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Crreen Leaf Restaura TANTS en io APPLICANT'S ORIGINAL TAZKARA/PASSPORT & CHER SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION ARE REQUIRED WITH APPLICATION, per FOB Shank Base Access Flicy. ALL DATES WILL BE DAY MONTH YEAR (OIJAN05) INFORMATION MIST BE TYPED AND COMPLETE ‘Cell Phone 4 oo F aS fo = o ae pee oneee | 3a HOUR = t ail ate [coe [ct ost ae owl ae] oe coe rg ' ee | i eee = se 1 sce gla: | |X| [Xx [x[X [xX] [X[x saber Mince ales SHANK FPSC Form 103 Supersedes all previous forms as of 09Dec2011 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY AFAD-LTL-HHC. 28 FEB 2012 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD. SUBJECT: Criminal Background Check 41, This is to verify that Sadiq Mohammad (Taskera #22378) needs a seven year criminal background check to be conducted on him. This information should be enclosed in a sealed envelope and not opened until received by the personnel at FOB Shank. if the envelope is found to be opened or tampered with it will require a new screening and check to be conducted. The seal of the agency should be included on the envelope. 2. The POC for this action is the undersigned at Jeffrey.lyons@afahan.swa army mil, SFC, U Hiring Authority AFAD-LTL-HHC 2012 g232828 Byte cay a tilads Esky Ag C35 pe (22378) seed 9 SS gl jlo eae Galen Si Spe Gyre des) Po BY yp ay hagas oy) aby as by AS ag ls Cals Saye ie le Si 2S Bs ahi Goad cod aks 15 FOB Shank 48 1 9 29h iy oak oe BS pled ab AS athe Gry pe So de dy ype pas p cst, Blige yc CSL GY od j Jvons@afghan, sie Jeffrey Jee cu! gly POC osiS Lins) 2 wisn AS Says eaate CU SFC oS lai lie Hilal cables! iss shan Alle jos! Oljy 9159 Sala gh y9S 9 Oy g¢a> edad GLAS Ministry of Interior of Islamic republic of Afghanistan STRAY 0% pike fs pope oak, 496 bla, collet! (ss Bley sad Coy pide ee Fopy> Cul gens pat 16 pad ge rage as LSS gd alg Bs dy pS Ag SLI LS yal (5 guy! Line slog si Le ol pad AS5(TVTVA)9 S55 pic) oad sta Galio cans lil eA pis Cols) Cis0) yu OS on gat ly ting ase Calpine ase 5) Susans GLSlis slsine algae pace 3) tag SITA/YAY Goes (PTT o laud ag Shs dag gilia pulps La ojylie eal 05gh Badan S gigs yep scsdls plB! Laud pny ctl al 9 cals ge Ss abualy cil > TO (CAMP FOB SHANK)! SUBJECT: Request for Background Check: As a requested latter informing Mr. ( Sadiq Mohammad) Tazkera Number (22378). ‘That works with USA national army he was request for Police Clearance for if he had any criminal case The General Directorate of Crime branch as per letter No (6303) Date 07/Mar/2012 Cleared every kind of crime. The issue is forwarded for your further action. alata il aay Mga ~ ( aycuslyh sys oe hae 9h ae THEE ST ety sta (Charrabisdarataare-Naw Kabel Contac: 0093207205285, SNC Sete tl Tmergeny Contact 119 AsisieraeenOt gies AsitHamraazaMOLgovat afe = a ge a 5 68 |e AS MSG cy = r oy Zerdows hlospiigs Ny 2) ty 4a co te Ul ISS (Gas!) eeillne 5 (ste) Serological Examination Stool Examination Tiestinal parasites not seen (2) Undigested food seen (4) sing 07991 10402-0799393401 :Jale ee as sey LR GS pe sl collie 7s ee FENN ge prise Aly Ton Zeidows Hespige, SSN 4nd ib he Glug JSG (gama) pagillue 9 (ysueal) Las NAME: Gils ssee SEX: M AGE: ? REFERED BY : Sel DATE : 2001/1391 TIME : 8:04:15 AM REPORT #: 491 Biochemistry Examination Tet Result Normal Range TBilirobine 0.9 mute mae Dir.Bilirobine o3mm 01-04 mg% In.bilirobine 0.6 mg% 0.2-0.6 mg% SG.0T 2aU/L 0-30 DL SGPT 210A. 835 UL Ze Sing [ (07991 10402-0799393401 ep ijl Se GS bye i eb cowl DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY AFAD-LTL-HHC. 28 FEB 2012 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT: Criminal Background Check 4, This is to verify that Sadiq Mohammad (Taskera # 22378) needs a seven year criminal background check to be conducted on him. This information should be enclosed in a sealed envelope and not opened until received by the personnel at FOB Shank. if the envelope is found to be opened or tampered with it will require a new screening and check to be conducted. The seal of the agency should be included on the envelope. 2. The POC for this action is the undersigned at Jeffrey SFC, USA Hiring Authority aouyo un UaaNIONA LNAGISaa : “ad ‘OTIRNAd "V AGNVN 3) NOT) A Wy = jsuokyssy *XuLty $7) ey) pur savoursuy, jo sdioy Aury -g*Q ay? ‘Gpesury uodn yposo yeas yooyar sonmp sty 01 UONwoIpep pur uusyeuorssojord sip cursrypifey, yo oyqnday oy pue urjstueysyy yo oyqndoy oreysy ayy yo ajdood ayy siyouoq Afeors pur sanyory Suissory wopsog yifey-unysyy oy jo uoneduos ay) ut aoqory sofert e sem Amp 0} JuaMyTUTTAOD pue “y10M prey ‘aoueUTOy1od sy] ‘aepueg ueqy swyg 1 welorg Surssoxy s9psog uvisppfey-ueysraeysyy am yg sey Yor ‘uaz ToNONaysuE) oy) Jo Jaquiout v sv Agnp 01 VONvoIpap sty 10,7 yoo) ypeszoyy/bipes op uonenoiddy jo ape040) ST) spudsoa gy f PLUSIG, 1ouIsuy uejzsueqsy | sasommsuryg jo sdaop Canny sopuyg popu S CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE For WORK PERFORMED ON *NEW MISSION FACILITIES* ANA Gardez, Afghanistan PRESENTED TO *Mr. Mohammad Sadeq* *COOK* *March 08, 2010* COOKING SKILLS IS RECOGNIZED By AWARD OF THIS CERTIFICATE BUILDING A SELF-SUFFICIENT AFGHANISTAN WITH PRIDE a + DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY AFAD-LTL-HHC 28 FEB 2012 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT: Criminal Background Check 1. This is to verify that Sadiq Mohammad (Taskera # 22378) needs a seven year criminal background check to be conducted on him. This information should be enclosed in a sealed envelope and not opened until received by the personnel at FOB Shank. if the envelope is found to be opened or tampered with it will require a new screening and check to be conducted. The seal of the agency should be included on the envelope. 2. The POC for this action is the undersigned at Jeffrey.lyons@afahan.swa fer SFC, USA Hiring Authority A Patient Report pet Seturday, August 15,2012 100829 AM pogo 1088 vast: nasa ste Tama Darel lane 21360 ast service rac Saecfiniry 87/202 Tie fy Iecansmat igo wihentensve flume iimersy, Ulige: ii 12a. yolnwith\teDad extensive eles Pol om Hk tea asic ge ao NOME: hin aS ccset 08: : ro SOC Union PAIRS Unoon 030 rou ricasres oices roaias PUGS CNG a wholeteos: 0 fee: racron a TranscnieAed: 0 nro i cose Aaiision ae: 8/8/2012 ison Rte Geson aa Vials Ten oe a: a ss02 = ue < Mg. a 02 02 ve03 oe: : nner eos Z at oe | Hosaka ous: 2A Stes: rocsdure: €T, HEAD (MITHOUT CONTRAST) xan Date: 10 Aug 201201956 “elsterns renasn patent. Fourth ventricle patent Reason for Order: eval History: Followup. comparison: Prior examinations dated August 8, 2012 and August 7, 2012. Technique: Noncontrast head OT. Findings: Brain again desonstrates expected evolution of bifrontal renehyial contusions with cone associated scattered subarachnosd Hishoredage. Some enor huge «90 16,0" aoress- ter tontordum. sasit: flo significant change in fass effect sones again demonstrate ceverely comminuted facial and frontal fractures and postsurgical changes a right globe enucteation status post prosthesis placement. Paratrachea and facial soft tissue syelling again demonstrated. Nanaibuiar and maxillary fixation hardware is present associated mild subarachnoad nenormhage. Snail anount of henarrhage is also present layering upon the eentariim, not sigiiticantly changed. No change in fase effect or evidence of herniation | | Interpreted by: SOUTHAM, SAMUEL L , j Page2of6 Procedure: Kus Exam Date: 19 Aug 201200504 Reason for Order: Evaluate Dobhoft placenent HISTORY: Misplaced Nor ‘COMPARISONS: Prior radiograch earlier the sane date... [AP ABDOMEN: The Dobbnort tube nas been advanced With its tip in the gastric lumen, Air is seen throughout the colon and loops of small bouel. Otherwise, no short interval change. IMPRESSION: Satisfactory POUAtion of Feeding tube, Transcription Date/Time: 10 Aug 201200515, Procedure: CHEST, AP PORTABLE Exam Date: 08 Aug 201201959 Reason tor Order! decrease 02 saturation History: Decreasing oxygen saturations. comparisons: X-ray earlier tho sane day. Findings: Slightly worse lett base atelectasis. Lines and tubes appear unchanged. No appreciable pneumothorax. Sones unchanged Inpression: Minimally worsening left base atelectasis, Transcription Date/Time: 08 Aug 201282004 Interpreted by: SOUTHAM, SAMUEL L zacuraNes “exon ts sg010878 Procedure: CT, HEAD (WITHOUT CONTRAST) Fxan Oate: 08 Aug 201260417 Reason for Order: subarachnoid henorrhage orger comment: Result Code! SEE RADIOLOGIST'S REPORT HISTORY: Trauma. ‘COMPARISON: CT head datea 07 August 2012 ‘TECHNIQUE: CT axial images Were obtained trom the skull base to the vertex without adninistration of intravenous contrast. NONCONTRAST HEAD CT: Study is slightly Linited by patient movenont. Again Adentified ara enall bilateral frontopolar and orbitofrontal contusions, wore extensive on the right, unchangee from the prior study. Minimal anount of Subarachnoid hemorrhage in these regions 3s also unchanged. There is no new enorrhage, shift of normally midline structures, hydrocephalus or mass effect, Ventrscles are norml In eize and configuration, Basilar cisterns are preserved. Excensive bilaier orblta? and-wexiTlofacial fractures ayzin seen, Fracture involves the rrontal bone, evtending through the trontal sinuses into the calvarium consistent with sn open fracture. Bilateral axillary sinus lateral wall fractures again noted. There are tractures of ‘the necks of bilateral mandibular condyles with interval fixation of the alveolar riage ané parasympnyseal sandibular fractures. Extensive facial bruising and soft tiscue gas unchanged. There is a new right orbital prosthesis. Persistent opacification of the bilateral frontal, ethnoidal, Sphenoid and maxillary sinuses is stable, ; IMPRESSION: 1. No interval change in bilateral frontal contusions with associated swall amount of subaraonnald henorchage. 2. Extensive orbital, facial and sendibuler fractures. Fracture through the BAF Action Ox: nF Procedures: rage ofS frontal sinus extends through the anterior and posterior walls and is consistent with an open fracture, Transcription Date/Tine: 08 Aug 201280450, 18/7: CT TRAUMA PAN SCAN HITH CONTRAST Head: there are relatively snall bilateral frontopolar and orbitofrontal Contusions, nore extensive on the right. There is a small amount of feubaraohnoid henorrhage if these rogions. lo appreciable mass effect. Grain parenchyna elsewhere appears within normal limits. Ventricles are normal in Sire. Baaizar pistorns are orecsrved. Extonsive bilateral orbital and haxiilotacial tractures. Fracture involves the frwntal bone, exterding Through the frontal sinuses into the calvariun. Fracture involves the Loar of the anterdor cranial fossa. There are fractures ot the necks of bilateral mandibular condyles. Extensive facial bruising and soft tissue gas. There is, fa large Line of henorrhage within the globe of the right ¢| Nock: Normal cervical vertebra. Normal alignsent of the cervical spine. Atlamtoodontoid and atlanteaccipital articulations are norsal. No cervical fracture, spondyloliethesis or subluxation. Neraal cervical vasculature, no evidence of vascular occlusion or dissection Chest: Satisfactory endotracheal tuve placement. Visualized cardiac Structures are nornsl. Normal thoracic aorta. Bilateral thoracostony tube placement Srall residual pneumothorax on the left. There is a contusion in the Lingula. There is central plugging of the right loner lobe bronchi with atelectatic coLlapee of the right loner Lobe, Chest wall structures appear normal. Apdonen/pelyis: Noreal Liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, adrenal glands and kidneys, Normal small bowel. aid colon. Nornal urinary bladder. Ne free Unvvaperitoneal sa cr pathstogie {uidin.the-abdosen or osivis. Visualized osseous structures are nornal Inpression: Extensive orbital, factel and mandibular fractures. Large anount of henorrhage in the globe of the right eye. Bilateral frontal contusions ‘uth @ stall anount of trausatie subarachnoid henorrhage, No intracranial mass effect. atelectatic lett of the lett lower lobe diffuse central bronchial plugging. Unrenarkable abdonen and pelvis. Field ele s/p wach Bj preumonthorax sip aloteral cr B5/Lorita and mallofaca fractures Frontal bene Sit mandible fis Frontopolarfrttorontal ‘ 8/17; 00810 ear today. MSimpreving ~ seroquel dose reduced {/18: MSmproving. UTCTI. Cont Fan foe water. WBC stl elevates (no Fevers) of unclear etiology AF Blccd Products PREC: 2 cw: oo ransaeimiené: 0 FP: 0 Factorvi: © whole lead: 0 mo Janstecinformatn; Date af Transfer aefocarr: Feeneencs te? v0: a Tronsacmic Acid: 0 He: 0 Factoring): 0 Whokesloos: 0 er 0 Ventlator dings 02 nee I 4 ee = i aac: pik poor: po oa: oe Pan/Notes 2. Fadl sutures tobe removed 8/20 ese rotons omg lly ; {owen 30m 810 Seroquel 30mg 1D ‘weropenem 1gv C8 (8/12) Ghrodex esr Lo0z/LErZb 10) dn pilea & o190N URYByy seUueN Auedwiod yoefo1g sepueg UeY 04S 1y90folg send ren gor paepwey bipes seweN pied uoHeoynuep| eat seu 00. APIA SUV, Wee ) 82

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