Ibon, Lordson Gem P.

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R.publlc ol th!

,,- Uniflcd Student Fin.ncial As3istance Systrm for Tartiary Education
Rcgional Office l{o. 01
Date: August 05, 2021

LORDSOi GE!,t P. t3(l

Barcelona Solsona llo(os Norte 2910

Dear Mr. IBON:

We are pleased to inform you that you qualified as a l.lniFAST-TDP grantee with Award No. CHEDTDP-OO1297-IE-OI. Thrt
grant is effedlve lit SanrGstcr, AY 2O2G2O21 untll 2rd S.mcstGr, AY 2O2l-2O22 with Sev€h Thousahd end Five
Huhdred pesos (P 7,50O.O0) only per semester.

Please be informed that this Notice of Award means that the grantee is a Senior High S(hool graduate; or an ongoinq college
student with earned units in CHED{erogniz.d programs of Private HEls. SUC5 or LUC5 with Certificate of Program
Cotnplian(e (COPC) with at least a pEssing general weighted average (GWA)i or a passer of the Altemative Leaming Systems
IAL.S)/ Philippine Educational Pla(ement TEST (PEPT).

You are advised to con5tantly coordinate and communirate with UniFAST Regional Coordlnator/HEl. reqarding .ny concem
with reqads to your qrant. Fufther, please notify the Regional Offlce/tlEl yvithin 15 days from occurenfe about any change
ot permanent addresses and contad numbers.

cround5 forT.rmlh.tlon bascd or S.ctlor 12 ot UnIFAST f€morandum Ordcr Ho. 02 Scrl.s of 2021,
fallurr to:
. Failure to conflrm acceptance ofthe award withih 15 calehdar days froh receipt of NOA
. Failure to maintain a GWA ofat lcast a passing gradc, regardless of the status of grades persubjecti
. Dropped out from the HEI:
. Fallure to enroll a rcgular load per term, as determlned and ipproved by HElsi
. Fallure to se(Lrre approvalLom concemed CHEDRO determent of the grrnt, or tansfefiing to another program or
. Submission ot falsified or fake documents; and
. Availhent of multiple national govemment-tunded assistance, except for frle Higher Education in SUC5 and LUC5
under R.A. 10931 ortne UniversalAc(ess to Quality Tertiary Education Act

{Flear€ return this part to cHEoRo)

ThG R.glon.l DlrGctor

Govemment Center, Sevilla, Caty of 5an Fernando, La Union


Please be informed that l, Lo.dson Gcm P, lbon a resident of larc.lon. Sokon. 2nd llo(os llorte with a Contact Nos
09121324996 CHED-TDP
financaal assislance from 2020-2021
...,...,,.,......., amounting to Php 15,O0O,OO per Academic Year.

Plc.sc ch.<k (/) on.:

I ) Ac((ept the grant wlth Award No. ... ..... and enroiled in ... Mariano Marcos State University
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
taking up ..................... . 4
Year Level ..,.......,...

( ) Rejectfuralve the scholarship grant

Statc Rcason,rs H.re:


{Signature Over Printed Name the S<holar/Grahtee)

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