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Education is one of the most influential forces in society today.

A good education that nurtures

intellect and curiosity has a huge impact to children as soon as they step into the classroom.

According to Fang (2019), China’s education system provides its citizens a diverse school

system including the public schools for students of all ages, specialized schools for the disabled,

private schools and vocational schools among the many other institutions for education. On the

other hand US education system offers a rich field of choices for international students. There is

such an array of schools, programs and locations that the choices may overwhelm students, even

those from the U.S. as stated to the article about Understanding the American education system


Education has been highly valued in China since classical time: traditional Chinese

philosophy emphasizes education above other values. This focus on learning continues to be

important in Chinese society today; a high standard of education is associated with higher social

status and the vast majority of parents have high expectations for the educational achievements of

their children as stated in the article of Chinese education: How do things work (2018). Americans

are interested in how students use their knowledge in society. The American system lets students

criticize ideas, and challenge as well as create concepts as emphasized by Liu (2021). They also

focuses on improving student assuredness, self-determination, and independence, which aids in

comprehensive thinking.

As stated by Fang (2019) China’s education system has three main levels, composed of

Primary, Secondary, and Post-Secondary. Primary education and it is what we typically call

elementary level education. Secondary school is split into Lower and Upper, these are equivalent
to middle school and high school respectively. The separation of these grade levels usually go 6-

3-3, where 1st to 6th grade would belong in elementary school, 7th to 9th in another, and 10th to

12th comprising high school. While in the U.S, 1st through 8th grades are labeled by years (For

example: “I’m in 7th grade”) and high school and college classes are arranged as “freshman”,

“sophomore”, “junior”, and “senior.” . In terms of required education level ,unlike the U.S, where

compulsory education laws require students to stay in school until 16~18 years of age and after

that they are allowed to work , all students in China are required to complete at least nine years of

education. Students can either choose to enter Upper-Secondary School, Vocational Secondary

School, or enter the workforce directly afterwards.

While it’s common for high school or even middle school students in America to hustle

about to their next class when the bell rings, in China your instructor is the one that comes to you.

It’s typical for students to stay in a classroom during multiple lessons as teachers rotate. Unlike

American schools that provide electives (such as choosing either biology or chemistry), students

in China are often required to take the same classes until high school. Lastly when it comes to

school environment in Chinese schools, students will be mostly learning through listening, note-

taking and reading the textbook. Activities such as problem solving, critical analysis, collecting

evidence and experimentation are rare, and there is little emphasize on study skills in many

schools. Because of the emphasis that China’s education system places on tests and exams, the

system itself has come under fire for being “brutal” and also producing “robot students” instead of

“learners.” Proponents of the Western education style argue that classes in the arts and physical

education (something many Chinese institutions lack) help students achieve a more well-rounded

learning experience also their classroom atmosphere is very dynamic. You will be expected to

share your opinion, argue your point, participate in class discussions and give presentations.
International students find this one of the most surprising aspects of the American education

system as emphasized in the article of Understanding the American Education system (2020).

On my point of view, the difference between the education system of the two countries is

really visible maybe the reason is that because of it’s culture or the place itself is different. Though

I really oppose with the education system of China when it comes to the school environment

because students tend to study with pressure, I can say this because I have an experience teaching

Chinese student that even when it’s already evening they are forcing their child to attend foreign

subject like English language, also their homework loads are beyond unreasonable that’s why even

though the students are really tired they still need to do their homework at night. On the other hand,

I can say that US education system is very open , the let the students participate and learn on their

own which I really like because as a student you will be able to learn on your own and let your self

explore more in terms of learning. Though in Chinese education system I like the way they

discipline the students even though they study with pressure they still manage to learn. All in all,

education is culture, and different education systems show different societies’ cultures as stated by

Liu (2021). The American education system is upright, but it may not be exactly right for Chinese

society, and vice versa. Both education systems have room for improvement. Neither system is

better than the other, but in the world of education, it is important to develop an international

awareness and acceptance of different learning process to have a diverse learning.

Resources retrieved from internet:

Chinese education: How do things work? (2019, August 30).



Fang, A. (2018, December 23). Chinese education System.

Understanding the American Culture (2020, August 26).

Liu, H. (2021, August 23). Differences between US and China

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