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Replacing xylene with n -heptane for paraffin embedding

Article  in  Biotechnic & Histochemistry · August 2012

DOI: 10.3109/10520295.2012.701764 · Source: PubMed


9 2,318

5 authors, including:

Begoña López-Arias Pedro ALVAREZ Del Castillo

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


Alfonso Blázquez-Castro
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


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Replacing xylene with n-heptane for paraffin
JC Stockert, B López-Arias, P Del Castillo, A Romero, A Blázquez-Castro
Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Autonomous University of Madrid, Cantoblanco, Madrid 28049, Spain

Accepted June 7, 2012


In standard histological technique, aromatic solvents such as xylene and toluene are used as clear-
Biotech Histochem Downloaded from by University of Glasgow on 10/02/12

ing agents between ethanol dehydration and paraffin embedding. In addition, these solvents are
used for de-waxing paraffin sections. Unfortunately, these solvents are harmful and therefore
adequate substitutes would be useful. We suggest the use of n-heptane as a convenient substitute
for xylene. Paraffin sections of rat tissues processed with n-heptane and stained with hematoxylin-
eosin or Masson’s trichrome showed proper embedment, well preserved morphology and
excellent staining.

Key words: n-heptane, paraffin, solvents, tissue embedding, xylene

For personal use only.

It is well known that aromatic and halogenated compounds listed for their toxic effects, chloroform
hydrocarbon solvents have adverse effects on and xylene ranked 11th and 48th, respectively, which
health. In histology and histopathology laborato- indicates a high potential for adverse health effects
ries, xylene, toluene or chloroform are widely used (
for clearing in paraffin embedding and these sol- During the past few years, substitutes have been
vents also are used for de-waxing paraffin sections. employed as clearing and de-waxing agents for
The most common mounting media, e.g., DePeX, paraffin processing of tissues. Maxwell (1978) sug-
also contain xylene as solvent. The health hazard gested using trichloroethane as a clearing solvent
associated with using these solvents is an important and this has been employed increasingly (Temel
issue for research and clinical laboratories (Brunton et al. 2005). Although it is not flammable, adequate
1992, Coleman 2001). ventilation is required, because the vapors are toxic
Exposure to aromatic and chlorinated solvents (Reid and Young 1981). Other substitutes proposed
causes damage to the respiratory system, skin, liver, for xylene include vegetable oils (Bruun Rasmussen
kidney and central nervous system (Langman 1994, et al. 1992), butyldecanoate (Lyon et al. 1995), iso-
Armstrong and Green 2004). The Material Safety propanol (Viktorov and Proshin 2003), isopropanol-
Data Sheet (MSDS) for laboratory chemicals should mineral oil mixtures (Buesa and Peshkov 2009), and
be checked at for propylene glycol methyl ester (Chen et al. 2010).
handling and use of these and other solvents. The De-waxing protocols using octane (Fredricks and
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Relman 1999, Xing et al. 2010) and water-detergent
(ATSDR/EPA) recently published a list of chemi- mixtures (Falkeholm et al. 2001) also have been
cals with known or suspected toxicity. Among 275 described. Although lacking a precise chemical
structure, isoparaffin H, (Panreac, Barcelona) now
is sold as a xylene substitute.
We propose n-heptane (C7), an aliphatic hydro-
Correspondence: Dr. Alfonso Blázquez-Castro, Department of carbon, as a substitute for xylene. n-Heptane is a
Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Autonomous University of Madrid,
constituent of gasoline, itself a mixture of C4–C12
Darwin 2 Cantoblanco, Madrid 28049, Spain. Telephone: ⫹ 34 91
5854426. E-mail: hydrocarbons, that is used as standard for testing
© 2012 The Biological Stain Commission performance and knocking conditions of Otto-
Biotechnic & Histochemistry 2012, 87(7): 464–467. cycle engines (Windholz 1983). In fact, aliphatic

DOI:10.3109/10520295.2012.701764 464
hydrocarbons have been employed previously as
solvents for histopathology and histochemistry
(Lillie and Fullmer 1976). The solvent employed,
known as “white gas,” was a mixture mainly of
hexane-heptane hydrocarbons. n-Heptane is an
inert, nonfluorescent solvent that can be used as a
substitute for xylene and other solvents for paraf-
fin processing of tissues.

Material and methods

Tissue samples from Wistar rats including tongue,

salivary glands, esophagus, stomach, large and
small intestine, liver, kidney, adrenal, lung and
Biotech Histochem Downloaded from by University of Glasgow on 10/02/12

skin were fixed either by perfusion with 3.7%

formaldehyde in phosphate buffered saline (PBS),
or by immersion in 3.7% formaldehyde or Bouin’s
solution at room temperature. After fixation for
30 min, samples were cut into small pieces and
left in fresh fixative for 24 h. Specimens were
washed in tap water for 24 h and dehydrated in
30, 50, 70, 96 and 100% ethanol for 1 h at each
Clearing was accomplished using two changes
of n-heptane (Scharlau Chemie, Sentmenat, Spain;
For personal use only.

99% purity) for 10 min taking care that samples

always remained at the bottom of the container. As
controls, tissue samples also were cleared in xylene
and embedded as usual. The tissues cleared in
n-heptane were placed in a mixture of paraffin/n-
heptane (1:1, v/v) at 56° C for 1 h, then embed-
ded in paraffin wax at 56° C for 24 h. Sections were
obtained using a Microm HM 355 S-2 microtome
(Walldorf, Germany), de-waxed with n-heptane for
15 min and hydrated in descending alcohols (100,
96 and 70% ethanol, 2 min at each concentration)
to water. Sections were stained with hematoxylin-
eosin (H-E) and Masson’s trichrome using standard
methods. Microscopic observations and photogra- Fig. 1. Bright field photomicrographs of paraffin sections
phy of sections mounted in DePeX were carried out from rat kidney. Samples were fixed by immersion in 3.7%
using a CX-31 RBSF microscope (Olympus, Tokyo, formaldehyde, processed with xylene (A) or n-heptane (B,
Japan) equipped with an Olympus UC-30 digital C) and stained with H-E. A and B) Part of the cortical renal
camera. Photomicrographs were processed using region at low magnification. C) Detail of a renal glomerulus.
Adobe Photoshop 8.0 software (Adobe Systems, Bars ⫽ 30 μm.
San Jose, CA).

Results n-heptane. Although no quantitative evalua-

tions were made, retractions commonly found in
Paraffin sections obtained using n-heptane embedded samples after xylene were less conspic-
for tissue embedding and de-waxing revealed uous. Staining by H-E or Masson’s trichrome was
excellent preservation of morphology; sections identical to that of sections processed with xylene.
were entirely similar to those processed with Sections of other tissues processed with n-heptane
xylene (Fig. 1A). Figure 1, B and C illustrate the showed good morphological preservation of tis-
microscopic structure of a kidney section using sues and staining quality.

n-Heptane paraffin embedding 465

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Fig. 2. Chemical structure of paraffin wax (A), m-xylene (B) and n-heptane (C), and their corresponding space-filling
molecular models from HyperChem 8 software (A,’ B,’ and C,’ respectively). Paraffin wax is the aliphatic chain, C16H34, and
commercial xylene is a mixture of the three aromatic isomers (o-, m-, and p-); the p-isomer is the predominant form
(Windholz 1983).

Discussion aliphatic chain of n-heptane (Fig. 2C) is far more

similar to the paraffin aliphatic chain (Fig. 2A) than
Histology and histopathology laboratories are the aromatic hydrocarbons xylene and toluene (Fig.
hazardous work places owing to the abundance 2B). n-Heptane also is relatively inexpensive and it
of chemicals that can pose major safety and health is not so dangerous and toxic as aromatic or chlo-
concerns (Brunton 1992, Langman 1994, Coleman rinated solvents. Considering the excellent results
2001, Armstrong and Green 2004). Xylene and tolu- obtained, n-heptane appears to be a convenient
ene, the most common aromatic solvents used for substitute for the usual aromatic solvents used in
paraffin embedding in histology and histopathol- histological techniques.
ogy laboratories are highly toxic. Chloroform and
trichloroethane sometimes are used for paraffin Acknowledgment
processing, but these chlorinated compounds also
are harmful (Reid and Young 1981, Armstrong and This work was supported by a grant from the Min-
Green 2004, Temel et al. 2005). isterio de Ciencia e Innovación (CTQ2010-20870-
Although several alternatives for xylene are C03-03/BQU), Spain.
available, they are not widely used and other sub-
stitutes are necessary. n-Heptane does not have an Declaration of interest: The authors report no con-
unpleasant smell nor does it irritate the mucous flicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible
membranes. As illustrated in Fig. 2, the short for the content and writing of the paper.

466 Biotechnic & Histochemistry 2012, 87(7): 464–467

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