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AFGHANISTAN PSEA Taskforce sium. STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT ON PROTECTION FROM SEXUAL = EXPLOITATION AND ABUSE (PSEA) September 2021 This statement affirms the commitment of the HC, HCT, and UNCT in Afghanistan to actively prevent, report, and respond to sexual exploitation and abuse by international and national humanitarian workers, particularly during the acute emergency phase we are presently experiencing. The statement also affirms the UN senior Leadership and the Humanitarian Country Teams' role in implementing this commitment in Afghanistan Emergency Operations. The members of Afghanistan HCT reaffirm our determination to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse by humanitarian personnel and respond to incidents perpetuated against affected people actively. Furthermore, we recognize that all people should remain safe from sexual exploitation and abuse while receiving humanitarian assistance. This should be ensured, especially during these difficult times of acute emergency. In so doing, we: 1. Recall the UN Secretary-General's Bulletin on Special Measures for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse?, including its condemnation of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) and six-core protection principles. 2. Recall the IASC Interim Guidance Note on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) During Covid-19 Response;? 3. Recall the IASC Plan for Accelerating PSEA in Humanitarian Response at Country Level and its key outcomes: Safe Reporting, Victims Assistance, Accountability, and Investigation 4, Reaffirm that inter-agency cooperation is crucial to prevent and respond to sexual exploitation and abuse effectively. and 5. Commit to the following action points: i, Fully implement Afghanistan PSEA Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and related tools. ii, Advocate for maintaining access to secure SEA reporting channels, including alternative channels for all humanitarian beneficiaries. * $68 ST/SGB/2003/13 (09 October 2003) * INTERIM IASC TECHNICAL NOTE: PROTECTION FROM SEXUAL EXPLOITATION AND ABUSE (PSEA) DURING COVID-18 RESPONSE March 2020, APGHANISTAN PSEA Taskforce Maintain regular safeguarding measures during recruitment procedures and regular supervision of staff deployed in the field. iv. Circulate PSEA Codes of Conduct (CoC) and remind staff of their obligation in this respect. v. Ensure that.all staff, contractors, volunteers, consultants, and other teams are trained in PSEA. vi. Ensure that PSEA Focal Points are appointed in each office. vii, Integrate SEA risk into protection analysis, programming, and assistance. vill, Integrate PSEA activities in operation plans; allocate the needed budget to those activities. ix. Report issues without delay. RAMIZ ALAKBAROW esentative of the Secretary-General Resident and Humanitarian [5o8 /tat! UN Deputy Special Rs Coordinator. Date: Signature: Appendix 1: Six Core Principles Relating to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

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