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Name (using an adjective which defines you)

2. Place (you hail from, you belong to or you come from)
3. What you’re currently doing (specialization)
4. What you’ve accomplished in the past
5. - What are your top achievements? In terms of academic achievements – Hackathons,
projects or any other achievement
6. - What are you most proud of?
7. Where you’re headed or hope to head in the near future
8. - Showcase your passion for the field you’re delving into
9. - Mention the technology/skills you are working on
10. - Short term goal/long term goal
11. - Any inspirational people you follow.

What others think about you?

1. - You must include perspectives of 5 people who matter at the end
2. - My mentors believe I am…, My friends think … about me, my parents are of the
view, (You may choose any 5 people; however, one must justify their opinions).

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