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IELTS Writing Evaluation

Order details
ID: 2137901
Order No: #430059
Date of completion: 2021-08-27
Examiner’s name: Kate T.
Practice test name: IELTS Recent Actual Test With Answers Volume 1 - Practice Test 6
Final bandscore: 6.5

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Task 1

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The graph below shows the amounts of waste produced by three companies over a period of 15 years.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where

You should write at least 150 words.

Answer & Correction

OverThe aquantity period of 15rubbish years,produced by three different companie'scompanies

amountis ofillustrated producedin wastethe hasline beengraph illustratedfrom in2000 to 2015
(say years too). Overall, data for company C soared overt the graph.period, while that of
company A and B dropped significantly (you must have a clear overview/summary)

To begin with, company A companyhad has the most manufactured waste trougof out this
graph. Eventhoughall, inat 2000 the company had up to 12 tones ofin composed2000, waste
but afterthis that composing of the waste gadually plunged to 8.5 tones inby 2015, which
iswas quite an improvement. AlthoughFollowing this, foralthough company B was the second
mostbiggest producedproducer of waste amonyat three was composing 8.7 tones of waste in

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2000., However in 2005 there was a breackthrough in waste origination and itthis
increasedrose to 10.5 tones.Thoughtonnes inby 2005, there was sudden acceleration in
produced waste by company B but after that year it started gradually decreasing andto itreach
decresed to 3 tonestonnes inby 2015.

YetIn ,forcontrast company cC whohad have the lowest amount of composed waste hadat 4
tones of waste in 2000. Nonetheless , frombut 2000it createdescalated wastequickly gradually
escalated and inby 2005 it was up to 6 tones. butSubsequently, inby 2010 the inflattionwaste
of produced wastereached was 7 tones., Sincesurpassing 2010company thereB wasand
suddenthen inflationrocketed into the10 amounttonnes of produced was and in 2015,
uptoovertaking 10company tonesA of waste was createdtoo.
(228 )


Task Achievement 5.0

You have given all data here but you do not have a clear overview/summary, which really
affects your marks. In addition, try to be more concise regarding what you say- say it in
fewer words, and always include the time in the introduction.

Coherence and Cohesion 6.0

Linking words are used, but use more (while, whereas, in contrast, similarly, etc…). Also try
to use more sequencing words here for higher marks (e.g. following this, in the subsequent
stage, etc)

Lexical Resource 6.0

The vocabulary is adequate for the task but there are some mistakes in accuracy of spelling
or word choice. Also use a wider variety of graph specific vocabulary for higher marks

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Grammatical Range and Accuracy 6.0

Some complex sentences are used and a variety of tenses, but not always accurately.

Task 1 Overall Score : 5.5

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Task 2

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Some people think that instead of preventing climate change, we need to find a way to live with it. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

You should write at least 250 words.

Answer & Correction

Quite a lot of people belivesbelieve we should find a way to live with climate change
insteadrather ofthan preventingattempting to stop it. from happening (don´t copy rubric too
much). This essay disagrees with the idea of not taking proper steps to take care offor our
planet, because thusby onedoing people can take care of themselves.

Firstly, adapting withto climate change should not be an option since it is the root cause of
manya destructionslot of destruction on the planet Earth. In other words, climate change is
making the world wamer everyday day and because of this many natural disasters
occouringare throughoccuring outall over the world, andsuch as ice level are melting which is
causing water lavellevels to go up. For example, many scientists have discovered that in 100
years, the water to earth ratio has wentgone up by 15% and predictsthey predict that if this
keep happening inat an alarming rate, the whole world might be under the water one day.
Moreover, global warming is causing many horrifying natural disasters which isare changing
individualspeople´s lifelives in many ways.

Secondly, we need to keep preventing climate change in order to live a better life, as well as to
secure the future generation. ToWhat explain,I mean by this is that if one keeps takingbeing
cautioncareful not to not throw plastic in to the water, or minimumto minimize the usage of
plastic and throw way waste accordinglyaway correctly, people can hope to have a better future
and live a more healthy life. To illustrate, reserchesresearch done by Oxford univercityUniversity
shows that if individuals keep taking responsibity toand use less plastic for 2 years, the level of
global warming levelshould could come down to 50 % and in 10 years it could be less then
15%. However, it is highly likely that one can fully prevent climetclimate change since
severalsome people refuse to co-operate and even so, the damage is waytoo towidespread
much for itthe environment to recover any time soon.

In conclutionconclusion, thiswe essayneed based on the above discussion firmly disagrees to

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find a way to live with global warming as it can cause the world to sink under the ocean and to
occour several natural disastars.Then, we actually can prevent climate change byto notprevent
usingdisasters plastic and disposing daily wastes properly. Even though we can not fully repair
the damage of global warming, onein canaddition hopeto forhaving a better future by sticking to
theirour duties as living beings ofon this planet. (ok but just say the 2 reasons why we need to
prevent climate change here)
(423 )


Task Achievement 7.0

You have great points here (well done) but only summarize those points in the conclusion
(don´t do anything else) and don´t copy the rubric too much in the introduction. Also, for
higher marks, try to have 3 shorter points, rather than 2 very big ones (even though your
points are great)

Coherence and Cohesion 8.0

Paragraphs are fine and you are logically organizing information and ideas. There is clear
progression throughout. You also use a range of cohesive devices nicely

Lexical Resource 7.0

Uses a good range of vocabulary, allowing some flexibility and precision. The candidate
uses some less common lexical items with some awareness of style and collocation. There
may be some occasional errors in word choice or spelling.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy 6.0

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Some complex sentences are used and a variety of tenses, but not always accurately.

Task 2 Overall Score : 7.0

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Final score 6.5


You have some good use of English here but be careful with some mistakes. In addition, you
have great ideas in the essay but work on the introduction and conclusion a bit more and try to
have 3 main body points (shorter ones). Regarding part 1, have a clear overview and work on
the introduction a bit more. Also use more linking words here and use a wider variety of graph
specific vocabulary. If you do this, your marks should be higher. Best, Kate

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