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Aquatic Botany 100 (2012) 41–50

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Is black swan grazing a threat to seagrass? Indications from an observational

study in New Zealand
Virginie M. Dos Santos a,b,∗ , Fleur E. Matheson a , Conrad A. Pilditch b , Arnaud Elger c,d
National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, Gate 10 Silverdale Rd, PO Box 11-115, Hamilton, New Zealand
University of Waikato, Department of Biological Sciences, Gate 8 Hillcrest Rd, Private Bag 3105, Hamilton, New Zealand
Université de Toulouse, INP, UPS, EcoLab (Laboratoire Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Environnement), ENSAT, Avenue de l’Agrobiopole, 31326 Castanet Tolosan, France
CNRS, EcoLab, 31326 Castanet Tolosan, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In New Zealand, the black swan (Cygnus atratus) is the only large grazer of intertidal seagrass (Zostera
Received 10 November 2011 muelleri). The present study examined spatial and temporal variations in black swan grazing activity
Received in revised form 12 March 2012 in a large temperate estuary to estimate potential site-specific and estuary-wide impacts on seagrass
Accepted 13 March 2012
biomass. We monitored diel swan grazing activities, their seasonal abundance, estimated the rate at
Available online 24 March 2012
which swans consumed seagrass and measured changes in the standing stock of seagrass biomass at four
sites in Tauranga Harbour. Black swans foraged primarily at high tide (both during the day and night)
Key words:
and were more numerous at sites with larger meadows, particularly during autumn. Grazing created
Waterfowl herbivory
Cygnus atratus
circular devegetated patches (average size ∼0.28 m2 ) with 92% of shoots, 25% of roots and 99% of rhizomes
Consumption rate removed. We measured an average seagrass consumption rate of 394 g dry mass (DM) swan−1 d−1 in line
Grazing pressure with consumption rates of other Zostera-feeding waterfowl. At sites where grazing was most intense
Temperate estuaries (annual removal of 19–20% of the average seagrass biomass), we observed a substantial decline (43–69%)
Zostera muelleri in plant biomass in the subsequent growing season. These results suggest that black swan grazing could
constitute a threat to seagrass under high grazing pressure.
© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction that is less conducive to seagrass re-growth (Kendrick et al., 2002;

Eklöf et al., 2008), and meadows may become more vulnerable to
Seagrasses are found in the coastal zones of all continents except erosive forces (Fonseca and Bell, 1998). However, grazing effects
Antarctica (Short et al., 2007) and contribute significantly to coastal might not always be detrimental. Removal of epiphytised leaves
primary production (Hemminga and Duarte, 2000; Beck et al., and senescent tissue by grazing may reduce the susceptibility to
2001). Globally, seagrasses are an important food source for a vari- slime mold (Labyrinthula sp.) infection (Jackson, 2001). Periodic
ety of marine herbivores including dugongs, manatees, turtles, fish, biomass removal may also facilitate erosion of elevated intertidal
sea-urchins and waterfowl (Thayer et al., 1984; Heck and Valentine, beds, counteracting excessive sedimentation and plant exposure
2006). Smaller grazers (e.g. sea-urchins, fish, and turtles) tend to to desiccation stress, thus assisting these meadows to regenerate
remove only the leaves and shoots of plants while larger graz- on an annual basis (Jacobs et al., 1981; Nacked and Reise, 2000). In
ers (e.g. manatees, dugongs and waterfowl) will also uproot and some settings, seagrasses have been shown to compensate for low
consume roots and rhizomes (Jacobs et al., 1981; Vermaat and to moderate grazing losses (removal of 5–40% of leaf biomass) by
Verhagen, 1996; Mathers et al., 1998; Hugues et al., 2004; Tinkler increasing their above-ground growth rate (Vergés et al., 2008).
et al., 2009). In addition to the loss of biomass, grazing activities can Avian grazing on intertidal seagrasses is often a seasonal occur-
disturb the structure of seagrass meadows by creating a mosaic rence with grazing events linked to migration and lasting for a
of defoliated or devegetated patches (Jacobs et al., 1981; Thayer few weeks to a few months (Jacobs et al., 1981; Thayer et al.,
et al., 1984). This can also lead to a change in environmental condi- 1984; Portig et al., 1994; Baldwin and Lovvorn, 1994; Ganter,
tions within the meadow (e.g. current velocities, sediment quality) 2000; Nacked and Reise, 2000; Rivers and Short, 2007). Studies
on migratory geese and wigeon in the Northern Hemisphere have
documented intensive grazing events during the autumn and/or
winter period. During these events, grazing can remove moderate
∗ Corresponding author at: National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research,
to very high proportions of the seagrass biomass (20–98%) (Portig
Gate 10 Silverdale Rd, PO Box 11-115, Hamilton, New Zealand. Tel.: +64 7 856 7026;
fax: +64 7 856 0151. et al., 1994; Baldwin and Lovvorn, 1994; Nacked and Reise, 2000;
E-mail address: (V.M. Dos Santos). Rivers and Short, 2007). Recovery usually proceeds in the following

0304-3770/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
42 V.M. Dos Santos et al. / Aquatic Botany 100 (2012) 41–50

growing season by vegetative expansion of remnant rhizomes and 2. Materials and methods
leaves and/or through germination of seeds (Jacobs et al., 1981).
However, recovery can be slowed, or prevented, following high 2.1. Study sites
intensity grazing because of significant damage to, or consump-
tion of, plant rhizomes or meristems (e.g. Rivers and Short, 2007; The study was conducted in Tauranga Harbour on the North
Alcoverro and Mariani, 2002). The recovery process is also depen- Island of New Zealand. This harbour has a surface area of 201 km2 ,
dent on the frequency of disturbance, the availability of resources to of which ∼15% (29.33 km2 ) is covered by seagrass meadows (Park,
enable re-growth (e.g. sufficient light and nutrients) and the coloni- 1999). Four sites varying in seagrass meadow extent and swan
sation strategy of the plant species (Di Carlo and Kenworthy, 2008) occupation, considered representative of Tauranga Harbour, were
(i.e. recovery may be hindered by a lack of dissemination structures chosen: Bridgman Ln. (Latitude/Longitude: 37◦ 27’S/175◦ 56 E),
(e.g. seeds) (Kendrick et al., 2002; Altstatt, 2003; Orth et al., 2006; Omokoroa (37◦ 38’S/176◦ 02 E), Katikati (37◦ 33’S/175◦ 55 E), and
Eklöf et al., 2008)). Harvey St. (37◦ 42’S/176◦ 09 E). Field observations and measure-
In New Zealand, the black swan (Cygnus atratus Latham, 1790) ments were made between April 2007 (autumn) and February 2010
is the only large grazer of intertidal seagrass meadows. The black (summer).
swan is a native species of New Zealand and Australia (Worthy
and Holdaway, 2002) and the New Zealand population is esti- 2.2. Swan numbers and grazing patterns
mated to be ∼35,000 birds (Kear, 2005). Black swans are present
in New Zealand lakes and estuaries all year. However, the non- Once a month for a two-year period (March 2008 to February
breeding birds tend to congregate in large estuaries during the 2010), swan numbers were counted in a fixed area (150 ha) at each
moulting season (summer–autumn period) where they graze as site during the day at low tide using binoculars (Asahi Pentax Binoc-
flocks on the intertidal seagrass meadows (Williams, 1981). Eval- ulars, 10 × 50 Field 55◦ ) to assess seasonal patterns. Diel grazing
uating the swans grazing pressure is an important first step behaviour was assessed periodically at two sites (Omokoroa and
toward understanding its role in the dynamics of seagrass mead- Katikati) where swans were relatively numerous (>50) and could be
ows. observed with minimal disturbance. Swan observations were made
Zostera muelleri Irmisch ex Asch. (Zosteraceae) is the only sea- for four contrasting tide/diel scenarios: low tide (1) and high tide (2)
grass species in New Zealand (Jacobs et al., 2006; Jones et al., around midday, and low tide (3) and high tide (4) around midnight.
2008) and it forms meadows occurring predominantly on sheltered, Observations were made for either 12 or 24 h on three or four differ-
intertidal sand flats in estuaries. Seagrass meadows have declined ent occasions for each scenario during the period when swans were
in many New Zealand estuaries during the last century (Park, most abundant in the harbour (December to May). Swans were
1999; Inglis, 2003; Reed et al., 2004). Seagrass wasting disease, counted and their behaviours ((1) sleeping, (2) grazing, or (3) other
which was detected during the 1960s (Armiger, 1965), may have activity (e.g. loafing, flying, swimming and walking)) observed and
contributed to the decline together with other potential causes recorded every 15 min using binoculars. Infra-red binoculars (ATN
including anthropogenic sedimentation and eutrophication (Park, Voyager Night Vision) were used during night-time observations.
1999; Inglis, 2003). Overgrazing by black swans is also postulated
as a factor contributing to seagrass decline in some locations (Park, 2.3. Quantifying patch size and biomass removal
This study examines whether grazing by black swans might Circular defoliated patches within the seagrass meadows were
constitute a threat to seagrass meadows. Our work focuses on clearly visible and attributable to swan grazing. The most recently
one large New Zealand estuary, Tauranga Harbour. In 1959, 22% made patches were identified by the presence of adjacent fresh
of Tauranga Harbour surface area was covered by both intertidal swan faeces and/or uprooted seagrass fragments. We measured the
(89%) and subtidal (11%) Z. muelleri. By 1996, more than one-third dimensions of 10 freshly grazed patches at two sites (Omokoroa
of the seagrass meadows had disappeared, reducing the seagrass and Bridgman Ln.) on three separate occasions (November 2007,
coverage to 15% from which 27% of the intertidal and 90% of the February and March 2008) to determine the average size of the
subtidal seagrass was lost (Park, 1999). Concurrently, black swan defoliated patches.
numbers in this harbour have steadily increased from 1900 to 5100 We also determined the average amount of above-ground and
birds in mid-summer between 1979 and 2010 (Eastern Region below-ground biomass removed from these defoliated patches. On
Fish and Game Council, unpublished data). The increased graz- three occasions at the Omokoroa site (March, April and May 2008),
ing pressure on seagrass in this harbour may have contributed to during low tide, we collected single cores (8 cm diameter × 10 cm
the observed decline in meadow area, particularly for intertidal depth) from the centre of 10 grazed patches and another set of 10
plants and those shallow subtidal plants within the reach of graz- cores randomly selected within 0.2 m of the grazed patch border in
ing swans (i.e. <1 m depth). Our aims in this study were (1) to ungrazed areas of the meadow. For the latter, we carefully selected
document the grazing behaviour of black swans feeding on sea- areas that had no obvious signs of recent grazing (e.g. leaf breakage,
grass meadows; (2) to quantify in situ seagrass consumption rates exposed roots, bare patches). Plant material was extracted from
by black swans and grazed patch characteristics; and finally, (3) the cores and separated into shoot, root and rhizome fractions. All
to examine possible relationships between swan grazing pressure samples were dried (70 ◦ C for 48 h) to determine dry mass (DM).
and seagrass standing stock biomass at seasonal and annual time
scales. 2.4. Seagrass consumption rates, calorific value and biomass
To quantify seagrass consumption rates and damage caused
by swan grazing we used an alternative, observational approach Seagrass consumption rates were estimated in situ five times
to traditional bird enclosure and exclosure experiments. In our across two sites (Omokoroa and Katikati), in summer–autumn
approach, consumption rates were derived from swan faecal pro- (January 2008, March to May 2008 and February 2009). Within the
duction rates (see below), a method particularity well suited to seagrass meadow, an observation plot (100 × 100 m or 75 × 75 m)
intertidal habitats. We were able to estimate feeding rates of a natu- was marked in each corner with buoys at low tide and all swan
ral population of waterfowl, without experimentally induced biases faeces were removed. The number of swans within the plot was
(e.g. behavioural changes in the birds or plant regrowth during the counted every 15 min for either 12 or 24 h to determine mean swan
grazing period) in a cost-effective manner. density during the experiment. The duration of the experiment was
V.M. Dos Santos et al. / Aquatic Botany 100 (2012) 41–50 43

based on the following assumptions: (1) that the rate of through- converted monthly percentage cover measurements into biomass
put does not exceed 6 h (the black swan has a mean digestive tract (g DM m−2 ) using the following equation (r2 = 0.71, p < 0.01):
length of 3.83 m (n = 6, V.M. Dos Santos, unpublished data) which
(%cover − 5.90)
lies between that of the whooper swan (3.17 m) and the mute swan Sb = (3)
(4.05 m) which have food retention times of 3 and 6 h, respectively
(Clausen et al., 2002)) and (2) that swan numbers entering versus Although this equation is based on data collected during sum-
exiting the plot remained relatively constant for the duration of mer, and was then generalised for the whole year, the relationship
the observation period. At the end of the observation period all can be considered relatively robust. The Tauranga regression data
faeces within the plot were collected and their DM (70 ◦ C for 48 h) was statistically similar (Seagrass biomass = (% cover − 13.05)/0.15;
determined. Seagrass samples were also collected and dried on one homogeneity of slopes p = 0.17; intercept p = 0.52) to that derived
occasion. We used lignin as an indigestible marker (herbivorous from another North Island estuary (Whangarei) during the autumn
birds are unable to digest lignin; Newsholme and Start, 1973), to period (Matheson et al., Unpublished data).
estimate the quantity of seagrass consumed from the quantity of Black swan grazing pressure (Sg) was expressed as a propor-
faeces collected. The lignin content (mean ± SE) as a % DM of faeces tion (%) of the standing seagrass biomass and estimated using the
(LF ) (7.6 ± 0.6%; n = 3) and seagrass (LS ) (5.8 ± 0.4%; n = 3) was deter- following formula:
mined using a Tecator Fibretec System (Robertson and Van Soest, CR × nm × tm
1981). We calculated the digestibility (%) of seagrass as: Sg = × 100 (4)
Sb × a
S where nm is the monthly swan number in the plot area and tm is the
d= 1− × 100 (1)
LF number of days in a month, a the size of the plot area (10,000 m2 ).
Twenty-four percent of the seagrass was digested and thus lost Monthly swan number in the plot area was estimated as 5.7% of
to the environment. We therefore applied a correction factor (Sd ) of the swan number counted monthly at each site from March 2009
1.31 (LF /LS ) to our calculations of seagrass consumption rates (see to February 2010. This percentage corresponds to the average pro-
Eq. (2)). portion of the swan population present in the plot area during the
We also noted that a loss of swan faeces could occur from plots consumption rate experiments. Seagrass biomass and grazing pres-
due to faeces degradation and/or transport by tidal currents. We sure data were pooled and presented as seasonally and annually
assessed this potential loss term on three occasions (Omokoroa averaged values for each site.
site, May 2008, January and February 2010) under conditions (tidal
range, wind speed) similar to those encountered during our sea- 2.5. Data analyses
grass consumption measurements. Faecal samples (n = 20, for each
occasion) were collected at low tide, marked using insoluble spray- Bivariate linear regression analysis was used to examine rela-
paint, weighed (wet mass, WM) and distributed at randomly chosen tionships between swan numbers and seagrass meadow size. The
locations within a 100 × 100 m plot area. On the following low amount of time swans spent grazing during the day versus the
tide intact marked faeces remaining in the plot were collected and night, the low versus high tide, seagrass biomass in February
reweighed; 53 ± 17% (WW) of the faeces were lost. 2009 versus February 2010, and seagrass calorific value of above
Seagrass consumption rates (CR; g DM swan−1 d−1 ) were esti- versus below-ground biomass, were compared with a Student’s
mated using the following equation: t-test. Above, below-ground, root, rhizome and total biomass of
grazed versus ungrazed areas, were compared with a paired Stu-
Qf × Fw × Sd dent’s t-test. Significant temporal and spatial differences (p < 0.05)
CR = (2)
n×t in swan numbers were explored with a three-way analysis of vari-
where Qf is the quantity of faeces collected (g DM), Fw is the correc- ance (ANOVA) where site, year, season and interactive effects were
tion factor for the amount of faeces washed away by one tide cycle tested. Seagrass biomass and grazing pressure among sites and sea-
(2.11 for a 12 h experiment (100/(100 − 53)) or 4.46 when two tide sons were examined using two-way ANOVA. Post hoc Tukey HSD
cycles occurred during a 24 h experiment ((100/(100 − 53))2 ), Sd multiple comparison tests were used for pair-wise comparisons
is the correction factor for the amount of seagrass assimilated via when applicable. Statistica Version 8 (StatSoft, Inc., Oklahoma, USA)
digestion (1.31), and n is the average number of swans present in was used for all statistical analyses.
the plot area during the observation/feeding period t (either 0.5 or
1 d). 3. Results
Calorific values (kJ) of both above and below-ground biomass of
Z. muelleri were obtained by combustion of dried seagrass samples 3.1. Seasonal swan numbers and daily grazing patterns
(from Omokoroa site, n = 6) in an Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter (PARR
Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter, 1341 Plain Jacket Calorimeter). Swans generally congregated in the harbour from late spring to
Seagrass meadow size (m2 ) at each site was estimated during early winter (November to June) (Fig. 1). The swan population typ-
summer (2007/2008) using a tape measure as the distance occupied ically increased during the summer months to reach a maximum
alongshore multiplied by distance occupied downshore. Seagrass during autumn then decreased through winter and spring. The most
biomass (Sb ; g DM m−2 ) was determined on a monthly basis for one populated sites were Bridgman Ln, Omokoroa and Katikati, with
year (February 2009 to February 2010) to compare to that removed annual average swan numbers of 154, 88 and 53, respectively. Har-
by swan grazing. To avoid repeated destructive sampling of mead- vey St. was much less populated by swans (annual average swan
ows, seagrass biomass was estimated from percentage (%) cover number 16). Seasonal trends in swan numbers differed significantly
values in six plots (0.25 m2 ) at all sites. We established a relation- among sites (three-way ANOVA, site × season effect F9,64 = 9.49,
ship between % seagrass cover and biomass on one occasion during p < 0.01). Swan numbers were significantly higher during autumn
summer by sampling 75 plots (0.25 m2 ) among the Tauranga sites. at Bridgman Ln. and Omokoroa compared to other sites (Tukey HSD
Percentage seagrass cover was determined and biomass measured test, p < 0.05).
from a core (8 cm diameter × 10 cm depth) collected in the mid- Seagrass meadow sizes varied from 0.005 (Harvey St.) to
dle of each plot, from which seagrass (above and below ground 0.72 km2 (Bridgman Ln.). Omokoroa and Katikati sites had interme-
biomass) was extracted, dried (70 ◦ C for 48 h) and weighed. We diate meadow sizes of 0.24 and 0.09 km2 , respectively. We found a
44 V.M. Dos Santos et al. / Aquatic Botany 100 (2012) 41–50

3.2. Defoliated patches

Two main types of grazing behaviour were observed. The first

type consisted of swans remaining relatively static and intensively
grazing in one place. This type of grazing was most common when
swans were undisturbed and resulted in circular defoliated patches.
These patches often took the form of shallow pits in the sediment as
swans dug to extract seagrass rhizomes and roots. The second type
of grazing behaviour was observed when a disturbance occurred
(e.g. boat traffic) and consisted of swans grazing while swimming.
In this case, grazing impacts were difficult to quantify; however,
it was possible to find occasional plants uprooted and defoliated
when the seagrass meadow was observed on the subsequent low
Fig. 1. Black swan number and density in the 150 ha area surrounding each meadow
recorded monthly at each site in Tauranga Harbour from March 2008 to February
2010. Freshly formed defoliated patches varied in diameter from 0.3
to 1.5 m with a mean (±SE) surface area of 0.28 ± 0.02 m2 . Analysis
of seagrass biomass remaining in intensively grazed patches com-
pared to ungrazed controls showed that overall 60% of the total
significant positive correlation between meadow size and annual seagrass biomass was removed from the grazed patches including
average swan number (r2 = 0.94, p < 0.01, n = 4). We found no evi- 92% of the seagrass above-ground and 43% of the seagrass below-
dence of a critical meadow size for swan occupation in this study. ground biomass. From the below-ground biomass, 25% of the roots
Our observations showed that despite the plants being com- and 99% of the rhizomes were removed (Table 2).
pletely exposed at low tide, black swans predominantly grazed on
the seagrass meadows when plants were covered by shallow water 3.3. Seagrass consumption rates, calorific value, biomass and
(i.e. during mid and high tide when water depth was less than ∼1 m, grazing pressure
the length of their necks), and that this grazing pattern was not
affected by the day–night cycle (Fig. 2). There was no significant We measured seagrass consumption rates ranging from
difference (t-test, n = 6, p = 0.79) between the average amount of 140 to 850 g DM swan−1 d−1 with a mean consumption rate of
time spent grazing on meadows during the night (58%) and the 394 g DM swan−1 d−1 (Table 3). Seagrass calorific values averaged
day (59%) whereas there was a significant difference (t-test, n = 6, (±SE) 11 ± 0.4 kJ g−1 , and were significantly higher (t-test, n = 6,
p < 0.01) between the average amount of time spent grazing during p < 0.01) for the leaves (12.2 ± 0.4 kJ g−1 ) than the roots and rhi-
high tide (90%) than during low tide (12%) (Table 1). Swans were zomes (9.9 ± 0.3 kJ g−1 ).
generally sleeping or grooming when the seagrass meadows were Seagrass biomass differed among sites and seasons (Two-way
exposed at low tide. ANOVA, site effect F3,32 = 6.68, p < 0.01, season effect F3,32 = 4.90,

Fig. 2. Examples of day and night swan behaviour results at the Omokoroa site. Counts were made every 15 min during the day (a; left graphs) and the night (b; right graphs)
when high tide occurs at the middle of the observation period (upper graphs) and when low tide occurs at the middle of the observation period (lower graphs). The above
solid curve represents the tidal state during the observation period and the dashed line indicates the upper limit of seagrass depth distribution. The decrease in swan numbers
during the night reflects reduced visibility for counting rather than swan exodus from sites.
Table 1
Summary of swan grazing observations from May 2007 to April 2008 at two study sites (Katikati and Omokoroa), and the proportion of time that swans spent grazing on seagrass meadows during the day and night, and during
high (highlighted with the light grey background) and low tide.

Observation scenario Location Date Start time Duration (h) Time of high or Proportion of Proportion of Proportion of time Proportion of time
(h:min) low tide time spent time spent spent grazing per spent grazing per
(h:min) grazing during grazing during high and low tide, night and day,
high or low overall count Mean ±SE Mean ±SE
tide (%) (%)

Night – High tide Omokoroa Dec 07 17.30 12 0.45 100 60 97 ± 3 58 ± 3

Katikati Jan 08 19.15 12 0.30 92 52
Omokoroa Apr 08 18.30 12 0.45 100 67
Night – Low tide Katikati Feb 08 13.00 24 1.30 0 49 14 ± 14
Katikati Feb 08 15.15 24 1.30 42 69
Omokoroa Mar 08 13.15 24 23.30 0 49
Day – High tide Omokoroa Dec 07 8.00 12 14.15 100 73 83 ± 17 59 ± 3
Katikati Feb 08 5.45 12 11.15 50 67
Katikati Mar 08 6.45 12 11.30 100 49

V.M. Dos Santos et al. / Aquatic Botany 100 (2012) 41–50

Day – Low tide Omokoroa May 07 7.30 12 11.30 0 50 10 ± 5
Omokoroa May 07 7.30 12 12.15 8 56
Omokoroa May 07 7.30 12 13.00 8 58
Omokoroa May 07 7.30 12 13.45 25 60

Total mean ± SE 59 ± 2

Table 2
Seagrass biomass in grazed patches compared to ungrazed areas of seagrass meadows, and the proportion of biomass removed by intensive swan grazing creating defoliated patches, at Omokoroa (n = 10 for each date).

Date Below-ground biomass Above-ground biomass

Rhizome biomass Root biomass Shoot biomass

Ungrazed area Grazed patch Biomass Ungrazed area Grazed patch Biomass Ungrazed area Grazed patch Biomass
(g m−2 ) (g m−2 ) removed (%) (g m−2 ) (g m−2 ) removed (%) (g m−2 ) (g m−2 ) removed (%)

19 Mar 08 54 0 99 130 92 26 68 5 92
29 Apr 08 39 0 100 161 133 18 75 10 87
27 May 08 42 1 98 136 89 29 110 2 99

Mean ± SE 45 ± 4 0±0 99 ± 1a 142 ± 12 105 ± 12 25 ± 5a 84 ± 11 6±1 92 ± 2a

Biomass removed (%) Below 43 ± 4a Above 92 ± 2a

Total 60 ± 3a
Significant differences between grazed and ungrazed areas were found for the rhizome, root, shoots, below-ground and total biomasses (paired t-test, n = 30, p < 0.01).

46 V.M. Dos Santos et al. / Aquatic Botany 100 (2012) 41–50

Table 3
Seagrass consumption rates by black swans based on the amount of faeces collected in the observation area and swan numbers (with corrections applied for digestion and
tidal/degradation losses).

Date Location Collection Plot area Mean swan Faeces collected Consumption rate (CR)
period (h) size (ha) number (n ha−1 ) (Qf) (g DM ha−1 ) (g DM swan−1 d−1 )

29/30 Jan 08 Katikati 12 1.0 8 460 319

19/20 Mar 08 Omokoroa 24 0.6 19 454 140
28/29 Apr 08 Omokoroa 12 1.0 13 809 345
26/27 May 08 Omokoroa 12 1.0 8 1228 850
04/05 Feb 09 Katikati 12 1.0 6 341 315

Mean ± SE 394 ± 120

Table 4
Seagrass biomass in February (summer) 2009 and February 2010 at study sites in Tauranga Harbour and resulting seagrass biomass variation (%) between the 2 years (t-test,
n = 6).

Bridgman Ln. Omokoroa Katikati Harvey St.

Seagrass biomass ± SE (g DW m−2 ) 2009 141 ± 20 179 ± 35 67 ± 3 284 ± 13

2010 44 ± 17 102 ± 35 68 ± 3 276 ± 14

Difference (%) −69** −43 +1 −3

p < 0.01.

p < 0.01). The site with the lowest swan number (Harvey St.) had sig- swan-populated sites (Bridgman Ln. and Omokoroa sites) in all
nificantly higher biomass compared to the three other sites (Tukey seasons with the highest pressure (∼50% of biomass consumed)
HSD test, p < 0.05). Seasonal patterns did not significantly differ recorded at the Bridgman Ln. during summer. On an annual basis
across the sites (site × season interaction, F9,32 = 1.70, p = 0.13), the (i.e. performing a one-way ANOVA on pooled seasonal data), we
biomass at all sites being significantly higher during autumn than found that grazing pressure was also significantly higher at these
in any other season (Tukey HSD test, p < 0.05; Fig. 3). two sites (Bridgman Ln., 19 ± 6% and Omokoroa, 20 ± 6%) compared
Grazing pressure differed significantly among sites and sea- to the Katikati (3 ± 1%) and Harvey St. (0 ± 0%) sites (Tukey HSD test,
sons but the interaction of these two factors was also significant p < 0.05; Fig. 3).
indicating that the seasonal trend in grazing pressure varied At the most swan-populated sites, the standing stock of seagrass
amongst sites (Two-way ANOVA, site effect F3,32 = 8.78, p < 0.01, biomass was considerably lower in the second growing season we
season effect F3,32 = 3.73, p < 0.05, site × season effect F9,32 = 2.26, monitored (i.e. in February 2010 versus February 2009) (Bridgman
p < 0.05). Grazing pressure was consistently higher at the two most Ln. 69% reduction, t-test, n = 6, p < 0.01; Omokoroa 43% reduction,

Fig. 3. Seasonal variations in seagrass biomass (black column) and swan grazing pressure (grey columns; expressed as a % of the biomass standing stock) for each site, and
the annual average at study sites in Tauranga Harbour (March 2009 to February 2010). Error bars indicate 1 SE of mean values. For grazing pressure averaged annually, sites
with the same letter are not significantly different at p > 0.05 (Tukey HSD test).
V.M. Dos Santos et al. / Aquatic Botany 100 (2012) 41–50 47

t-test, n = 6, p = 0.15). At the other two sites (Harvey St. and Katikati)
there was minimal change in seagrass biomass (−3 to +1%) during
this time interval (Table 4).

4. Discussion

4.1. Swan grazing behaviour and impacts on seagrasses

Results from this study indicate seasonal and spatial patterns

in black swan grazing activities. Black swans were most numerous Fig. 4. Relationship between the body weight of herbivorous birds and seagrass
during the autumn period. This coincides with the time of maxi- consumption rates, based on previously published results (() Mathiasson, 1973;
() Charman, 1975; ( Jacobs et al., 1981; () Madsen, 1988; () Percival and Evan,
mum seagrass biomass (Fig. 3), consistent with Z. muelleri growth 1997) and on the value measured in our study (×). The solid line represents the
in Australia (Kirkman and Cook, 1982), and with the time when linear regression (r = 0.999, p < 0.01, n = 9).
seagrass rhizomes are likely to be most nutritious as resources
are translocated by the plant to over-wintering organs (Dawes and
Lawrence, 1980). Swans congregated at the sites where the largest usually graze only on aboveground parts of vegetation (Heck and
seagrass meadows occurred and were less numerous on the small- Valentine, 1995; Rose et al., 1999; Valentine et al., 2000; Moran
est seagrass meadow, which was also close to a large urban area. and Bjorndal, 2007; Vergés et al., 2008). Due to their lesser size and
Their distribution was significantly related to seagrass meadow size strength, it may be more difficult for small herbivores to extract
which is consistent with observations of black swans in Western below ground parts of seagrass plants from the sediments com-
Australia (Eklöf et al., 2009) and black-necked and coscoroba swans pared to larger grazers. Small seagrass herbivores tend to crop
in an Argentinean coastal lagoon (Bortolus et al., 1998). the leaf blade, without damaging foliar meristems, and plants are
Black swans grazed the meadows predominantly at high tide able to readily re-generate following short periods of high graz-
when the plants were covered by a shallow layer of water (<1 m; ing pressure (Zieman et al., 1984; Valentine et al., 1997; Kirsch
the length of their necks). It has been suggested that waterfowl feed et al., 2002; Moran and Bjorndal, 2005; Kuiper-Linley et al., 2007;
on seagrass whenever the plant is easily accessible (Percival et al., Unsworth et al., 2007). In the case of larger grazers, that target both
1996, 1998). However, in this study swans were rarely observed above and below-ground parts, plant recovery can be more difficult
grazing on seagrass while plants were fully exposed at low tide (Rivers and Short, 2007). By damaging foliar and basal meristems
in contrast to other birds such as geese and wigeon (Jacobs et al., the ability to compensate for growth is reduced and this is also com-
1981; Percival and Evan, 1997). Swans are the largest herbivorous pounded by removal of the photosynthetic material that is needed
birds that graze on seagrass (Kear, 2005). Grazing when plants are to support new growth (Huhta et al., 2000). In this study we found
immersed in shallow water has some advantages for the swans: that swans removed a very high proportion of rhizomes (99%) in
(1) seagrass leaves are floating making plants easier to grasp and grazed patches which might be expected to hinder plant recov-
remove, (2) energy expenditure is reduced for the swans since their ery in these areas. In contrast, studies on tundra, trumpeter and
body weight is supported by water and they are better adapted for Bewick’s swans that feed on fresh water macrophytes have shown
movement on water than land, possessing webbed feet and rela- that not all below-ground tubers are removed and thus plants can
tively powerful legs adapted for propulsion in the water (Hughes regenerate from these in the following growing season (Beekman
and Green, 2005). It has been reported that Bewick’s swans graze et al., 1991; Nolet et al., 2001b; LaMontagne et al., 2003; Sponberg
on seagrass only at low tide (Nolet et al., 2001a). However, this and Lodge, 2005; Hidding et al., 2009). It has been suggested that
latter study was conducted on subtidal seagrass meadows, which constraints on energetic profitability limit the ability of swans to
differs from our study on intertidal meadows. These contrasting fully exploit the tubers, and a sufficient density of tubers is left
results therefore emphasize that feeding behaviour is not necessar- behind enabling subsequent recovery (Jonzén et al., 2002; Nolet,
ily determined by tidal state, but rather by water depth covering 2004; Sponberg and Lodge, 2005).
seagrasses. Thus, subtidal plants are grazed when the water is shal-
low enough at low tide, while intertidal plants are grazed mostly 4.2. Seagrass dynamics in relation to spatio-temporal variations
when the water is deep enough to support swan body mass and in grazing pressure
leaves are floating, being easier to crop.
Swan grazing resulted in the formation of circular devegetated We evaluated grazing pressure in Tauranga Harbour by com-
patches where a very high proportion of shoots and rhizomes was paring the consumption of seagrass by swans to the biomass
removed. When grazing on subtidal seagrass, dugongs are known of the Z. muelleri meadows. The first step in this analysis was
to create similar-sized scars (∼0.39 m2 ) impacting the entire plant the measurement of the consumption rate. We performed these
(Masini et al., 2001). Rhizomes were probably targeted because measurements in situ based on faecal deposition rate which con-
they typically have a higher sugar and starch content than other trasts with most prior studies that have quantified waterfowl
seagrass parts (Burke et al., 1996). However shoots often contain consumption of Zostera. Other studies have mostly used enclo-
more nitrogen than roots (Cebrián and Duarte, 1998). In this study sure experiments where a food supply is provided to caged birds
we found that Z. muelleri shoots had a higher calorific value than (Mathiasson, 1973) and/or in situ exclosures that compare changes
below-ground parts which is consistent with other Zostera species in seagrass biomass between grazed and ungrazed areas (Charman,
(Baldwin and Lovvorn, 1994; Percival and Evan, 1997). Thus, it sug- 1975; Jacobs et al., 1981; Madsen, 1988; Percival and Evan, 1997).
gests that the swans will preferentially target both the shoots and Despite differences in methodology, our average consumption rate
rhizomes of Z. muelleri. Overall, swans removed on average 60% of (394 g DM swan−1 d−1 ) is consistent with these other studies of bird
the seagrass biomass in these devegetated patches which is a simi- grazing after taking into account body-weight differences between
lar level of biomass removal to that found for dugong grazing scars species (Fig. 4). By plotting seagrass consumption rates versus bird
(68% biomass removal; Masini et al., 2001). body weights from the literature and from our study, we found a
In contrast to large herbivores such as black swans, smaller significant linear relationship (r = 0.999, p < 0.01, n = 9) suggesting
seagrass herbivores such as sea urchins, fishes and turtles that the seagrass intake is proportional to bird body weight (Fig. 4).
48 V.M. Dos Santos et al. / Aquatic Botany 100 (2012) 41–50

This relationship could potentially be used to estimate seagrass estimated is much smaller than the proportion measured by Eklöf
consumption rates for other herbivorous birds feeding on seagrass et al. (2009). This suggests that the productivity rate of Z. muelleri
meadows that have not been previously evaluated. could potentially support the actual grazing pressure exerted by
Analysis of our site-specific results indicated that sites with swans in Tauranga Harbour. Moreover, it has been previously sug-
the highest grazing pressure, suffered substantial declines in the gested that when seagrass herbivores remove <10% of the plant
standing stock of seagrass biomass in the subsequent growing sea- production the seagrass persists (Mateo et al., 2006). However,
son. Despite the seagrass loss, swans continued to occupy these grazing pressure (intensity and frequency) is highly variable among
sites since no significant changes in swan numbers were observed herbivores and combined with seagrass species/site specific recov-
between summer 2009 and 2010. Conversely, at sites where graz- ery dynamics, generalisations are difficult (Mateo et al., 2006).
ing pressure was lower, no change in the standing stock of seagrass Studies of geese-grazing pressure on Zostera meadows in the
biomass was observed. Although these results are purely correl- Northern Hemisphere have shown that meadows of Zostera marina
ative, they do suggest that under high grazing pressure, swans cannot recover the following growing season after very heavy graz-
may be responsible for a seagrass decline. However, this study ing (98% cover removal) (Rivers and Short, 2007). However, in
does not include measurement of other site-specific processes, contrast, studies of dugong grazing of tropical seagrass meadows in
such as eutrophication, sedimentation and physical disturbances Australia have shown that multi-species seagrass meadows can tol-
(e.g. removal of biomass by currents, boat anchor/propeller scar- erate high levels (81–96%) of annual biomass removal (Preen, 1995;
ring; Fonseca and Bell, 1998; Creed and Amado Filho, 1999) that Masini et al., 2001). It is suggested that these meadows are able
may contribute to seagrass loss alone or in interaction with swan to fully recover the following growing season because of the high
grazing. production and recolonisation rate of one pioneer species (Halod-
Our results also suggest that grazing pressure is spatially vari- ule ovalis) and because seed germination of seagrass is stimulated
able around the estuary since some sites had minimal grazing by the abrasive action of dugong grazing. The results of our study
and seagrass loss. Swans seem to prefer sites with large seagrass suggest that Z. muelleri may have a relatively low tolerance for
meadows and minimal disturbances (e.g. boat traffic). It has been biomass removal, since we have linked a comparatively low level
previously reported that human disturbances can decrease the pop- of annual biomass removal (19–20%) to subsequent decline in the
ulation size of a grazer resulting in a reduction of the grazing standing stock of seagrass biomass the subsequent growing season.
pressure (Ranwell and Downing, 1959; Jacobs et al., 1981). Sites Moreover, flowering and seed production in Zostera species in New
with minor swan grazing pressure close to urban areas (e.g. Harvey Zealand and Australia is generally considered rare or infrequent
St. site) might represent a reserve of floating vegetative propagules (Bearlin et al., 1999; Turner and Schwarz, 2006). A low tolerance
and/or seeds that could play a role in the regeneration of nearby to black swan grazing by Z. muelleri meadows in Tauranga Harbour
impacted meadows (Preen, 1995). could be attributed to the targeting and removal of a very high pro-
Based on the results of this study and Eq. (4), at the estuary- portion of Z. muelleri rhizomes by these birds and the probable lack
wide scale annual grazing pressure could account for 15% of the of significant seed production and germination to facilitate rapid
average seagrass biomass, assuming an estuary-wide seagrass area recovery.
of 29.33 km2 (Park, 1999), an annually averaged number of swans in The results of this study are based on intensive observations and
the harbour of 3700 and a seagrass biomass of 117 g m−2 (annual measurements of swan grazing activities. We considered that tra-
average of the 4 study sites). We estimated the annual estuary- ditional grazing experiments based on the use of enclosures and/or
wide swan population by dividing our total monthly counts at the exclosures would be especially difficult for this avian species and
five study sites by 0.08 and averaging. This 0.08 fraction is the pro- habitat for the following reasons: (1) enclosure facilities to pen
portion of the total harbour count in January (Eastern Region Fish large, mobile birds like swans for controlled feeding experiments
and Game Council, unpublished data) we observed in the same are rare (i.e. only in zoos) and the birds natural behaviour may be
month at our sites and it varied from 0.05 to 0.09 for the last three altered in such situations and not representative of that in situ; (2)
annual census dates (Jan 08, 09, 10). This analysis suggests that cages or other structures to exclude birds from parts of the seagrass
black swan grazing removes a moderate proportion of the total meadow are prone to fouling with floating seaweed and other flot-
seagrass biomass at the estuary scale but because the swans are sam, and if adjacent to populated areas (like this study) are highly
not uniformly distributed the potential exists to remove a greater vulnerable to tampering or removal; and (3) modification of local
proportion at sites supporting high swan numbers. hydrodynamics by (fouled) wire fences is likely to generate a con-
We estimated grazing pressure in relation to the standing stock founding effect due to the protection of seagrass from wave/tide
of seagrass biomass, but another important variable is seagrass action. We therefore adopted an alternative and original approach
production, which if high enough may compensate for grazing. in this initial attempt to document black swan grazing impacts on
Eklöf et al. (2009) estimated that black swan grazing could account seagrass meadows. However, with the information obtained from
for ∼23% of intertidal daily above- and below-ground Halophila this work we consider that useful in situ experiments could now
ovalis production (3.1 g DM m−2 d−1 ) during autumn in meadows be performed to further quantify these impacts. In particular, our
of Western Australia. They also showed that H. ovalis rapidly recov- observations of swan grazing behaviour (i.e. timing of grazing) and
ered (within 21 days) following a grazing simulation experiment. measurements of grazing damage (i.e. dimensions of grazing scars
We did not measure seagrass production in this study but using and quantity of biomass removed from these scars) could enable
the range of summer and winter time Z. muelleri above-ground in situ swan grazing simulations to be appropriately designed and
production rates given by Turner and Schwarz (2006) (from 1.1 performed and for subsequent seagrass recovery responses to be
to 2 g DM m−2 d−1 , respectively), we estimated the proportion of measured over appropriate time scales. Such simulation experi-
above-ground seagrass production consumed by swan grazing to be ments could be used, for example, to examine meadow responses
3–5%. This was done by comparing the average areal seagrass con- to different grazing intensities and/or to different levels of anthro-
sumption rate (0.05 g DM m−2 d−1 ) to the seagrass production rate pogenic impact.
range above. The average areal seagrass consumption rate was cal-
culated by multiplying the average seagrass consumption rate per 5. Conclusions
swan we measured (394 g DM swan−1 d−1 ) by the annually aver-
aged number of swans in the harbour (3700), then dividing by the The results of this study have shown that large grazers, like
estuary-wide areal extent of seagrass (29.33 km2 ). The range we swans, can exert considerable grazing pressure on the biomass of
V.M. Dos Santos et al. / Aquatic Botany 100 (2012) 41–50 49

seagrass meadows, removing both leaves and belowground plant Heck, K.L., Valentine, J.F., 2006. Plant–herbivore interactions in seagrass meadows.
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We are grateful to S. Park, J. Hewitt, S. Thrush, M. McDougall, Huhta, A.P., Lennartsson, T., Tuomi, J., Rautio, P., Laine, K., 2000. Tolerance of Gen-
tianella campestris in relation to damage intensity: an interplay between apical
M. Williams and J. Grangier for providing helpful advice during dominance and herbivory. Evol. Ecol. 14, 373–392.
this study. We thank C. Draper, N. Marquet, E. Hubert, P. Assie, R. Inglis, G.J., 2003. Seagrasses of New Zealand. In: Green, E.P., Short, F.T. (Eds.), World
Zyngfogel, D. Gibas, S. Dos Santos and A. Wadhwa for their assis- Atlas of Seagrasses: Present Status and Future Conservation. University of Cali-
fornia Press, Berkeley.
tance in the field. We also thank two anonymous reviewers for their Jackson, J.B.C., 2001. What was natural in the coastal oceans? PNAS 98, 5411–5418.
constructive comments which improved the manuscript. Financial Jacobs, R.P.W.M., Den Hartog, C., Braster, B.F., Carriere, F.C., 1981. Grazing of the
support was provided by the University of Waikato, Environment seagrass Zostera noltii by birds at Terschelling (Dutch Wadden Sea). Aquat. Bot.
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Bay of Plenty, the New Zealand Foundation for Research, Science Jacobs, S.W.L., Les, D.H., Moody, M.L., 2006. New combinations in Australasian
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