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[Could write the intro better, very vague intro with grammar


[The pie charts illustrate the water usage in three activities: Industrial, agricultural and domestic use.
Each pie chart portrays the data for six regions across the world which are ...(list them).]

[Central Asia
not a country]

[2nd para can be written in much short. Redundant extension of sentence. Talk only about the common features which is that the proportion
for agriculture is max for the 4 regions. Then talk about the other 2 regions about agriculture mentioning the number and proportions]

[with the figures standing at]

[can talk about more than just mentioning values. Try comparing
North and south america in terms of industrial sector here and
mention the difference. Same with central and south-east Asia]

[structure should
be changed to
make correct

[Again compare the same subset, like north and south america or central and south
east asia]
[Bad ending, ending should summarise the investigation and mention the key details]

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