LMQ1W2 3 - PDF (Notes)

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San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System

Diocese of San Pablo

Liceo de San Pablo
San Pablo City
F.Y. 2021 – 2022


Week 2-3

Mrs. Audrey Nikki C. Royo

San Pablo Diocesan Catholic Schools System
Diocese of San Pablo
Liceo de San Pablo
San Pablo City
F.Y. 2021 – 2022



This module is an innovative tool produced to meet the standards of the k-12 in providing our
students relevant. This is used to improved and harnessed student’s capabilities in different aspects
of learning.
Most of the topics in this module are dealt with qualitatively in order for students to have a
basic understanding of the concepts. Some tasks include measurements and computation in order to
illustrate the relationship among quantities. Through the activities included in each lesson, it is also
aimed to make students gain interest in these topics and motivate them to learn more in the
succeeding grade levels.


 The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of sequences, polynomials and
polynomial equations

 The learner is able to formulate and solve problems involving sequences, polynomials and
polynomial equations in different disciplines through appropriate and accurate representations


Education Type: K to 12
Grade Level: Ten
Learning Area: Mathematics
Content Topic: Patterns and Algebra
Intended Users: Learners


Title: Arithmetic Sequence, Means and Series

Sources: McClub, Laerd Mathematics, PEAC Learning Module on Mathematics 10 Quarter 1,
DEPED Learner’s Module Unit 1, Chili Math, Purple Math, YouTube, Genyo and other
information providers
Target Dates: Week 2-3
1. illustrates a geometric sequence. (M10AL-Id-1)
2. differentiates a geometric sequence from an arithmetic sequence. (M10AL-Id-2)
3. determines geometric means, nth term of a geometric sequence and sum of the terms of a
given finite or infinite geometric sequence
4. solves problems involving sequences. ( M10AL-If-2)
Dear Lord and Father of all,
Thank you for today. Thank you for ways in which you provide for us all.
For Your protection and love we thank you.
Help us to focus our hearts and minds now on what we are about to learn.
Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we listen and write.
Guide us by your eternal light as we discover more about the world around us.

We ask all this in the name of Jesus.

LESSON 1.1 Geometric Sequence


In this lesson, you will learn about geometric sequences and the process on how they
are generated.

Activity 1: Divide and Conquer

Find the ratio of the second number to the first number.

1. -6, -8
2. 2, -4
3. -5, -10
4. 6, 12
5. 12, 36

You need the concept of ratio to understand the next kind of sequence.


Geometric Sequence
A geometric sequence is a sequence where each term after the first is obtained by
multiplying the preceding term by a nonzero constant called the common ratio.

The common ratio that is denoted by “r” can be determined by dividing any term in
the sequence by the term that precedes it.

Thus, in the geometric sequence 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, …. , the common ratio is

Since = .
LESSON 1.1 Geometric Sequence


1. Find the fifth term of the geometric sequence whose first term is 6 and whose common ratio is

Given: The n value is just the term
a1 = 6
position in the nth term,
common ratio = thus in the 5th term, n = 5.

Since we already have the given, we are going to substitute it to our formula:

Formula: Computation:

an = a1rn-1 a5 = 6( ) = 6( )4 = 6( ) = =

Answer: a5 =

2. Find the ninth term of the geometric sequence whose first three terms are 3, -12, 48.

Solution: a2 = second term

Since r is the common ratio of the terms, r =

a1 = first term

Since we already have the common ratio and the first term is given, we can now
substitute them to our formula.

Formula: Computation:

an = a1rn-1 a9 = 3(-4)9-1 = 3(65, 536) = 196, 608

LESSON 1.1 Geometric Sequence

Try This

Watch this video in Youtube for a verbal explanation of Geometric

Title: Geometric Sequence
Channel: Numbersense
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWCHDwDB5Bg

LESSON 1.2 Geometric Means


In this lesson, you will learn about geometric means and the process on how they are

Were you able to answer the

Activity 1: Missing YOU activity? Which item in the
activity did you find
challenging? Let us now
discuss how to find geometric
Find the missing term in each geometric sequence.
means between terms of a
geometric sequence.
1. 3, 12, 48, ,
2. 8, , 32, , 128, ….
3. 120, 60, 30, ,
LESSON 1.2 Geometric Means

Geometric Means
Inserting a certain number of terms between two given terms of a geometric sequence
is an interesting activity in studying geometric sequences. We call the terms between any two
given terms of a geometric sequence the geometric means.

Example 1: Insert 3 geometric means between 5 and 3125
Solution: Let a1 = 5 and a5 = 3125. We will insert a2, a3 and a4
Since a5 = a1r4 , then 3125 = 5r4
Solve for the value of r, we get 625 = r4 or r = 5
We obtained two values of r, so we have two geometric sequences.
If r = 5, the geometric means are
a2 = 5(5)1 = 25, a3 = 5(5)2 = 125, a3 = 5(5)3 = 625

Thus, the sequence is 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125.

If r = -5, the geometric means are

a2 = 5(-5)1 = -25, a3 = 5(-5)2 = 125, a3 = 5(-5)3 = -625
Thus, the sequence is 5, -25, 125, -625, 3125.

Try This

Find the geometric mean in each geometric sequence.

Watch this video in Youtube for a verbal explanation of Geometric

Title: Geometric Means
Channel: Numbersense
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5idI26XFDM

Use Phoenix Math for the 21st Century Learners Practice your skills by answering the
corresponding numbers and pages. Write your answer in one whole sheet of paper. For
online users kindly take a picture of your answers and send it to me thru your Genyo

I. Page 25 Geometric sequence

Follow-Up Practice #5&6

II. Page 25 Geometric Means
Maintain Your Skills Letter B # `1 & 3

LESSON 1.3 Geometric Series


this lesson, you will learn how to find the sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic

Activity 1: What is the sum?

What is the sum of the terms of each sequence below?

1. 3, 15, 75, 375
2. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32
3. 2, 6, 18, 54, 162

4. Were you able to answer the activity? Which item in the activity did
5. you find challenging? Let us now discuss how to find the sum of the
first n terms of a geometric sequence.

Geometric Series
A geometric series is the sum of the terms in a geometric sequence with a definite
number of terms.

Sn = Sum of geometric sequence

an = the term that you want to find
a1 = first term in the list of ordered numbers
n = number of terms
r = the constant ratio, r ≠ 1

Example 1: Find the sum of the first five terms of the geometric sequence in which a 1 = 3 and r = -2.
first term ( a1 ) 3
common ratio -2
number of terms 5

Use Formula 3 to find the sum.

( )
Substitute the given to the formula Sn = ( )
( )
Simplify = = =

Answer = 33
Try This

Watch this video in Youtube for a verbal explanation of Geometric

Title: Geometric Series
Channel: Numbersense
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dbd5E_qjm0k&t=202s

Dear Lord,
Thank you that you promise us that when two or more come together in your name
Thank you Lord that you have been with us throughout this lesson
And that you are with us right now.
Inspire us as we leave this place to love and serve you always.
You are with us.
In the name of Jesus.

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