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Topic 2: Major Rehabilitation Programs

Lesson 2 ■ Major Rehabilitation Programs

A. Restorative Justice
B. VPA Program
C. Therapeutic Community

Intended Learning Outcome ■ Identified the different rehabilitation

■ Discussed and Applied the concept of
therapeutic community.

Time Frame June 28-July 03, 2021

Deadline July 03, 2021
Teacher’s Account (for online consultation Facebook/Messenger Account : Reyna Pagon
purposes) Email :
Mobile number: 09350037980

Direction: Follow the instruction given and always remember in using the 5W’’s (What, When,
Where, Who and Why) and 1H (How) in making a scenario. Keep your essay and journal
detailed and understandable.

Instruction 1: Make a journal and identified and discuss the different major rehabilitation
programs and the concept of therapeutic community as to how it helps the offenders.

Note: Below is the template for journal that you can use.

Note: You may copy the template but please make another template and do not place it
on the provided sample template so that you may identify and discuss all the important
major rehabilitation programs.

Instruction 2: Make a reflection paper and share the knowledge and information for the term


Note: Below is the outline which you should follow in making your reflection paper. The outline
follows a three paragraph format.
The reflection paper must contain the following:

o Give a quick preview of the most exciting part of the subject matter
o Write how this experienced influence you
o Description of the subject matter
o The effect of the subject matter in your field Criminology
o Lesson learned about the subject matter
o Summary of your experience on online class
o Overall impact/lesson learned of the subject matter

Note: No need to write the word introduction, body paragraph and conclusion.
Write immediately what is being asked in the outline.

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