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By R.J. Palacio Fast. ke Via RISERS ATour of the Galaxy In Vio's galaxy, what is August? SY a. The moon b. The planets The sun The asteroids. 2. Why has Via gotten used to doing most things on her own? f to ove 82-83, the text reads, So T've gotten used to not complaining, ond Tive gotten used to not bothering Mom and Dod with ittle stufé* Before August 3. What was the name of Via's baby doll? ‘Amy. Lilly. Olivia. Gracie. 4. According to the adults in her family, how does Via react when she first sees August? She locked at Auaust Fora lng time and then Frily sad, “T+ doesnt lok ike Lily" Then she sbandoned her booby dll Lily, and then kissed him and cuddled hin From that day Forword ‘Seeing August How does Via typically react when she sees the way people look at August? Use textual evidence to support your answer. She would aot ad. On page 85, the text reads, “And For along time I din get it Tdust act oad Mad rown=ues — What was the happiest time in Via's life? Explain why this was the happiest time in her life. “The happest time in Vos Ife was when she stoved with her erandmmatner in Montauk for Four weeks. Thi for her free From everything # her life hard, which Auaust She had peace and freedom with her loving randorather Explain why this chapter is named “Seeing August* n Vio returns from Mont How does Grans pass away? What does Via remember the most about that day? 1dden heart attack What Vie remembers mast 4. Summarize the conversation that Via has with her grandmother on the last day in Montauk. ‘Why do you think this conversation is so important to Via? Vie's randmother tells her that she loves her rare than anyone else in the world even August. She tells her that she loves August very much, but thot August already has so many angels lackina out For ion T think this is soimportant to Via becuse Vis has always been pushed aside August has always gotten so rnuch attention becouse of his heath problems ond Via hos never been put First, Sot is wonderful for her toknow that she is nurrber one in someone's heart ‘August Through the Peephole 10. In this chapter, we learn for the first time what August locks like. Write three details ‘about August's appearance. Hs eves ore dmost halfwav down his cheeks Hs eves bulge outward He doesn't have evebrows or Josh 11. What does Via mean when she says that August needs to grow up? Why does she think this? ‘She means that everyone has always bubied and protected August, ond that now he is ten years old and needs to grow up and realize he is nat normal and that le right be challenging For him She thinks this, becouse she is tired of always having to Focus on him all the time. School ‘In this chapter, Via says, ‘I'm always going to be the sister of a kid with o birth defect +thot's not the issue. T just don't always want to be defined that way" What do you think ‘she means by this? How do you think you are defined? Do you like or disike how you are. High school (continued) 13, Summarize what Via has shared so far about her best friends. Her closest Friends or sd Mranda and Ella. They have known each other since First arade, They knes August since he was 0 baby and used to ply dress up with bien They were wel iked in riddle school and — a ited to apt nto the some hidh school But thinas are chanaina now jor Tom 14. Explain why this chapter is called “Major Tomn* ‘This chopter is called “Moior Tom’ becouse it taks about how Mranda wos alwoys very sweet to August When August was Five or six she boudht him on astronaut helmet and he wore it nearly every day For 1 She would call him Major Torn and they would sina ‘Space Oddity toaether 15. Why is Via surprised on the first day of school? Support your answer with textual evidence. Vii " First dav of cause Mi totaly differ and dyed bright pink and she is wearing o striped tube top. Not only that, but Mirando is also acting differently, She's stil rice, but she is distont After School 16. How ond ot does Via avoid riding home with Mirando? ‘avalon ne oni Then aie tba hea home. The Padawan Bites the Dust 17. Why do you think Vie gets so upset about August cutting off his broid? ‘An Apparition at the Door 18 What does Via wonder when she sees her mom standing at August's door? What does ‘this thought show about Via? her door i 19. Why does Via orgue with her mom during breakfast? First, Via shows that she is upset that her mom didn come in to sav apodnia 20. Summarize what you learn about Via's ancestry in this chapter. ‘Lleamed that her dod's Fomiv were Jews from Russio and Poland, and that her mom's Family came From, Broz T oso learned that no one in her Famniy history hos ever shown any sans of havina what August has The Punnett Square 21. Re-read the last sentence in this chapter. What does Via rmean by it? “The last sentence of this chapter savs, Countless babies whotl never be born ike mine* I think Vio ‘means that she isnot acna to risk her babies having August's struailes, so she would rather not have an babies otal out with the old 22, What happens between Via and her former best Friends, Ella and Miranda? Vi fi xe fs Meranda start vith the real people, ond Via starts handing out with a diferent group (the smart kid 23. List some of Via's new friends. How ore her new friends different from her old friends? ‘One of her new friends is Eleanor, she is very rice ond olso Funny. Her new friends are part of a larae group that is more diverse There are some techie auys, some smart ails, and a quiet quy named Justin, who plays the vioin October 31 24. Whyis Holloween a sad time of year for Via and her rnom? This is 0 sad tine because ths is when Vas arandmather passed away suddenly 25. What do Via and her mom do together on Holloween? Why do they get interrupted? vi ith toacther, ide to watch ‘t because of a stomachache 26. What does Via convince August to do? Vo cominces August to act out of be ond ao to the Halloween porade Time to Think 27. Summarize the conversation that Via and August have, regarding his return to school. Do ‘you agree or disagree with what Via tells August? Explain your reasoning ‘August says he wants to stop asina to school because of the indent with Jack Vio tells him that he shouldn't let those boys bother him and thot le should ao back to school. August responds by talking about Miranda ond telina Vis that she actually called him the other day T aaree with what Via tells Auaust becouse T thik that this sort of thing will alwoys be a port of Auaust's if, ond he should learn how to deal wit it even fit is aifficut 28. What does Via learn about Miranda in this chapter? How does Via react? Vio learns that Mrando called to tak to Auaust recently. Viais shocked upon hearing this. When Auaust mentions that Miranda said she tviseed Via, Via is happy but covers it up

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