Japanese Bird Focus

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KLA: Art Topic: Japanese inspired drawing Year level: 3 Date: 29/10/10 Time:

9.00am Duration: 50 minutes

Curriculum Intent:
QCAR Framework Essential Learnings by the end of Year 3 –

Visual Art
Visual Art involves using visual arts elements, concepts, processes and forms (both 2D
and 3D) to express ideas, considering particular audiences and particular purposes,
through images and objects.
• Warm (red, orange, yellow) and cool (blue, green, purple) colour schemes, and mixed and
complementary colours, are used to create tone and variation
e.g. using cool colours to suggest calm in a paper and glue sculpture about dreams and sleep.
• Line is used to suggest movement and direction
e.g. using heavy, straight lines to suggest the swiftness of a cheetah running or soft, squiggly lines
to suggest the slowness of a flowing river.
• Regular, irregular, open, enclosed, overlapped and adjacent shapes are used to create categories
and position
e.g. using a variety of rectangular shapes together in a painting to represent buildings in a town.

Objectives: for the children to Prior Knowledge:

• Create their own representation of a Japanese inspired Various art and craft activities
painting using lead pencil as an outline before coloring
with pencils or crayons

Teaching strategies Action tim



Introduce students to focus 3MN to bring lead, rubber and colored pencils/crayons 10
painting on interactive Students to remain at desks for very brief introduction
whiteboard Have two students help hand out paper
Model example Reiterate that:
We are using lead pencil only for outline
Hand out materials Everybody’s drawing can be a different representation
Shading, noticing where the light hits


Instruct students to use the Students to start sketching outline in lead pencil 30
painting on the whiteboard Must contain aspects shown in the painting – tree,
to create a similar drawing blossoms and bird but can rearrange features and
change background
Walk around room giving
individual suggestions and
feedback Students not to beginning coloring until outline is
absolutely complete
Students to begin coloring
when they finish outline

Students to walk around Any student not participating properly will be instructed 10
room and view each other’s to sit down
Collect work for 3CB, 3MN to Collect work with help of 2 students (3CB)
take work with them

Classroom Behaviour Resources Assessment

Organization Management IWB -
Have painting up Stars/warnings USB Observation
on IWB Seating paper Performance
Have paper ready arrangement Interaction
to go Monitor noise level Discussion
3CB to clear desks Do not ask
questions to whole

Reflection Title:

Teaching skills: Ability to orientate, enhance, synthesize, questioning technique, pace:

Student response (bored, enthusiastic, interested):

Classroom management (discipline, control, cater for individuals):

Other considerations/Recommendations/Follow up:

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