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Name: Esclamada, Mark Lester G.

GE 111 SEPTEMBER 15, 2021

Using a diagram, a concept map, or a symbolic drawing, how do you perceive
the difference between Western and Eastern culture? Please write a short
explanation below your illustrations.
Western Culture Eastern Culture
• They are not allowed to enter in the • They are not asking for permission
private properties without asking before entering any properties.
for permission like in America.

Short Explanation:

In Western Culture, the reason why people are not allowed to enter their
premises without asking for permission is that they might be killed so easily because
it is under their law. While in Eastern culture, there is no law regarding that kind of
manner that is why a lot of people are easily entering your properties even without
asking for permission.
Let us answer, share, and reflect on the following questions as we get to know
more about cultural variations of the “self”

1. What kind of “self” do you think will a western culture create, as you have
• A more disciplined self

2. What kind of “self” do you think will an Eastern culture create, as you have
• A not well-mannered self

3. Which of the cultural traits you have listed to always do not apply to either
Westerners or Easterners?
• Westerners portrays respect on the private properties of their neighbors.
• Easterners portrays a not well-mannered kind of people that invades
privacy of the people.
• We should not invade someone’s privacy but instead give respect to the
owner of the property like asking for permission before entering the

4. How is the Philippine culture, in general, similar, or different to either Western

or Eastern cultures?
• Having Close Family Ties is also one of their unique traits. It is one of the
outstanding cultural values that Filipinos have. The family takes care of
each other and are taught to be loyal to family and elders by simply
obeying their authorities. This is one of the unique characteristics of
Filipinos. Unlike in Western, particularly in America, when the child is
already at the legal age of 18, parents don’t take care anymore of them.
They allowed them to do what they want and give their freedom.

5. Do you think understanding a person’s cultural background is one of the keys

in understanding himself or herself? Why or why not?
• Yes. Because it will be the foundation of your friendship. Knowing his or
her background leads to respecting the culture that he/she belongs to.
This will also be a way for you not to offend that person if you are not
aware of the culture he or she belongs to.
A. Research about one more concept that we can associate with the Filipino idea
of “self” cite your source.
✓ Hospitality

B. How can our Filipino concept of “self” along with the values and practices
connected to it, become a positive thing against adversity? Give example.
✓ A person's self-concept helps them define who they think they are and
how they fit into the world.
Example: In socializing with other people and overcoming difficulties in

C. On the other hand, when can this concept of Filipino “self” be a negative trait?
✓ When people are getting stressed and depressed in their situation.
Some people commit suicide in order to solve their problems in life.

D. In the age of social media, what changes can we note about the concept of
✓ Give respect to them as how you want to be respected.

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