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IELTS Writing Evaluation

Order details
User ID: 2137901
Order No: #397341
Date of completion: 2021-07-26
Examiner’s name: Kate T.
Practice test name: IELTS Practice Test Volume 5 - Practice Test 1
Final bandscore: 7.0

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Task 1


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The diagram shows the production of circuit boards.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where

You should write at least 150 words.

Answer & Correction

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The manufacturing of circuit bords are constructively conveyed by the diagram. ItOverall, it
shows the process and steps of the whole production process, from the start with only scrap
materials of the bordboard to the fully finished product. It involves a cleaning, soldering and
testing stage among others (expand a bit more on the overview)

The manufacturemanufacturing process starts with the delivery of the material required to make
the circuit- bord material.(don´t copy rubric so much). Right after that, materials are cut and
sprayed with fire retardant. Then comes the cleaning of the materials, thatwhich hashave been
previously cut and sprayed. The next step is the attachment of Automatedan automated IC and
soldering of the bordsboards. ThenFollowing this, the whole product goes through a visual
inspection and quality control testing. Then its time for the final testing.

IfSubsequently, if the manufactured getschips are rejected, itthey goes back through to
Automated IC attachment and soldering, as well as visual inspiration and quality control testing,
and the chips from rejected bords are thrown away. When final testing is done, itthe getscircuit
boards are packaged and gets delivered to factories. Thus, the production of the circuit
bordsboards consistis complete.
(196 words)


Task Achievement 8.0

You have done well here, including everything, but expand a bit more on the overview.

Coherence and Cohesion 7.0

Logically organizes information and ideas. There is clear progression throughout. Uses a
range of cohesive devices appropriately although you do need to use some more
sequencing words (following this..., subsequently,...)

Lexical Resource 8.0

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Uses a wide range of vocabulary fluently and flexibly to convey precise meanings. Skilfully
uses uncommon lexical items but there may be occasional inaccuracies in word choice and
collocation. Produces rare errors

Grammatical Range and Accuracy 7.0

Uses a good range of structures well, with some mistakes.

Task 1 Overall Score : 7.5

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Task 2


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Boxing is a blood sport which often results in physical injury. It is inappropriate for this sport to exist in the
modern age.

Do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer, and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

You should write at least 250 words.

Answer & Correction

Some belives Boxingthat boxing is unseemly because it's a blood sport which frequently
consequencesresults in corporal injury, thereforeso this sport should not beexist existing in the
current age. This essay firmly disagrees with the statement.

To begin with, one of the main reasons for this sport to exist is for the entertainment it gives an
individualindividuals. In other words, boxing is one of the sports wherewhich it is not only fun,
since in the moment it not only gives the player an adrenalieadrenaline rush, but it also
itprovides occurs breathtaking moments for the audience. For example, in a recent publication of
Time magazine, therythey were talking about a boxing match that hashad occured and
discussed the whole match, which naturally stirsgenerated upfurther conversationsdiscussion
asand wellhelped helps the sport get more publicity. Moreover, there is someing oddly satisfying
inabout boxing matches thatwhich helps people to be in the moment.

Secondly, like every other sport boxing is an amazing sport to get onesrid of one´s frastration
out in a helthyhealthy way, even though the results can sometime leave the boxers with injuries
and lifelong damages. To exaplain furtherHowever, in every physical sport from football ,tenisto
tennis and all the other sports, there is always a chance of getting injured one way or other,
itwhich is what's called sport injuries. To illustrate, in recent studies done by Oxford University,
it says that in all types of sports as well as doing normal gym there is always a risk of getting
fracturesa fracture or otheranother serious injuriesinjury.Besides // Moreover, phycologists
recomendrecommend this sport to thoesthose who hashave serious anger issues, to help them
get that emotion out in a hwalthyhealthy way and to prevent them from behaving in other more
risky behaviour.ways (this last bit is a different point, so must be in a separate paragraph)

In conclusion, thisI essayfeel basedthat onalthough theboxing abovecan

discussion,causesserious firmlylife agreesthreating withinjuries, boxing being a thrilling sport

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that existhappens in thisevery dayother sport, and age.Although it causesis seriousquite lifean
threatingentertaining injuriessport liketo everywatch otheras sportwell. In addition, it is quitea
angood entertainingway sportof toreleasing watchanger asissues well.(include all points here)
(352 words)


Task Achievement 7.0

You have good ideas here but each different point must be in its own paragraph and you
must summarize everything at the end.

Coherence and Cohesion 7.0

Be careful here with paragraphing as each point must be in its own paragraph and use
more linking words for higher marks.

Lexical Resource 7.0

Uses a good range of vocabulary, allowing some flexibility and precision. The candidate
uses some less common lexical items with some awareness of style and collocation. There
may be some occasional errors in word choice or spelling.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy 7.0

Uses a good range of structures well, with some mistakes.

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Task 2 Overall Score : 7.0

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Final score 7.0


You have good English (just be careful with some mistakes) and you also have good ideas in
your essay, but you need to work on the conclusion and on paragraphing and linking words
here. Regarding part 1, expand the overview and use more sequencing words. If you do this,
your marks should be higher. Best, Kate

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