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Name: AJ Brian Ty Grade & Section: 8-Agoncillo

What I Have Learned

Direction: Fill in the table below with the necessary information to manifest your learning of the
places in Southeast Asia.

Sotheast Asian Art Descriptions Art Influences Your View About

Countries the Art
Cambodia The art of Cambodia The culture of Their traditional visual
is one of the most Cambodia has had a arts of Cambodia
beautiful and have a rich and varied history have an effort and
great empire that dating back many improve.
dominated Southeast centuries and has
Asia. been influenced by
Indonesia The art of Indonesia Indonesia has been The art are quite
have a comprising shaped by interaction beautiful and have a
approximately 17,500 between indigenous good style.
Islands. customs and foreign
influences , including
Hinduism , Buddhism
and Islam.
Malaysia The art of Malaysia it It has been influenced Their crafts and art
is a constitutional by Chinese, Indian have a good
monarchy in and Islamic Arts. appearance and
Southeast Asia. attractive.
Singapore Singaporean art The chinese culture It is rich in tradition ,
embraces far more has significantly symbolism and
aspets. influenced the country innovative.
art form.
Thailand Thai art is basically Thai art influenced by Traditional thai
composed of Buddhist indigenous sculpture almost
art and scenes from civilizations of the exclusively depicts
the Indian epics. Mon and Khmer. images of the
Timbre Dynamics Rhythm Melody Form
Cambodia Khmer music built It is based in Have a melody Romvong and
consists linearly, predominantl in mind that no Rom kbach.
of polyphoni devoid of y on the single musician Romvong is slow
c. harmony in pentatonic actually plays. dance music,
the Western (five-tone) while ramkbach is
sense. scale. closely related to
Musicians in Thai folk music.
a music Recently, a form
ensemble of music called
have a kantrum has
collective . become popular.
Indonesia It is Gamelan is Jaipongan is The main, or The most popular
influenced the name a very skeletal, and famous form
by both for a mostly complex melody, of Indonesian
technical percussion- rhythmic called balungan music is
and based dance music , is generally probably gamelan
aesthetic ensemble from the played by , an ensemble of
factors. This type found Sundanese instruments tuned percussion
program on the people of made up of instruments that
examines Indonesian western Java. tuned metal include
the creation islands of The rhythm is bars. These are metallophones,
and effects Java and liable to the saron family drums, gongs and
of timbre in Bali off the change and the spike fiddles along
jazz and north-west seemingly slenthem. The with bamboo
Indian, West coast of randomly, panerusan,or flutes.
African, Australia. making elaborating
Irish, dancing instruments,
Bosnian, difficult for play variations
Indonesian most on the
gamelan, listeners. Its balungan, or
and instruments melody.
Japanese are entirely
music. Sundanese,
Malaysia Malaysia Malaysian Masri is one In general, The musical
may be instruments of five types music of genres in
categorised , With of rhythms Malaysia may traditional Malay
as classical, fourteen and dance be categorised music include asli
folk, kinds of styles called as classical, ronggeng, inang
syncretic (or drums, Tarian folk, syncretic and joget
acculturated flutes, Melayu, the (or acculturated dondang sayang
music). oboes, others being music), popular keroncong zapin
gongs, and asli, inang, and accompanying
trumpets, joget and contemporary and ghazal.
classical zapin. Zapin art music. ...
music of grew out of Among genres
Malaysia the Arab of this music
music communities are Zapin,
is loud, living in Johor Ghazal, Dondan
foot- around the g Sayang,
tapping, 14th century. Mata-kantiga,
and vibrant. It was Joget, Jikey,
Usually originally Boria and
played with played by Bangsawan.
skits, people of
dramas, mixed Arab
royal and Malay
events, blood, but
festivals, these days is
and other performed
ceremonies, throughout
Malay music Malaysia
tells a story
of joy, life,
Singapore Similar to The Rhythm of The violin is the Although they
Indonesian dynamics of the music of most important have many
Culture, the their music singapore instrument and similarities with
Singaporean expresses reflects on is accompanied the neighboring
s adapted the amount how musical by an accordion countries, the
the aesthetic of diversity and religious or harmonium, form of
and that is (not to knobbed gong, Singaporean
technical accepted in mention gendang (two- music is, at the
elements for their several committed) headed drum), same time,
their music. cultural Singaporeans rebana ubi (the different.
groups. are. largest drum in
the rebana
family of
(bamboo flute)
and bass guitar.
Thailand The two The music Rhythmically Classical Thai Ethnic minorities
most of and metrically music is such as the Lao,
popular Thailand ref Thai music is polyphonic and Lawa, Hmong,
styles of lects its steady in follows similar Akha, Khmer,
traditional geographic tempo, regula conventions to Lisu, Karen and
Thai music position at r in pulse, American folk Lahu peoples
are luk the divisive, in and dixieland have retained
thung and intersection simple duple music. Each traditional musical
mor lam. of China meter, instrument forms.
and India, without improvises
and reflects swing, with within accepted
trade routes little idioms around
that have syncopation  basic lines of
historically harmony or
included melody
Africa, called paths.
Greece and

What I Can Do

Directions: Create a concept map that shows the elements and principles for arts and music of
a given country specified in this lesson ( Thailand,Indonesia, Cambodia, Malaysia, and
Singapore). You need to create five concept maps. (one concept map per country ). Use the
concept map below as your guide.


Sky lanterns are traditionally

The music consists of simple made from oiled rice paper on a
songs with simple melodic lines. bamboo frame.


Thai art is basically composed

The source of hot air may be
of Buddhist art and scenes from
small candle or fuel cell
the Indian epics and was
composed of a waxy flammable
influenced by indigenous
civilizations of the Mon and
Wayang , in modern Indonesian
language means show o
Wayang Kulit is a type of
perfrom .Kulit means skin , a
puppet shadow play performed
reference to the leather
around the Indo- Malayan
material that the figures are
archipelagp , tracing its origins
carved out of.
to India.


Indonesia is known for its The Indonesian paintings which

stone, bronze, and iron –age are unique works of art.
Their music gained a world
The Pinpeat is a Cambodian
wide reputation in the 1960s
musical ensemble or an
until the dramatic political
orchestra that usually
problems in Cambodia.
accompanies ceremonial music
of the royal courts and


Music is always part of their

They feature choruses with court dances ,masked plays,
large orchestras based on shadow plays, and religious
struck keys and gongs. ceremonies.
Traditional jewelry was made Traditional Malaysian art is
from gold and silver adorned mainly centered on the crafts of
with gems and in East Malaysia carving, weaving, and
leather and beads were used to silversmithing.
the same effect .


The states of Kelantan and

Hand painted and the Block
Terangganu are considered the
printed are the two main types
cradle where batik first
of batik that are produced in
flourished, reaching even
Singapore’s shores.
Works of notable artists and
other masterpieces to be Singaporean art more
displayed in the Singaporean distinctive is its emerging of the
National Gallery will embody recognize European with the
the unique and cultural heritage symbolism in beauty of Asia.
of the country.


The existence and use of batik

has been recorded since the
Singapore art embraces far
12th century but has receded in
more aspects.
popularity through the years.

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