prequalification Document, including
a description of the inquiry but without identifying its source, subject to
ITA 6.3. Should the Employer deem it necessary to amend the
Prequalification Document as a result of a request for clarification, it
shall do so following the procedure under ITA 8 and in accordance with
the provisions of ITA 17.2.

7.2 The Applicant’s designated representative is invited to attend a pre-

Application meeting, if indicated in the ADS. During this pre-Application
meeting, prospective Applicants may request clarification of the project
requirements, the criteria for qualifications or any other aspects of the
Prequalification Document. Non-attendance at the pre-Application
meeting will not be a cause for disqualification of an Applicant.

7.3 Minutes of the pre-Application meeting, if applicable, including the text

of the questions asked by Applicants, including those during the
meeting (without identifying the source) and the responses given,
together with any responses prepared after the meeting will be
transmitted promptly to all prospective Applicants who have obtained
the Prequalification Document. Any modification to the Prequalification
Document that may become necessary as a result of the pre-
Application meeting shall be made by the Employer exclusively
through the use of an Addendum pursuant to ITA 8.2 and not through
the minutes of the pre-Application meeting.

8. Amendment of 8.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Applications, the
Prequalification Employer may amend the Prequalification Document by issuing
Document addenda.

Prequalification of Bidders
1-8 Section 1: Instructions to Applicants

8.2 Any addendum issued shall be part of the Prequalification Document

and shall be communicated in writing to all who have obtained the
Prequalification Document from the Employer in accordance with ITA

8.3 To give prospective Applicants reasonable time in which to take an

addendum into account in preparing their Applications, the Employer
may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of
Applications, pursuant to ITA 17.2.

C. Preparation of Applications
9. Cost of 9.1 The Applicant shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and
Applications submission of its Application, and the Employer shall in no case be
responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or
outcome of the prequalification process.

10. Language of 10.1 The Application, as well as all correspondence and documents relating
Application to the prequalification exchanged by the Applicant and the Employer,
shall be written in the English language. Supporting documents and
printed literature that are part of the Application may be in another
language, provided they are accompanied by an accurate translation of
the relevant passages into the English language, in which case, for
purposes of interpretation of the Application, the translation shall

11. Documents 11.1 The Application shall comprise the following:

Comprising the
Application (a) Application Submission Sheet, in accordance with ITA 12;
(b) written confirmation authorizing the signatory of the Application
to commit the Applicant, in accordance with ITA 15.3;
(c) documentary evidence establishing the Applicant’s eligibility to
prequalify, in accordance with ITA 13;
(d) documentary evidence establishing the Applicant’s
qualifications, in accordance with ITA 14; and
(e) any other document required as specified in the ADS.

12. Application 12.1 The Applicant shall prepare an Application Submission Sheet using the
Submission form furnished in Section 4 (Application Forms). This form must be
Sheet completed without any alteration to the text, and no substitutes shall be
accepted. All blank spaces shall be filled in with the information

13. Documents 13.1 To establish its eligibility in accordance with ITA 4, the Applicant shall
Establishing complete the eligibility declarations in the Application Submission
the Eligibility of Sheet and Forms ELI 1 and 2, included in Section 4 (Application
the Applicant Forms).

Prequalification of Bidders
Section 1: Instructions to Applicants 1-9

14. Documents 14.1 To establish its qualifications to perform the Contract in accordance
Establishing with Section 3 (Qualification Criteria), the Applicant shall provide the
the Qualifica- information requested in the corresponding Information Sheets
tions of the included in Section 4 (Application Forms).

15. Format and 15.1 The Applicant shall prepare one original set of the documents
Signing of the comprising the Application as described in ITA 11 and clearly mark it
Application “ORIGINAL”. The original of the Application shall be typed or written
in indelible ink and shall be signed by a person duly authorized to
sign on behalf of the Applicant.

15.2 The Applicant shall submit copies of the signed original Application, in
the number specified in the ADS, and clearly mark them “COPY”. In
the event of any discrepancy between the original and the copies, the
original shall prevail.

15.3 The requirements regarding the legal instrument evidencing the

authorization to represent and sign on behalf of the Applicant shall be
as specified in the ADS. The name and position held by each person
signing the authorization must be typed or printed below the signature.
If an Applicant submits a deficient authorization, the Application shall
not be rejected in the first instance. The Employer shall request the
Applicant to submit an acceptable authorization within the number of
days as specified in the ADS. Failure to provide an acceptable
authorization within the period stated in the Employer’s request shall
cause the rejection of the Application.
15.4 Applications submitted by an existing or intended Joint Venture shall
include an undertaking signed by all partners
(a) stating that all partners shall be jointly and severally liable, and
(b) nominating a Representative who shall have the authority to
conduct all business for and on behalf of any and all the partners
of the Joint Venture during the prequalification process; in the
event the Joint Venture is prequalified, during the bidding
process; and, in the event the Joint Venture is awarded the
Contract, during contract execution.

D. Submission of Applications
16. Sealing and 16.1 The Applicant shall enclose the original and the copies of the
Marking of Application in a sealed envelope which shall
(a) bear the name and address of the Applicant;
(b) be addressed to the Employer, in accordance with ITA 17.1; and
(c) bear the specific identification of this prequalification process
indicated in ADS 1.1.

16.2 If the envelope is not sealed and marked as required, the Employer will
assume no responsibility for the misplacement of the Application.

Prequalification of Bidders
1-10 Section 1: Instructions to Applicants

17. Deadline for 17.1 Applications must be received by the Employer at the address and no
Submission of later than the deadline indicated in the ADS.
17.2 The Employer may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the
submission of Applications by amending the Prequalification Document
in accordance with ITA 8, in which case all rights and obligations of the
Employer and the Applicants subject to the previous deadline shall
thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.

18. Late 18.1 The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject late Applications.

19. Opening of 19.1 The Employer shall open all Applications at the date, time and place
Applications specified in the ADS, subject to ITA 18.1.

19.2 The Employer shall prepare a record of the opening of Applications

that shall include, as a minimum, the name of the Applicant. A copy of
the record shall be distributed to all Applicants.

E. Evaluation of Applications
20. Confidentiality 20.1 Information relating to the evaluation of Applications, and
recommendation for prequalification, shall not be disclosed to
Applicants or any other persons not officially concerned with such
process until the notification of prequalification is made to all

20.2 From the deadline for submission of Applications to the time of

notification of the results of the prequalification in accordance with ITA
28, if any Applicant wishes to contact the Employer on any matter
related to the prequalification process, it may do so in writing.

21. Clarification of 21.1 To assist in the evaluation of Applications, the Employer may, at its
Applications discretion, ask any Applicant for a clarification of its Application which
shall be submitted within a stated reasonable period of time. Any
request for clarification and all clarifications shall be in writing.

21.2 If an Applicant does not provide clarifications of the information

requested by the date and time set in the Employer’s request for
clarification, its Application may be rejected.
22. Responsive- 22.1 The Employer may reject any Application which is not responsive to
ness of the requirements of the Prequalification Document, subject to ITA 21.

23. Domestic 23.1 If so indicated in the ADS, domestic preference shall apply in the
Preference bidding process resulting from this prequalification.

24. Subcontractors 24.1 Applicants shall state in the Application Submission Sheet whether
they intend to subcontract any of the key activities specified in Section
3 (Qualification Criteria).

Prequalification of Bidders
Section 1: Instructions to Applicants 1-11

24.2 The Applicant shall not propose to subcontract the entire scope of the
contract. However, if an Applicant intends to subcontract any of the key
activities listed in Section 3 ( Qualification Criteria) 4.2, then such key
activities and the proposed Subcontractors (Specialist Subcontractors)
shall be clearly identified in Section 4 (Application Forms), Forms ELI -
2 and EXP - 2. Such Specialist Subcontractor(s) shall meet the
corresponding qualification requirements specified in Section 3
(Qualification Criteria). A formal intent to enter into an agreement with
the Specialist Subcontractors in the form of a letter jointly signed by the
Applicant and the Specialist Subcontractor should be submitted
together with the Application. At the time of bidding, the Bidder shall
use in its bid only Specialist Subcontractors prequalified during the
prequalification exercise.

24.3 Unless otherwise stated in the ADS, the Employer does not intend for
the contractor to execute any specific elements of the contract through
nominated subcontractors.

F. Prequalification of Applicants

25. Evaluation of 25.1 The Employer shall use only the criteria and methods defined in
Applications Section 3 (Qualification Criteria) to evaluate the qualifications of the
Applicants and proposed Subcontractors.

25.2 Only the qualifications of proposed Specialist Subcontractors with

respect to “Experience in Key Activities” that have been identified in
the Application pursuant to ITA 24.2 will be considered in the
evaluation of an Applicant. However, the financial resources of
Specialist Subcontractors may not be added to those of the Applicant
for purposes of prequalification of the Applicant.

25.3 Unless otherwise indicated in the ADS, this prequalification shall be for
a single contract.

25.4 Unless permitted in the ADS, the qualifications of other firms, including
the Applicant’s subsidiaries, parent entities, affiliates, Subcontractors
(other than Specialist Subcontractors in accordance with ITA 25.2
above) or any other firm(s) different from the Applicant shall not be

26. Employer’s 26.1 The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any Application,
Right to Accept and to annul the prequalification process and reject all Applications at
or Reject any time, without thereby incurring any liability to Applicants

27. Prequalification 27.1 All Applicants, including their proposed Specialist Subcontractors,
of Applicants whose Applications have been determined to be substantially
responsive to the requirements of the Prequalification Document and
who have met or exceeded the specified criteria shall be prequalified
by the Employer.

Prequalification of Bidders
1-12 Section 1: Instructions to Applicants

28. Notification of 28.1 Once the Employer has completed the evaluation of the Applications it
Prequalification shall notify all Applicants in writing of the names of those applicants
who have been prequalified. In addition, those Applicants who have
been disqualified will be informed separately.

29. Invitation to Bid 29.1 Promptly after the notification of the results of the prequalification, the
Employer shall invite bids from all the Applicants that have been

29.2 Bidders may be required to provide bid security or a Bid-Securing

Declaration in the form of a demand guarantee or other security
acceptable to the Employer for an amount as specified in the bidding

30. Changes in 30.1 Any change in the structure or formation of an Applicant after being
Qualifications prequalified in accordance with ITA 27 and invited to bid (including, in
of Applicants the case of a JV, any change in the structure or formation of any
member and also including any change in any specialist subcontractor
whose qualifications were considered to prequalify the Applicant) shall
be subject to the written approval of the Employer prior to the deadline
for submission of Bids. Any such change should be submitted to the
Employer not later than fourteen (14) days after the date of the Invitation
for Bids. Such approval shall be denied if

(a) a prequalified applicant proposes to associate with a disqualified

applicant or in case of a disqualified joint venture, any of its

(b) as a consequence of the change, the Applicant no longer

substantially meets the qualification criteria set forth in Section 3
(Qualification Criteria); or

(c) in the opinion of the Employer, the change may result in a

substantial reduction in competition.

31. Bidding- 31.1 The procedures for dealing with Bidding-Related Complaints arising
Related out of this prequalification process are specified in the ADS.

Prequalification of Bidders
Section 2: Application Data Sheet 2-1

Section 2: Application Data Sheet

A. General
ITA 1.1 The identification of the Invitation for Prequalification is: PQ/055/MTC-2021

ITA 1.1 The name of the Employer is: Ministry of Transport and Communications (MOTC), Timor-Leste

ITA 1.1 The names, identification, and number of the contracts are: Design & Build with one
package including extension of the existing runway up to 2,100 meters inclusive of a minimum
Runway End Safety Area (RESA) of 90 meter each side, and construction of taxiway, Air Traffic
Control Tower (ATCT) and apron, PQ/055/MTC-2021, one contract

ITA 1.1 The name and identification number of the open competitive bidding (OCB) are:

ITA 2.1 The name of the Borrower is: Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste

ITA 2.1 The name of the Project is: Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport (PNLIA)
Expansion Project

B. Contents of the Prequalification Document

ITA 7.1 For clarification purposes only, the Employer’s address is:
Attention: Mr. Hermingardo Albano Soares – Director NPC
Street address: National Procurement Commission (NPC) Office - Avenida de Balide,
Patrimonio do Estado
Floor/Room number: Conference Room of NPC
City: Dili
Country: Timor- Leste
Telephone: +670-3331101

ITA 7.2 Pre-Application Meeting will be held: YES

Date : 15 October 2021
Time : 15:00 hours (Timor-Leste Time)
Place : Conference Room of National Procurement Commission Office, Avenida de Balide,
Patrimonio do Estado, Dili, Timor-Leste

Participate online Pre-Application Meeting through the following link at the date and time
specified above
Meeting ID: 642 193 8789
Passcode: cna2021

Participation at the Pre-Application Meeting is Not Mandatory.

Prequalification of Bidders
2-2 Section 2: Application Data Sheet

A site visit conducted by the Employer “will” be organized (subject to Covid-19 situation).
Date: 15 October 2021
Time : 10:00 hours (Timor-Leste Time)
Place: Ministry of Transport and Communications office
Contact Person: Mr. Gaspar de Araujo – Director General
Phone: +670 7833 0033
Address: Mercado Lama - Ministry of Transport and Communications office

Participation at the Site Visit is Not Mandatory.

C. Preparation of Applications

ITA 11.1 (e) The Applicant shall submit with its Application the following additional documents:
1. Attached to Form ELI-1 & Form ELI-2: Attached copies of the following documents:
i) Articles of incorporation or constitution of the legal entity:
ii) In case of a Joint Venture, a letter of intent to form a Joint Venture or Joint Venture
iii) In the case of a government-owned enterprise, documents establishing legal and financial
autonomy and compliance with commercial law, in accordance with ITA 4.6;
iv) In case of Specialist Subcontractors as per ITA 24.2 a formal intent to enter into an
agreement in the form of a letter jointly signed by the Applicant and the Specialist
v) Authorization to represent the single entity or Joint Venture as identified, in accordance with ITA 15.3;

2. Attached to Form FIN-1 and/or Form FIN-2: Copies of financial statements (balance
sheets including all related notes, and income statements) for the last four years
(2017,2018,2019 & 2020), All such documents reflect the financial situation of the legal entity
or entities comprising the Applicant (i.e., Applicant or partner to a JV), and not the Applicant’s
parent companies, subsidiaries, or affiliates. Historic financial statements must be complete,
including all notes to the financial statements and audited by a certified accountant.

3. Attached to Form EXP-1 & Form EXP-2: Certified Copy of the Certificate of Completion or
Substantial Completion for the contracts submitted describing work, quantities, amount, period
etc., (English Translation shall prevail, if the original documents are not in English).

ITA 15.2 In addition to the original, the number of copies to be submitted with the Application is:

Two (2) Copies +One (1) Electronic File (CD/USB)

ITA 15.3 The requirements regarding the legal instrument evidencing the authorization to
represent and sign on behalf of the Applicant shall be: An organizational document, board
resolution or its equivalent, or power of attorney specifying the representative’s authority to
sign the Application on behalf of, and to legally bind, the Applicant. If the Applicant is an
intended or an existing Joint Venture, the power of attorney should be signed by all partners
and specify the authority of the named representative of the Joint Venture to sign on behalf of,
and legally bind, the intended or existing Joint Venture. If the Joint Venture has not yet been
formed, also include evidence from all proposed Joint Venture partners of their intent to enter
into a Joint Venture in the event of a contract award.

ITA 15.3 The Applicant shall submit an acceptable authorization within: 14 days.

Prequalification of Bidders
Section 2: Application Data Sheet 2-3

D. Submission of Applications

ITA 17.1 For Application submission purposes only, the Employer’s address is:
Attention: Mr. Hermingardo Albano Soares – Director NPC
Street address: National Procurement Commission (NPC) Office - Avenida de Balide,
Patrimonio do Estado
Drop Box: NPC office
City: Dili
Country: Timor- Leste
Telephone: +670-3331101

The deadline for Application submission is:

Date: 8 November 2021
Time: 15:00 hours (Timor-Leste Time)
The application opening shall take place at:
ITA 19.1
Street address: National Procurement Commission (NPC) Office - Avenida de Balide,
Patrimonio do Estado
Floor/Room number: Conference Room of NPC
City: Dili
Country: Timor- Leste

Date: 8 November 2021

Time: 15:00 hours (Timor-Leste Time)
The applications shall be opened promptly after the submission deadline.

E. Evaluation of Applications

ITA 23.1 Domestic preference “shall not” apply in the bidding process corresponding to this

ITA 24.3 The Employer “does not intend” for the contractor to execute any specific elements of the
contract through nominated subcontractors.

F. Prequalification of Applicants

ITA 25.3 As stipulated in ITA 1.1, this prequalification exercise shall be for a single contract.

ITA 25.4 The qualifications of other firms such as the Applicant’s subsidiaries, parent entities, affiliates,
Subcontractors “shall not” be permitted.

ITA 31.1 The procedures for Bidding-Related Complaints are referenced in the Procurement Regulations
for ADB Borrowers (Appendix 7). The Applicant should submit its complaint following these
procedures, in writing, to:

Prequalification of Bidders
2-4 Section 2: Application Data Sheet

For the attention: Mr. Hermingardo Albano Soares

Title/position: Director - National Procurement Commission (NPC)
Organization: National Procurement Commission (NPC)
E-mail address:

Prequalification of Bidders
Section 3: Qualification Criteria 3-1

Section 3: Qualification Criteria

Table of Criteria

1. Eligibility ..................................................................................................................................... 3-2

1.1 Nationality ............................................................................................................................ 3-2
1.2 Conflict of Interest ............................................................................................................... 3-2
1.3 ADB Eligibility ...................................................................................................................... 3-2
1.4 Government-Owned Enterprise........................................................................................... 3-2
1.5 United Nations Eligibility ...................................................................................................... 3-2

2. Historical Contract Nonperformance ...................................................................................... 3-3

2.1 History of Nonperforming Contracts .................................................................................... 3-3
2.2 Pending Litigation and Arbitration ....................................................................................... 3-3

3. Financial Situation..................................................................................................................... 3-4

3.1 Historical Financial Performance......................................................................................... 3-4
3.2 Average Annual Turnover ................................................................................................... 3-5

4. Experience ................................................................................................................................. 3-6

4.1 Contracts of Similar Size and Nature .................................................................................. 3-6
4.2 Experience in Key Activities ................................................................................................ 3-8

Prequalification of Bidders
3-2 Section 3: Qualification Criteria

1. Eligibility

Criteria Compliance Requirements Documents

Joint Venture
Single Submission
Requirement All Partners Each One
Entity Requirements
Combined Partner Partner

1.1 Nationality
Nationality in accordance with Must meet Must meet Must meet Not Forms
requirement requirement requirement applicable ELI – 1 ; ELI – 2
ITA 4.2. with attachments

1.2 Conflict of Interest

No conflicts of interest in Must meet Must meet Must meet Not Application
requirement requirement requirement applicable Submission
accordance with ITA 4.3 and ITA

1.3 ADB Eligibility

Not having been declared Must meet Must meet Must meet Not Application
requirement requirement requirement applicable Submission
ineligible by ADB, as described Sheet
in ITA 4.5.

1.4 Government-Owned Entity

Applicant required to meet Must meet Must meet Must meet Not Forms
requirement requirement requirement applicable ELI - 1 ; ELI - 2 with
conditions of ITA 4.6.

1.5 United Nations Eligibility

Not having been excluded by an Must meet Must meet Must meet Not Application
requirement requirement requirement applicable Submission
act of compliance with the
United Nations Security Council
resolution in accordance with
ITA 4.7.

Prequalification of Bidders
Section 3: Qualification Criteria 3-3

2. Historical Contract Nonperformance

2.1 History of Nonperforming Contracts

Criteria Compliance Requirements Documents

Joint Venture
Single Submission
Requirement All Partners Each One
Entity Requirements
Combined Partner Partner
a Must meet Must meet Must meet Not Form CON-1
Nonperformance of a contract b
requirement requirement requirement applicable
did not occur as a result of
contractor default since 1
January 2016.

Nonperformance, as decided by the Employer, shall include all contracts where (a) nonperformance was not
challenged by the contractor, including through referral to the dispute resolution mechanism under the respective
contract; and (b) contracts that were so challenged but fully settled against the contractor. Nonperformance
shall not include contracts where the Employer’s decision was overruled by the dispute resolution mechanism.
Nonperformance must be based on all information on fully settled disputes or litigation, i.e., dispute or litigation
that has been resolved in accordance with the dispute resolution mechanism under the respective contract and
where all appeal instances available to the Applicant have been exhausted.
This requirement also applies to contracts executed by the Applicant as Joint Venture member.

2.2 Pending Litigation and Arbitration

Pending litigation and arbitration criterion shall not apply.

Prequalification of Bidders
3-4 Section 3: Qualification Criteria

3. Financial Situation

3.1 Historical Financial Performance

Criteria Compliance Requirements Documents
Joint Venture
Single Submission
Requirement All Partners Each One
Entity Requirements
Combined Partner Partner

Submission of audited financial Must meet Not Must meet Not Form FIN - 1 with
requirement applicable requirement applicable attachments
statements or, if not required by
the law of the applicant’s
country, other financial
statements acceptable to the
Employer, for the last four (4)
years (2017, 2018, 2019 &
2020) to demonstrate the
current soundness of the
Applicant’s financial position. As
a minimum, the Applicant’s net
worth for the last year,
calculated as the difference
between total assets and total
liabilities should be positive.

Prequalification of Bidders
Section 3: Qualification Criteria 3-5

3.2 Average Annual Turnover

Criteria Compliance Requirements Documents
Joint Venture
Single Submission
Requirement All Partners Each One
Entity Requirements
Combined Partner Partner

Minimum average annual Must meet Must meet Must meet Must meet Form FIN – 2
requirement requirement
turnover of US$ 95 Million 25% 40%
(ninety-five Million United States
Dollars) calculated as total of the of the
requirement requirement
certified payments received for
contracts in progress or
completed, within the last four
(4) years (2017, 2018, 2019 &

Prequalification of Bidders
3-6 Section 3: Qualification Criteria

4. Experience
4.1 Contracts of Similar Size and Nature

Criteria Compliance Requirements Documents

Joint Venture
Single Submission
Requirement All Partners
Entity Each Partner One Partner Requirements

1. Participation as a contractor, Joint Venture Must meet Must meet Not applicable Not applicable Form EXP - 1
partner, or Subcontractor, in at least two Airport requirement requirement as
Design-Build contracts including design &
construction/ improvement of airport facilities
such as runway, taxiway and/or apron" that
(i) one partner
have been successfully or substantially completed meets
within the last ten (10) years and that are similar requirement
to the proposed facilities, where the value of the Or
Applicant’s participation under each contract (ii) Any two
exceeds US$ 93,000,000.00 (ninety-three million partners meet
United States Dollars). The similarity of the requirement.
Applicant’s participation shall be based on
physical size, nature of works, complexity,
methods, technology, or other characteristics as
described in Section 6 (Scope of Contract).
2a. Participation as a designer, in at least two
Airport Design contracts including design
of airport facilities such as runway, taxiway
and/or apron that have been successfully or
substantially completed within the last ten (10)
years and that are similar to the proposed
facilities, where the value of the Applicant’s
participation under each contract exceeds
US$ 5,000,000.00 (five million United States
Dollars. The similarity of the Applicant’s
participation shall be based on physical size,
nature of works, complexity, methods,
technology, or other characteristics as
described in Section 6 (Scope of Contract).
2b. Participation as a contractor, Joint Venture
partner, or Subcontractor, in at least two
Airport Construction contracts including
construction or improvement of airport facilities
such as runway, taxiway and/or apron" that
have been successfully or substantially
completed within the last ten (10) years and
that are similar to the proposed facilities, where
the value of the Applicant’s participation under
each contract exceeds US$ 90,000,000.00
(ninety million United States Dollars). The
similarity of the Applicant’s participation shall
be based on physical size, nature of works,

Prequalification of Bidders
Section 3: Qualification Criteria 3-7

complexity, methods, technology, or other

characteristics as described in Section 6
(Scope of Contract).

Prequalification of Bidders
3-8 Section 3: Qualification Criteria

4.2 Experience in Key Activities

4.2(a) Must be complied with by the Applicant. In case of a Joint Venture Applicant, at least one of the
partners must meet the requirement in the key activity.

Table A
Criteria Compliance Requirements Documents
Requirement Single Entity Joint Venture Requirements
For the above or other contracts executed Must meet requirement Must meet requirement Form EXP – 2
during the period stipulated in 4.1, a minimum
experience in the following key activities:

1. Design, supply, installation, construction,

testing & commissioning of Air Traffic Control
Tower; OR
Supply, installation, construction, testing &
commissioning of Air Traffic Control Tower;

2. Design, supply, installation, construction,

testing & commissioning of aeronautical
ground lighting (AGL) system; OR
Supply, installation, construction, testing &
commissioning of aeronautical ground
lighting (AGL) system;

3. Experience in Land Reclamation by filling

materials of 300,000 m3 in one Contract or in
one Year;

4. Experience in the construction of Armor

Stones of 20,000 m3 in one Contract or in
one Year;

5. Experience in the construction of Rubble

Stones of 70,000 m3 in one Contract or in
one Year;

Prequalification of Bidders
Section 3: Qualification Criteria 3-9

4.2(b) The Employer accepts any of the following activities to be subcontracted. They may be
complied with by the Applicant or by its proposed specialist subcontractor. If the key activity is to be
undertaken by a Specialist Subcontractor, the Employer shall require evidence of the subcontracting
agreement at the time of bidding.

Table B
Criteria Compliance Requirements Documents
Single Entity or its Joint Venture or
Specialist its Specialist Submission
Requirement Subcontractors Subcontractors Requirements
For the above or other contracts executed One must meet One must meet Form EXP – 2
requirement requirement
during the period stipulated in 4.1, a minimum
experience in the following key activities:
1. Design of airport runway, taxiways and apron
with the asphalt pavement works more than
200,000 sq. m and the concrete pavement
works more than 50,000 sq. m in area in one
contract or in one year;
2. Design of Air Traffic Control Tower (ATCT);
3. Design of aeronautical ground lighting (AGL)
4. Experience in Land Reclamation by filling
materials of 300,000 m3 in one Contract or in
one Year;
5. Experience in the construction of Armor
Stones of 20,000 m3 in one Contract or in
one Year;
6. Experience in the construction of Rubble
Stones of 70,000 m3 in one Contract or in
one Year;

Prequalification of Bidders
Section 4: Application Forms 4-1

Section 4: Application Forms

Table of Forms
Application Submission Sheet ......................................................................................................... 4-2

Form ELI - 1: Applicant Information Sheet .................................................................................... 4-5

Form ELI - 2: Joint Venture Information Sheet ............................................................................. 4-6

Form CON - 1: Historical Contract Nonperformance .................................................................... 4-7

Form FIN - 1: Historical Financial Performance ............................................................................ 4-8

Form FIN - 2: Average Annual Turnover ....................................................................................... 4-9

Form EXP - 1: Experience in Contracts of Similar Size and Nature ........................................... 4-10

Form EXP - 2: Experience in Key Activities ................................................................................ 4-12

Prequalification of Bidders
4-2 Section 4: Application Forms

Application Submission Sheet

The Applicant must accomplish the Application Submission Sheet in its letterhead clearly showing the Applicant’s
complete name and address.

Date: ..........................................
IFP No.: ..........................................
OCB No.: ..........................................

To: [insert complete name of the Employer]

We, the undersigned, apply to be prequalified for the referenced OCB and declare the following:

(a) We have examined and have no reservations to the Prequalification Document, including
addenda, issued in accordance with ITA 8.

(b) We, including any Subcontractors or Suppliers for any part of the contract resulting from this
prequalification process, if any, have nationalities from eligible countries, in accordance with ITA

(c) We, including any Subcontractors or Suppliers for any part of the contract resulting from this
prequalification process, if any, do not have any conflict of interest in accordance with ITA 4.3
and 4.4.

(d) Our firm, Joint Venture partners, associates, parent company, its affiliates or subsidiaries,
including any Subcontractors or Suppliers for any part of the contract, are not subject to, or not
controlled by any entity or individual that is subject to, a temporary suspension or a debarment
imposed by the Asian Development Bank or a debarment imposed by the Asian Development
Bank in accordance with the Agreement for Mutual Enforcement of Debarment Decisions
between the Asian Development Bank and other development banks.

(e) Our firm, Joint Venture partners, associates, parent company, affiliates or subsidiaries, including
any Subcontractors or Suppliers for any part of the Contract, are not, or have never been,
temporarily suspended, debarred, declared ineligible, or blacklisted by the Employer’s country,
any international organization, and other donor agency.

If so debarred, declared ineligible, temporarily suspended, or blacklisted, please state details (as
applicable to each Joint Venture partner, associate, parent company, affiliate, subsidiaries,
Subcontractors, and/or Suppliers):

(i) Name of Institution: __________________

(ii) Period of debarment, ineligibility, or blacklisting [start and end date]: ____________
(iii) Reason for the debarment, ineligibility, or blacklisting: ________________________

These institutions include African Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Inter-
American Development Bank (IADB), and the World Bank Group. According to paragraph 9 of the Agreement, other
international financial institutions may join upon the consent of all Participating Institutions and signature of a Letter of
Adherence by the international financial institution substantially in the form provided (Annex B to the Agreement). Upon
adherence, such international financial institution shall become a Participating Institution for purposes of the Agreement.
Bidders are advised to check for updates.

Prequalification of Bidders
Section 4: Application Forms 4-3

(f) Our firm’s, Joint Venture partners, associates, parent company’s affiliates or subsidiaries,
including any Subcontractors or Suppliers key officers and directors have not been [charged or
convicted] of any criminal offense (including felonies and misdemeanors) or infractions/violations
of ordinance which carry the penalty of imprisonment.

If so charged or convicted, please state details:

(i) Nature of the offense/violation: __________________

(ii) Court and/or area of jurisdiction: __________________
(iii) Resolution [i.e. dismissed; settled; or convicted; duration of penalty]: __________________
(iv) Other relevant details [please specify]: ______________

(g) We understand that it is our obligation to notify ADB should our firm, Joint Venture partners,
associates, parent company, affiliates or subsidiaries, including any Subcontractors or Suppliers,
be temporarily suspended, debarred or become ineligible to work with ADB or any other MDBs,
the Employer’s country, international organizations, and other donor agencies, or any of our key
officers and directors be charged or convicted of any criminal offense or infractions/violations of
ordinance which carry the penalty of imprisonment.

(h) Our firm, Joint Venture partners, associates, parent company, affiliates or subsidiaries, including
any Subcontractors or Suppliers, are not from a country which is prohibited to export goods to or
receive any payments from the Employer’s country by an act of compliance with a decision of the
United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.

(i) [We are not a government-owned enterprise/ / [We are a government-owned entity but meet the
requirements of ITA 4.6].

(j) We, in accordance with ITA 24.1, plan to subcontract the following key activities or parts of the
contract: .......................................................................................................................................... .

(k) We declare that the following commissions, gratuities, or fees have been paid or are to be paid
with respect to the prequalification process:

Name of Recipient Address Reason Amount

.................................................. ................................................ ...................................... ..........................
.................................................. ................................................ ...................................... ......................... .

(l) We understand that you may cancel the prequalification process at any time and that you are not
bound either to accept any Application that you may receive or to invite the prequalified
Applicants to bid for the contract subject of this prequalification, without incurring any liability to
the Applicants, in accordance with ITA 26.

(m) We agree to permit ADB or its representative to inspect our accounts and records and other
documents relating to the Application for prequalification and to have them audited by auditors
appointed by ADB.

Use one of the two options as appropriate.
If none has been paid or is to be paid, indicate “None.”

Prequalification of Bidders
4-4 Section 4: Application Forms

(n) We understand that any misrepresentation that knowingly or recklessly misleads, or attempts to
mislead may lead to the automatic rejection of the Application for prequalification, or the Bid or
cancellation of the contract, if awarded, and may result in remedial actions, in accordance with
ADB’s Anticorruption Policy (1998, as amended to date) and Integrity Principles and Guidelines
(2015, as amended from time to time).

Name: [insert complete name of the person signing the application]

In the capacity of [insert legal capacity of the person signing the application]
Signed: [insert signature of the person whose name and capacity are shown above]
Duly authorized to sign the Application for and on behalf of [insert complete name of the applicant]
Date: [insert date of signing]

Prequalification of Bidders
Section 4: Application Forms 4-5

Form ELI – 1: Applicant Information Sheet

Date: .........................................
IFP No.: .........................................
OCB No.: .........................................
Page .............. of ............ pages

Applicant Information

Applicant’s legal name

In case of a Joint Venture,

legal name of each partner

Applicant’s actual or
intended country of

Applicant’s actual or Intended

year of constitution

Applicant’s legal address in

country of constitution

Applicant’s authorized
(name, address, telephone
number(s), fax number(s), e-
mail address)

Attached are copies of the following documents:

 1. In case of a single entity, articles of incorporation or constitution of the legal entity named above, in accordance with ITA 4.1 and
ITA 4.2.

 2. Authorization to represent the firm or Joint Venture named above, in accordance with ITA 15.3.

 3. In case of a Joint Venture, a letter of intent to form a Joint Venture or Joint Venture agreement, in accordance with ITA 4.1.

 4. In case of a government-owned enterprise, any additional documents not covered under 1 above required to comply with ITA 4.6.

Prequalification of Bidders
4-6 Section 4: Application Forms

Form ELI – 2: Joint Venture Information Sheet

Date: ..........................................
IFP No.: ..........................................
OCB No.: ..........................................
Page .............. of ............. pages

Each member of the Joint Venture and Specialist Subcontractor, if any, must fill out this form

Joint Venture / Specialist Subcontractor Information

Applicant’s legal name

Joint Venture Partner’s or

Specialist Subcontractor’s
legal name

Joint Venture Partner’s or

Specialist Subcontractor’s
country of constitution

Joint Venture Partner’s or

Specialist Subcontractor’s
year of constitution

Joint Venture Partner’s or

Specialist Subcontractor’s
legal address in country of

Joint Venture Partner’s or

Specialist Subcontractor’s
authorized representative
(name, address, telephone
number(s), fax number(s), e-
mail address)
Attached are copies of the following documents:

 1. Articles of incorporation or constitution of the legal entity named above, in accordance with ITA 4.1 and ITA 4.2.

 2. Authorization to represent the firm named above, in accordance with ITA 15.3.

 3. In the case of a government-owned enterprise, documents establishing legal and financial autonomy and compliance with
commercial law, in accordance with ITA 4.6.

 4. In case of Specialist Subcontractors as per ITA 24.2 a formal intent to enter into an agreement in the form of a letter jointly
signed by the Applicant and the Specialist Subcontractor.

Prequalification of Bidders
Section 4: Application Forms 4-7

Form CON – 1: Historical Contract Nonperformance

Date: .........................................
IFP No.: .........................................
OCB No.: .........................................
Page .............. of ............ pages

Each Applicant must fill out this form in accordance with Criteria 2.1 and 2.2 of Section 3
(Qualification Criteria) to describe any history of nonperforming contracts and pending litigation or
arbitration formally commenced against it.

In case of a Joint Venture, each Joint Venture Partner must fill out this form separately and provide
the Joint Venture Partner’s name:

Joint Venture Partner: ___________________________

Table 1: History of Nonperforming Contracts

Choose one of the following:

 No nonperforming contracts.

 Below is a description of nonperforming contracts involving the Applicant (or each Joint Venture
member if Applicant is a Joint Venture).

Year Description Amount of Total Contract

Nonperformed Amount ($
Portion of equivalent)
Contract ($

[insert Contract Identification: [indicate complete contract name/

[insert amount] [insert amount]
number, and any other identification]
Name of Employer: [insert full name]
Address of Employer: [insert street/city/country]

Reason(s) for nonperformance: [indicate main reason(s)]

Prequalification of Bidders
4-8 Section 4: Application Forms

Form FIN – 1: Historical Financial Performance

Date: ..........................................
IFP No.: ..........................................
OCB No.: ..........................................
Page .............. of ............. pages

Each Applicant must fill out this form.

In case of a Joint Venture, each Joint Venture Partner must fill out this form separately and provide
the Joint Venture Partner’s name:
Joint Venture Partner: ___________________________
Financial Data for Previous Four (4) Years [$ Equivalent]
Year 2017 Year 2018 Year 2019 Year 2020

Information from Balance Sheet

Total Assets (TA)

Total Liabilities (TL)

Net Worth = TA – TL

Current Assets (CA)

Current Liabilities (CL)

Working Capital = CA -

Most Recent Working

Information from Income Statement

Total Revenues

Profits Before Taxes

Profits After Taxes

 Attached are copies of financial statements (balance sheets including all related notes, and income statements) for the last four (4)
years, as indicated above, complying with the following conditions.
 Unless otherwise required by Section 3 (Qualification Criteria), all such documents must reflect the financial situation of the
legal entity or entities comprising the Applicant and not the Applicant’s parent companies, subsidiaries, or affiliates.
 Historical financial statements must be audited by a certified accountant.
 Historical financial statements must be complete, including all notes to the financial statements.

 Historical financial statements must correspond to accounting periods already completed and audited (no statements for
partial periods shall be requested or accepted).

Prequalification of Bidders
Section 4: Application Forms 4-9

Form FIN – 2: Average Annual Turnover

Date: .........................................
IFP No.: .........................................
OCB No.: .........................................
Page .............. of ............ pages

Each Applicant must fill out this form.

The information supplied should be the Annual Turnover of the Applicant or each member of a Joint
Venture in terms of the amounts billed to clients for each year for work in progress or completed,
converted to US dollars at the rate of exchange at the end of the period reported.
In case of a Joint Venture, each Joint Venture Partner must fill out this form separately and provide
the Joint Venture Partner’s name:
Joint Venture Partner: ___________________

Annual Turnover Data for the Last Four (4) Years

Amount Exchange $
Currency Rate Equivalent





Average Annual Turnover

Prequalification of Bidders
4-10 Section 4: Application Forms

Form EXP – 1: Experience in Contracts of Similar Size And Nature

Date: ..........................................
IFP No.: ..........................................
OCB No.: ..........................................
Page .............. of ............. pages
Fill out one (1) form per contract.

The exchange rate to be used to calculate the value of the contract for conversion to a specific
currency shall be the selling rate of the Borrower’s national bank on the date of the contract.

Contract of Similar Size and Nature

Contract No . . . . . . of . . . . . . Contract

Award Date Completion Date

Role in Contract
 Contractor  Management Contractor  Subcontractor

Total Contract Amount $

If partner in a Joint Venture or Subcontractor, Percent of Total Amount

specify participation of total contract amount

Employer’s name
Telephone number
Fax number

Prequalification of Bidders
Section 4: Application Forms 4-11

Contract of Similar Size and Nature

Description of the Similarity in Accordance with Criterion 4.1 of Section 3 (Qualification
1. Participation as a contractor,
Joint Venture partner, or Subcontractor, in
at least two Airport Design-Build contracts
including design & construction/
improvement of airport facilities such as
runway, taxiway and/or apron" that have
been successfully or substantially
completed within the last ten (10) years
and that are similar to the proposed
facilities, where the value of the
Applicant’s participation under each
contract exceeds US$ 93,000,000.00
(ninety-three million United States Dollars).
The similarity of the Applicant’s
participation shall be based on physical
size, nature of works, complexity,
methods, technology, or other
characteristics as described in Section 6
(Scope of Contract).
2a. Participation as a designer, in at
least two Airport Design contracts
including design of airport facilities such as
runway, taxiway and/or apron that have
been successfully or substantially
completed within the last ten (10) years
and that are similar to the proposed
facilities, where the value of the
Applicant’s participation under each
contract exceeds US$ 5,000,000.00 (five
million United States Dollars. The similarity
of the Applicant’s participation shall be
based on physical size, nature of works,
complexity, methods, technology, or other
characteristics as described in Section 6
(Scope of Contract).

2b. Participation as a contractor, Joint

Venture partner, or Subcontractor, in at
least two Airport Construction contracts
including construction or improvement of
airport facilities such as runway, taxiway
and/or apron" that have been successfully
or substantially completed within the last
ten (10) years and that are similar to the
proposed facilities, where the value of the
Applicant’s participation under each
contract exceeds US$ 90,000,000.00
(ninety million United States Dollars). The
similarity of the Applicant’s participation
shall be based on physical size, nature of
works, complexity, methods, technology, or
other characteristics as described in
Section 6 (Scope of Contract).

Prequalification of Bidders
4-12 Section 4: Application Forms

Form EXP – 2: Experience in Key Activities

Date: ..........................................
IFP No.: ..........................................
OCB No.: ..........................................
Page of ............................ pages

Fill out one (1) form per contract.

Each Applicant must fill out this form.

If complied by Specialist Subcontractors, each Specialist Subcontractor must fill out this form and
provide the Specialist Subcontractor’s name:
Specialist Subcontractor: ____________________

Contract with Similar Key Activities

Contract No . . . . . . of . . . . . .

Award Date Completion Date

Role in Contract  Contractor  Management Contractor  Subcontractor

Total Contract Amount $

If partner in a Joint Venture or Subcontractor, Percent of

specify participation of total contract amount Total

Employer’s name
Telephone number
Fax number

Prequalification of Bidders
Section 4: Application Forms 4-13

Contract with Similar Key Activities

Description of Key Activities in Accordance with Criterion 4.2 of Section 3
(Qualification Criteria)
1. Design, supply, installation,
construction, testing & commissioning of
Air Traffic Control Tower; OR

Supply, installation, construction, testing

& commissioning of Air Traffic Control

2. Design, supply, installation,

construction, testing & commissioning of
aeronautical ground lighting (AGL)
system; OR

Supply, installation, construction, testing

& commissioning of aeronautical ground
lighting (AGL) system;

3. Experience in Land Reclamation by

filling materials of 300,000 m3 in one
Contract or in one Year;

4. Experience in the construction of Armor

Stones of 20,000 m3 in one Contract or
in one Year;

5. Experience in the construction of

Rubble Stones of 70,000 m3 in one
Contract or in one Year;

1. Design of airport runway, taxiways and

apron with the asphalt pavement works
more than 200,000 sq. m and the
concrete pavement works more than
50,000 sq. m in area in one contract or
in one year"

2. Design of Air Traffic Control Tower


3. Design of aeronautical ground lighting

(AGL) system;

4. Experience in Land Reclamation by

filling materials of 300,000 m3 in one
Contract or in one Year;

5. Experience in the construction of Armor

Stones of 20,000 m3 in one Contract or
in one Year;

6. Experience in the construction of

Rubble Stones of 70,000 m3 in one
Contract or in one Year;

Prequalification of Bidders
Section 5: Eligible Countries 5-1

Section 5: Eligible Countries

No. Regional Members No. Non - Regional Members
1 Afghanistan 1 Austria
2 Armenia 2 Belgium
3 Australia 3 Canada
4 Azerbaijan 4 Denmark
5 Bangladesh 5 Finland
6 Bhutan 6 France
7 Brunei Darussalam 7 Germany
8 Cambodia 8 Ireland
9 Cook Islands 9 Italy
10 Federated States of Micronesia 10 Luxembourg
11 Fiji 11 The Netherlands
12 Georgia 12 Norway
13 Hong Kong, China 13 Portugal
14 India 14 Spain
15 Indonesia 15 Sweden
16 Japan 16 Switzerland
17 Kazakhstan 17 Turkey
18 Kiribati 18 United Kingdom
19 Kyrgyz Republic 19 United States
20 Lao People's Democratic Republic
21 Malaysia
22 Maldives
23 Marshall Islands
24 Mongolia
25 Myanmar
26 Nauru
27 Nepal
28 New Zealand
29 Niue
30 Pakistan
31 Palau
32 Papua New Guinea
33 People's Republic of China
34 Philippines
35 Republic of Korea
36 Samoa
37 Singapore
38 Solomon Islands
39 Sri Lanka
40 Taipei, China
41 Tajikistan
42 Thailand
43 Timor-Leste
44 Tonga
45 Turkmenistan
46 Tuvalu
47 Uzbekistan
48 Vanuatu
49 Viet Nam

Prequalification of Bidders
Section 6: Scope of Contract 6-1

Section 6: Scope of Contract

Table of Contents
1. Requirements ............................................................................................................................... 6-2
1.1. Brief Description of the Scope ................................................................................................ 6-3
1.2. Major Contract Components................................................................................................... 6-4
1.3. Estimated Quantities of Major Components ........................................................................... 6-7
1.4. Methods Required .................................................................................................................. 6-8
1.5. Key Personnel and Key Equipment ........................................................................................ 6-8
1.6. Contract Implementation Period ............................................................................................. 6-8

2. Supplementary Information ........................................................................................................ 6-8

2.1. Project Country ....................................................................................................................... 6-8
2.2. Contract Site ........................................................................................................................... 6-9
2.3. Applicable Conditions of Contract .......................................................................................... 6-9

3. Facilities to Be Provided by the Employer................................................................................ 6-9

4. Environmental and Social (ES) Requirement…………………………………………………6-10

Prequalification of Bidders
6-2 Section 6: Scope of Contract

1. Requirements

The Government of Timor-Leste (GoTL) requested ADB to support the preparation of the PNLIA
(Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport) Expansion Project in view of an ADB loan to
implement the Project. The PNLIA (Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport) located in Dili, the
capital of Timor-Leste.

PNLIA Location Map

Figure: NK FS Report - The Scope of Contract documented in this Section 6 is derived from NK Feasibility Report

The Government of Timor-Leste (GoTL) wants to conduct a competitive bidding process to select a
qualified and experienced Design-Build Contractor to Design and Build the extension of the Runway
from 1,850m to 2,100m, Taxiways, Apron, Air Traffic Control Tower, Aeronautical Ground Lighting
System and other key airport facilities at the PNLIA (Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport)
located in Dili, the capital of Timor-Leste.

The procurement of PNLIA Expansion Project will be conducted through the procedures as specified
in the ADB’s Procurement Policy (2017, as amended from time to time) and Procurement Regulations
for ADB Borrowers for Goods, Works, Non-consulting and Consulting Services (2017, as amended
from time to time) and is open to all eligible firms from ADB’s Members Countries as defined in the
Procurement Regulations.

Background: The Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport (PNLIA) has an existing runway of
1,850 meters in length with a pavement width of 30m. The runway can accommodate Code C
aircrafts such as B737 and A320, but operations of these aircrafts are under significant restrictions on
payload because the length of the runway is short. The existing runway also does not have the ICAO
specified Runway End Safety Areas (RESA), which is at least 90m long and required for safe
aerodrome operation. These two issues pose challenges in route development of the PNLIA for better
air connectivity of the country because airlines have to take into consideration commercial penalty by
operating with reduced passenger load factors (i.e., less seat occupied) and consider extra safety
The current Air Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) is also in poor condition and does not fully meet the
requirements even for the existing runway. The current Air Traffic Service (ATS) is becoming an
extremely inefficient operation due to the vulnerable ground infrastructure in Timor-Leste. The ATC

Prequalification of Bidders
Section 6: Scope of Contract 6-3

services are in a marginal situation (belonging to red color zone) to comply with the Seamless ATM
Horizontal Separation Standards.
The aeronautical lighting systems in the PNLIA do not work appropriately due to existing runway edge
lights, runway threshold lights, runway end lights, and taxiway edge lights broke down, the existing
two circuits, which supply electricity to runway edge lights, runway threshold lights, runway end lights,
and taxiway edge lights, have already deteriorated and do not work and Constant Current Regulator
(CCR), which is used to provide to aeronautical lighting systems, broke down.
Implementation Arrangements: The project will be implemented under the oversight of the Inter-
ministerial Commission (IMC). The Executing Agency will be the Council for the Administration of the
Infrastructure Fund (CAFI) and the Key Implementing Agency will be the MOTC. The government will
establish the IPMU (Implementation Unit) under the authority of the members of the IMC responsible
for the project that will be in charge of project monitoring and reporting of all development partners
involved in the PNLIA development and will report to IMC.
The IPMU will undertake the day-to-day project management and assist the National Procurement
Commission (NPC) with the preparation of bidding documents for Design-Build contract and terms of
reference for consultants’ services. The NPC will procure the Design-Build contract using open
competitive bidding, and recruit the Project Management Company (PMC) and Construction
Supervision Consultant (CSC).
The Project Management Company (PMC) will work under and for the IPMU in project
implementation and interface management amongst various contractors and stakeholders of the
airport development including JICA, and operations and maintenance (O&M) Public-Private
Partnership (PPP) concessionaire. It will coordinate with the Construction Supervision Consultant
(CSC) which will assist the IPMU in construction supervision.

1.1 Brief Description of the Scope (Design and Build)

The PNLIA Expansion Project mainly includes, but not limited to the Design and Build (DB) of the
following activities.
1. Design & Build the extension of the existing runway to 2,100 m inclusive of a minimum
Runway End Safety Area (RESA) length of 90 m on each side (as per ICAO SARPs Code 4);
Figure: Project Boundary

Prequalification of Bidders
6-4 Section 6: Scope of Contract

Source: NK Report

2. Design & Build of Taxiways (as per ICAO - Code C);

3. Design & Build of Apron (Code B: 3 spots, Code C: 3 spots, Code E: 1 spot);
4. Supply, installation, construction, testing & commissioning of Air Traffic Control Tower(for
ADS-B operations and systems);

5. Supply, installation, construction, testing & commissioning of aeronautical ground lighting

(AGL) system "as per ICAO Annex-14";

6. Other ancillary facilities;

The construction of the passenger terminal and power house is not included in the scope of
this DB contract.

1.2 Major Contract Components

The followings are the major components of the Design & Build of PNLIA Expansion Project. The
below components are indicative and only serve the purpose for the basic understandings of the
Applicants for the said project.

 Mobilization/Demobilization of Construction Equipment, Personnel & Materials;
 Site Establishment, Temporary Services, Survey, Security, Safety and Environmental


 Rubble/Armor Stone including underwater leveling

Prequalification of Bidders
Section 6: Scope of Contract 6-5

 Placing of Geofabric Sheets

 Manufacturing and Placing of Concrete Block (Tetrapod)
 L-shape Wall including Re-bars, Formworks and Concrete
 Land Reclamation including Fill Material Supply

 Demolition of Existing Housing, Building, Structures
 Cutting Tree
 Clearing and Grubbing
 Excavation
 Filling (Excavated Material/ Borrow Soil)

 Trapezoidal rubble pitching channel (various sizes);
 Pipe Culvert(various sizes)
 Revised Triangle Drain (various sizes)
 Box Culvert (various sizes)
 U-ditch (various sizes) with grating

New Runway Pavement (Central, Taper Part & Outside Edge)
 Asphaltic Surface course & Binder course & Base Course (various thickness)
 Tack coat & Prime coat
 Aggregate Base course & Sub-base Course (various thickness)
 Subgrade Preparation
Runway Pavement Upgrade - Center Part
 Asphaltic Surface course & Binder course (various thickness)
 Tack coat
Runway Pavement Upgrade - Taper Part (Outside edge)
 Asphaltic Surface course
 Tack coat
New Turn Pad Pavement - 26 side
 Surface concrete
 Prime coat
 Aggregate Base course
 Subgrade Preparation
New Turn Pad Pavement - 08 side

Prequalification of Bidders
6-6 Section 6: Scope of Contract

 Asphaltic Surface course, Binder course, Base course (various thickness)

 Tack coat & Prime coat
 Aggregate Base course, Sub-base
 Subgrade Preparation
Turn Pad Pavement Upgrade - 08 side
 Asphaltic Surface course Binder course (various thickness)
 Tack coat
Taxiway Pavement
 Asphaltic Surface course & Binder course & Base Course (various thickness)
 Tack coat & Prime coat
 Aggregate Base course & Sub-base Course (various thickness)
 Subgrade (Soil improvement)
Apron Pavement
 Surface concrete
 Prime coat
 Cement Treated Base course
 Subgrade (Soil improvement)
Shoulder Pavement
 Asphaltic Surface course
 Prime coat
 Aggregate Base course Sub-base (various thickness)
 Subgrade (Soil improvement)
GSE Yard
 Portland Cement Concrete Pavement
 Prime coat
 Cement Treated Base course
 Subgrade (Soil improvement)
GSE Road
 Asphaltic Surface course & Binder course (various thickness)
 Tack coat & Prime coat
 Aggregate Base course
 Subgrade (Soil improvement)
Perimeter Road and Community Road
 Asphaltic Surface course
 Prime coat
 Aggregate Base course & Sub-base (various thickness)

Prequalification of Bidders
Section 6: Scope of Contract 6-7

 Subgrade Preparation


 General Building Work
 Tower Work
 Miscellaneous Work
 Landscape Work
 Substation Works for Tower and Lighting System


 Apron Flood Light
 Aerodrome Beacon
 AFL Control Panel

 Tower Console
 Communication Console System (CCS) Note: VHF, UHF, L/L (land line)
 Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) VHF DL
 Antenna Tower (Tx/Rx)
 WRU (Weather Report Unit) display
 AMHS and AIS
 Telecommunication Link
 Other Equipment and Supplies
 Airport Weather Observation System (AWOS)

 Security Fence (not including Boundary Fence)

Prequalification of Bidders
6-8 Section 6: Scope of Contract

1.3 Estimated Quantities of Major Components

The design and the quantities calculation of the PNLIA Expansion Project will be done by the winning
Contractor. Therefore, no comprehensive details of quantities will be provided.

However, in order to enable Prequalified Bidders to submit responsive bids and, subsequently, for the
bids received to be evaluated in an equitable manner, the Employer will issue the details of the
indicative quantities of works estimated on the basis of the Front End Engineering Design (FEED) at
the time of Bidding.

Selection of Project Management Consultant (PMC) is underway, PMC will assist Integrated Project
Management Unit (IPMU) in preparation of FEED. Details of the indicative quantities / drawings in the
bidding document will be based on FEED Study, not the quantities provided in Feasibility Study".

1.4 Methods Required

The Design Build Contractor acts as a single point of responsibility for the Design and the
Construction of over all parts of PNLIA Expansion Project.

The DB Contractor is contractually bound to meet design and construction standards and the
Employer requires faster delivery of the project.
The DB arrangements of PNLIA Expansion Project do not require the Contractor to finance the
project and the financing rests with the Employer.

1.5 Key Personnel and Key Equipment

The Bidder’s capacity to mobilize the key personnel and key equipment for the Contract consistent
with its proposal regarding work methods, scheduling, and material sourcing in sufficient detail and
fully in accordance with the requirements that will be stipulated in the Bidding Document and will be
assessed during bid evaluation and rectification prior to the award of the Contract to the successful

1.6 Contract Implementation Period

The Contract Implementation Period of Design Build Contract of PNLIA Expansion Project will be 32
months from the date of Notice to Proceed (NTP) issued by the Employer and up to the completion of
the contract.

2. Supplementary Information
2.1 Project Country

The PNLIA Expansion Project will be executed in the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the
governing law of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste will be applicable at the contract of the
PNLIA Expansion Project.

The governing law of Timor-Leste has the principles of freedom of contract, and of legal force of
contractual obligations, enshrined in the law.

Prequalification of Bidders
Section 6: Scope of Contract 6-9

2.2 Contract Site Data

Design Standard
International standard such as ICAO, IATA and FAA.

Timor-Leste has a hot tropical climate with a dry season (May-November), and a wet season
(December-April). The temperature on the coast is usually between 25-35 degrees.

PNLIA area has a downward slope from southeast to northwest as a general feature of topography.
The existing runway has an uphill slope of 0.18% over a length of about 1,400 m from the 08-side
runway threshold and uphill slope of 0.12% over a length of about 200 m from the 26-side runway

Dili area is located on metamorphic rocks.

Access to site
About 5km from Nicolau Lobato Presidential Palace

2.3 Applicable Conditions of Contract

The Conditions of Contract of FIDIC Plant and Design-Build Contract 2nd Ed (2017 Yellow Book)
will be applied during the execution of the Contract.

3. Facilities to Be Provided by the Employer

 The Employer may provide local liaison officers, who will liaise with local communities and
landowners on matters concerning the construction activities.

 The Employer may assign personnel to the DB Contractor from time to time for training and
experience purposes. The DB Contractor shall use its best endeavors in ensuring that
appropriate exposure of such personnel to all aspects of the assignment is provided.

 The Employer may assistance to DB Contractor staffs on matters pertaining to work visas.

 The Employer may provide only the winning contractor the following inputs, project data and
reports to facilitate preparation of the Detailed Engineering Design.

 Feasibility Study for PNLIA Expansion Project

 Front End Engineering Design (FEED) Study for PNLIA Expansion Project

The DB Contractor shall provide and maintain a reasonably furnished site office and accommodation
near the Project Area for the Construction Supervision Consultant during the Construction Period.

Prequalification of Bidders
6-10 Section 6: Scope of Contract

4. Environmental and Social (ES) Requirement

Prequalification of Bidders
Environmental Management Plan
for Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport Expansion
Project, Timor-Leste

1. Introduction
1. The EMP provides the overall Project environmental management framework. It provides
summary information of the types of impacts. the required mitigation, monitoring measures, their
implementation arrangements and reporting requirements.

2. Environmental Management Plans

2. The following tables provide the environmental mitigation and observational monitoring for
the Project during the design, pre-construction / construction and operational phases.

3. Table 1 and Table 2 also indicates mitigation costs. Most costs associated with the
environmental recommendations of the EMP are a normal part of preparing the bid and contract
documents and ensuring that proper environmental provisions are incorporated therein. Waste
containers, for example, is an environmental necessity, but not generally considered an “environmental
cost”. These items are listed as ‘part of DB Contractors general construction costs’. Other items
which do not necessarily involve a specific cost, e.g., siting a potentially polluting piece of equipment
away from a sensitive receptor is listed as ‘no additional cost’.

Table 1: Design Phase EMP
Topic Impact / Mitigation Commitment Cost Implementation Monitoring
Issue Ref. # Responsibility Responsibility
Sediment Discharge D-ST-01 Designs shall ensure that discharge water is constructed with 0.2m USD DB Contractor CSC to review
Transport water effective measures to limit erosion at the discharge point on the designs.
and Coastal coastline. The designs shall be based in maximum discharges
Erosion anticipated by the Project CVRA report
Sediment D-ST-02 Further assessment of the sediment transport mitigation shall Included in DB Contractor CSC to review
Transport be undertaken. Construction works for land reclamation will Design costs. designs.
not start before finalization of the three-dimensional modelling
and the effectiveness of the proposed mitigation measures (i.e.,
culvert, physical transfer of sediments from west to east side.)
has been confirmed, or revision of mitigation measures if
D-ST-03 Sediment Culvert. 0.89m USD DB Contractor CSC
Geohazards Seismicity D-GH-01 All buildings should be constructed according to national Part of Detailed DB Contractor CSC to review
building codes incorporating the relevant standards relating to Design. designs.
seismic events.
Tsunami D-GH-02 Critical airport infrastructure be designed to ensure they are Part of Detailed DB Contractor CSC to review
safe from inundation. Design. designs.
Climate Overtopping D-CC-01 Include an additional 40cm of additional crest height over that 1.26m USD DB Contractor CSC
Change revetment initially planned to ensure that storm surges and waves do not
overtop the reclaimed area of the airport.
Drainage D-CC-02 Discharge capacity of the drainage will be provided so that the 0.16m USD DB Contractor CSC
calculated capacity will be available with about 80% of full flow
capacity in consideration of climate change
D-CC-03 Storm drainage system will be built to a 1 in 10-year return DB Contractor CSC
period with a rainfall intensity of 44 mm/hour
D-CC-04 Estimated sea level rise of 42cm above current levels will be Part of Detailed DB Contractor CSC to review
considered for design of drainage outfalls into the sea to allow Design. No extra designs.
for higher water levels cost.
Biodiversity Disturbance D-BIO-01 Minimize marine construction activities in the peak cetacean No extra cost. DB Contractor CSC
of marine migration season, by starting marine construction activities in
species February and finishing in/before August the next year.
Land Use Land D-LU-01 The LARP will be updated during the detailed design phase by Cost borne by GoTL ADB
Acquisition GoTL. GoTL

Noise Underwater D-NV-02 Minimize marine construction activities in the peak cetacean No additional DB Contractor CSC
noise migration season. cost
Community Airport D-CHS-01 The airport shall be designed respecting all relevant Part of Detailed DB Contractor CSC to review
Health and safety international safety codes for airports, specifically ICAO, Annex Design. designs.
Safety 14 Volume 1 Aerodrome Design and Operations (Eighth
Edition, July 2018)

Table 2: Pre-construction / Construction Phase EMP

Topic Impact / Mitigation Commitment Cost Implementation Monitoring
Issue Ref. # Responsibility Responsibility
Air Quality Management C-SEMP-02 Prepare and implement a Pollution Prevention Plan Part of DB DB Contractor CSC and IPMU
Planning Contractors to review and
normal costs approve plan
Energy Supply C-AQ-01 Energy requirements for construction camps should be supplied 0.25m USD DB Contractor CSC
via renewable solar power energy. These can easily be placed on
the roofs of camp facilities and could easily be transferred to
PNLIA after completion of the construction phase
C-AQ-02 Low emissions, energy efficient generators are now available on 50,000 per DB Contractor CSC
the market that comply with EU Stage V (Regulation 2016/1628) unit
emissions standard for non-road mobile machinery.
Siting of C-AQ-04 Stationary emission sources, if used (e.g., portable generators, No additional DB Contractor CSC
facilities and compressors, etc.) shall be positioned as far as is practical from cost
equipment sensitive receptors including those located adjacent to the
airport boundary. At a minimum generator should be more than
50m from receptors.
Release of C-AQ-05 Equipment and vehicles will be regularly maintained in No additional DB Contractor CSC
Exhaust Gases accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations to cost
maximize fuel efficiency and help minimize emissions.
C-AQ-06 Preferentially the Project will use fuel that has low sulfur content No additional DB Contractor CSC
of 0.1%, where practical and available within Timor-Leste. cost
C-AQ-07 Controlled or uncontrolled burning of waste will not be allowed. No additional DB Contractor CSC
C-AQ-08 Requirements of site vehicles to ensure no black smoke before No additional DB Contractor CSC
entering site and that any identified machinery or vehicles with cost
black smoke will require maintenance and re-assessment before
it is returned.

Topic Impact / Mitigation Commitment Cost Implementation Monitoring
Issue Ref. # Responsibility Responsibility
Dust C-AQ-09 Dust control measures will be implemented on the main access Costs DB Contractor CSC
roads within the airport boundary and to 500 m from the main associated
work site entrance. with rental of
C-AQ-10 Carry out watering for dust control at least once every two water DB Contractor CSC
hours on access road locations: in dry weather with bowsers,
temperatures of over 25°, or in windy weather. assume 1,000
USD per
week. 104,000
C-AQ-11 Vehicle movements will be restricted to defined access routes No additional DB Contractor CSC
and demarcated working areas (unless in the event of an cost
C-AQ-12 A strict Project speed limit of 30km/hr will be enforced for No additional DB Contractor CSC
Project vehicles using unmade tracks and within Project cost
construction zones.
C-AQ-13 Vehicles carrying fine aggregate materials will be sheeted to help No additional DB Contractor CSC
prevent dust blow and spillages. cost.
should be
standard of
C-AQ-14 Earthwork operation will be suspended when the wind speed No additional DB Contractor CSC
exceeds 20 km/h in areas. cost
Odor C-AQ-15 Adequate and sufficient sanitary facilities for site workers must Portable DB Contractor CSC
be provided. toilets. Ten at
500 USD per
unit. 5,000
USD total
C-AQ-16 Effective cleaning and maintenance of toilets to be undertaken No additional DB Contractor CSC
to avoid odor dispersion and cleaning records/inspection sheets cost
displayed in the toilets.
C-AQ-17 All septic tanks must be sealed and fully functioning. Camp septic DB Contractor CSC
tank. 50,000
C-AQ-18 Septic tanks must be operated and maintained according to No additional DB Contractor CSC
manufacturer recommendations. cost

Topic Impact / Mitigation Commitment Cost Implementation Monitoring
Issue Ref. # Responsibility Responsibility
C-AQ-19 Sanitary waste will be removed from site by licensed contractors Waste DB Contractor CSC
and disposed in waste treatment facilities approved by the local removal costs
government. part of general
C-AQ-20 Ensure all fuel storage areas are at least 50 m downwind from No additional DB Contractor CSC
any residential property. cost
VOCs C-AQ-21 Hazardous materials stored and used on site with potential gas Storage area DB Contractor CSC
emissions (e.g., Volatile Organic Compounds) will be located in and
well-ventilated, but secure low-risk areas, away from major containers.
transport routes and away from the site boundary (where 5,000 USD.
C-AQ-22 Volatile fuels and chemicals (including hazardous wastes) will be DB Contractor CSC
stored in sealed containers. On site storage of large quantities
of volatile fuels will be avoided, equally prolonged exposure to
direct sun and heat will be avoided.
C-AQ-23 Fires and material burning will not be allowed on the Project No additional DB Contractor CSC
site. cost
C-AQ-24 Chemical storage areas will be purpose built and well As above for DB Contractor CSC
maintained. A data log of all chemicals with MSDSs will be C-AQ-21
provided at the storage facility within easy access.
Surface water Management C-SEMP-02 Prepare and implement a Pollution Prevention Plan Part of DB DB Contractor CSC and IPMU
Planning Contractors to review and
normal costs approve plan
Water Quality C-SW-01 Direct discharge of domestic wastewater from camps into the No additional DB Contractor CSC
Comoro river will be prohibited. cost
C-SW-02 Domestic wastewater from camps will be stored and Waste DB Contractor CSC
transported to water treatment works or treated through a removal costs
dedicated site sewage water treatment plant before discharge to part of general
ground or surface water. construction
C-SW-03 Concrete batching (if required) will be sited at least 50m away No additional DB Contractor CSC
from the Comoro river; wash pits to be lined with an cost
impermeable liner.

Topic Impact / Mitigation Commitment Cost Implementation Monitoring
Issue Ref. # Responsibility Responsibility
C-SW-04 Direct discharge of wastewater from concrete batching plant to No additional DB Contractor CSC
the Comoro river will be prohibited (if sited at PNLIA). cost
Wastewater from the plant should be neutralized.
C-SW-05 No hazardous liquids or waste materials will be stored within No additional DB Contractor CSC
100m of the Comoro river. cost
C-SW-06 Disposal of waste materials into the river, including waste No additional DB Contractor CSC
asphalt and concrete (wet and dry) will be prohibited. Any cost
construction waste in the riverbed will be removed immediately.
C-SW-07 Treated wastewater will be used for damping down road No additional DB Contractor CSC
surfaces to mitigate dust generation on access roads. cost
C-SW-08 Domestic sewage from camps will be stored and transported to Waste DB Contractor CSC
water treatment works or treated through a dedicated site removal costs
sewage water treatment plant before discharge to ground or part of general
surface water. construction
C-SW-09 All wastewater discharges will be in compliance with the national Waste DB Contractor CSC
standards. removal costs
part of general
C-SW-10 Construction camps will be located at least 200m from the No additional DB Contractor CSC
Comoro river. cost
Coastal Water Management C-SEMP-02 Prepare and implement a Pollution Prevention Plan Part of DB DB Contractor CSC and IPMU
Planning Contractors to review and
normal costs approve plan
Water C-CW-01 Routine maintenance of construction equipment according to No additional DB Contractor CSC
pollution manufacturer’s specifications. cost
C-CW-02 No storage of hazardous liquids within 50m of coastal areas. No additional DB Contractor CSC
Sediment C-CW-03 Where practical works relating to placement of the base of the No additional DB Contractor CSC
Plume rubble wall on the seabed to coincide with the period of the year cost
where dominant current is west – east.
C-CW-04 Ensure that the area of seabed disturbed does not extend any No additional DB Contractor CSC
further than that required in the detailed design in order to cost
minimize the footprint of the revetment and reclaimed area.

Topic Impact / Mitigation Commitment Cost Implementation Monitoring
Issue Ref. # Responsibility Responsibility
C-CW-05 As far as practical, rubble should be free of earth and sand before No additional DB Contractor CSC
it is placed into the water cost
C-CW-06 Geotextile will be placed on the inside wall of the rubble mound Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
to reduce sedimentation via the reclaimed land fill material Contractors
(sand). general
C-CW-07 Silt Curtain installed around the work zone. 80,000 USD DB Contractor CSC
C-CW-08 The silt curtain shall be type III. No additional DB Contractor CSC
C-CW-09 The DB Contractor shall select an experienced silt curtain No additional DB Contractor CSC
manufacturer to design and install the most appropriate type of cost
silt curtain that provides at least 75% effectiveness.
C-CW-10 Routine maintenance of the curtain shall be undertaken in No additional DB Contractor CSC
accordance with manufacturers specifications. cost
C-CW-11 If at any time the silt curtain fails works will cease until the No additional DB Contractor CSC
curtain is repaired to the satisfaction of the CSC. cost
C-CW-12 To prevent impacts from reclamation area two temporary 5,000 USD per DB Contractor CSC
spillways will be placed at the locations shown in the figure spillway
below. The spillways will be constructed to prevent high levels
of silts in the reclaimed areas discharging into the area between
the revetment and silt curtain.
Groundwater Management C-SEMP-02 Prepare and implement a Pollution Prevention Plan. Part of DB DB Contractor CSC and IPMU
Planning Contractors to review and
normal costs approve plan
Fueling and C-GW-01 Should any temporary fuel tank be available, it must be placed in Spill kits – 250 DB Contractor CSC
Storage covered areas with berms or dikes installed to intercept spills, if USD each. 20
any. Any spill should be immediately localized and cleaned up units. 5,000
with absorbent materials. USD
C-GW-02 Onsite repairs /maintenance and fueling activities should be Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
limited. Priority should be given to offsite commercial facilities. Contractors
If impossible, a designated area with secondary containment for general
possible spills for on-site repair or maintenance activities must construction
be provided. costs

Topic Impact / Mitigation Commitment Cost Implementation Monitoring
Issue Ref. # Responsibility Responsibility
C-GW-03 Check integrity of fuel/hazardous substances containers for No additional DB Contractor CSC
integrity. Undertake necessary repair or replacement if cost
C-GW-04 Store materials in containers suitable for the purpose. Ensure Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
that containers bear clear eligible labels. The same applies to Contractors
containers for short term storage of used oil. general
C-GW-05 Avoid fueling/maintenance of machinery and vehicles on the bare No additional DB Contractor CSC
ground. Only contained areas can be used. cost
C-GW-06 Provide septic tanks for the camp sites servicing less than 150 See C-AQ-17 DB Contractor CSC
employees. Contract authorized company to remove the liquid above.
waste regularly. For larger sites, provide multiple septic tank
facilities, or package wastewater treatment plants.
Vehicle C-GW-07 On-site vehicles and equipment shall be inspected regularly for No additional DB Contractor CSC
Maintenance leaks and all leaks shall be immediately repaired. Leaking cost
vehicles/equipment shall not be allowed on-site.
C-GW-08 Secondary containment devices (drop cloths, drain pans) shall Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
be used to catch leaks or spills while removing or changing oils Contractors
from vehicles or equipment. general
C-GW-09 For small spills, absorbent materials must be used. See C-GW-01 DB Contractor CSC
C-GW-10 Park construction machinery/vehicles and storage areas not less No additional DB Contractor CSC
than 50m from the riverbed. cost
Wastewater C-GW-11 Portable toilets shall be provided at all work sites. See C-AQ-15 DB Contractor CSC
discharge above
Spills and Leaks C-GW-12 Ensure availability of spill cleanup materials (e.g., absorbent pads, See C-GW-01 DB Contractor CSC
etc.) in the areas where accidental spills may occur. above.
C-GW-13 Place clean up material in easily accessible locations. No additional DB Contractor CSC
C-GW-14 Use drip pan beneath equipment likely to leak fuel and/or oil Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
and/or during fueling or changing oil. Contractors

Topic Impact / Mitigation Commitment Cost Implementation Monitoring
Issue Ref. # Responsibility Responsibility
Waste C-GW-15 Contract authorized company for hazardous waste disposal. Waste DB Contractor CSC
Management removal costs
and Training part of general
Water Use C-GW-16 Train construction personnel in soil and water protection Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
measures, handling of fuels, spill control and response Contractors
procedures and requirements. general
C-GW-17 Ensure that all groundwater extraction activities, if planned, are Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
in line with national permitting requirements. Contractors
Soils and Management C-SEMP-02 Prepare and implement a Pollution Prevention Plan. Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
Geology Planning Contractors
Soil C-SO-01 The storage of hazardous materials will be restricted to No additional DB Contractor CSC
Contamination designated impermeable hazardous materials storage areas cost
located at least 50m from any surface water course or seasonal
water channel.
C-SO-02 A refueling procedure will be developed by the Contractor, Part of DB DB Contractor CSC and IPMU
which will include a restriction on refueling within 50m of any Contractors to review and
watercourse. normal costs approve plan
C-SO-03 The Contractor's will ensure all material safety data sheets No additional DB Contractor CSC
(MSDS) are kept on site with the relevant materials. cost
C-SO-04 Materials that can potentially react with each other will be No additional DB Contractor CSC
segregated during storage. cost
C-SO-05 Hazardous chemicals will be securely stored on site in a As above for DB Contractor CSC
designated storage area. C-AQ-21

Topic Impact / Mitigation Commitment Cost Implementation Monitoring
Issue Ref. # Responsibility Responsibility
C-SO-06 Relevant personnel will be trained in safe use and handling of Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
hazardous materials. Contractors
C-SO-07 Diesel storage tanks at construction camps will be located in Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
suitably sized and constructed bunded areas that are designed Contractors
to be impervious to water and fuel. The bund volume will be general
designed to no less than 110% of the tank volume. Loading and construction
off-loading connections will be located over secondary costs
C-SO-08 Regular inspections and maintenance will be carried out of No additional DB Contractor CSC
secondary containment areas at camps to confirm that they are cost
functioning effectively.
C-SO-09 Information will be incorporated into the Site induction process No additional DB Contractor CSC
and will outline the role of personnel in the management of cost
waste and emissions from site and spill response procedures.
C-SO-10 Site induction training will be supplemented by regular ‘toolbox’ No additional DB Contractor CSC
talks with relevant personnel if inspections or audits highlight cost
failings in waste management.
C-SO-11 Spill response equipment (absorbents etc.) will be available in No additional DB Contractor CSC
hazardous materials storage areas. cost
C-SO-12 Relevant construction personnel will be trained in use of spill No additional DB Contractor CSC
kits and disposal practices. cost
C-SO-13 Vehicles delivering fuel or hazardous liquids will carry See C-GW-01 DB Contractor CSC
appropriate spill kits to allow an initial response to any spill to above.
be deployed.
C-SO-14 All mobile plant (excluding vehicles) will be integrally bunded or No additional DB Contractor CSC
will be equipped with a bund or drip tray which will be regularly cost
inspected and emptied to prevent rainwater accumulating.
Borrow pits C-SO-20 Only state licensed borrow pits and quarries will be allowed for No additional DB Contractor CSC
and Quarries use. cost
C-SO-21 Undertake an initial environmental and social audit of the facility. Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
The audit shall be repeated on a six-monthly basis. Contractors

Topic Impact / Mitigation Commitment Cost Implementation Monitoring
Issue Ref. # Responsibility Responsibility
Biodiversity Management C-SEMP-07 Prepare and implement a Biodiversity Management Plan, based Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
Planning upon the BAP. Contractor’s
Disturbance of C-BIO-01 Minimize marine construction activities in the peak cetacean No extra cost. DB Contractor CSC
marine species migration season, by starting marine construction activities in
February and finishing in/before August the next year.
Invasive alien C-BIO-02 Take care to avoid introduction of invasive alien species to the Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
species Project area through: washing of vehicles, equipment and Contractor’s
supplies before entry to the Project area; monitoring for invasive general
species; and control/eradication of invasive species where found. construction
Economy and Employment C-EEL-01 Targets for local recruitment from the local communities will be No additional DB Contractor ANATL
Employment agreed with the Contractor and ANATL. cost
C-EEL-02 Unskilled labor will be preferentially recruited from the Project No additional DB Contractor CSC
affected communities. cost
C-EEL-03 Applications for employment will only be considered if No additional DB Contractor CSC
submitted via the official application procedure. cost
C-EEL-04 Recruitment procedures will be transparent, public and non- No additional DB Contractor CSC
discriminatory and open with respect to ethnicity, religion, cost
sexuality, disability or gender.
C-EEL-05 Clear job descriptions will be provided in advance of No additional DB Contractor CSC
recruitment and will explain the skills required for each post. cost
C-EEL-06 Job vacancies will be advertised in the local communities through No additional DB Contractor CSC
appropriate and accessible media (consistent with employment cost
Procurement C-EEL-07 Environmental considerations will be included in the Project No additional DB Contractor CSC
of goods and procurement process. cost
services C-EEL-08 A plan will be developed and implemented that will aim to Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
discourage and prevent the workforce from purchasing goods Contractors
from informal vendors, to discourage vendors from establishing general
themselves at construction camp fence-lines in the hope of construction
securing additional business. costs

Topic Impact / Mitigation Commitment Cost Implementation Monitoring
Issue Ref. # Responsibility Responsibility
C-EEL-09 The Project will seek to purchase goods and services from No additional DB Contractor CSC
within Timor-Leste and will monitor such purchases cost
Community C-EEL-10 A Company policy limiting alcohol consumption in construction No additional DB Contractor CSC
Relations camps will be applied. cost
C-EEL-11 An employee Code of Conduct will be prepared and issued to Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
all recruits and camp residents during the employee induction Contractors
process. general
C-EEL-12 Review measures to mitigate community health and safety Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
impacts regularly, and consult community leaders every six Contractors
months, informing them on the status of implementation and general
results, and discussing any changes needed to the ‘Pollution construction
Prevention Plan’ or the ‘Community Health, Safety and Security costs
Plan’ in advance of proposed changes.
C-EEL-13 Prohibit the workforce from participating in illegal activities, No additional DB Contractor CSC
including use of illegal drugs, bribery and corruption or cost
requesting or receiving gifts from communities.
C-EEL-14 Workforce training will include a briefing on camp rules and Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
awareness of local social issues and sensitivities. Contractors
C-EEL-15 No unauthorized access to, or use of, camp facilities will be Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
allowed. Contractors
C-EEL-16 No fishing and unauthorized gathering of products (e.g., No additional DB Contractor CSC
firewood) by the workforce will be allowed. cost
C-EEL-17 A range of recreational facilities will be provided within the Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
camps to reduce the need for finding recreation in the local Contractors
community. general

Topic Impact / Mitigation Commitment Cost Implementation Monitoring
Issue Ref. # Responsibility Responsibility
Gender Equal C-GEN-01 A stand-alone Gender Action Plan will be prepared to govern Part of DB DB Contractor CSC and IPMU
Opportunities the principles, requirements and gender inclusions and Contractors to review and
development, including gender issues in land acquisition and normal costs approve plan
resettlement planning, implementation and monitoring
C-GEN-02 Provision of employment opportunities for women, especially in No additional DB Contractor CSC
the civil works by setting targets for female labor force cost
C-GEN-03 Commit to core labor standards (not hiring child labor and equal No additional DB Contractor CSC
pay for equal work). cost
C-GEN-04 Deliver specific training on GBV-SEAH in Timor-Lese to all Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
contracted employees and provide Grievance Redress Contractors
Mechanism to report GBV-SEAH and other concerns. general
C-GEN-05 Training staff on issues such as HIV/AIDS and trafficking in Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
persons. Contractors
Land Land Use C-LU-01 Implementation of the LARP. See LARP for IPMU ADB
Acquisition and final costs
Compensations Beto-Tasi C-LU-02 A new school must be constructed prior to the demolition of Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
School the old school to ensure that schooling is not interrupted. Contractors
C-LU-03 The school should be constructed at least 100m from the new Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
boundary airport to reduce potential noise impacts. Contractors
Waste Management C-SEMP-03 Prepare and implement a Waste Management Plan. Part of DB DB Contractor CSC and IPMU
Management Planning Contractors to review and
normal costs approve plan

Topic Impact / Mitigation Commitment Cost Implementation Monitoring
Issue Ref. # Responsibility Responsibility
C-SEMP-04 Prepare and Implement a Spoil Disposal Plan. Part of DB DB Contractor CSC and IPMU
Contractors to review and
normal costs approve plan
General Waste C-WA-01 Ensure that the waste hierarchy is followed including prevention, Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
minimization, reuse and recycling. Contractors
C-WA-02 Proper storage, maximum reuse and recycling of waste and Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
timely removal of unusable waste to agreed location according Contractors
to national waste management regulations. general
C-WA-03 Provide regular training of staff in waste management issues. Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
Recycling C-WA-04 All recyclable waste (plastic, metal, paper, etc.) will be sorted on Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
source and sent for recycling where facilities for recycling of Contractors
these materials exist. general
Liquid Waste C-WA-05 Provide septic tanks for the camp sites servicing less than 150 As C-AQ-17 DB Contractor CSC
employees. above.
C-WA-06 State authorized company to remove the liquid waste regularly Waste DB Contractor CSC
for treatment at Dili wastewater treatment plant. For larger removal costs
sites, provide multiple septic tank facilities, or package part of general
wastewater treatment plants. construction
Domestic Inert C-WA-07 Collect domestic waste in containers fitted with lids to avoid Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
Waste attraction of scavengers, scattering around. The lid will also Contractors
protect waste from rain. general
C-WA-08 Remove domestic waste to the nearest landfill (Tibar) under Waste DB Contractor CSC
agreement with state authorized waste management companies. removal costs
part of general

Topic Impact / Mitigation Commitment Cost Implementation Monitoring
Issue Ref. # Responsibility Responsibility
C-WA-09 Provide garbage bins and facilities within the project site for Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
temporary storage of domestic solid waste and construction Contractors
waste. general
C-WA-10 Waste storage containers will be covered, tip-proof, Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
weatherproof and scavenger proof. Contractors
C-WA-11 Ensure that wastes are not haphazardly dumped within the Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
project site and adjacent areas. Contractors
C-WA-12 Routine inspections of the coastline to collect any waste Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
materials blown there from the worksite. Contractors
Hazardous C-WA-13 Use containers suitable for each type of waste. Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
waste Contractors
C-WA-14 Prohibit use of damaged containers. Check integrity of No additional DB Contractor CSC
containers – regularly. cost
C-WA-15 Mark containers adequately specifying the waste types. Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
C-WA-16 Provide secondary containment for hazardous waste liquids. Part of DB DB Contractor CSC

Topic Impact / Mitigation Commitment Cost Implementation Monitoring
Issue Ref. # Responsibility Responsibility
C-WA-17 Do not mix various waste streams. No additional DB Contractor CSC
C-WA-18 Hazardous wastes generated shall be stored at the airport in a 10,000 USD DB Contractor CSC
dedicated hazardous waste storage area throughout the for hazardous
construction phase. waste storage
C-WA-19 The storage area should be covered, concrete lined, bunded and Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
comprise specific storage areas for asbestos, hazardous liquid Contractors
waste and contaminated materials. general
C-WA-20 A record of all waste arriving at the storage area shall be kept. No additional DB Contractor CSC
Spoil Material C-WA-23 All spoil sites will be reinstated as per the spoil disposal plan and Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
to the satisfaction of the CSC. Contractors
Noise and Underwater C-NV-01 Avoid any marine piling or blasting, and any transport of Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
Vibration noise reclamation material by sea. Place rubble material into the Contractors
seabed using a crane with a claw rather than pushing the rubble general
into the seabed thereby avoiding the noise generated by rocks construction
grinding against each other. costs
General C-NV-03 Construction of non-essential runway components will be No additional DB Contractor CSC
Construction scheduled for the daytime periods only. cost
Noise C-NV-04 A number of measures shall be applied to construction Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
equipment to reduce noise levels. Contractors
C-NV-05 Equipment and vehicles will be regularly maintained in Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Contractors

Topic Impact / Mitigation Commitment Cost Implementation Monitoring
Issue Ref. # Responsibility Responsibility
C-NV-06 Driver training will include advice on behaviors to reduce the No additional DB Contractor CSC
potential for disturbance, including use of horn, loud radios with cost
windows open, switching engines off when not in use, strictly
observing speed limits and not accelerating or braking
C-NV-07 Project induction training will include instructions about No additional DB Contractor CSC
minimizing noise disturbance. cost
C-NV-08 Local residents will be forewarned of planned activities that are No additional DB Contractor CSC
considered by the Project to be noisy. cost
C-NV-09 The construction camp, or any ancillary facility shall not be No additional DB Contractor CSC
located within 100 meters of residential or other sensitive cost
C-NV-10 If complaints are received from the local community regarding Temporary DB Contractor CSC
construction noise and instrumental monitoring identifies the noise barriers.
complaints as valid temporary noise barriers will be constructed 100 USD per
around the construction zone, or at the border with the affected meter. 100 m.
receptors (depending upon the most suitable option) to reduce 10,000 USD
noise level. The barrier will remain in place through the entire total
construction period in the specific impact zone.
Vibration C-NV-11 Ensure that all haul routes avoid residential areas as far as No additional DB Contractor CSC
possible. cost
PCR Banyan Tree C-PCR-01 The sacred Banyan tree will be demarcated with an appropriate Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
sign throughout construction. Contractors
C-PCR-01 Workers in this area will be informed of the status of the tree No additional DB Contractor CSC
prior to starting work in this area. cost
Access, Roads Traffic C-SEMP-05 Prepare and implement traffic management plan. Part of DB DB Contractor CSC and IPMU
and Management Contractors to review and
Community Planning normal costs approve plan
Infrastructure Roads C-IU-01 Undertake a road condition survey. Before completion of the Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
Project the CSC will repeat the survey to determine which, if Contractors
any roads need to be repaired. general

Topic Impact / Mitigation Commitment Cost Implementation Monitoring
Issue Ref. # Responsibility Responsibility
C-IU-02 Provide adequate traffic signs, appropriate lighting, well-designed Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
traffic safety signs, barriers and flag persons for traffic control Contractors
especially at the entrance to the work site. general
C-IU-03 The access road east of the airport boundary will be constructed No additional DB Contractor CSC
before the existing access road is closed for use by traffic, e.g., cost
before the start of construction works in the airport.
Utilities C-IU-04 Any damage to existing utilities will be repaired immediately (in Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
association with the Utility). Contractors
C-IU-05 Local community will be informed 24 hours in advance of any No additional DB Contractor CSC
temporary disruptions to utilities (more than 1 hour in cost
Workers Management C-SEMP-06 Prepare and implement an OHS plan. Part of DB DB Contractor CSC and IPMU
Rights and Planning Contractors to review and
OHS normal costs approve plan
Training C-OHS-01 All workmen will be required to attend a safety induction course No additional DB Contractor CSC
before they are allowed access to the work site. cost
C-OHS-02 Periodic safety course will be conducted not less than once No additional DB Contractor CSC
every two months. cost
C-OHS-03 Regular safety meetings will be conducted on a monthly basis. No additional DB Contractor CSC
Inspections C-OHS-04 Regularly inspect, test and maintain all safety equipment Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
(including firefighting equipment), scaffolds, guardrails, working Contractors
platforms, hoists, ladders and other means of access, lifting, general
lighting, signing and guarding equipment. construction
C-OHS-05 Lights and signs will be kept clear of obstructions and legible to No additional DB Contractor CSC
read. cost

Topic Impact / Mitigation Commitment Cost Implementation Monitoring
Issue Ref. # Responsibility Responsibility
C-OHS-06 Equipment, which is damaged, dirty, incorrectly positioned or Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
not in working order, will be repaired or replaced immediately Contractors
by the DB Contractor. general
PPE C-OHS-07 Workers will be provided (before they commence works) with Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
of appropriate PPE suitable for electrical work such as safety Contractors
boots, harnesses, helmets, gloves, protective clothes, goggles, general
and ear protection at no cost to the workers. construction
C-OHS-08 Specific PPE will be provided to staff working offshore, including Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
life vests. Contractors
General OHS C-OHS-09 All construction plant and equipment used on or around the Site Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
will be fitted with appropriate safety devices. Contractors
C-OHS-10 Zones with noise level above 80 dBA must be marked with No additional DB Contractor CSC
safety signs and appropriate PPE must be worn by workers. cost
C-OHS-11 Portable toilet facilities for workers at road work sites will be See C-AQ-15 DB Contractor CSC
provided. above
C-OHS-12 Fencing on all areas of excavation greater than 2 m deep will be Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
installed along with warning signs. Contractors
C-OHS-13 Keep air inlet filters clean and free of dust and microorganisms. Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
C-OHS-14 Ensure reversing signals are installed on all construction vehicles. Part of DB DB Contractor CSC

Topic Impact / Mitigation Commitment Cost Implementation Monitoring
Issue Ref. # Responsibility Responsibility
C-OHS-15 Implement fall prevention and protection measures whenever a No additional DB Contractor CSC
worker is exposed to the hazard of falling more than two cost
meters, falling into operating machinery or through an opening
in a work surface.
C-OHS-16 Mark the areas where risk of injuries from falling objects exist No additional DB Contractor CSC
with rope or flagging to minimize risks and injuries. cost
C-OHS-17 Employ flag persons to control traffic when construction Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
equipment is entering or leaving the work area. Contractors
C-OHS-18 A suitably staffed and equipped health clinic for all workers is to Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
be provided on site. Contractors
C-OHS-19 First aid kits (compliant with OSHA standard 1910.266 App. A) Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
will be provided at all work sites. Contractors
C-OHS-20 The Contractor shall keep a log of both training records and No additional DB Contractor CSC
safety incidents including near misses. cost
Workers C-OHS-21 Set targets for local employment based on initial assessment of No additional DB Contractor CSC
Rights the labor market for unskilled and semi-skilled work force. cost
C-OHS-22 For unskilled the Contractor shall use a ‘ballot’ system to ensure No additional DB Contractor CSC
that employment is fair and not weighted to connected people cost
for unskilled roles. Repatriation of locals through recruitment
measures will use online resources.
C-OHS-23 Provisions in the Contractors contract are to include as far as No additional DB Contractor CSC
practicable items to address the collective bargaining, cost
retrenchment, worker accommodation and non-employee

Topic Impact / Mitigation Commitment Cost Implementation Monitoring
Issue Ref. # Responsibility Responsibility
worker gaps, to ensure that ILO and Lender requirements are
C-OHS-24 All employees will receive at least the minimum wage as defined No additional DB Contractor CSC
by GoTL legislation cost
C-OHS-25 All workers will have contracts describing their job description No additional DB Contractor CSC
and conditions of work and will have the contents explained to cost
C-OHS-26 Designate a qualified environmental, health and safety personnel. Staff Costs DB Contractor CSC
Asbestos C-OHS-27 Survey buildings for presence of asbestos or asbestos containing Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
material before demolition of properties subject to acquisition. Contractors
C-OHS-28 If registered, the Contractor shall prepare a Method Statement Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
for the Safe Management of Asbestos following international Contractors
best practices such as HSE-A14. general
C-OHS-29 The method statement shall be submitted to the CSC for No additional DB Contractor CSC
approval before any works involving asbestos materials can cost
Sub- C-OHS-30 All Project sub-contractors will be supplied with copies of the No additional DB Contractor CSC
contractors SEMP. cost
C-OHS-31 Provisions will be incorporated into all sub-contracts to ensure No additional DB Contractor CSC
the compliance with the SEMP at all tiers of the sub-contracting. cost
C-OHS-32 All subcontractors will be required to appoint a safety No additional DB Contractor CSC
representative who will be available on the Site throughout the cost
operational period of the respective sub-contract unless the
CSCs approval to the contrary is given in writing.
COVID-19 C-OHS-33 Provide COVID-19 appropriate PPE. Part of DB DB Contractor CSC

Topic Impact / Mitigation Commitment Cost Implementation Monitoring
Issue Ref. # Responsibility Responsibility
C-OHS- Testing of all staff arriving in country. Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
33a Contractors
C-OHS-34 Provision of health clinic staffed full time at construction camps. Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
C-OHS-35 Provide handwashing facilities and sanitizers at all camps sites Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
and work zones. Contractors
C-OHS-36 Provide Quarantine accommodation. 10,000 USD DB Contractor CSC
Community Grievances C-CHS-01 Implement the Grievance Procedure to provide opportunity for No additional DB Contractor CSC
Health and local residents to raise concerns. cost
Safety Community C-CHS-02 Review measures to mitigate community health and safety No additional DB Contractor CSC
Liason impacts regularly and will consult with local communities every cost
two months, informing them on the status of the Project.
C-CHS-03 Deliver safety awareness training to, local children and their
parents and/or their teachers.
C-CHS-04 Information boards will be placed at site entrances and close to Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
work sites (including on the beach) providing up to date Contractors
information on the Project and potential upcoming issues, e.g., general
daytime piling works. construction
C-CHS-05 The east end access road will be surveyed and set out (i.e., Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
marked out and, where necessary, fenced off). The Contractor Contractors
will be required to keep within the designated footprint. general
C-CHS-06 Construction traffic warning signs will be positioned at road Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
crossings and other appropriate locations as determined by the Contractors

Topic Impact / Mitigation Commitment Cost Implementation Monitoring
Issue Ref. # Responsibility Responsibility
Project, for example along access routes before they are used construction
by construction traffic. costs
Accidents C-CHS-07 Temporary traffic control measures will be employed at road Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
crossings and junctions (flagmen, temporary traffic lights) where Contractors
a safety risk assessment has identified traffic control measures general
will reduce the risk of traffic accidents. construction
C-CHS-08 Random drug and alcohol testing of the workforce will be Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
conducted, recorded and audited regularly. Contractors
C-CHS-09 Temporary traffic control (e.g., flagmen) and signs will be Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
provided where necessary to improve safety and provide Contractors
directions. general
C-CHS-10 Where traffic is diverted around crossings, traffic control or Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
careful selection of the exit from the working areas will be Contractors
provided with the aim of ensuring vehicles join the road in a safe general
manner. construction
C-CHS-11 Vehicle movements will be restricted to defined access routes No additional DB Contractor CSC
and demarcated working areas (unless in the event of an cost
Conflict With C-CHS-12 The Project will implement the ‘Voluntary Principles on Security No additional DB Contractor CSC
Security and Human Rights’ cost
Personnel C-CHS-13 Due diligence will be applied to selection of security providers, No additional DB Contractor CSC
rules of engagement will be devised, and training provided to all cost
personnel. Performance will be monitored and audited
STD C-CHS-14 A worker education and awareness program regarding the risks 5,000 USD for DB Contractor CSC
and prevention measures associated with STDs including training course
HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases (e.g., TB) will be

Topic Impact / Mitigation Commitment Cost Implementation Monitoring
Issue Ref. # Responsibility Responsibility
C-CHS-15 The Project will make information on communicable diseases Part of C- DB Contractor CSC
and STDs available to communities’ close to the camps. CHS-14
training costs
Asphalt plant Management C-SEMP-07 Prepare and implement Construction Camp Management Plan Part of DB DB Contractor CSC and IPMU
concrete Planning Contractors to review and
batching and normal costs approve plan
camps C-SEMP-08 Prepare and implement an Asphalt Plant Management Plan Part of DB DB Contractor CSC and IPMU
Contractors to review and
normal costs approve plan
C-SEMP-09 Prepare and implement a Concrete Batching Plant Management Part of DB DB Contractor CSC and IPMU
Plan. Contractors to review and
normal costs approve plan
Construction C-CC-01 Prior to commencement of works, identify the location of the Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
Camp camp and undertake environmental and social screening of the Contractors
site to ensure that no significant environmental or social issues general
will arise as a result of the use of the site construction
C-CC-02 The results of the screening will be provided to the CSC and No additional DB Contractor CSC
ANATL for their review and approval. No construction camp cost
will be located within 50m of a residential area.
C-CC-03 Rain-water run-off arising on the site will be collected, removed Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
from the site via a suitable and properly designed temporary Contractors
drainage system and disposed of at a location and in a manner general
that will cause neither pollution nor nuisance. The drainage construction
system will be fitted with oil and grease interceptors. costs
C-CC-04 There will be no direct discharge of sanitary or wash water to No additional DB Contractor CSC
the Comoro river. cost
C-CC-05 Provide a wash pit or a wheel washing and/or vehicle cleaning Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
facility at the exits from the sites Contractors
C-CC-06 Ensure that all vehicles are properly cleaned (bodies and tires Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
are free of sand and mud) prior to leaving the site areas. Contractors

Topic Impact / Mitigation Commitment Cost Implementation Monitoring
Issue Ref. # Responsibility Responsibility
C-CC-07 Provide necessary cleaning facilities on site and ensure that no Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
water or debris from such cleaning operations is deposited off- Contractors
site. general
C-CC-08 Ensure that potable water for construction camps and workers Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
meets the necessary water quality standards outlined in this Contractors
report. If groundwater is to be used it will be tested weekly to general
ensure that the water quality meets drinking water standards. construction
Concrete C-CC-09 Batching plants will be located downwind of residential areas and No additional DB Contractor CSC
Batching not within 100m of any residential area cost
Asphalt Plant C-CC-10 The entire batching area traversed by vehicles – including Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
driveways leading into and out of the area – will be paved with Contractors
a hard, impervious material. general
C-CC-11 Sand and aggregates will be delivered in a dampened state, using Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
covered trucks. If the materials have dried out during transit Contractors
they will be re-wetted before being dumped into the storage general
bunker. construction
C-CC-12 Sand and aggregates will be stored in a hopper or bunker which Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
shields the materials from winds. The bunker should enclose the Contractors
stockpile on three sides. The walls should extend one meter general
above the height of the maximum quantity of raw material kept construction
on site and extend two meters beyond the front of the stockpile. costs
C-CC-13 The hopper or bunker will be fitted with water sprays, which Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
keep the stored material damp at all times. Monitor the water Contractors
content of the stockpile to ensure it is maintained in a damp general
condition. construction
C-CC-14 Overhead storage bins will be totally enclosed. The swivel chute Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
area and transfer point from the conveyor will also be enclosed. Contractors

Topic Impact / Mitigation Commitment Cost Implementation Monitoring
Issue Ref. # Responsibility Responsibility
C-CC-15 Rubber curtain seals may be needed to protect the opening of Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
the overhead bin from winds. Contractors
C-CC-16 Conveyor belts which are exposed to the wind and used for raw Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
material transfer will be effectively enclosed, to ensure dust is Contractors
not blown off the conveyor during transit. Conveyor transfer general
points and hopper discharge areas will be fully enclosed. construction
C-CC-17 Conveyor belts will be fitted with belt cleaners on the return Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
side of the belt. Contractors
C-CC-18 Weigh hoppers at front-end loader plants will be roofed and Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
have weigh hoppers shrouded on three sides, to protect the Contractors
contents from the wind. The raw materials transferred by the general
front-end loader should be damp, as they are taken from a construction
dampened stockpile. costs
C-CC-19 Store cement in sealed, dust-tight storage silos. All hatches, Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
inspection points and duct work will be dust-tight. Contractors
C-CC-20 Silos will be equipped with a high-level sensor alarm and an Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
automatic delivery shut-down switch to prevent overfilling. Contractors
C-CC-21 Cement dust emissions from the silo during filling operations Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
must be minimized. The minimum acceptable performance is Contractors
obtained using a fabric filter dust collector general

Topic Impact / Mitigation Commitment Cost Implementation Monitoring
Issue Ref. # Responsibility Responsibility
C-CC-22 Totally enclose the cement weigh hopper, to ensure that dust Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
cannot escape to the atmosphere. Contractors
C-CC-23 An inspection of all dust control components will be performed Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
routinely – for example, at least weekly. Contractors
C-CC-24 All contaminated storm water and process wastewater will be Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
collected and retained on site. Contractors
C-CC-25 All sources of wastewater will be paved and bunded Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
C-CC-27 - Contaminated storm water and process wastewater will be Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
C-CC-32 captured and recycled. Contractors
C-CC-33 Asphalt plants will be located downwind of residential areas and No additional DB Contractor CSC
not within 100m of any residential area. cost
C-CC-34 Adequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will be provided Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
to staff working in areas of high noise and emissions. Contractors

Topic Impact / Mitigation Commitment Cost Implementation Monitoring
Issue Ref. # Responsibility Responsibility
C-CC-35 Ensure all hazardous materials are stored (including within Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
suitable sized bunds for liquids), handled and disposed of Contractors
according to their Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). general
C-CC-36 Copies of MSDS will be kept on site with all hazardous materials. No additional DB Contractor CSC
C-CC-37 The Contractor will keep a plan of site indicating where all No additional DB Contractor CSC
hazardous materials are stored. cost
C-CC-38 The Contractor will include the asphalt plant in his Traffic No additional DB Contractor CSC
Management Plan, including haul routes from the plant. cost
C-CC-39 To prevent bitumen burns it will be compulsory for the workers Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
handling hot bitumen to wear full-body protection. Contractors
C-CC-40 All transportation, handling and storage of bitumen will be Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
handled safely by experienced personnel. Contractors
C-CC-41 The dust from the manufacturing process may pose respiratory Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
hazards, hence protective air mask will be provided to the Contractors
operators for the loading and unloading of aggregates. general
C-CC-42 Hearing protectors will be provided those working on the plant. Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
C-CC-43 First Aid kits (compliant with OSHA standard 1910.266 App. A) Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
will be available on site for the workers in case of emergency. Contractors

Topic Impact / Mitigation Commitment Cost Implementation Monitoring
Issue Ref. # Responsibility Responsibility
C-CC-44 The MSDS for each chemical product will be made accessible No additional DB Contractor CSC
onsite and displayed. cost
C-CC-45 Undertake an initial environmental and social audit of any Part of DB DB Contractor CSC
existing asphalt plant or batching plant. Contractors
C-CC-46 The results of the audit will be submitted to the CSC for review No additional DB Contractor CSC
before any site is used. cost
C-CC-47 The audit shall be repeated on a six-monthly basis. Part of DB DB Contractor CSC

3. Specific EMP (SEMP)
4. The SEMP is the document that the DB Contractor will prepare outlining how he intends to
implement the EMPs and ensure that all of the mitigation and monitoring is completed according to
the implementation arrangements specified in the EMPs and the EIA as a whole.

5. The SEMP will describe the precise location of the required mitigation / monitoring, the
persons responsible for the mitigation / monitoring, the schedule and reporting methodology. The
SEMP and all of its topic and site-specific plans will be submitted to the Construction Supervision
Consultants (CSC) and Integrated Project Management Unit (IPMU) for approval at least 30 days
before taking possession of any work site. No access to the site will be allowed until the SEMPs are
approved by the CSC and IPMU. New topic specific or site specific EMPs may also need to be
developed by the Contractor during the construction phase. These new plans will also need to be
approved by the CSC and the IPMU.

6. The SEMP will include the following topic specific plans:

Table 3: SEMP Topic Specific Plans

Plan (EMP Ref. #)
Pollution Prevention Plan (C-SEMP-02) Yes Yes

Waste Management Plan (C-SEMP-03) Yes Yes

Spoil Disposal Plan (C-SEMP-04) Yes Yes

Traffic Management Plan (C-SEMP-05) Yes Yes

Occupational Health and Safety Plan (C-SEMP-06) Yes Yes

Biodiversity Management Plan (C-SEMP-07) Yes Yes

7. The following site-specific plans will also be required:

Table 4: SEMP Site Specific Plans

Plan (EMP Ref. #) Approvals


Construction Camp Management Plan (C-SEMP-08) Yes Yes

Asphalt Plant Management Plan (C-SEMP-09) Yes Yes

Concrete Batching Plant Management Plan (C-SEMP- Yes Yes


8. Guidelines for the preparation of a SEMP is provided in Appendix H. In addition to the plans
provided in the SEMP, the Contractor will also be responsible for the following documents:
 Code of Conduct.

4. Responsibility of Design Build Contractor
9. The DB Contractor will be responsible for the preparation of his SEMP. The SEMP will need
to be fully compliant with the EMPs and this EIA and will need to be prepared within 30 days of
Contract award and approved 10 days prior to access to the site.

10. In order to prepare and implement the SEMP (and the operational EMP during the defects
liability period) a team of Specialists will be required as illustrated in the following figure and described
in detail below.

Figure 1: DB Contractors Environmental, Social, Health and Safety Team

Project Manager

Environmental and Social Officer

Health and Safety


Environmental and Social Officer

11. During construction, the DB Contractor must retain the expertise of an Environmental and
Social Officer (ESO) to implement and continually update the SEMP and to oversee and report on the
operation throughout the contract period. The ESO will be the DB Contractors main focal point for
all environmental, social, health and safety issues associated with the Project and will lead the other
team members listed below.

12. The ESO will be full-time member of staff on the DB Contractors roster and should be on
site at least five days per week. The required qualifications of the ESO are as follows:
 Degree in environmental sciences and related expertise.
 Fluent in English.
 Experience of at least two construction projects of a similar size and scale.

13. One of the key tasks of the ESO will be to manage the biodiversity aspects of the Project. To
do this the ESO should be well trained in (or have access to expertise in) the practical elements of
protected species (including handling of species that they may have to move) and the recognition of
sensitive habitats; they should also have a working understanding of wider environmental issues and
the construction/engineering process. More specifically, the ESO shall be responsible for:
 Identifying any areas of particular ecological sensitivity (e.g., with protected or notable habitats or
species) that may need to be avoided.
 Updating and implementation of the BAP as a Biodiversity Management Plan.
 Translate mitigation requirements written in the SEMP and its sub-plans into practical measures
on the ground.
 Advise in a timely manner as to how best to address changeable and less predictable situations on
the ground from an ecological perspective (e.g., should new species be encountered).
 Ensure that all staff are fully aware of the environmental sensitivities of the site and their
responsibilities, as outlined in the management plans (e.g., via practical toolbox talks ahead of the

 Take field notes and photographs to demonstrate compliance with the management plans.

14. In addition, the ESO will be responsible for the preparation of weekly environmental checklists
and an environmental section of the DB Contractor’s monthly progress reports that shall be submitted
to the CSC and IPMU for review. The CSC shall provide a template of the checklist to the DB

15. The monthly reports, which will include the weekly environmental checklists, shall contain
sections relating to:
 General Progress of the Project.
 Environmental Incidents, e.g., spills of liquids, accidents, etc.
 Progress of any environmental initiatives, e.g., energy savings, recycling, etc.
 Records of any environmental monitoring.
 Conclusions and Recommendations.

16. The ESO shall provide daily toolbox training at the construction camp and also at construction
sites. The ESO shall keep a record of all monthly training and toolbox training undertaken.

17. The ESO will also act as the Focal Person at the camp site for receiving and fixing grievances
in the Logbook. The ESO shall also manage all social and labor related issues.

Health and Safety Specialists

18. The DB Contractor shall also hire a qualified Health and Safety Specialist (HSS) for the Project
duration. The H&S specialist shall have at least five years on-site experience of similar sized
infrastructure Projects. The HSS shall report directly to the ESO. The main responsibilities of the HSS
will be:
 Provide H&S training, including daily toolbox training sessions at each work site.
 Approve H&S Plans for specific work activities.
 Conduct routine site inspections and issue internal stop notices if necessary, for unsafe activities.
 Maintain H&S statistics log for near misses, as well as incidents.
 Provide H&S input to DB Contractor reports.

Staff Costs

19. The following table provides a summary of the anticipated staff costs.

Table 5: DB Contractor Environmental, Social, Health and Safety Staff Costs

# Position Estimated No. of Month Cost ($) Total Cost ($)
1 Environmental and Social 27 1,500 40,500
2 Health and Safety Specialist 27 1,500 40,500

Control of Records

20. The list of records that must be available by the DB Contractor for review must include:
 Work program and schedule;
 Environmental permits and licenses;
 List of equipment;
 List of mitigation measures;

 Route/program of construction material transportation;
 Copies of correspondence related to environmental issues;
 Site drainage plan;
 Records of maintenance and cleaning schedules for sediment and oil/grease traps;
 Records of sewage disposal (if relevant);
 Records of quantity of discharged wastewater and concentration of pollutants;
 Waste disposal records;
 Written designation of waste disposal sites and instructions for waste transportation from local
 Log of material inventories and consumption;
 Chance find records (if any);
 Complaints register;
 Incidence register (environmental limits expedience forms, injuries records, etc.);
 Records on remedial actions taken;
 Equipment control and maintenance log;
 Corrective and preventive action request records;
 Training records.

21. These records shall be kept on-site by the DB Contractors ESO and available for inspection
at any time.

22. The DB Contractor will also appoint a Focal Person at the camp site as well for receiving and
fixing grievances in Logbook. It is recommended that the ESO fulfil this responsibility.

5. Reporting and Review of the EMP

23. The following reporting requirements will be followed during the implementation of the

Table 6: Required documents and submission points

Submission timing
Responsible Responsible Feasibility
Documents of the Construction
Organization Person study
documents period

Environmental Reports DB ESO IPMU X (monthly)


Input to Quarterly IPMU IPMU SO ADB X

Progress Reports (every three
(QPR) months)
Environmental (every six months)
Monitoring Reports
Compliance reports CSC IES, NES IPMU, ADB X
(every month)
plan, waste Contractor (Once, prior to
management plan, etc.) the start of
Environmental CSC X
checklists (every week)

Submission timing
Responsible Responsible Feasibility
Documents of the Construction
Organization Person study
documents period
Monthly progress CSC X
reports (every month)
Record of monthly CSC X
training and daily (every month)
toolbox training

24. The EMP will be reviewed periodically to evaluate environmental controls and procedures to
make sure they are still applicable to the activities being carried out. Reviews will be undertaken by
the DB Contractor and CSC as follows:
• The full EMP will be reviewed at least annually;
• Relevant parts of the EMP will be reviewed following a reportable incident;
• In case any issues of failure of mitigation measure to reduce the impact occurs;
• Relevant parts of the EMP will be reviewed following the receipt of an updated site specific or
topic specific plan; and
• At the request of stakeholders.

25. The review will include analysis of the data collection and analysis of data, monitoring reports,
incident reports, complaints/grievances and feedback from stakeholders.


Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport Expansion Project, Timor-Leste
Environmental Impact Assessment – Appendix H

Appendix H – SEMP Framework

Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport Expansion Project, Timor-Leste
Environmental Impact Assessment – Appendix H

1. Preparation

The Contractor is responsible for preparing the Specific Environmental Management Plan (SEMP). The
SEMP is prepared after the award of the contract and is to meet the conditions of the relevant
Contractor bidding documents.
The Contractor can move to the site and commence work only after the SEMP has been approved by
the Implementing Agency (IA) Project Management Unit (PMU) and the Project Implementation
Consultant (PIC, also referred to as the ‘Engineer’ or ‘Supervision Consultant’).
The SEMP is a contractually binding document and applies equally to the main Contractor and to Sub-
contractors under its control.
The SEMP must be compliant with (i) the SEMP conditions, and (ii) any national legislation. All licenses
and permits issued by any outside organization that are required to meet the SEMP conditions are to
be attached to the SEMP. An example could be a license to operate a borrow pit.
The PMU / PIC may require the Contractor to assess the SEMP activities. When any inspection by the
PMU / PIC is undertaken and the work is found to be unsatisfactory, a non-compliance notice will be
issued to the Contractor. The Contractor will implement corrective action to address the issues
raised in the notice. When the work is shown to be non-conforming with the SEMP, the Contractor
will be responsible for meeting costs of all investigations and associated corrective actions.
After a period, the Contractor may request that the contents of the SEMP be changed, but any
requests and alterations to the SEMP can be approved only by the PMU / PIC. Likewise, the PMU /
PIC may also request changes be made to the SEMP. In this respect the SEMP can be referred to a live
working document.
The Contractor is to keep a daily record of all work done to meet the SEMP requirements. The daily
record is to be available to the PMU / PIC. The Contractor is to provide monthly reports to the PMU
/ PIC regarding compliance with the SEMP.

2. Content
The SEMP needs to be a concise and well-focused document that clearly sets out how the Contractor
will meet the requirements of the project EMP. The SEMP shall consist of at least the following
2.1. Introduction and Purpose
Identify the project and state the purpose of the SEMP. Identify who prepared the SEMP together with
the contacts of the person who prepared the document.
2.2. Management Responsibilities
This section must clearly identify those persons within the Contractor’s team who will be directly
responsible for supervising the SEMP activities. Each person and position is to be identified and contact
details provided for their work, after-hours phone numbers for emergency situations, and their email
addresses. Details are to be provided as to whether these persons are available on a full-time or part-
time basis at the construction site. As a minimum, details are required for the following positions:
• The Contractor’s environmental manager.
• The back-up person for the environmental manager whenever the environmental manager is away
from the site.
• The Contractor’s site engineer, who is responsible for supervising the contract on behalf of the

Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport Expansion Project, Timor-Leste
Environmental Impact Assessment – Appendix H

• Any other persons on the Contractor’s team who will have management responsibilities as
required to meet the activities outlined in the SEMP conditions.
2.3. Legal Requirements

This section will outline the various environmental laws, regulations, and standards that the
Contractor must comply with during construction. This will include all of the approved Project
standards that have been outlined in the Project EIA, for example air quality standards, water discharge
limits, etc.
2.4. Licenses and Permits
Provide details of licences and permits that the Contractor will require to undertake the works, e.g.
licenses to operate a borrow pit, extract groundwater, etc.
2.5. Special Environmental or Cultural Issues

Show whether there are any special issues associated with the location of the work area that is,
whether it is located inside or close to environmentally or culturally sensitive areas. Advise what
approvals will be required and how work will be undertaken in these areas. Locate the boundaries to
the areas in the plan of works.
2.6. Scope of Works
Define the construction requirements so that these clearly identify all of the work to be undertaken
by the Contractor.
2.7. Plan of Works

The Contractor is to provide an overall plan of works that shows the location of all of the construction
sites and the Contractor’s support facilities and access roads. The plan of works should be based on
the detailed engineering site plans and should show the following:
• Boundaries of the construction sites showing the extent of the disturbed area;
• Boundaries of any culturally or environmentally sensitive areas;
• Access roads (temporary and permanent);
• Contractor’s facilities (show the location of offices, workshops, vehicle and machinery parking
areas, material storage areas, fuel stores, etc.);
• Worker camps;
• Areas to be excavated;
• Areas where excavated fill will be dumped both as temporary and permanent dumps;
• Locations of material sources, sand, and stones;
• Waste disposal sites (non-hazardous and hazardous); and
• North, the map scale, contours, and existing drainage lines.
2.8. Machinery and Support Equipment Brought to Site

The Contractor is to provide:

• A list of all the machinery, vehicles, and support equipment that will be brought to the project;
• The age of the machinery;

Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport Expansion Project, Timor-Leste
Environmental Impact Assessment – Appendix H

• An assessment of the condition of the machinery 1 as good, average, or poor; where average or
poor machinery is listed, describe the defect; 2
• Where vibratory rollers are to be used, indicate the weight of the roller and the safe operating
distances where the machine can be operated without causing harm to surrounding buildings or
other susceptible infrastructure (the zone of vibration); and
• Any machinery that will create noise above 45 dBA is to be listed.
Example of Table for Machinery that will be Brought to Site

Make and Type Age (years) Condition

Excavator 2 Good
Bulldozer 3 Average
7 Ton Truck 1 Good
Mobile Crane 7 Average

2.9. Details of Sites Used to Source Raw Materials

This includes borrow pits and quarries. The SEMP is to provide the following details:
• Location of material supply areas;
• Type of activity and material extracted, e.g., borrow pit for sub-base or quarry for aggregate;
• Requirement for any permits or approvals to open the borrow pit of quarry;
• Estimated amounts to be extracted – total volume required and daily amounts as numbers of
truckloads for how many days/months;
• Names of villages and distances along road (in kilometers) that the haul road may need to traverse
before reaching the site;
• Machinery that will be operated at the site; and
• Health and safety issues that will be required to be addressed at the site.
2.10. Contractor’s Facilities and Worker Camps
Provide details of the facilities that the Contractor will erect on-site for (i) its own use, and (ii) worker
camps. The Contractor is to show the location of these facilities on the plan of works and provide the
following details:
• For Contractor facilities: show the areas required in square meters for all facilities such as
administration offices, stores and workshops, vehicles and machinery parking areas. Show sources
of electricity and water supply.
• For worker camps: provide details of (i) number of people occupying the camps; and (ii) areas
(m2) and facilities installed for (a) washing and sanitation areas, (b) cooking, (c) sleeping areas, and
(d) recreation areas.
For both the Contractor and worker facilities, describe the following:
• Type of construction of facilities (floor, walls, and roof);
• Storm-water drainage, collection systems, flow paths, and disposal areas;

Condition relates to the age and the maintenance of the machinery or vehicles. Any vehicles or machinery that are leaking oil
or fuel and are operated without satisfactory silencing or are deficient in safety equipment must be classified as average or poor.
Under the contract, the PSU is able to reject any machinery or vehicles that are unsatisfactory.

Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport Expansion Project, Timor-Leste
Environmental Impact Assessment – Appendix H

• Source of water and type of treatment required for cooking, washing, and drinking;
• Effluent systems to handle the disposal of washing, sanitation, and kitchen waste water;
• Source of energy to be used for heating and cooking;
• Confirm as “yes” or “no” if the facilities or camps are to be located within or closer than 2
kilometres of a protected or forested area;
• How long the camps will be required to be used; and
• Procedure for closing and dismantling the camps.
Enter details in a table:
Example of Contractor’s Facilities to be Used during Construction

3. Environmental Works Procedures

The SEMP is to provide a series of procedures that are designed to protect the environment. These
are called environmental work procedures (EWP) and outline how work will be arranged to address
the various issues that have been outlined in the SEMP.
The SEMP will review and build on the project EMP requirements to develop more detailed
procedures for implementation in the construction activity. While the project EMP provides a list of
mitigation requirements that will require procedures to be developed for each of them, the
Contractor is required to review the adequacy of the requirements and if necessary include additional
procedures. Should the Contractor consider that a procedure that is shown in the project EMP is not
required, the Contractor will need to justify that decision.
The following is a list of procedures that may be required to be included in the SEMP. The project
EMP will confirm which of these procedures or others will be required.
• Site preparation
• Excavation of construction sites
• Removal and disposal of excavated waste
• Erosion and sedimentation
• Storage and handling of construction materials, fuel, and lubricants

Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport Expansion Project, Timor-Leste
Environmental Impact Assessment – Appendix H

• Noise and vibration

• Dust generation
• Public access to site
• Risk to public and worker health and safety
• Use of hazardous materials
• Worker issues (e.g., use of fuel wood, hunting, clearing areas for gardening)
• Disposal of waste material (solid and liquid)
• Archaeological discoveries
• Rehabilitation of construction sites and Contractor facilities

4. Monitoring of Work

The SEMP is to provide details of how each activity will be monitored, how frequently the monitoring
will be carried out, what criteria will be monitored, and who will undertake the monitoring. A monthly
report on monitoring activities is to be included in the monthly SEMP report.

5. Staff and Worker Training

The SEMP is to provide details of staff and worker training and awareness programs that will be
required to ensure compliance with the SEMP. Awareness of staff and workers about safety and
environmental regulations, the SEMP requirements, and in special circumstances where work will need
to be carried out within or adjacent to protected areas or areas of cultural heritage will be particularly
important. The program will need to show who will be responsible for implementing the program and
where the program will be introduced so as to ensure that all workers are aware of the SEMP
requirements before commencing work.

6. Reporting

The Contractor is to provide details in a monthly SEMP report. The report will be prepared by the
person who has been identified within the Contractor’s team as responsible for overseeing the SEMP
procedures. The report will outline progress with regard to the project’s physical monitoring targets
and implementation of the SEMP for these works. The report should note which tasks have been
completed and have been approved for payment by the PMU / PIC. The report is to specify if any
notices have been issued by the PMU / PIC to correct work and what has been done by the Contractor
to address these issues. Any complaints or issues that have been received from the public are to be
listed in the report. Three copies of the report are to be sent to the PMU / PIC. The report will
address the following topics:
• Status of work program: work completed, construction under way, and work planned
Environmental unit and staff situation for the month
• Staff and worker awareness training carried out
• Waste volumes, types, and disposal (inorganic and organic) Areas revegetated and rehabilitated
• Dust control report
• Discovery of artefacts
• Safety and monthly accident report

Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport Expansion Project, Timor-Leste
Environmental Impact Assessment – Appendix H

• Status of SEMP environmental mitigation measures

• PMU / PIC notices issued and status of all nonconforming work
• Environmental Incidents
• Complaints received
• Other relevant environmental issues


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