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Document No.

Effective Date:

DATE SUBMITTED: October 3, 2021

ACTIVITY TITLE: Essay #10: Disaster Awareness, Preparedness and Management
What is your role or contribution in our country’s Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
(DRRM) Plan ?
Student’s Answer:

The systematic approach of using administrative directives, organizations, and operational skills and
capacities to implement strategies, policies, and improved coping capacities to lessen the adverse impacts
of hazards and the possibility of disaster is known as disaster risk reduction and management, or DRRM.
Through a risk-prevention culture, it attempts to limit the damage caused by natural hazards such as
earthquakes, floods, droughts, and cyclones. It discusses steps taken to enhance a community's capacity
and reduce long-term vulnerabilities in order to mitigate disaster consequences. So, as a student and
citizen of my country, my role is to help other people understand what the ways are to stay safe during
natural disasters such as earthquakes and other natural disasters, using the Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Plan, because as citizens of our country, we need to educate people on what they should do
in those situations. Another thing I can do to help the DRRM plan go even further is to provide the
administration more options for mitigating and dealing with crises when they occur in the country.
Another function that I believe I can play in the DRRM plan is to assist personnel in assisting people in
order to prevent them from becoming hurt in the event of a crisis. Another contribution I can make to the
government is to cooperate with others in order to find more efficient ways to implement the DRRM plan
in each region. Another contribution I can make to the country's DRRM strategy is to tell everyone about
the assistance available to them in the event of a disaster. Another contribution that I believe will have a
big influence on the country's DRRM strategy is that I can assist in teaching the young about the plan so
that they will know what to do if a disaster occurs and they are left to fend for themselves. Another role I
play in the DRRM plan is to assist the elder generation in remembering the critical steps to take when a
disaster strikes in order to reduce the chances of them being hurt or worse, dead. Another contribution
we can make to the country's DRRM plan is to encourage diverse groups to tell their loved ones about the
DRRM plan so that most of the people, regardless of age, is informed. Finally, the biggest contribution we
can make to the DRRM plan is to ensure that everyone participates in the plan's implementation in order
to minimize deaths as much as possible.

Submitted by: Verified by:

Dar, Vlaire Nathan Lorrenz G.


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