Consumer Behavior Report

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Ecommerce Consumer

Behavior Report
Real customer data on how to
seize your brand’s moment

Brought to you by 9 Shopify Plus partners

With special contributions from

To all the ecommerce
marketing nerds in the world

— this is for you.

Forward from Val Geisler
Customer Evangelist

Val Geisler, Klaviyo


When I was in middle school in the early 90s, a teacher As we all know, there is no going back to the way things
told me that it was okay if I wasn’t good at math once were. Our world is a whole new place
because “girls don’t really need to use math later on in post-pandemic and the ways in which consumers have
life anyway.” Hindsight says “yikes” on so many levels. changed are no different. What worked in 2019 just
Joke’s on him: turns out I happen to adore math.

won’t fly anymore. There’s a new way of doing business

these days and it is fully centered around your
It’s not just math that I love now though, as someone customers.

who is later on in my life. I love how math, and more

specifically, data points, help me do my job as a While a lot of “state of the union” type reports will put in
marketer better. Data brings empathy and fine print that their survey group was a mere handful of
understanding. It gives connection points and speeds customers, this in-depth analysis combines the data of
up planning sessions. Data is power.

10 brands in total, leaving you with the data of roughly

1,000 customers. That’s statistically significant! While
I’ve had the pleasure of knowing the team at Octane AI the #1 pick for what customers want from a brand might
for a few years now and I am consistently impressed not surprise you, their favorite brands to shop from just
with how they go back to the data again and again. might. Either way, you’re guaranteed to pull data points
Octane AI is successful as a product, largely because relevant to your work in the next several pages.

they plan and develop from a data-centric perspective.

They listen to what customers want and need and So what drives consumers in today’s world? Keep
respond accordingly. It’s a similar mindset that drew me reading to find out what these top consumer-centered
to join the team at Klaviyo after consulting in the email brands know already. Now, more than ever, it’s time to
marketing space for over a decade, and it’s why I’m embrace the power of data and let your customers
honored to be writing this forward now. guide your next moves.
We collected the Together, we set out on a mission to
figure out the following:

data you need to What are the needs of

today’s ecommerce
win over today’s shoppers?

Individual brands don’t ask consumers what experiences matter to
them when shopping online. Oftentimes, they assume they know
who their customers are and what they expect—without using real
data to make their decisions.

Nine Shopify Plus certified partners who work with with 500,000+
ecommerce brands day-in and day-out notice trends and
behaviors across the industry before individual brands.

That’s why Octane AI, Klaviyo, Okendo,, Refersion, Daasity,

Loyalty Lion, Spently and Rewind all came together to create this
consumer behavior report for ecommerce brands.
What we've learned from it,

and so can you.

This report is for all the ecommerce marketing nerds of the world who

care about their customers’ experiences. By asking 1000+ consumers

questions and collecting 37,000+ data points, we learned:

How consumers Why consumers What increases What the preferred What consumers

discover new brands switch purchasing consumers’ trust and method of believe makes a

and products online.

from one brand to loyalty to a brand. communication is positive ecommerce

another. between brand and shopping experience.


There’s a fight for consumers’ online attention, and first impressions will
Your goal?

be essential for brands to win. Whether your goal is to show industry

Nurture customer relationships by optimizing
authority with a product consumers can trust or to share a mission that
your messaging, product offering, and
resonates with a specific audience, the opportunity to optimize your
marketing channels to remain top-of-mind.
brand’s online presence and shopping experience is now.
There’s statistical confidence in
the numbers—we’ll break it down
We surveyed over 1011 real consumers and asked them 12 Plus, a look at who took the survey
straight-forward questions. This resulted in over 37,000+
data points that we could analyze and draw results from.

So, how confident can you be in these results? 71% 16%

If you want to do some number crunching, the margin of 7% 1% 0.8% 0.6% 0.4% 0.4% 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 0.1%
error for a survey of this sample size is 3.2%.


57% Female

42% Male

0,4% Other/prefer

not to say

17 or younger






Will consumer behavior
change post-covid?
In March 2020, when COVID-19 took hold of consumer purchasing
behavior, the ecommerce industry saw accelerated growth within one year Do you think your shopping habits will change
that was originally estimated to take five years (IBM). With more people once COVID-19 is no longer a factor?
shopping online, the things customers started looking for and expecting
from brands changed.

Online retail spending as a share of total card spending (% 5-day moving average)




01-Mar 11-Mar 21-Mar 31-Mar 10-Mar 20-Mar
Source: BAC internal data. Total card spending includes total BAC card activity which captures retail
sales ex-autos + services which are paid with cards. Does not include ACH payments.

52% 48%
Hot take: 52% consumers believe their shopping habits will change once
COVID-19 is no longer a factor. What does this mean? There’s a fight for
consumers’ attention in a post-covid world. By optimizing your brand’s CX
now, you’ll be better equipped to engage with and nurture a solid customer Yes No
base when consumers shop more often at retail locations.
What are people shopping
for the most online?
When was the last time you purchased one of these items ONLINE?

Answers (%)

Despite some countries Within past month

2-6 months 7-12 months More than a year Never bought
entering a post-pandemic (March-April 2021) online
era (speci cally in the U.S.
an average of 1% of 5 Beauty, cosmetics or

consumers have made an self-care

online purchase within the
past month his tells us that
Apparel and accessories 61%

many consumers are still

doin a lot of their shoppin g

online across all industries . Food and beverage 65%

Home goods 47%


Electronics 33% 36% 13% 13% 5%

What are people shopping for the most online?
Ecommerce is here to stay. While the pandemic
accelerated the online shopping industry's growth,
it exposed all consumers to the convenience,
resilience, and trustworthiness of online shopping.
What percentages of your purchases are ONLINE in each category? If you are a brand, you must adapt to the times or
get left behind. Focus on ways of enhancing your
Answers (%) brand's online store for the long haul, with an
emphasis on adequate inventory forecasting,
conversion rate, average order value, customer
Less than 25% 25-50% 50-75% 75-100% lifetime value, social proof, and customer
experience. Your investment in this now will pay off
Beauty, cosmetics or
 over time. Your online presence will dictate your
brand's long term success!

Apparel and accessories 26%

Jonathan Snow,

COO and Co-founder of Snow Agency

Food and beverage 56%

Home goods 46%


Electronics 51% 19% 14% 17%

Where are consumers
discovering brands the most?
Have you purchased ONLINE from a new brand and/or product
that you have never used before in any of these categories?

Answers (%)
The majority of consumers in every industry have
Yes No Not yet, but purchased, or are open to purchasing, new products online
I'm open to it
from brands they’ve never used before
Beauty, cosmetics or
 78% of beauty consumer

self-care 84% of apparel consumer

75% of food and beverage consumer
Apparel and accessories 74%
80% of home goods consumer
64% of electronics consumers

Food and beverage 59%


What does this tell us? Even with brick-and-mortar locations becoming more
available, there’s still an opportunity to win the sale through online channels.

Home goods 63%


What should you do? In every industry, optimizing for a positive customer
experience to keep customers long-term. While customers are open to
Electronics 48% 36% 16% purchasing from new brands online, you want to capture them beyond just a
single, first-time purchase. Provide an experience so exceptional that consumers
think of your brand as top-of-mind when they make similar purchases in the
future. The rest of this report will show you what kind of experiences matter most
to consumers.
Where are consumers
discovering brands the most? Food and beverage delivery—especially in the
wine space—has seen increased adoption
considerably since the pandemic. I expect that
trend to stay now that consumers are more
aware of the possibilities and have generally
been pleased by the exceptional service &
quality of product that DTC brands can provide.
Across all categories, 50% or more of consumers
have shopped for brands or products that they Jai Dolwani,

had never purchased before. This means online

retailers have seen an influx of new customers,
VP of Growth at Winc
who now need to be welcomed, nurtured and
recognized in order to ensure that they return to
purchase a second time. It costs far less to retain
an existing customer than it does to acquire a
new one, plus the lifetime value of a customer
increases with every purchase. Therefore, When the world safely reopens, consumers will
bringing these new shoppers back to shop again be bound to return to physical stores. But
before they become at-risk or churned must be ecommerce brands don’t need to undergo a
a high priority. drop-off or stagnation. Founders should
transform the challenge into opportunity by
optimizing their brand’s online presence and
Fiona Stevens,
shopping experience today to exceed
Head of Marketing at LoyaltyLion. customers’ expectations and remain
top-of-mind. Optimize today and reap the
benefits tomorrow.

Matt Schlicht,

Co-Founder and CEO of Octane AI

Where are consumers
discovering brands the most?

Where do you discover new products/brands?

Answers (%)
I'm feeling lucky mic
Searching/browsing online 88%

Recommended by a friend The majority of brands get discovered through online search. This
tells us that brands should prioritize building their online
or family
discoverability. A few tactics that can be used to drive
discoverability include SEO, influencer marketing, reviews, paid ads
Social media 80%
(social and search), consistent organic social media posting, and
sponsored posting with popular forums or digital media. Shoppers
Ads 51%
are also heavily influenced by the recommendations they
receive from peers: affiliate, influencer, and loyalty programs are
beneficial to drive more authentic recommendations from
Browsing in a store 42%

Recommended by a store
Where are consumers discovering brands the most?

Ecommerce is fueled by social Instagram and other social media Word of mouth works because it’s Having a delightful experience with Shoppers rely on social media and
influencers and word-of-mouth platforms have incredible candid, it’s authentic, and most the brand, with high-quality friend or family recommendations
marketing. It's where people find revenue-driving potential because times, it comes from people we products that customers love to discover new brands and
brands, get recommendations, and of these findings—and it’s why trust. Brands should focus on (quality products being the #1 products. Incorporating referrals
make buying decisions. The more influencer marketing is THRIVING creating products and driver of buying behavior) so that and social media incentives into
brands invest in getting their right now. I think we’re still fairly experiences that are so you want to tell your friends, your loyalty program is a powerful
products in front of people in early into the full potential of this remarkable that consumers can’t combined with a strong SEO way to ensure that your existing
natural, authentic ways, the more new marketing medium. Brands help but share them with everyone strategy and site speed is key for customers are talking about you,
purchases they drive. Ads may still need to be leveraging UGC and they know. 2021 and beyond. The iOS14 and helping you to acquire new
dominate in spend and reach, but letting trusted creators and update on privacy settings went customers more cost-effectively.
the lower costs and longer-term influencers help them sell. Karla Fernández,
live this month and will have an
relationships associated with Brand Journalist inevitable impact on ad targeting, Fiona Stevens,

social influencers and brand Kaleigh Moore,

with many industry experts Head of Marketing

ambassadors are driving the thinking it could take an

Ecommerce Writer at Loyalty Lion
affiliate model of performance immediate toll on performance
marketing forward as the marketing and driving up paid ad
fastest-growing area of brand and costs.
product marketing.

Alex Markov,
Partner Manager

Founder and CEO

at Shopify Plus
of Refersion
Let’s talk about brand-to-consumer communication
What's your preferred method for a brand to
reach out to you with offers, product releases,
recommendations, etc?
Answers (%)
Like Neutral Dislike Personalized communication
While email is the number one
preferred method of communication
Email 53%
between brand and consumer, loyal
customers do actively sign up and
engage with brands via SMS. As a more
SMS/Text 12%
intimate channel, keep your SMS
focused on your most-engaged
Facebook 24%
customer base—not everyday visitors.
And, every message must be
personalized and relevant to keep those
Call 2% 5% 93% customers interested long-term.
Let’s talk about
brand-to-consumer Ecommerce brands who do newsletters—not
communication just sales emails—will have a deeper
brand-building foundation + the benefit of
natural community-building when done right.
Maria West,

Head of Content at House of Wise

With respondents liking a

variety of ways to be kept in While omnichannel messaging is important, I
contact for brand updates it's wasn't too surprised to see email as the most
important to have a holistic preferred method for consumers to learn
view of how all marketing about product releases, offers, and
channels interact together to recommendations. We consistently see email
motivate a customer to make as a top performing revenue generator for
a purchase. Retention isn't a ecommerce brands, and transactional emails
one size fits all solution. in particular generating the most revenue per
Discovering the role that each email with the highest open and click rates.
channel fits in is essential to
successfully scale your brand. Vincent Panepinto,
Dan LeBlanc,
Co-Founder of Spently
Founder and CEO
of Daasity
The top 11 experiences
consumers want from
brands These responses are ranked from most important to least important. The numbers
below are a weighted average. The highest number (free shipping at 9.31), had the
highest volume of responses claiming it is the most important.
What experiences are important for you Free shipping 9.31
when purchasing products online? Product reviews 8.49
High-quality images showing products 8.20
In the online space, it’s important to have a positive
brand reputation. It’s too easy for customers to Free returns / money-back guaranteed 7.06
discover a competitor brand if your reputation and
service aren’t up-to-par. Having that “brand moment” Live chat with customer support 6.85
where you see incredible growth relies on providing
the type of experience that matters most to your Personalized recommendations 5.99
customers, and according to these results those
experiences include selling high-quality products, Being able to join a loyalty program 5.43
offering flexible and affordable shipping, sharing
social proof, and providing A+ customer support Education on how to use products 5.25
through chat and other personalized sources.
Remember, first impressions are everything. Virtual consultations 4.05
The ability to purchase products in 3.41
Subscribing to get automatic refills 1.95
The top 11 experiences consumers want from brands
In order for your ecommerce business to We’ve definitely seen an increase in orders, There are so many brands out there, and The results show how peer validation
thrive, you need to take every opportunity but especially a rise in the number of we only have so many dollars. Where factors strongly in the decision making
you can to learn from your customers. people choosing subscription consumers spend their money matters. I'm process—be that quality of product or
Post-purchase customer satisfaction toothbrushes. We believe this is driven by not going to buy something unless I know trust in the brand/website. This, coupled
surveys enable you to shed light on both the pandemic and more consumers it's actually a good product, and the best with personalized recommendations using
the product and your customer–helping becoming comfortable with online way to find out is through word of mouth a platform such as Octane AI, should help
you to improve and better position your shopping. (friends and family) and product reviews. move prospects into customers. With so
offering. You’re aiming to find out how well much noise online these days, a move to a
your products measured up to the Simon Cooper,
Rachel Cantor,
process that allows for
pre-formed expectations of your Founder of Grin Toothbrush Brew Recommendations personalization/recommendation
customers. Ask customer satisfaction pre-purchase (rather than using purchase
survey questions that pay close attention Writer at Morning Brew as a pre-cursor to a next purchase action)
to specific customer and product will help brands convert site browsers into
attributes relative to the item in question. customers much more efficiently.
This will help future shoppers with similar
characteristics relate to the information Phill anson,

presented to them in the reviews they read irector at igita

on your product pages later on.

Kelsey Clutter,

Content Marketing Manager

at Okendo
The top brands
memorable with
For us, it's a privilege to
be able to communicate
so closely and personally
to our customers—we

according to consumers
want every interaction
with them to be
informative and delightful
so they are excited and
eager to dive into our
natural skincare
Lillie Sun,

Growth Three Ships Beauty

Amazon is the #1 pick, but DTC
brands can learn from this
When asked why customers enjoy shopping
on Amazon, common responses were
personalization, convenience, reviews, quick
delivery, detailed product descriptions,
product categorization, immediate
customer service and the ability to
purchase with one click.

If you’re interested in offering personalized,

convenient shopping experiences, check
out the nine Shopify Plus partners on page
27 who can help you get started.
What drives consumers to
one brand over another?
What experiences make you feel drawn to some brands over others? Really important Somewhat
important N ot that
important Not something I
care about at all
The products are good quality 93%

I already had a good experience purchasing from the brand before 79%

They offer international shipping/free shipping 56%


Better/easier website experience 55%


Better pricing 49%


I've heard good things about the brand from someone close to me 49%

The brand has more/better reviews than others 46%


The brand and products are sustainable and ethical 32%


A story or mission that I believe in 23%


They offer a good customer community 22%


They offer more payment options 15%


It's a popular brand name that everyone knows 12%


They send me personalized offers before I purchase 12% 37% 36% 16%
What drives consumers to one brand over another?
84% of shoppers surveyed say As we see trends continue in favor Mission-driven brands are winning. was surprised by how low down Stories help us make sense of the
they want to shop with brands of personalization, we can't forget The products we buy and use say price was in terms of what drives world. The brands making the

who have a story or mission they that product still reigns supreme. something about who we are; purchasing decisions. This means biggest impact have crafted
believe in, and a further 54% are People want good products and therefore, consumers, especially that brands have a lot more unique and emotionally engaging
drawn to brands that offer a good proof that other people like them. Gen Z, are always looking for pricing power than we think as stories that connect with
customer community. Your loyalty You don't want a crappy, brands that align with their long as they have a high-quality consumers and make them feel
program acts as a vehicle for your personalized product (just ask personal values. product, which can be really like they’re part of something
brand values, giving you multiple anyone who gets targeted with interesting margins and the growth bigger; stories that share a sense
opportunities to communicate those weird hometown t-shirts on Rachel Cantor,
of the high-end market. of purpose beyond the product
them by incorporating them into
your points and rewards
Facebook). Brew Recommendations illian Willia s,

and communicate the values and

beliefs that define how they
strategies and working them into Maria West,
Writer at Morning Brew J

rinci al at Cow oy

behave and operate.

your wider loyalty messaging. This Head of Content
P p b

also makes it easier to at House of Wise

arla Fern n e ,

demonstrate to customers that Brand ournalist.

K á d z

you have a wider community of j

customers who are all passionate

about the same things.
Fiona Stevens,

Head of Marketing

at Loyalty Lion.
The importance of personalization
How likely are you to share personal information about your
likes, preferences, needs, etc with a brand if it meant getting
personalized recommendations that matched your needs?

The big number is zero
The world of online shopping consists of multiple channels

that influence buying behaviors. From emails, to Instagram ads
and text messages, brands have the power to reach their
Likely target audience in more ways and at any moment. But rather
than guessing what products or messages customers enjoy,
learn who your customers are by collecting zero-party data
Very likely 29% Not inclined on their demographics, behaviors, likes, dislikes, pain points
and preferences.

Zero-party data is personal information that a customer

intentionally shares with a brand, including preferences,
shopping habits, and other personal context. The
expectation is for customers to get a personalized shopping
experience by sharing this information.

71% Inclined to

23% 6%
Not likely
I won't share

personal infermation
Using this data, segment your campaigns on email, SMS and
paid ads to ensure every message, recommendation, and
event is extremely targeted and relevant to every
individual—no matter what stage of the buyer’s journey they’re
at. There are a variety of tools available to help you learn these
key customer insights: quizzes, purchase history, opt-in
forms, account registration, and surveys are a few examples.
The importance of personalization

Shoppers today crave personalized Consumers want to feel seen and heard. More and more consumers are trusting “Recommending products via automated
experiences from the stores they buy They want to be recognized and treated as people over brands. When they get quizzes is akin to having a personal
from. They want to be served products humans, not numbers. They expect personalized recommendations that fit shopper in-store hearing a consumer's
they’re interested in without much effort personalized and timely recommendations their needs, the brand to consumer needs and recommending the right
on their behalf. Personalization not only from brands they love, and they are willing relationship feels less transactional and products to meet those needs. On-site
improves the customer experience, but it to provide their data for a shopping more personal. They feel valued and heard. quizzes are a must for brands and can help
helps increase sales by suggesting the experience that is unique and personally lift conversion rates. Identifying the right
right products to the right fit person. Using relevant to them. DTC brands have an Rachel Cantor,
product based on a consumer's needs is
key customer and product attributes, you opportunity to leverage data and Brew Recommendations imperative and if a consumer isn't
can segment your audience and deliver technology to offer consumers a confident in which product is right for
Writer at Morning Brew
hyper-personalized messaging. This can one-of-a-kind offer that is tailored to their him/her, they will simply not purchase.
be done in the form of product wants and needs and create an experience
recommendations or email campaigns to that’s is so exceptional that it is hard to
engage with customers and encourage replicate. Jonathan Snow,

future purchases with your brand. COO and Co-Founder of

Karla Fernández, brand
Snow Agency
Kelsey Clutter,
Content Marketing Manager
at Okendo
The importance of personalization

With the spotlight on privacy today, the

smartest tech companies and brands in
the world are shifting their marketing
strategies from a cookie-tracking
approach to zero-party data. Instead of
relying on third-parties, brands should give
customers the choice to share meaningful
personal information proactively in order
to build a relationship based on deep
personalization and trust. Ecommerce
quizzes are a great way to enable
zero-party data collection, and our goal at
Octane AI is to help brands provide
personalized shopping experiences,
supporting their customers with
discovering the best products for their
preferences, needs, tastes and pain points.

Matt Schlicht,

Co-Founder and CEO of Octane AI

The reasons why customers
choose not to purchase
products online
Customer experience is one
of the most influential
determinants of consumer

Add to cart
behavior. When you offer a

shopping_cart pleasant, frictionless

purchasing experience, your
customers are not only more
likely to choose your brand
over a competitor, but
they’re also more likely to
come back to buy from you

24% 23% 14% 13% 13% 10% 3% again or tell their friends
about you. Providing a
Want to try or Need it Too Can't find Don't Don't Other best-in-class customer
test the immediatly expensive the right trust the trust the reason experience creates a
product product brand reviews flywheel that will accelerate
for them selling it your growth exponentially.

Jon MacDonald,

CEO of The Good

What did consumers classify as “Other reason?”


Price Different
Offer Delivery

ProductDeal Values


Payment options
Ethics Shipping Variety Recommended
Sale Best Eco

Friendly Try something new
Speed Customs

Return policy
Polite Return policy

Service Sale

Free shipping

Cheaper Size
Envinronmental Cost Style
Competitive Reviews Well
Eco Deal
Explore Discount
Social Local
Sustainable Alternative
Shipping Skincare Love Easy
Available Package
Available Offer

Quality Online
Need Recommended
Try something new Social Easy Service
Product Brand Cost
The future of consumer
lies in a DTC-first model behavior
In this Direct-to-Consumer Guide, some of As brands continue to iterate in the online
our top app developers ran a study space, consumers will follow.

exploring the underpinnings of the

incredible ecommerce growth we've all Through the data collected from 1,000+
witnessed in the last year. With the consumers, it’s clear that brands that
tailwinds of a pandemic, we watched provide true differentiation and value
ecommerce sales nearly double and new through their online shopping experience
industries embrace the change. In fact, will nurture customers for long-term gains.

ecommerce is expected to account for Mark Bergen,

6.6% of all CPG sales in 2021, and the In order to be the best, listen to what your Shopify VP Global

direct-to-consumer movement accounts customers are telling you, create Partnerships & Sales
for 40% of the sales growth in the CPG experiences that delight them, innovate

your channels, personalize their shopping

experience, support their needs, and
Many brands that have embraced the communicate in meaningful ways.

direct-to-consumer business model have

found incredible leverage in developing While every brand is different, every DTC
faster, owning their distribution channels, business should aim for one thing—to
and ultimately, preserving margin while provide value to their customers.
controlling the consumer experience.
Key takeaways for driving better
customer experiences
Discovery is essential Email is #1 Provide the best
Consumers mostly discover brands Email is still the number one preferred Consumers expect brands to have
through online search. Increase your method of communication for high-quality products, flexible and
online discoverability with SEO, influencer consumers. SMS and Messenger is best affordable shipping, social proof, and
marketing, reviews, paid ads, and social used for more engaged, loyal customers. good customer support through chat and
media. other personalized sources.

Behaviors will change Experience matters Always personalize The choice to go offline
Consumers indicate their shopping According to the data, customers care Customers are willing to share zero-party Most of the time, customers won’t
behaviors will change post-covid. There’s about a brand’s mission, and they prefer data if it means gettings personalized purchase a product online because they
a fight for the attention of consumers products that are high-quality and offers and recommendations. need it immediately, they want to try it,
right now, and a good CX will help you sustainable. They also enjoy personalized or they don’t trust the online brand.
offers, brand communities, and easier
website experiences.
Brought to

Collect zero-party data via Shop Build stunning, data-driven, Capture customer reviews and

Quiz and deploy personalized multi-channel marketing creates photo and video galleries

you by nine Facebook Messenger and SMS

campaigns—and measure their

you can display on your

ecommerce site. www.oken

Shopify Plus

Manage your customer Manage and track your Ma ximize profit by driving revenue
re-engagement efforts with gift ambassador, influencer and through sophisticated

partners cards, rewards, loyalty cards, store

credit, referrals and refunds.

affiliate marketing programs

simply on one platform.

omnichannel analysis and

data-driven decision making. www.

who want to

Protect your store by backing up,

help you grow

Power your ecommerce growth
Leverage Shopify notification

with a fully customizable, restoring, and copying the critical

emails using marketing

data-driven loyalty program that information stored in your SaaS

components, and follow up

drives longer-lasting relationships. applications.

sequences. rewin

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