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Oddly for a wordsmith, Marjorie left a vague will

> CROSS CREEK from 1D tage Marjorie owned at Cres- The sojourn from Cross Creek
cent Beach. But that didn’t
boy and disembarked in work, either. Because Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Yearling, is most closely associated with Cross Creek. But after a
Florida, where his sister Norton had found an even neighbor there sued her, she stayed away, buying property in and around St. Augustine, as well as in upstate New York.
lived. She’d never turned hotter spot to oversee.
down a request for money
from the itinerant real-estate ■ Jacksonville
man before. And she didn’t 10
this time. The Sea World of its day,
Nine years later, howev- Marineland was the brain- St. Augustine
er, Arthur would be dead of child of three ex-Navy divers

St. Johns River

lung cancer. Jeff, who’d who hoped Hollywood would Gainesville Beach
spent time in foster homes, use the large seawater tanks
would go to live with his they built for underwater Cross Marineland
grown half-sister in nearby movies. When that failed, Creek 95
Lynnwood, Wash. There they stocked them with
were problems between sharks and built Florida’s 75
them, ones that Marjorie first theme park. Norton was
Batchelder, now 75, doesn’t hired to manage the elegant
want to talk about. Jeff at- Dolphin Restaurant there.
tended the University of Sally Baskin Hooker, FLA. Orlando
Washington for a while but whose dad was Norton’s kid area
ended up living at a hotel for brother, grew up at Marine-
transients in Portland, Ore. land — her father, Tom BRENNAN KING/Staff Artist
It was there that a report- Baskin, was manager of the
er found him in 1981. motel. Hooker, whose nick-
Charles Kelly of the Arizona name was “Sally B.,” remem- Norton Baskin and Marjorie
Republic, who says his hobby bers “Uncle Norton’s famous Kinnan Rawlings on their
was finding missing heirs, smorgasbord. It had linen ta- wedding day at St. Johns County
had spotted a large un- blecloths and silver chafing Courthouse, Oct. 27, 1941.
claimed bequest at the court- dishes,” she says. “The toast THE ASSOCIATED PRESS/File photo
house, worth about $70,000 of the town!”
($200,000 in today’s money). (The park, which has ■ Cross Creek ■ Castle Warden Hotel
Kelly discovered that a closed several times, is being
100-year-old Phoenix wom- refurbished by investors.
an, Wilmer Kinnan, who’d The Dolphin now serves as
lived with two equally elder- their offices, but if you peer
ly sisters, had left the money through the windows, you
to her great-nephew, Jeffrey can see the very tables Mar-
Kinnan, in the form of a jorie once dined at.)
$150-a-month annuity. The fun crowd at the res-
But where did Wilmer taurant, with its boat-shaped
get the money? Moby Dick bar, proved an
“It probably came from overwhelming lure to the
her niece,” says Kelly, who lonely writer up the road.
still writes for the Phoenix “Marjorie,” recalls Sally,
daily. “She was some kind of “went there quite often.”
famous writer . . . Marjorie Through the socializing,
Kinnan Rawlings.” however, Marjorie developed
a warm relationship with a
■ major celebrity of the era, Marjorie willed her famous farmhouse to the University of
Owen D. Young. Florida in Gainesville. But the school struggled for years In 1941, Marjorie and her hotelier husband, Norton, turned an old
Yes, Marjorie was some The retired president of to properly maintain the historic site, eventually giving it mansion into a grand hotel in St. Augustine, where it became the city’s
kind of famous writer. General Electric responded to Florida’s Division of Parks and Recreation. social center. Today it houses the Ripley’s Believe It Or Not Museum.
Today often confused with sympathy to his writer
with environmentalist Marjo- friend’s predicament. ■ Crescent Beach ■ Marineland
ry Stoneman Douglas, Rawl- In 1947, Young and his
ings became an international wife, Louise, invited Marjorie
sensation at age 43 after win- to try out a cabin at their up-
ning the Pulitzer in 1939 for state New York estate as her
The Yearling, about a boy and new “Cross Creek.” She did
his fawn set in the “Big and fell for the rural area,
Scrub” near Gainesville. She buying a nearby farmhouse
struck gold again with her and pouring money into it.
1942 memoirs, Cross Creek. The antiques-filled summer
Though she lived in the home in Van Hornesville,
middle of nowhere, Marjorie N.Y., became known — be-
was a celebrated hostess and tween Marjorie and Norton
an avid bridge player — — as “the Yankee House.”
which is how she met Increasingly, she spent
Norton Baskin, an Alabama more and more time there,
transplant six years her jun- writing her last novel, The So-
ior, who ran the Marion Ho- journer, and conceiving an- The beachfront cottage where Marjorie suf- In the late ’40s, Norton got a job managing the Dolphin Restaurant at
tel in nearby Ocala and was, other book she was working fered a fatal cerebral hemorrhage in 1953. Marineland. The building is now closed to the public, but you can peek in the
according to his niece, “a fa- on at the time of her death. Norton lived there until about 1960, then windows and see where Marjorie once enjoyed dinner or a cocktail.
vorite with the ladies.” sold it and moved to St. Augustine.
Marjorie — and first hus- ■
band Charles Rawlings —
had come from Rochester, It was around this time, ■ Antioch
N.Y., in 1928, to grow orang- Marjorie met Jeff Kinnan — Cemetery
es and write the Great Amer- before he was even born.
ican Novel. Charles couldn’t In 1950, she wrote to an Marjorie’s final resting
stand the primitive condi- old Wisconsin classmate, place. The sandy,
tions and left; Marjorie Bea McNeill: “Day before scrubby, hard-to-find
stayed and, having sparked yesterday, I have a letter graveyard south of Cross
the interest of illustrious edi- from Alaska, and Arthur has Creek wasn’t Marjorie’s
tor Maxwell Perkins with been married since March choice — the funeral
some short stories, did write 25, and the bride is pregnant, director chose the wrong
a great, American novel. and offspring due in January! one. But by the time her
Along with the editorial Nice to know, eh?” widower realized the
attentions of Perkins, Marjo- Marjorie tells her friend error, it was too late.
rie — a plain woman, but she hopes her brother had Norton, who outlived his
earthy and amusing — at- found “the right girl at last.” wife by 45 years, is
tracted the eye of a certain But Grace Kinnan, a buried next to her
charming hotelier. nurse he’d met in Alaska,
Marjorie and Norton wasn’t the right girl after all.
According to Rawlings bi- Photos by
were married in 1941. When MARGARET McKENZIE
World War II broke out, he ographer Elizabeth Sil-
went to Burma with the am- verthorne, Arthur com-
bulance corps. Marjorie plained to Marjorie about his
stayed to run the groves and wife’s violent tantrums, “and firmly shut the door on any popular novelist Ellen Glas- As most of us do, he sure and relatives. Norton held
aid in the filming of The Year- was threatening to take the such notions. gow — a book, sadly, she hated to be looked upon as onto the groves — which
ling, which starred Gregory baby and leave her.” “For one thing, I don’t would not live to complete. the fool. were still making money —
Peck and Jane Wyman. He did. In July 1952, think Arthur would leave Jeff The end — as it will do But it wasn’t foolishness but Marjorie’s annuities
After the war, however, Arthur and Jeff arrived at with you,” he bluntly tells his with the most dramatic peo- that led the St. Augustine fu- were cashed in, and ac-
Florida changed. Moonshine Crescent Beach and ended 55-year-old wife. “And I am ple — came in an undramat- neral director to make ar- counts of $10,000 apiece
stills and orange groves gave up staying a month. sure that you should not try ic way. It was at Crescent rangements at the wrong opened at several different
way to hotels and tourist His sister had already left to keep him — unless you Beach, a few weeks before cemetery — just a lack of in- banks.
camps. Norton and Marjorie for the Yankee House, but were able to get much more Christmas 1953. As Arlene formation. Norton knew Mar- Arthur’s $12,000 debt
moved to the coast, buying a his brother-in-law, Norton, and permanent help. Ellis, wife of Norton’s neph- jorie wanted to be buried was forgiven — Marjorie
mansion in St. Augustine seemed happy to host them, “Together,” he adds, “we ew, George, tells it: “Marjo- near Cross Creek. But there saw to that in a will she’d
and turning it into the Castle promising Marjorie he’d just might make out, but nei- rie and Norton were climb- were two cemeteries close to drawn up with trial lawyer
Warden Hotel. (Today, it’s send the pair along when ther of us could care for the ing those steep steps to the each other in Alachua Coun- Philip S. May in 1949. It also
the Ripley’s Believe It or Not Arthur was “not so nervous.” boy alone.” top of the dune, where the ty. And Norton didn’t specify provided that Norton and
Museum.) In a series of wonderfully house overlooks the ocean.” which one. Arthur would share the roy-
Marjorie changed, too. intimate letters, Norton ■ Marjorie doubled over By the time he realized alties from her books.
No longer the shotgun-toting keeps Marjorie apprised of with a blinding headache. his error, the casket was in Back then, the royalties
pioneer portrayed by Mary his guests’ day-to-day doings. Having the 2-year-old ac- Norton helped her up the the ground. As a result, Mar- weren’t about to make any-
Steenbergen in the 1983 In one, he bemoans the tually underfoot, however, stairs and called family phy- jorie (joined later by her hus- one a millionaire.
movie Cross Creek, by the late fact that 17-month-old Jeffrey proved more persuasive than sician Dr. H.H. Norris, who band) is spending eternity at As Marjorie had once
’40s, she enjoyed tamer pur- isn’t out of diapers yet and, in anything Norton could say. told them to get to Flagler the hard-to-find, weed- complained to her attorney,
suits — playing bridge and Arthur’s words, is “pissing all “The child is indeed Hospital. Some lab work was choked Antioch Cemetery in “No one not familiar with the
entertaining friends with over the floor.” adorable,” Marjorie enthuses done. Norton returned to the Island Grove — where, coin- publishing set-up could be-
cookery and cocktails. His wife is horrified. “Put in one letter, but later ob- cottage to fetch some of cidentally, her nemesis Zel- lieve how relatively little I
Then in 1946, calamity Jeff into a nursery school at serves, “He begins to fuss Marjorie’s things. ma also is buried — instead have received in money from
struck: She was sued for in- once,” she advises Norton. and whimper if remotely By the time he got back of the shady Oaklawn Ceme- such large sales. . . . After
vasion of privacy. He does so, and in just a thwarted.” to the hospital, she was tery in Citra, about which my modest living expenses
The highly publicized week, he reports, Jeff is But “the problem,” Mar- gone. Marjorie had remarked, “I over those 12 years, and the
case dragged on for five potty-trained. jorie decides, “isn’t Jeff. The Such a lively, opinionated could find peace here.” income tax, I have myself
years but ended up awarding Marjorie is pleased and problem is Arthur.” His love woman — with so much still Hiding his grief, Norton saved almost exactly
all of one dollar to Zelma Ca- eager to spend time with her for the boy, she notes, “bor- to do, and so much to leave set to administering her es- $100,000.”
son, a former friend who ob- nephew. In a letter dated July ders on obsession.” behind — gone. tate. Indeed, it was said of But as Norton must have
jected to Marjorie’s descrip- 23, 1952, she excitedly out- Frazzled, she signs off: Norton, his niece Sally the widower, who outlived understood, while the prop-
tion of her in Cross Creek as lines several scenarios: “Instead of stopping ciga- recalls, was devastated, but his wife by close to 45 years, erty — the homes, jewelry,
“an angry, efficient canary.” “What about Arthur’s leaving rettes and liquor, I have just appeared stoic, even dispas- that the only job he ever held AT&T stock, antique furni-
To pay the court costs, Jeff here with me while he bought a fresh carton and a sionate. “You would have to after her death was . . . her. ture — delivered an immedi-
Marjorie cranked out Lassie goes west to settle things? fresh bottle . . . Much love, understand the Baskins and Norton was a zealous ex- ate payoff, the true value of
screenplays in the penthouse Or what about my going Marjorie.” how they handle bereave- ecutor. The spigot of cash to Marjorie’s estate lay with her
apartment Norton built for west with the two of them, to Thus, Jeffrey Kinnan’s ment,” she says. “They don’t Arthur was shut off; the Yan- work, the copyrights of
her at the Castle Warden. lend moral support? What brush with possibly becom- show a lot on the outside.” kee House, Marjorie’s brand- which still churn out from 10
But living in the social about Jeff’s staying with me, ing Marjorie Kinnan Rawl- new Oldsmobile, even Dora to 15 percent of the book
center of St. Augustine made and then when you come up, ings’ adopted son remained ■ the cow — praised in Cross sales to whoever owns them.
it hard for Marjorie to settle you and I take him west?” just that. His father took him Creek for her rich Jersey In 1953, Arthur and Nor-
down to writing. The couple But, even as Jeff and back to Seattle, and Marjorie The snafu with the grave cream — were quickly sold ton split $16,000 in royalties.
ended up selling the hotel Arthur wended their way plunged herself into re- site provides another clue to off, Marjorie’s personal ef- After Arthur died in 1961,
and moving south to a cot- north, Norton gently but searching a book about then- Norton Baskin’s personality. fects divided among friends Norton received, “all of such

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