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International Human Resource Management

Evaluation of Challenges and Opportunities faced

Indonesia characterizes a lot of diversity in terms of culture, diversity of religions,

ethnicities, and languages which is a characteristic of the Indonesian nation which reflects the

national culture of mutual cooperation, a lot of diversity of differences throughout the

territory of Indonesia which spreads from Sabang to Merauke to form the original Indonesian

culture that has been known throughout the world. As a culture of mutual cooperation. When

compared to one of the developed countries it can even be called the superpower of the

United States which has a lot of diversity from several combined states consisting of a

combination of local citizens and new immigrants who come almost every 33 seconds,

therefore the United States is one of the countries with the most diverse culture in the world

so that it affects almost all areas of the world that have been affected by cultural formation in

America. However, because of the many influences of this diversity the people of the United

States admit that they do not have a specific national culture, but rather that their culture is a

culture of "trying to be the best." This is because there are no caste, religion, and cultural

factors that prevent people from believing that someone who is trying to be the best can

definitely be the best. The culture of the United States has developed throughout the world

with various forms of adaptation and improvisation affecting the whole world, especially

parts of Europe. One thing that is very memorable is the musical culture in the United States

which is almost heard all over the world, and US film and television shows can be seen

anywhere. For this reason, this national culture continues to develop from time to time so that

it becomes one of the cultural characteristics inherent in the United States of America.

Therefore, here the author will conduct an analysis of how the cultural comparison is very

inversely proportional to Indonesia and the United States, Indonesia with a national culture

that tends to group together with mutual cooperation which is the characteristic of its society

while the United States with a free culture has a very strong individualist certainty for

achieve their respective goals to be the best without differences in factors of caste, religion,

and culture. This will be the focus of this paper with a comparison of the national culture as a

comparison of the challenges and opportunities of international human resource management

which has its own characteristics from each country.

Before the author compares the inherent national cultural linkages between these

countries with the relationship between international human resource management, the author

will first explain what international human resource management is, in general international

human resource management is the process of hiring, developing and rewarding people in

international organizations. Or global with processes for managing people across

international borders for multinational companies that involve worldwide management of

people, not just expatriate management.

According to Brewster's (2005) theory, it is explained that there are three human

resource management processes globally, namely employee management talent, international

task management, and international workforce management. For this reason, in understanding

international management, it is necessary to understand the character of the local culture.

This is because the local context is the key to analyzing how the planning, implementation

and management of international human resource management is measured against people

who are able to understand the "indigenous culture" that exists in a company. In connection

with this understanding, several issues have developed related to international human

resource management such as globalization, environmental differences, cultural differences,

convergence and divergence and global staffing. Some of these things are of concern in the

international management process. Directly, international management makes humans have

to have high tolerance, high multiculturalism, and high cultural behavior between fellow

nations or with other nations.

Based on this understanding, several international human resource management

problems arise that will arise if the company's activities involve more than one country.

These problems are usually related to issues consisting of the many existing international

organizational models, levels of human resource management policies and practices that

should vary in each different country (convergence / uniform or divergence / different).

Therefore, this is where the role of culture which is the basis of every thought and action of a

workforce is strongly influenced by the existence of human resource management, especially

for international companies which often experience problems regarding the content of

international organizational models, the influence of this national culture should not only be a

challenge for problems that must be resolved but can be an opportunity for company

management to match the specified target capability and workforce size, opportunities that

can be taken by companies, especially human resource managers who are directly responsible

for human resource management can cover the weaknesses and strengths of one employee.

From each other from the characteristics of the different cultural characteristics of the

country, so that from these cultural differences it can complement each other's ability to

maximize work results because of the combination of keys to the implementation of human

resource management.

For this reason, the author will explain about the challenges with management /

management problems in different cultures and environments between Indonesian and

American national cultures. Challenges that are relevant to international human resource

management are directly related to national culture which will indirectly lead to the effects of

globalization, this linkage between local and global cultures replicates what has been

practiced in the chain of business that arises from the process of internationalization,

professional mobility and talent management. However, the challenge for this generally

comes from the different organizational environments in which multinational companies

operate. This is in accordance with the theory of (Kostova, Roth, Dacin, 2008) which

explains that because local characteristics influence the design of the management model, the

difficulties faced become quite complex challenges because of the influence of local

characteristics, especially community culture, which form different work attitudes.

Organizational challenges, especially the discussion of differences in Indonesian and

American culture, of course, have cultural aspects that are inversely related to the

implementation of human resource management in companies or international organizations.

The company's decision whether to merge or enter into foreign markets to compete with

international markets, this is the first challenge in human resource management where

countries with diverse cultures face obstacles that must be overcome by organizations, in this

case the same as Indonesian culture which if applied to organizations in America will be very

contradictory and shows that it is unwise to export Indonesian human resource cultural

practices to be applied to workers in America. For this reason, it would be better if these

differences become a challenge for the organization that must be resolved to achieve a

balance between human resource practices that are adjusted to the law, society, and the

culture of the host country / organization concerned. For this, solutions to challenges that

must be resolved can be overcome with several theories, one of which is the study of the

globalization literature into a business strategy because organizations compete for consumers

across borders / across countries so that globalization becomes a delivery for human resource

practitioners to add value by transforming and Integrating human resources throughout the

organization as a core business process is one of the recommendations for business /

organizational leaders to discuss the practical implications of cultural differences affecting

international human resource management for organizations.

If earlier the author explained about the challenges with cultural differences that affect

international human resource management which are very identical to the different

characteristics of workers as the driving force of the organization and are driven by the flow

of globalization which is very influential on the flow of organizational life, seeing from the

point of view of organizational challenges also has an opportunity from its existence. These

cultural differences, of course, can also have an influence or impact on international human

resource management for organizations, the challenge of cultural differences, especially for

Indonesia and the United States, as the object of discussion in this paper refers to theory

(Boudreau, Gibson, & Ziskin, 2014. Roehling et al, 2005; Ulrich, 2013) who explain that

human resource maintains the statement that changes in each field are triggered by pressure

on diversity, increased globalization, increased generation diversity, and the development of

innovation and policy. Sustainability which causes jobs to experience a lot of pressure for

change and creates demands for organizations to push the field of human resources into a

very new direction.

Opportunities for discussion and these factors are closely related to the influence of

human resource management, especially because there are differences in the cultural

characteristics inherent in each employee in the organization which become a meeting point

for opportunities that can be seen by organizations to gain new opportunities, as a general

example of cultural differences between Indonesians. and America makes an opportunity for

the incorporation of human resources which forms the latest innovation in this era of

globalization, organizations can plan the uniqueness of Indonesian cultural traditions that are

very attached to workers to work mutually or in groups and are accustomed to carrying out

work based on target abilities. Americans who can emphasize on the ability to be able to do

anything with the effort made are very suitable to form a planning creation in organizational

operations, so that from this it will form a structure l or a complementary work combination

if the American worker culture is more dominant in making an innovation with the results of

creative thinking, then the native Indonesian culture that is more focused on working

appropriately and discipline is very much in line with the needs of a shift in the

implementation of international human resource management, so that the organization can

determine the success strategy of international business. This refers to the statement that

international human resource management is a very important component in the

implementation of a global strategy as well as a major determinant of success or failure in

international business.

Previously, from this explanation there were several things that were contradictory or

provided two possibilities, namely globalization which provided new challenges for

international organizations, especially with regard to the national culture of the Indonesian

and American countries as explained in the previous paragraph, globalization also provided

opportunities from an economic side as stages to change as that of the skills and abilities of

workers as the key to organizational success. Human resource workers state that new

opportunities will affect the future according to the factors of economic transformation,

globalization, domestic diversity, and technology will encourage new approaches to human

resources that drive the progress of international human resource management.

Opportunities for changes in generational and ethnic differences resulting from the

amalgamation of American and Indonesian cultures as challenges for organizations but also

as opportunities for organizations to harness the many talents and skills that these individuals

bring to the world of work, and provide opportunities for all individuals to showcase their

skills and talents. This opportunity can be exploited if the changing workforce composition

should help the organization reach a wider market for the organization's products and

services, as well as increase innovation and creativity in the organization (van Knippen berget

al., 2004). In addition, individual workers must also encourage organizations to develop new

human resource practices that will meet the needs of all members of the workforce (Stone et

al., 2006).

From the explanation of the challenges and opportunities in terms of differences in the

national culture of America and Indonesia in general, it can provide an opportunity for

organizations to continue to develop, even though there are problems that must be resolved as

organizational challenges, in general the process of organizational life will not be far from a

problem because indeed This process will face a certain situation with many parts - the

operational support of the organization, for this reason the conclusion of this discussion is to

implement or achieve international human resource management organizations, which is to

look more at how innovation and organizational creativity are to determine strategy and

implementation realization of cultural differences from every worker for the advancement of

the international organizations target. 


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