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Course: Heat Transfer( MEC301)

Major Topic: Introduction to Heat Transfer

Sub Topics:
➢Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
➢Difference between Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
➢Modes of Heat Transfer

Prepared By: Sudhanshu Dogra

Assistant Professor/COD(Thermal Engineering)
UID: 16900
School of Mechanical Engineering
Lovely Professional University
Overview of the course(Unit-wise detail)
Unit-1: Introduction to Heat Transfer and Steady Heat Conduction
Unit-2: Fins and Transient Heat Conduction
Unit-3: Heat Transfer due to Radiation
Unit-4: Convection
Unit-5: Boiling and Condensation
Unit-6: Heat Exchangers
Education (India) Private Limited
➢HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER By DR. D. S. Kumar, S.K. KATARIA & Sonsheat Transfer By
Holman, J. P., McGraw Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, 6th Edition, 1991
Thermodynamics is a branch of science which deals with energy transfer and its effects on
physical properties of substances. OR
Thermodynamics is the science that deals with the interaction between energy and material
systems. OR
It is the branch of physical science that deals with the relations between heat and other forms of
Heat Transfer

➢Heat transfer is a branch of thermal engineering that concerns the generation, use, conversion,
and exchange of thermal energy (heat energy) between physical systems.

➢Heat transfer is classified into various mechanisms, such as thermal conduction, thermal
convection, thermal radiation.
Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics

➢Whenever a temperature gradient exists within a system, or whenever two systems at different
temperatures are brought into contact, energy is transferred.

➢The process by which the energy transport takes place is known as Heat transfer. The thing in
transit, called heat, cannot be observed or measured directly.

➢The branch of science that deals with the relation between heat and other forms of energy,
including mechanical work in particular, is called Thermodynamics.

➢All heat transfer processes involve the exchange an/or conversion of energy. They must,
therefore, obey the first as well as the second law of thermodynamics.
Difference between Thermodynamics and Heat transfer

"Thermodynamics" deals with the amount of energy in form of heat or work during a process
and only considers the end states in equilibrium. It will not give information about how long it
will take to reach to the final state in equilibrium.

"Heat Transfer" deals with the rate of energy transfer thus, it gives idea of how long a heat
transfer will occur? Heat transfer deals with time and non equilibrium phenomena. Heat can
only transfer when there is a temperature gradient exists in a body and which is indication of non
equilibrium phenomena.

➢Thermodynamics is concerned with the amount of heat transfer as a system undergoes a process
from one equilibrium state to another, and it gives no indication about how long the process will

➢Determining the rates of heat transfer to or from a system and thus the times of cooling or
heating, as well as the variation of the temperature, is the subject of heat transfer.
Applications of Heat Transfer
➢Industries: Heat exchangers, reactors, reboilers, etc.

➢Power generation: Boilers, condensers, cooling towers, feed heaters, transformer cooling, transmission cable cooling,

➢Aviation and space exploration: Gas turbine blade cooling, vehicle heat shields, rocket engine/nozzle cooling, space
suits, space power generation, etc.

➢Transportation: Engine cooling, automobile radiators, climate control, mobile food storage, etc.

➢Fire and combustion Health care and biomedical applications: Blood warmers, organ and tissue storage,
hypothermia, etc.

➢Air-conditioning systems: Air conditioners, water heaters, furnaces, chillers, refrigerators, etc.

➢Renewable Energy System: Flat plate collectors, thermal energy storage, PV module cooling, etc.
Modes of Heat Transfer

‘‘Heat transfer’’ which is defined as the transmission of energy from one region to another as a
result of temperature gradient takes place by the following three modes :

(i) Conduction

(ii) Convection

(iii) Radiation
Conduction. ‘Conduction’ is the transfer of heat from one part of a substance to another part of the same substance, or
from one substance to another in physical contact with it, without appreciable displacement of molecules forming the

In solids, the heat is conducted by the following two mechanisms :

(i) By lattice vibration (The faster moving molecules or atoms in the hottest part of a

body transfer heat by impacts some of their energy to adjacent molecules).

(ii) By transport of free electrons (Free electrons provide an energy flux in the direction

of decreasing temperature—For metals, especially good electrical conductors, the electronic

mechanism is responsible for the major portion of the heat flux except at low temperature).

In case of gases, the mechanism of heat conduction is simple. The kinetic energy of a molecule is
a function of temperature. These molecules are in a continuous random motion exchanging
energy and momentum.

In liquids, the mechanism of heat is nearer to that of gases. However, the molecules are more
closely spaced and intermolecular forces come into play.

Convection. ‘Convection’ is the transfer of heat within a fluid by mixing of one portion of the
fluid with another. Convection is possible only in a fluid medium and is directly linked with the
transport of medium itself. It is of 2 types:
Free or natural convection. Free or natural convection occurs where the fluid circulates by
virtue of the natural differences in densities of hot and cold fluids.
Forced convection. When the work is done to blow or pump the fluid, it is said to be forced

Radiation. ‘Radiation’ is the transfer of heat through space or matter by means other than
conduction or convection. Radiation heat is thought of as electromagnetic waves or quanta (as
convenient) an emanation of the same nature as light and radio waves.

It requires no medium for propagation and will pass through a vacuum.

Conduction, Convection and Radiation

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