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408110061 Rane

Improved Life by Internet

Internet, the best invention of these century, has changed people’s life with its
multifunctional power. No matter you want to know something new easily,
communicate with others, or simply do something entertaining, the internet can easily
meet all your requirement at once.
The internet, obviously, can help you know everything easily. Imagine you
encounter a new word and you have no idea what the meaning is, moreover, nobody
around you can be asked. Guess who can help? The internet! Except for the
convenience to understand an unfamiliar knowledge, news spread through the internet
are faster than previous invention, for instance, newspaper or radio. Not to mention
the information on the internet is without boundary. Different from the any traditional
media, you are able to know every latest international news with one click in one
second. As a result, the horizon people see the world widened, as well as the heeds
people gave to the society are becoming more and more. At the same time, the
interactions with others increase.
While the social media rise, the communications people have with each other are
more frequently than before. For example, you can share every detail of your life to
your friends on the Facebook. They can also both leave a comment to your interesting
experience and send a message to talk more about it. Therefore, keeping touch with
friends that may be far away from where you are can be simply done. In addition to
sustain the relationship you already have, making a new friend on internet is very
uncomplicated. If you are afraid of talking to a stranger face to face, the internet can
help. Many of the applications just need a single tap, you can start the conversation
without faces and voices with others that has the same hobbies with you.
Not only the pleasure of contact with friends can make you relief from the
intense life, but also the entertainment on the internet can. The most common leisure
activities people do through the internet is gaming. Games, without a doubt, are
fascinating. Apart from playing them to relax, many of them have achievement
systems. By reaching the achievements, the player can obtain the sense of
accomplishment, even learnt patience and insistence. Of course, it is few people likes
to play games. Another example, YouTube, as one of the most popular website on the
internet, has a huge amount of talented creators uploading amusing videos. You can
find nearly every sort of videos on it, such as educational, funny, or creative ones.
After that, stream music and movies definitely are the newest trends nowadays. All
you need to pay is a little money per month, then you can enjoy millions of licensed
music, movies, and television series. In my opinion, nothing can be more relaxing
than lie on a comfortable couch and watch a great movie with snacks.
In brief, the internet is really convenient for people with different needs. Is there
a myth that you and your friends unable to solve? Ask Google! A sudden miss for
your parents? Make a video call would be nice! Tired of stressful days? Grab the
popcorn and let the movie begin! Certainly, the internet has improved people’s life
better than before from three fundamental parts, easy to know everything,
communicate with other and entertainment. Still, no matter you reject to learn how to
use it or use it too much will bring problems. Hence, using it wisely is the key. (578)

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