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Unit 4 Written Assignment Rubric

Criterion No Proficiency Emerging Proficiency Proficient Advanced Weight

Fails to develop a Limited attempt Vaguely develops a purpose, Competently Fully develops a
purpose and does made at developing only identifying three develops a clear clear purpose,
not focus on a purpose and student seating purpose, comparing comparing and
comparing and comparing and arrangements but does not and contrasting contrasting three 10%
contrasting three contrasting three focus on three student student seating
student seating student seating comparing/contrasting seating arrangements
arrangements arrangements arrangements

Score 0 3 5 8 10

Uses no outside Mentions relevant Mentions relevant Effectively chooses Effectively and
relevant evidence evidence (only 1 evidence (at least 2 outside evidence (at least 2 logically chooses and
to support the outside source) but source) but does not outside source) but explains evidence (at
Supporting Evidence purpose does not provide provide sufficient provides only some least 2 outside
sufficient connection connection or explanation explanation to source) that
or explanation support and connect supports and
to purpose connects to the

Score 0 3 5 8 10

Fails to identify the Suggests some of Briefly discusses three Competently Thoroughly
three student the aspects of three student seating discusses three discusses three
Compare/Contrast of seating student seating arrangements, and provides student seating student seating
3 Student Seating arrangements, arrangements, and few comparisons and arrangements, and arrangements, and 20%
Arrangements while making no limited comparisons contrasts (including the provides provides ample
attempt at and contrasts positives and negatives of comparisons and comparisons and
(including the each arrangement) contrasts (including contrasts (including
positives and the positives and the positives and
comparing and negatives of each negatives of each negatives of each
contrasting the two arrangement) arrangement) arrangement)

Score 0 3 5 8 10

Defense of 1 Student Fails to defend one Limited attempt Attempts to defend one of Competently one of Thoroughly defends
Seating Arrangement of the chosen made to defend one the chosen seating the chosen seating one of the chosen 15%
seating of the chosen arrangements as being the arrangements as seating
arrangements as seating optimal seating choice for a being the optimal arrangements as
being the optimal arrangements as positive classroom seating choice for a being the optimal
seating choice for a being the optimal environment but provides positive classroom seating choice for a
positive classroom seating choice for a minimal reasoning environment positive classroom
environment positive classroom environment

Score 0 3 5 8 10

No attempt to Limited attempt to Limited attempt to organize Competently Effectively and

organize writing, organize writing, and writing, or use transitions organizes writing, logically organizes
and/or use use transitions and and well-developed using transitions and writing, using
transitions and well-developed paragraphs well-developed transitions and well-
well-developed paragraphs paragraphs developed
paragraphs paragraphs

Score 0 3 5 8 10

No attempt to write Limited attempt to Limited attempt to write The majority of All sentences consist
sentences that write sentences that sentences that consist of sentences consist of of varied word
consist of varied consist of varied varied word choice and varied word choice choice and length;
Sentence Structure/ word choice and word choice and length, or write sentences and length; the all sentences are
Point-of-view length, and/or length, and write that are written using majority of using academic
write sentences sentences that are academic language sentences are language
that are written written using written using
academic language academic language
using academic

Score 0 3 5 8 10

Errors in Contains many Contains several (mostly Few punctuation, Free of punctuation,
punctuation, serious errors in common) punctuation, spelling, and spelling, and
spelling, and punctuation, spelling, and capitalization capitalization errors capitalization errors
capitalization are so spelling, and errors 10%
frequent they capitalization
detract from

Score 0 3 5 8 10

Errors in APA style Contains many Contains several (mostly Few APA style issues Free of APA style
(formatting, in-text serious APA style common) APA style issues (formatting, in-text issues (formatting,
citations, and issues (formatting, (formatting, in-text citations, citations, and in-text citations, and
references) are so in-text citations, and and references) references) references) 10%
APA Style
frequent that they references)
detract from

Score 0 3 5 8 10


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