Erkinov Elyorjon

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Online Restaurant Management System (ORMS)" is web application to

restaurant management. This system wake to provide service facility to
restaurant and also to the customer. The services that are provided is
food ordering and reservation table management by the customer
through the system online, customer information management and
waiter information management, menu information management and
report. Main objective build the system this is to provide ordering and
reservation service by online to the customer. With this system online,
ordering and reservation management will become easier and
systematic to replace traditional system where are still using paper.
Furthermore, this system is applicable any time and where also
customer. During the development of ORMS, the methodology being
used is Prototyping model. Each process during the development
process is followed by each phases in Prototyping model. Software and
hardware used are AppServ, Macromedia Dreamweaver 8, Microsoft
Visio 2003, Apache serve and MySQL database. Furthermore, this
project will develop for restaurants management and enhance business
in system business by online. Others, this project to facilitate customer
for make online ordering and reservation.

1.1 Project Background

Online Restaurant management system is the system for manage
the restaurant business. The main point of developing this system
is to help restaurant administrator manage the restaurant
business and help customer for online ordering and reserve table.

The project is developing because; many restaurants have a lot

difficult to manage the business such as customer ordering and
reservation table. By using manual customer ordering is difficult
to waiter keep the correct customer information and maybe loss
the customer information.

So, online restaurant management system will develop to help

the restaurant administrator to manage restaurant management
and for customer make their online ordering and reservation
table. Other than that, this project is to upgrade the manual
system and make the business easily to access and systematic.
1.2 Problem Statement

Nowadays, many restaurants manage their business by manual

especially take customer ordering. Today, restaurant waiter takes
the customer ordering by manual system with using paper. This is
problem for restaurant waiter the probability lost and duplicates
customer information. Additionally, it would affect to reputation
restaurant in operate management of ordering

Besides, the restaurant waiter information also by manual system

kept use paper and this is difficult for restaurant administrator to
find waiter information, probability missing the paper and difficult
to arrange the schedule. Sometimes, waiter information and
customer information is important to restaurant administrator for
reference in the future

Furthermore, restaurant side needs management in the section

menu. This is the important to restaurant waiter to manage the
menu. Besides this section is for customer viewer the menu that
restaurant prepared and make their ordering.

As a result, the current system (manual system) is not effective

and efficient to use anymore because the current system cannot
save, manage and monitor the restaurant waiter information,
menu information, customer ordering information and generate
report well.
1.3 Objective

Based on the problems stated above, the objectives of the project

1. to develop online ordering and reservation system in
2. to develop use interface for online restaurant management
3. to provide online menu information for customer

1.4 Scope

This section consist of three components which is target

user, target area and project deliverables

1.4.1 Target User

The groups of user that had been identified to use the system
are customer and administrator.

This user will register to be a member to use the online system

of this online restaurant management system (ORMS). This
online ordering divided into two type of customer, it is
customer dine-in ordering and takeaway ordering. For dine-in
ordering, customer will view menu, make online ordering and
make a reservation table. But takeaway ordering, customer can
view menu and online ordering without reservation table. After
customer make online ordering, customer can take ordering
the date that customer was choose during make online
ordering. Event though, customer must confirm online ordering
with restaurant three days before customer take the ordering
for dine-in customer and for take-away customer will be
confirm one hour before it whether by email or phone.


Administrator is the person who will manage the entire system.

This type of user will also do maintenance and control the
application of this system. Administrator takes a mponsibility
to register new customer, register new waiter, register new
menu into database, and etc.

1.4.2 Target Area

This system will be placed at restaurant.

1.43 Project Deliverables

Regarding to the module that had been identified, the flow of

an activity will be described in term of customer registration
module, customer online ordering and reservation module,
waiter module, feedback module, menu module and generate
report module.

Customer Registration Module

Customer registration module contains customer's information

such as customer personal information and other information
related to that customer. Then, all of this information recorded
into database

Customer Online Ordering And Reservation Module

Customer online ordering and reservation module provides a

form that needs to be fulfilling in term of ordering food and
reservation table via online.

Waiter Module

Waiter module contains waiter information such as waiter

personal information, task schedule and other information
related to that waiter. Then, all of this information recorded
into database.
Feedback Module

Based on food or everything about the restaurant, customer

can send any suggestion or comment to the restaurant with
feedback form. From this form, side of restaurant will know
their weaknesses and strengths

Menu Module

Menu module is food that restaurant prepared for customer.

This module, customer can view the menu and make decision
for order.

Generate Report Module

System provides an option for generate a report. The contents

of the report as the following:

1. The report of customer ordering and reservation table.

2. Customer's information and waiter information.
3. Suggestion or comment that customer insert at feedback
4. Profit business for restaurant
1.5 Project Significance
This system will be going to help customer and administrator in
restaurant especially part of online ordering and reservation
table. Most of restaurant has a problem of the ordering and
reservation table. The result of online ordering and reservation
table will give customer easy to make ordering and reservation
table online and hopefully can smoothen up the job of
administrator and waiter. This system also produces a
computerized system in defining the best solution in each
ordering and reservation problem faces by customer and

1.6 Expected Output

The expected output from this project is a system-- that will be
able to store customer's information, waiter's information,
menu's information, store customer information of online
ordering and reservation information and customer's
suggestion and generate profit business report. Otherwise this
system will change form manual system to computerized
1.7 Conclusion

ORMS are developed as a system-based. Chapter I described each

problem occurred by using the manual system. Project objective
and project scope identified the solution for each of the problem.
Project Significance also being explains to convince benefits that
can be gathered from this system. This system hopefully can
overcome the problem in the current system.

The second phase in delivering a system is Literature Review and

Methodology. The purpose of Literature Review is to help in explaining
how far the question needs to be investigated to maps out the
requirement needed. A Literature Review is a summary of previous
research on a topic. Literature Review can be either a part of a larger
report of a research project. This chapter explains about facts or
statement which known as Literature Review that will be used as
guidance in developing the system. Other that, methodology will
elaborate Prototyping model approach. To develop this system,
methodology should be choose for one important part of the Literature

2.2 Facts and Finding

Facts and findings establishes what the existing system does and what
the problems are, and leads to a definition of a set of options from
which users may choose their required system.
This section will maps out different perspective which related to the
project that will be developed. It focused on the how far the online
ordering and reservation table is important to customers and
administrators. In the other situation, it will describe any element or
method which is useful to be used for the purpose of searching and
gathered useful information in developing this system.

Case Study 1: Internet application for restaurant industry

Refer to Nich (1 999), today restaurant is the important business in

industrialized nation. The restaurant industry is the third largest type of
business in the US - over 25% of retail outlets are eating or drinking
establishments, employing 5% of the nation's workforce.

Palmer (1999), furthermore internet is an important application in

developing this industry because it cans interact between restaurant
and customer. Internet has been becoming a powerful channel for
business marketing and communication.

Nevertheless, according to Schneider and Perry (2001), for new

business opportunities - as it is often called as e-business or e-
commerce today. According to Flynn et a1 (2005), the important in
restaurant industry service today is online ordering. Nowadays the
restaurant currently used traditional ordering system. This traditional
system is difficult to waiter to manage part of customer order. Besides,
it may cause problem to restaurant administrator in store customer
information and maybe the information lost. To settle this problem, the
restaurant industry has predicted more quick increase in online
ordering. The Internet technology becomes more popular and the
access to the internet becomes more easy and convenient to the
public. The computerized system used in restaurant industry to
facilitate restaurant management without any problem. In addition,
this project to develop for improve the traditional system into
computerized system that more systematic, productive and easily
2.2.1 Domain
This Online Restaurant Management System (ORMS) is developed in
the field of ICT in restaurant application. Module that had been
specified in this system is based on a research or application made for
restaurant field. ORMS are categorized in restaurant field because this
system concern about online ordering and reservation table. Online
ordering and reservation table is one of restaurant problem which
affecting most for customer and administrator management. The
functionality of ORMS concerns on how to develop a system-based in
online ordering and reservation table.

Saloma Theatre Restaurant

Saloma Theatre Restaurant invites customer to A Malaysian Showcase

Good Food, Good Service & Good Entertainment. The newly-renovated
Saloma Theatre Restaurant is strategically located in the Golden
Triangle, within the shopping, entertainment and business hub. The
buildings and surroundings provide tourist a breathtaking view of the
city's skyscrapers with the backdrop of the magnificent Petronas Twin
Towers. Its location within the vicinity of Malaysia Tourism Centre
(MTC) is the ideal one-stop center convenient for tourists to savor the
rich variety of local fare, discover picturesque holiday getaways,
traditional customs, culture and must see entertainment of Malaysia.

This website has system for online reservation. This online reservation
will be proposed for this project, restaurant management system
online. In this website also has some information about this restaurant
such as location map, other facilities, special events, culture and
traditions, arts and crafts, dinner cultural show. Figure 2.1 shows the
form of online reservation for Saloma Theatre Restaurant .

Figure 2.1: Saloma Theatre Restaurant online reservation

2. Expressive Creations Sdn Bhd (ECSB)

Expressive Creations Sdn Bhd (ECSB) is the company that

builds up website for Beryani King Restaurant. This company
involved inside legitimate food business include catering,
restaurant, equipment rental catering and other fields related.
As a company which offered local service relating catering,
ECSB offers following services to the customer council for
council like marriage, recite religious verses, open house,
family day, company dinner party, company conference and
others. Beryani King Website is the one of the example
restaurant that provides for customer makes their ordering via
online. Figure 2.2 shows the form for customer order. From the
form there was some information that for customer insert such
as customer information and ordering information. Besides,
this restaurant was list the entire menu that they prepared for
customer chooses. After insert all information, the system will
display the message system that the ordering was successfully
order. The entire customer ordering information will be direct
to the Beryani King restaurant.
3. DJU Catering
DJU catering is an experienced company in having help by
several skilled energy, DJU Catering ready to receive food
booking cooked and dry for councils such as wedding, charity
night banquet, Hari Raya feast, meeting I seminar I course and
other functions. DJU catering also prepare for customer make
their ordering via online.
Figure 2.3 shows the form for customer order.

Figure 2.3: DJU catering restaurant online ordering

For make online ordering at DJU catering restaurant, customer

should insert all information about the ordering information
and customer information. All the information will directly to
DJU catering and DJU catering will call the customer for
confirmation. is a new interactive visual online table

reservation system. The guest chooses the desired date and
time at their favorite restaurant, clicks on the preferred table
for the desired number of guests and simply reserves it. Guests
can personalize their booking by selecting form a variety of
features, for example smoker1 non-smoker sections, even
placing an order in advance from the editable restaurant menu.
Based on application, there were some new features such as
the flash application to book a table has a new skin in green
and every tool has a new created icon in white. Besides, in the
management area there is the possibility to switch from one
skin to another. It is the 1st feature "change skins" and the
possibility to add advertising on the right empty part of the
application. Other else, also provide for
ecard and a photo gallery. Figure 2.4 shows the form of Table- system.
2.2.3 Technique

During the development of this project, there are several

techniques that had been applied to get as much as
information as a guide in develop this system, Sources are
collected from journals, books, electronic resource and
observation. Besides, most observation is done through

In developing the system, AppServ software will be used in

term of designing and implementing code. Database will be
created by using MySQL syntax while the programming
languages are based on PHP (Pre-Hypertext Processor).
Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 is used to implement PHP
programming language. Apache server had been chosen as a
platform in which the system will run. Image manipulation and
image editing will be done by using Adobe Photoshop CS2.
Observation to the existing system is also done to get the
reality of ordering management environment. There were
some reviews of other management system as references.
From the review, there is a lot of information and data that is
2.3 Project Methodology

To develop this system, I had been identified a suitable

methodology to be followed during the implementation of
Online Restaurant Management System (ORMS). Prototyping
model explains detail in this section.
2.3.1 Prototype Model

Based on explanation of Prototyping model via the internet,

and Yeates and Wakefield , prototype model is describes based
on Figure 2.5 below.
Figure 2.5: Prototype model

1. Planning Phase
The project planning starts in this phase. First, the
information is gathered from the restaurant and the end
users about the manual system. Before starting built the
system, problem must be analyze in manual system then try
to solve the problem. At the same time, element that is in
the database should be known.

2. Analysis Phase
During this phase, the manual system is investigated and
improvement opportunities are identified based on the
information gathered in the Planning phase. The user
requirements are gathered, analyzed and reviewed. The
final deliverables from this phase are Analysis Report.
Output from this phase is Context Diagram, Data Flow
Diagram (DFD) and Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD).

3. Design Phase
The output produced in the Analysis phase is used to guide
the design process of this system. During this phase,
database will be designed. It is design based on requirement
needed by this system. Besides that, an interface will also be
designed. It is based on output of analysis phase which had
been gathered from the organization.

4. Implementation Phase
During this phase, the system actually built by using AppSew
software and Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 based on the
deliverable produced in design phase. Database and
interface design from design phase will be developed. Then,
process of written code will be done. In this system,
programming had divided into two; PHP language and
MySQL database. Interface of a system will be developed by
using Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 and Adobe Photoshop

5. Testing Phase
After complete develop the system, testing phases will be
done. This is important to test whether code which had
been implemented is correct or not. If there is error
occurred, a solution will be finding to overcome the
problem. If there is an error, a modifying code will be done
from the beginning phase of development.

2.3.2 Database Life Cycle (DBLC)

According to Rob and Coronel, Database Life Cycle (DBLC)
contains six phases which are; database initial study,
database design, implementation and loading, testing and
evaluation, operation, and maintenance and evaluation.
Figure 2.6 shows the mechanism of DBLC and explanation
for each of the phases.

Figure 2.6: Database Life Cycle (DBLC)

2.3.3 Database Initial Study

Database initial study must discover part of:

1) Company's operational components such as their nature,

function and so on.
2) Define the problem and constraints which affected the
business of the company
3) Define the objective to solve the company problem
4) Define scope and boundaries which exist through the
application. The database initial study phase leads to the
development of the database system objectives. From this
also, let us examine each of its components is greater detail.
2.3.4 Database Design

The second phase focuses on the design database model

that will support company operations and objectives. It
consists of four part as had been explains as conceptual
design, logical design, physical design and DBMS software

1. Conceptual Design Data modeling is used to create an

abstract database structure. The system that wants to be
built must produce a report, queries data and database
manipulating must be run smoothly. Besides, the system
can produce the report, queries data, online ordering
result which are calculated price by the system.
Administrator will keep track of all data inserted into the
database. Customer also can insert their data and save
direct into database. Furthermore, the system can be
used to update the database, manipulating and retrieve

2. Logical Design Context Diagram and Data Flow Diagram

(DFD) are designed based on ORMS system that wanted
to be built. Microsoft Visio 2003 is used to design both of
the diagrams. Before identified the business rules,
entities must be listed.

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