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Safar 24, 1443/October 01, 2021 Issue No.



Friday Bulletin
The Weekly Muslim News Update
Drought: Support funds drive,
Muslims urged
Muslims have been urged to make port victims of the drought situation in the Others are Global One, Al Imdad Foundation,
more efforts in supporting the cam- country. The organisations target to raise Islamic Relief, Majmuatul Khairat, Masjid al
paign to mitigate the drought situation Sh20 million towards this cause. Ameen, Al Momin Foundation, Pwani One
in the country. Among organisations in the initiative in- Shilling Foundation, Zakat Kenya, Meda
Noting that many Kenyans are in dire clude Jamia Mosque Committee, Nairobi, Foundation and Family Resource Centre.
need of food and are facing the threat the Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims Contributions towards this noble cause can
of starvation, the chairman of the Mus- (SUPKEM), Al Khayr Foundation, Ummah be made through Mpesa Paybill number
lim organization consortium of Kenya Foundation, Maahad Da’wah Organisa- 134403 Account DR.
Sheikh Abdullatif Abdulkarim said it is tion and Young Muslim Association.

Umrah is now open

imperative that more efforts are made
towards collecting funds to feed the
vulnerable population who are in dire
need of food and water in various parts
of the country.
The drought was occasioned by the
failure of the long rains (March-May
2021) in most parts of the country. The
current drought which is prevalent in
Northern Kenya and the coast region
and other arid and semi-arid areas is
said to be the most severe the coun-
try has experienced in living memory. A
widespread shortage of food and water
has raised the specter of famine and
other adversities, particularly among
farmers in marginal agricultural areas
and herders in pastoralists regions.
“With these factors in mind, the con-
sortium has launched an appeal to the
Kenyan community for assistance to
deal with the emergency situation. This
effort focuses on the provision of 7,000
food packs and supply of clean drink-
ing water to approximately 7,000 most
vulnerable families for 4 months. One
Food pack will approximately cost Sh
3,000/= and is able to sustain a family
for a month. In view of the still-unfolding
The SUPKEM North eastern regional coordinator Sheikh Adan Yunis Ibrahim
nature of the drought and the uncertain
outlook for the short rains, we earnest- (LEFT) sees off Ali Sheikh Yusuf as he left for the umrah pilgrimage in Makkah
ly appeal for your generous support to Saudi Arabia at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport on Wednesday.
enable us to achieve our goals,” said The first batch of Kenyan Muslims to trav- grims are however required to have obtained
Sheikh Abdullatif Abdulkarim. el for Umrah, the lesser pilgrimage left the the Covid-19 vaccine.
“Your generous contribution will be country on Wednesday for the sacred city Due to the pandemic, this year, the Saudi
able to feed families including children of Makkah, Saudi Arabia. Arabia government limited the hajj, the pil-
who have been suffering from hunger The Supreme Council of Kenya Mus- grimage to only 60,000 vaccinated people
and malnutrition,” he added. lims (SUPKEM) said that Kingdom had from within the Kingdom aged between 18
Last week, the consortium which con- opened borders for foreign pilgrims after and 65 years.
sists of several Muslim organizations it allowed the performance of Umrah for Speaking to the media, the Northeastern
launched an emergency appeal to sup- visiting foreign pilgrims on August 10. Pil- Continued To Page 2


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The Friday Bulletin NATIONAL Safar 24, 1443/October 01, 2021

Lamu leaders call for laws to fight immorality

Religious and community leaders in Lamu that our young people have thrown caution While addressing the media, Lamu Women
County have called on the area county as- to the wind and are copying western behav- Alliance chairperson Raya Famau said her
sembly to legislate laws that will assist to iour which is obviously misleading and dirty,” organisation would undertake door-to-door
curb and fight moral decay in the region. he said. counselling for young Muslim women in the
The Lamu council of elders chairperson In his remarks, the Coast Interfaith Council town to remind them of how they ought to
Sharif Salim urged the county government chairman Mohamed Abdulkadir expressed behave as per the religious and cultural con-
to enact laws to curb to influence behaviour concerns about the gradual erosion of cul- notations. “Our women need to know they
change in the society and severely punish tural and religious and stressing that reli- shouldn’t have sex until after marriage. We
people found engaging in immoral behav- gious and community leaders need to take also know that those who posted the videos
iour. concerted efforts to fight immorality in the are trying to advertise Lamu for commercial
The call came religious leaders, activists society sex, but we want to tell them it won’t hap-
and elders stormed the Lamu Central Police Sh Abdulkadir emphasized that it is pru- pen,” Famau said.
station demanding the immediate arrest of dent for parents to be role models for their Lamu town is a Unesco heritage site having
those behind the shooting and circulation of children and be at the forefront to inculcate been listed by the international body in 2001
a pornographic video that featured local girls good moral values into their children for their owing to its well-preserved Swahili culture
engaging in lewd acts. “This is proof enough well-being and growth. and heritage spanning decades.

Mandera: Calls for more special schools for the physical challenged
Educationists in Mandera county are calling tion difficulties. ensure children with disabilities are enrolled
on the government to build more learning in- Abdullahi noted that it is crucial to have in school. Asha further stated that it is impor-
stitutions for the hearing impaired learners schools for the hearing impaired learners in tant to create awareness on the significance
in the region. each Sub-county to cater for the many chil- of sign language in the society as this will
Currently, there is only one such important dren who need special education. “I want to enhance communication with the hearing
institution in the vast county hence making request the government to consider having impaired members.
it inaccessible for many with hearing chal- such institutions in every sub-county, they While there are 120 primary and second-
lenges. are important in enhancing communication ary schools for the hearing impaired in the
Speaking during celebrations to mark this with children with hearing problems,” he country, a Director with the National Chair-
year International Day of Sign Language said. man for the Kenya Society for Deaf Chil-
held at the Mandera Vocational Train- Asha Adan, a teacher at the Mandera School dren (KSDC), Rhoda Kabit, said that only a
ing Center, the Director, Mandera County for the Deaf, urged both the national and very small percentage of the over 200,000
Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Yu- county governments to work in the direction deaf children in the country were enrolled in
suf Abdullahi, stressed on the importance of having more schools for the physically school. “The government should take pu-
of special institutions in helping those with challenged children in the region. nitive action against parents who refuse to
hearing challenges overcome communica- She also called on parents and guardians to enrol their disabled children in schools,” she
Kisumu to host Muslim women convention next week
Muslim women from across the country are The theme of the convention is ''Islam is the being faced by vulnerable Muslim women
set to meet in Kisumu county for a three- true liberation of a Muslim woman''. At the and youthful girls in their pursuit of educa-
day annual Muslim women convention next convention, women leaders will speak on tion'', said sister Zuhura Akumu Muslim La-
week on October 8. promoting interfaith harmony, societal and dies Da’awah group chair-lady.
The event organized by the Kisumu based spiritual development, as well as utilize the Zuhura said the group has volunteered to
Muslim Ladies Da’awah group will be held event to encourage women to take their role spearhead positive change in the Muslim
at Bandani Jamia Mosque within Kisumu. and revive the true Islamic spirit through society in Western Kenya region by focus-
Over 200 women participants drawn from knowledge. ing on uplifting the spiritual and social status
different parts of the country will be among ''We want to see unity, cooperation and of Muslim women ensuring that women are
dignitaries to grace the occasion that will peace among Muslim women in the country empowered with knowledge to improve their
end on Sunday, October 10. while at the same time address challenges lives.

Umrah is now open-SUPKEM

Continued From Page 1
SUPKEM regional coordinator Dr Sheikh vaccine certificate,” he said. formed Umrah since Oct. 4 last year, fol-
Adan Yunis Ibrahim noted that since the He called on Muslims to adhere to the pre- lowing the launch of its “safe Umrah” pro-
Covid-19 outbreak, Kenyan Muslims have cautionary measures designed to prevent cedures and the gradual return of pilgrims
not travelled to Makkah for the Hajj but the spread of COVID-19 and also to get to the Two Holy Mosques.
said Kenyans are now in a position to un- vaccinated in the ongoing drive that seeks It also revealed that more than 12,000 vi-
dertake the Umrah rites ( lesser pilgrim- to inoculate at least 10 million Kenyans by sas have been issued since the Kingdom
age) and other groups would fly out in the December. once again began to welcome pilgrims
subsequent coming weeks and months. “SUPKEM thanks the governments of from other countries on August 9 this year.
Sheikh Yunis however said most Kenyan Kenya and Saudi Arabia and the Saudi Abdulfattah bin Sulaiman Mashat, the
Muslims are not aware of the lifting of the Ambassador to Kenya Khalid al Salman deputy minister of Hajj and Umrah, said
restrictions and urged all the able Kenyan for facilitating Muslims an opportunity to the current capacity is 70,000 pilgrims a
Muslim faithful to make arrangements to go to and perform this important religious day.
travel for Umrah as the Kingdom reopened exercise,” Sheikh Yunis. He added that full vaccination is a prereq-
Umrah for pilgrims from other countries on Umrah is a less pilgrimage to Makkah that uisite for the granting of permits to Umrah
August 9. Muslims can perform at any time of the pilgrims and other worshippers who wish
“Since the Covid-19 outbreak, Kenyan year. to visit the Grand Mosque and Prophet’s
Muslims have not travelled to Makkah At the same time, the Saudi Ministry of Mosque.
for pilgrimage. It is now open for the fully Hajj and Umrah has announced that 10
vaccinated persons, who should have the million pilgrims have successfully per-
Page 2
The Friday Bulletin DA'WAH Safar 24, 1443/October 01, 2021

Following the Quran, Sunnah & Ahl al-Bayt

By Shaphic Omer
Undoubtedly, the doctrine of the imamate tal doctrines with proofs explicitly or
was the most salient doctrine in all Shi’ism. implicitly derived from both the Quran
It constituted a nucleus around which al- and Sunnah. One of those proofs is the
most every other doctrine, conviction and Prophet’s words that he was leaving two
canon revolved, and was influenced by it, things to the people to follow, lest they
one way or another. go astray. Those two things are the Holy
Quran and the members of his family

The presence of an Imam in every age,
it follows, is a must. In their capacities as (ahl al-bayt).
the spiritual and political successors to Indeed, this is one of the strongly estab-
Prophet Muhammad, Imams play the role lished hadiths (traditions) and has been
of the divinely appointed authorities on all transmitted through many chains of
matters of faith and law in Muslim society. transmission and in different versions.
Their quality of being infallible is at once Both Shi’is and Sunnis agree on its au-
essential, considered necessary and as- thenticity and validity.
sured. The Quran and ahl al-bayt are thus not
As a result, Shi’is believe that the Sunni to be separated. They will remain legiti-
orthodox caliphs before ‘Ali were usurpers mate and applicable till the end of days,
complementing each other in leading and These two bona fide statements of Prophet
who usurped from ‘Ali his right to succeed
guiding the people. Whoever follows them, Muhammad not only do not contradict each
the Prophet Muhammad. Those compan-
therefore, will not fall into error and will other, but also greatly support and explain
ions of the Prophet who neither supported
reach true felicity in both worlds. each other. In their most profound actual
nor sided with ‘Ali before and during the
meanings, they are like one.
bloody civil wars, and, much worse, who A Closer Study
supported and later accepted Mu’awiyah as The Prophet’s Sunnah, as a way of life,
In Shi’ism, by ahl al-bayt or the “members
caliph, as well as the subsequent Umayyad was perfectly typified by each and every
of the household” and “progeny” it is not
establishment, are to Shi’is far from being member of his household, certainly more
meant all the descendants and relatives of
righteous. Some have even been accused than anyone else, due to their constant
the Prophet (peace be upon him). Rather,
of out-and-out hypocrisy as well as apos- proximity to and most intimate contacts
specific individuals are only meant, espe-
tasy, having betrayed the Prophet Muham- with the Prophet which allowed them to be
cially those “who are perfect in the reli-
mad and his will and command concerning, the immediate, and often first, recipients of
gious sciences and are protected against
most importantly, the matter of succession his knowledge, wisdom and counsel. That
error and sin so that they are qualified to
and leadership. qualified them to become the legitimate
guide and lead men. For Shi’ism (Ithna
sources of Islamic jurisprudence, as well
The righteousness of the companions af- ʿAshariyyah or Twelvers), these individu-
as the ideal exemplars to be emulated by
ter the Prophet’s death could be assessed als consist of ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib and his
the succeeding generations of Muslims.
by the extent of their de facto and palpable eleven descendants who were chosen to
support and loyalty towards the household the imamate one after another.” (Allamah Hence, the way of life of the members of
of the Prophet (ahl al-bayt) and their noble Tabataba’i) the Prophet’s family – spirituality-wise —
struggle and cause, which, if truth be told, was in many ways the way of life of the
However, as regards the same authentic
connotes support for the Prophet and his Prophet Muhammad himself. Talking about
Prophet Muhammad’s words, the scholars
heavenly mission. the way of life of the Prophet’s family mem-
considerably differ concerning the exact
bers is as good as talking about the way of
Without a doubt, the companions (sa- meaning and extent of ahl al-bayt. In any
life (Sunnah) of the Prophet.
habah), their immediate successors event, apart from ‘Ali, Fatimah, Al-Hasan
(tabi’un), and the latter’s successors (atba’ and Al-Husayn, the wives of the Prophet, This status of the Prophet’s family mem-
tabi’in), with their outstanding status and too, are included as members of ahl al- bers was possible, principally, because of
position in descending order as the best bayt, because the Quran mentions the the successful functioning of the Prophet’s
generations after the Prophet Muhammad, whole idea in the context of lengthily ad- family as an institution and his houses as
had more than a few chances to prove dressing the wives of the Prophet. It follows family education and development centers.
themselves and to display their right colors, that other daughters of the Prophet are At any rate, however, in the two above men-
because throughout the said epochs the also included within the definition. tioned hadiths (traditions) of the Prophet, it
members of ahl al-bayt went from one According to some accounts, the members is meant that the Quran, first, the Prophet’s
stern trial and tribulation to another. They of the Prophet’s family are the family of Sunnah, second, and then the members of
and their valiant undertakings were in dire ‘Ali, the family of ‘Aqil, the family of Ja’far the Prophet’s household, and by extension
need of truly righteous individuals and ar- and the family of ‘Abbas, since they were the closest companions of the Prophet,
dent supporters. However, in the end many not permitted to receive charity after the are guarantors that a person, or a society,
failed to stand up and be counted. Prophet had died. that sticks to and follows them will not go
While trying to ascertain the superiority of astray. As a small digression, Muhammad
Some scholars went so far as to extend the
‘Ali and ahl al-bayt over the rest, believing Abu Zahrah stated that although both tra-
concept to the whole of the Banu Hashim
that the imamate belonged firstly and ex- ditions (hadiths) are very sound and mu-
and the Banu al-Mutallib. Some even
clusively to ‘Ali and then to his descend- tawatir (successive narration), the state of
thought that the whole Ummah (Muslim
ants with Fatimah, the Prophet’s daughter, being mutawatir of the one with the words
community) is the family of the Prophet
on the grounds of clear designation and “the Quran and Sunnah” is stronger than
(peace be upon him). (Tafsir Ibn Kathir; al-
unambiguous appointment by the Prophet the same state of the one with the words
Nawawi’s Sharh Sahih Muslim)
Muhammad, many Shi’is ultimately went “the Quran and ahl al-bayt”.
Furthermore, not only that the Prophet is
to the point of slandering the leading It was owing to this undeniable veracity that
reported to have said that he was leaving
Prophet’s companions and declaring them the wives of the Prophet were instructed to
the Quran and ahl al-bayt to the people to
unbelievers, or at least accusing them of keep maximizing the roles and functions of
follow, but also, as per another authentic
injustice and hostility for usurping ‘Ali’s their houses, while unreservedly enjoying
tradition, he said that he was leaving the
succession right, and then when his de- personal and family comfort, privacy and
Quran and his Sunnah (traditions and way
ferred appointment finally came, for failing security in them. Their houses were to be
of life) also to be followed. (Muwatta’ Malik
to fully side with him and subsequently with transformed into the centers of learning
ibn Anas)
his progeny. and spiritual upbringing for the members
What is the relationship between these
Shi’is try to substantiate their fundamen- two proclamations of the Prophet? Continued To Page 6
Page 3
The Friday Bulletin WOMEN Safar 24, 1443/October 01, 2021

Muhammad & Fatimah – The Perfect Father-Daughter Relationship

By Theresa Corbin
We know from modern psychology that “There is a misconception that a father is Not only did they have mutual respect
father-daughter relationships have a great merely the breadwinner, the supporter of and show each other every kindness, Fa-
impact on the lives of both parties. Daugh- the household, that his role is primarily that tima (may Allah be pleased with her) and
ters learn what kind of man they should of financial provider rather than nurturer. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon
bond and form relationships with from their After all, isn’t it the mother’s job to raise the him) were a great comfort to each other.
fathers. And fathers learn how to be gentle, children? Isn’t it the mother’s job to teach One day the Prophet summoned Fatimah.
patient, and loving from their daughters. her daughters what it is to be a girl, a wom- When she came to him, he kissed her and
There is no greater father-daughter rela- an?” writes Zainab. whispered in her ear. She wept. Then again
tionship than that of the Prophet (peace The Prophet (PBUH) had a special place in he whispered in her ear and she smiled.
be upon him) and Fatimah (may Allah be his heart for Fatimah (may Allah be pleased Aisha saw and asked, “You cry and you
pleased with her). By studying how they with her). Fatimah, of whom Aisha (may Al- laugh at the same time, Fatimah? What did
interacted, we can model our familial re- lah be pleased with her) commented, “[…] the Messenger of God say to you?” Fati-
lationships after them and see the many When the Prophet saw her approaching, mah replied: “He first told me that he would
fruits that grow from it. he would welcome her, stand up and kiss meet his Lord after a short while and so I
her, take her by the hand and sit her down cried. Then he said to me: ‘Don’t cry for you
Fatimah’s affection for her father will be the first of my household to join me.’
in the place where he was sitting.”
Fatimah (may Allah be pleased with her) So I laughed.”
was born when her father (peace be upon The Prophet showed his daughter great
respect and dignity, teaching her, as well Fatima could not grieve her father’s death
him) began spending long periods of soli- long because she would be the next to fol-
tude in mountains around Mecca. But this as the men around him, and even us to-
day what good treatment to our daughters low him. Even the thought of her own death
distance was not to be the pattern of their made her laugh because it meant that she
future relationship. When she was just five looks like.
could soon be near him again. This is the
years old, Fatima (may Allah be pleased The Prophet (PBUH) once said: “Whoever mark of the immense comfort she felt from
with her) learned that her father had be- pleased Fatimah has indeed pleased God her father’s presence, and a father know-
come the Messenger of God and she was and whoever has caused her to be angry ing exactly what to say to bring comfort to
among the first few privileged to accept has indeed angered God. Fatimah is a his daughter.
that message. part of me. Whatever pleases her pleases
me and whatever angers her angers me.” This is an extraordinary example of a fa-
When she was nearly ten years old, a ther-daughter relationship. But it is fool-
group of pagan Quraysh approached the (Bukhari and Muslim)
ish to think that it is out of our reach to-
Prophet (peace be upon him) while he was Many fathers who create and sustain a day. Daughters can learn from Fatimah’s
praying in Masjid al-Haram. “Menacingly, healthy connection and relationship with (may Allah be pleased with her) fierce loy-
the group went up to the Prophet and Abu their daughters will find that this is true for alty and respect for her father and fathers
Jahl, the ringleader, asked: ‘Which of you them as well. What hurts and angers their can learn from the dignity and respect the
can bring the entrails of a slaughtered ani- daughter also hurts and angers them. This Prophet (PBUH) showed to Fatimah. The
mal and throw it on Muhammad?’ Uqbah connection between father and daughter is father-daughter relationship is one of ten-
ibn Abi Muayt, one of the vilest of the lot, undeniable and comes from a nurtured re- derness, respect, dignity, and comfort, and
volunteered and hurried off. He returned lationship and natural love. the Prophet’s and Fatimah’s is the gold
with the obnoxious filth and threw it on the standard.
The father-daughter relationship is one
shoulders of the Prophet, may God bless
with many fruits
him and grant him peace, while he was still
prostrating. Abdullah ibn Masud, a com-
panion of the Prophet, was present but he
was powerless to do or say anything.”
Fatimah witnessed this act of degradation
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Page 4
The Friday Bulletin YOUTH Safar 24, 1443/October 01, 2021

8 Children in the Company of the Prophet

Prophet Muhammad was known of being caliphate lasted for four years after which mous one: “One day I was riding behind
very kind and affectionate towards chil- he died as a martyr in 40 A.H. the Prophet when he said: “O young boy! I
dren. He used to carry them, kiss them, Usamah Ibn Zayd wish to instruct you with some words. Ad-
and even weep when they died… He was born in Makkah in the fourth year here to (the orders of Allah) and safeguard
Ever since the very beginning of the Islam- following the Prophet’s mission. He was His commandments, Allah will be watch-
ic call, many children were bright and influ- born Muslim and he did not know any ful over you. Safeguard His rights and He
ential during the lifetime of the Prophet. For other religion except Islam. His father was will ever be with you. When you beg; beg
example, ‘Ali Ibn Abu Talib embraced Islam Zayd Ibn Harithah, who was one of the first of Him alone; and if you need assistance;
when he was only ten years old. people to embrace Islam. Usamah was supplicate Allah alone for help. Remem-
Zayd Ibn Thabit was one of the scribes who brought up in the Prophet’s house where ber that if all the people desire to benefit
used to write down the Quran while he was his parents lived. you, they will be unable to bestow anything
still young. Anas Ibn Malik was the servant upon you except that which Allah has pre-
The Prophet loved Usamah as he had
who was entrusted him with the secrets of ordained (for you) and if all of them united
loved his father Zayd to the point that he
the Prophet although he was just ten years to do you harm, they will not be able to af-
made him and just like one of his family. He
old. flict you with anything except that which Al-
used to say about him and Al-Hassan Ibn
Many children later became caliphs, com- lah has predestined for you”. (At-Tirmithi)
Ali: “O Allah, love them for I love them”. (Al-
manders and scholars thanks to the Proph- Bukhari) Usamah Ibn Zayd died in 54 A.H. Since his childhood, Ibn Abbas was very
et’s constant encouragement, care for their studious in seeking knowledge. His intel-
Abdullah Ibn ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattab
talents, and guidance to the straight path. ligence and good manners attracted peo-
He embraced Islam along with his father ple’s attention to him. The Prophet invoked
Ali Ibn Abi Talib when he was a young boy in the sixth year Allah to endow him with religious knowl-
He was the cousin of the Prophet. He was of the Prophet’s Mission. At that time, he edge and understanding. When the Proph-
brought up in the Prophet’s house because was approximately seven years old. He mi- et died, Ibn ‘Abbas was thirteen years
Ali’s father was poor and he had a large grated to Madinah before his father. old. He started a long journey in order to
number of children. Ibn Umar was known for his close following acquire religious knowledge and jurispru-
The Prophet wanted to alleviate the bur- of the Sunnah of the Prophet. He narrated dence at the hands of senior companions.
dens of life from Abu Talib so he took Ali to many Prophetic narrations and was one He became a great scholar when he was
live with him. Ali remained in the Prophet’s of the companions who narrated the most still young.
house until his mission and he was one of number of narrations. He died in 73 A.H. ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattab used to invite him
the first three people to embrace Islam. Abdullah Ibn ‘Abbas to attend his meetings with the prominent
Ever since he was young, Ali was strong He was a cousin of the Prophet. He was companions and to consult him in prob-
and courageous. When the Prophet mi- born in Makkah three years before the mi- lematic issues that required deep under-
grated from Makkah to Madinah, Ali slept gration to Madinah. Along with his father, standing and wise judgment. ‘Umar used
in the Prophet’s bed although he knew that he migrated to Madinah before the con- to tell him: “You have indeed acquired
the Quraysh fighters were waiting outside quest of Makkah in 8 A.H. He accompanied deep knowledge that we did not.” Ibn ‘Ab-
the house to kill the Prophet. He also knew the Prophet for two and a half years and baas was famous for many titles such as
that if they were able to enter the house, narrated many Prophetic narrations. the “Grand Scholar of the Nation”, and the
they would kill him thinking that he was the Among these narrations is the following fa-
Prophet. Continued To Page 6
Ali Ibn Abu Talib par-
ticipated in the Battle of
Uhud and in the Battle
of the Trench with the
In the Battle of Khay-
bar, the Prophet gave
him the banner, and
said: “I will give the
banner to somebody
who loves Allah and
His Messenger and is
loved by Allah and His
Messenger. (Ahmad)
Ali was famous for his
eloquence, rhetoric
and profound knowl-
edge of the Book of Al-
lah and the Sunnah of
the Prophet. He was
one of the ten people
given the glad tidings
that they would enter
Paradise. He married
Fatimah, the daughter
of the Prophet, and she
gave birth to Al-Hassan
and Al-Hussein who
were the reasons for
the continuity of the
progeny of the Prophet.
Ali became caliph after
the martyrdom of `Uth-
man Ibn ‘Affan. ‘Ali’s

Page 5
The Friday Bulletin DA'WAH Safar 24, 1443/October 01, 2021

Following the Quran, Sunnah & Ahl al-Bayt

Continued From Page 3
of ahl al-bayt (the Prophet’s family), where- ported to have said at the beginning of sentiment, by reason of their unbigoted and
from all other Muslim houses and households one of his hadiths (traditions): “I am like unprejudiced position on ahl al-bayt, than
were bound to benefit. a father to you, teaching you…” (Ibnu to the Shi’i sentiment, owing to their fairly
Majah, 313) rigid and opinionated position on a number
Their personalities, similarly, were to be
The Quran reveals that Prophet Lot de- of the Prophet’s companions.
transformed into inestimable sources of
knowledge and guidance, ultimately position- scribed the women of his nation as his Fakhr al-Din al-Razi said in the context of
ing themselves as legitimate and substantial daughters. That said, it becomes appar- explaining the meaning of verse 23 that the
references to the Ummah (community). The ent why some scholars — as mentioned verse illustrates the obligation of loving and
Quran says: “And stay quietly in your houses, earlier — were of the view that the whole honoring at once ahl al-bayt and the com-
and make not a dazzling display, like that of Ummah (Muslim community) is the fam- panions of the Prophet. However, such a
the former times of ignorance; and establish ily (ahl al-bayt) of Prophet Muhammad. feat could be achieved only if one follows
regular prayers, and give Zakat and obey Al- Finally, in a somewhat reconciliatory the examples of the people of ahl al-sunnah
lah and His Messenger. And Allah only wish- tone, Fakhr al-Din al-Razi, in is tafsir wa al-jama’ah who amalgamated the love
es to remove all abomination from you, you (exegesis) Mafatih al-Ghayb suggested of ahl al-bayt with the love of the compan-
members of the Family (ahl al-bayt), and to that a Shi’i precept that the members of ions. Anything short of this modus operandi
make you pure and spotless. And recite what ahl al-bayt are like the ship of the Proph- will not work.
is rehearsed to you in your houses, of the et Noah, and whoever embarks upon it Similarly, the people of ahl al-sunnah wa al-
Signs of Allah and His Wisdom: for Allah un- will be saved, and a Sunni principle that jama’ah in the past boarded a robust ship of
derstands the finest mysteries and is well-ac- the Prophet’s companions are like stars, love for ahl al-bayt and directed their gazes
quainted (with them).” (Al-Ahzab 33:33–34) so whomsoever the people follow, they towards the guiding stars of the Prophet’s
Surely, this was one of the reasons why will be guided – could be integrated into companions, trusting and hoping that by
the wives of the Prophet are called in the one broad and flexible ideology where the grace of God they will thus navigate to
Quran “the Mothers of believers” (ummahat both parties, to some extent, could be a point of securing happiness and wellbe-
al-mu’minin). By analogy, the Prophet could brought together. ing in this world and in the Hereafter.
also be looked at as the father of, or a fa- However, that hypothetically suggested
therly figure to, believers. He is therefore re- ideology would be closer to the Sunni

8 Children in the Company of the Prophet

Continued From Page 5
“Interpreter of the Quran” because of his ex- Zayd Ibn Thabit died in 45 A.H. When he carry him, cuddle him and play with him
tensive knowledge of the Quran. died, Abu Hurayrah said about him: “To- along with his brother Al-Hussein.
Ibn ‘Abbas died in At-Ta’if in 68 A.H. when he day, the best man in the Muslim nation It is narrated that the Prophet was deliver-
was seventy one years old. has died. May Allah make Ibn ‘Abbas an ing a speech, when Al-Hassan and Al-Hus-
Zayd Ibn Thabit excellent alternative to him.” sein came stumbling, wearing red shirts.
He embraced Islam when he was still young. Anas Ibn Malik He came down from the pulpit, carried them
He was eleven years old when the Prophet He was born ten years before migration and ascended it and lapped them saying: “I
migrated from Makkah to Madinah. to Madinah. When the Prophet migrated saw both of them, stumbling in their shirts
Although still young, he liked Jihad and he to Madinah, Anas Ibn Malik started to and I could not bear it so I descended the
was enthusiastic in seeking religious knowl- serve him at that young age. pulpit and carried them.” (An-Nasa’i)
edge. He wanted to participate in the Battles He continued to serve the Prophet until Al-Hassan Ibn Ali was brought up in a Pro-
of Badr and Uhud but the Prophet refused the latter died. Anas said: “I served the phetic environment. He had excellent man-
because he was too young. The first battle in Prophet for ten years, and he never hit ners, never uttered obscene words, was
which he fought was the Battle of the Trench. me, insulted me, or frowned in my face.” eloquent, generous, and a courageous
During this battle, he carried sand to help The first advice the Prophet gave to fighter.
prepare the trench. Anas when he started to serve him, was When Ali Ibn Abu Talib was a martyred peo-
Zayd Ibn Thabit accompanied the Prophet to keep the secrets and never disclose ple chose his son Al-Hassan as the next ca-
ever since he arrived in to Madinah. them. Anas adhered to this and nobody liph. Many events happened and Al-Hassan
His family brought him to the Prophet and ever managed to make him disclose any waived this position to Mu`awiyah out of the
said: “This boy has memorized seventeen of the Prophet’s secrets. sole wish to unite the Muslims. The Prophet
chapters of the Quran. When he recited the Anas grew up under the supervision of said: “This son of mine is a Sayyid (i.e. a
Quran to him, the Prophet admired him. He the Prophet. Anas learnt much and his master) and perhaps Allah will reconcile
asked him to learn the Syriac which was the manners were greatly affected by the two sects of Muslims thanks to him.” (Al-
written language of the Jews in Madinah so noble manners of the Prophet. He nar- Bukhari)
that the Muslims could be aware of the evil rated about two thousand Prophetic nar- Al-Hassan Ibn ‘Ali stayed in Madinah where
plots of the Jews. Zayd Ibn Thabit learnt it in rations and he was known as the “Narra- he was highly respected and honored ow-
a short period”. tor of Islam”. ing to his generosity. He died in 50 A.H.
He used to write in this language the mas- Anas witnessed Al-Hudaybiyyah Treaty Al-Hussein Ibn Ali
sages that the prophet used to send to the with the Prophet and he participated in He was born in Sha’ban in the fourth year
Jews, and he also used to write down the the conquests of Makkah, Hunayn, Ta’if, after migration. Al-Hussein and Al-Hassan
Quran that was being revealed to the Proph- and Khaybar. He lived long after the were the most beloved persons in the fam-
et. Whenever one verse or more was re- death of the Prophet. It is said that he is ily by their grandfather, the Prophet (peace
vealed to the Prophet, he would send to Zayd the last companion to die. Some hold the be upon him). He could not stand to stay
Ibn Thabit to come and write it down. opinion that he died in 91 A.H. away from them. He would either go to
When the Prophet died, Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, Al-Hassan Ibn Ali them or order someone to bring them to
commanded Zayd Ibn Thabit to compile the His father is Ali Ibn Abu Talib and his him. Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein used to
Quran into one book. This was a very difficult mother is Fatimah Az-Zahra’, the daugh- climb on the back of the Prophet and play
task which could only be shouldered by the ter of the Prophet. He was born in Ram- with him several times.
most intelligent of men. Zayd performed the adan in the third year after migration. Sometimes, they did so while he would be
task in an excellent way and he succeeded He was brought up under the close su- prostrating in prayer and he would prolon-
in compiling the Quran in one book that we pervision of the Prophet who used to gate his prostration until they got down.
recite until now.
Page 6
The Friday Bulletin DA'WAH Safar 24, 1443/October 01, 2021

Masjids in the Prophet’s Time and Now: What Has Gone Wrong?
By: Dr. Mahmudul Hasan
First informal masjid
Early in his prophetic mission, Prophet – social, political and military as well as re- with him), added: “You will ornament your
Muhammad (peace and blessings be ligious. mosques just as the Jews and Christians
upon him) felt the need for a place for con- The late British writer Idris Tawfiq comments did with their temples.” (qtd. in Elshinawy,
gregational prayers as well as for social, on the simplicity of the Prophet and on the 2018)
cultural, and educational exchanges. Giv- utter plainness of his masjid which was also Forewarning about the future decadence
en the cruelties of Makkan oppressors, he his administrative centre. He states: ‘Which and decline of the Muslim ummah, he re-
and his followers could not gather together one is Muhammad?’ So humble was the portedly said that there would be a time
or say prayers in public. Meanwhile, with Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings when masjids would be imposing and
the acceptance of Islam by al-Arqam Ibn be upon him) that strangers looking for him splendid structures but devoid of true guid-
Abi al-Arqam (c. 597-675), the number of in the mosque in Madinah had to ask this. ance and enlightenment (Mishkat Ul Masa-
his adherents reached seven or eight. Sitting in the row of believers for the daily beeh, 2004: 72 [hadith no. 276]). Although
Al-Arqam offered his house as a sanctuary prayers, Muhammad (peace and blessings this hadith is classified weak by scholars,
for the Prophet to pray with, and train, the be upon him), with his simple and modest we can see some of its predictions already
new converts. Dar al-Arqam (the house of bearing, could not be distinguished from materializing in our times. Given the sad
al-Arqam), as it came to be known, was anyone else. condition in which most Muslims find them-
located in a strategic spot where it was As a ruler, the Prophet did not have a palace selves globally today, these premonitions
relatively safe for the Muslims to meet. It or separate administrative structure. Nor did should strike a chord with them.
is regarded not only as the first meeting he have an imposing official residence. The Sadly, Muslim communities do not seem to
place for Muslims to pray but also as their seat of his government was within the walls take appropriate lessons from these proph-
first educational centre. of al-Masjid al-Nabawi and his residence, ecies that illustrate a fundamental paradox
First formal masjid within its premise. in the concept of masjid. At a time when
Violence against Muslims in Makkah Unconventional and effective Muslims are faced with “a drastic cultural
reached an unbearable level; the Prophet and civilizational decline” and with other
At that time, most rulers had palaces that
and his companions had to migrate to Ma- challenges, it is perhaps “inappropriate” for
functioned as principal power centres. How-
dinah in 622 (13th year of prophethood). them “to be gripped with lavishly erecting,
ever, the Prophet went against the flow of
ornamenting and decorating their edifices”
There, in the first year of Hijrah (Migration), the convention. He focused on the effec-
(Omer, 2015: 13).
he and his followers built a public house of tiveness of his masjid, not on its physical
worship named Masjid Quba. About three magnificence. In other words, as during the Prophet’s
kilometres south of al-Masjid al-Nabawi time, it is perhaps not a priority for today’s
That is not to say that he disliked architec-
(the Prophet’s masjid), it has thus far mor- Muslim communities to erect gorgeous
tural styles or was opposed to basic, nec-
phed into a large prayer facility. masjids only for architectural elaboration.
essary infrastructural amenities. Perhaps,
The impact of such masjids on improving
Within the same year, the Prophet along building a magnificent masjid was not a pri-
the quality of Muslims does not go far be-
with his companions built al-Masjid al- ority then. Nor was it within the means of
yond aesthetic appeal.
Nabawi that became the centre of his the then fledgling Muslim community. How-
religious, educational, and administrative ever, what is important to note is that, the What is missing
activities. absence of a grand masjid did not prove an It is true that many masjids are purpose-
It was a hub for collective knowledge- impediment to the Prophet to spreading the built and used as sites of socialization. Of-
building, the Prophet being the main edu- message of Islam. ten “a source of pride, confidence and zeal”
cator. Its “unpretentious and rudimentary The Prophet made optimal use of his mas- (Omer, 2015: 23), they play important roles
structure” catered to “the spiritual, social, jid. To him, its functions were more impor- in transmitting cultural and religious values
educational and political needs” of Mus- tant than its architectural form. In other to younger generations. Many magnificent
lims. words, form is important but “only inasmuch masjids are highly respected structures,
as it supplements and enhances function” have artistic and historical significance,
It was a multi-functional and multifaceted
(Omer, 2010: 137). and have turned into tourist attractions. All
space that played critical roles in the de-
these characteristics and uses of masjids
velopment of the early Muslim community. In the humble setting of al-Masjid al-Na-
are not necessarily incompatible with Is-
Simple and purposeful bawi, the Prophet trained his companions
lamic teachings. There is perhaps no harm
Al-Masjid al-Nabawi is currently one of the who in a few decades changed the face of
in decorating masjids with permissible im-
most magnificent masjids on earth. How- the world. They helped spread Islam to the
ages and in attracting visitors to their prem-
ever, when first built, structurally, it rep- farthest corners of the globe. The seed of
resented simplicity and purposefulness. what later evolved into many civilisations –
branching out from the root of Islam – was However, many important functions of
The modesty and austerity of its structure masjids are missing and forgotten. In most
was proverbial. Once it rained while the planted in the Prophet’s masjid.
cases, holding congregational prayers
Prophet was leading a congregational Masjid now
is considered the only activity for which
prayer. The roof of the masjid leaked and Most masjids in today’s world are conspicu- masjids are now built. One most important
the Prophet was “prostrating in water and ous by their exterior and interior architectur- purpose of masjids that has been sadly
mud” and there was a “mark of mud on his al design and beauty. Their artistic features ignored and needs to be restored is edu-
forehead” (Omer, 2010: 123). and aesthetic hallmarks have their own val- cational service to the community. Nowa-
About the architecture and functions of the ue and must be treated with respect. How- days, masjids are not considered centres
Prophet’s masjid, writer and theological ever, many of them are bereft of important for imparting knowledge; most imams and
historian Karen Armstrong states: It was a functions and are valued chiefly for their khatibs are not counted as educators; and
rough building, which expressed the aus- meretricious ornamentation. Herein lies a khutbahs (sermons) are not treated as a
terity of the early Islamic ideal. Tree trunks cause for concern and pity; it indicates a means to educate the congregation.
supported the roof, a stone marked the weakness in the foundation of Muslim so-
What is needed
qiblah (the direction of prayer), and the ciety.
In order to bring back the educational role
Prophet stood on a tree trunk to preach. In this regard, the Prophet left stark warn-
of masjids, the imams and khatibs need
All future mosques would, as far as possi- ings which are widely known and equally
to be more knowledgeable about various
ble, be built according to this model. There widely ignored. In one hadith, the Prophet
aspects of Islamic teachings. They should
was also a courtyard, where Muslims met said: “The Hour will not commence be-
also know about other religious traditions
to discuss all the concerns of the ummah fore people boast of their mosques.” The
as well as secular worldviews.
narrator, Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased
Page 7
The Friday Bulletin OPINION Safar 24, 1443/October 01, 2021

Want to Be a Successful Business Owner? Follow the Prophet peace be upon him
By: Suzana Nabil Saad
How honest are you in business transac- in Makkah, Allah gave him permission to was very keen on giving back the rights to
tions? migrate to Madinah. their owners, even though the owners of
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) The Prophet had many things that non- these valuable items were plotting against
praised honesty in business. He said: “The Muslims and other people had deposited him and conspiring to kill him.
truthful and trustworthy business owner with him. The trustworthy Prophet did not The Role of Muslim Businessmen in
will be in the company of Prophets, saints migrate until he had entrusted his cousin, Spreading Islam
and martyrs on the Day of Judgment. (At- Ali Ibn Abi Talib to stay in Makkah in order “As was the case in most of the areas to
Tirmidhi) to return these trusts back to their owners. which Islam spread, peaceful and volun-
In West Africa, as was the case with South- Ali fulfilled this mission with excellence. tary conversion was far more important
east Asia, it was traders who introduced Is- Indeed, the Prophet (peace be upon him) Continued To Page 9
lam, and many rulers accepted it first, fol-
lowed by their followers.
In East Africa, traders had spread Islam
down the coast by the tenth century, and
it gradually developed further in the follow-
ing centuries…” (The Role of Merchants in
Spreading Islam)
The role of honest trade was paramount
not only in the spread of Islam, but also in
preserving its credibility.
But who was the most trustworthy busi-
ness owner of all times?
Indeed, it was no doubt the best human
that tread upon this earth, Muhammad ibn
Abdullah, the seal of Prophets.
Prophet Muhammad’s Trustworthiness
in Commerce
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
becomes independent from a young age.
His father dies before he is even born. His
mother dies when he was six.
He then moves to his grandfather’s house
dwelling for a very short period upon his
death. So, when he finally moves into his
uncle Abu Talib’s household, it is not long
before he starts work.
The noble Prophet (peace be upon him)
proves to be very efficient in commerce.
Not only due to his intelligent personal-
ity, but owing as well to his virtuous em-
bodiment of excellence: “Ihsan is that you
should serve Allah as though you could
see Him, for though you cannot see Him
yet He sees you.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
The following was a transaction between
Prophet Muhammad and one of his com-
panions. It is mentioned that Al-‘Adda’ ibn
Khalid said: “The Prophet Muhammad
wrote for me: “This is what Muhammad,
Messenger of Allah, has purchased from
Al-‘Adda’ ibn Khalid, a sale from one Mus-
lim to another, with no hidden defect, no
taint and no wickedness (gha’ila)
Returning Trusts to Those Who Harmed
Him “Verily! Allah commands that you
should render back the trusts to those, to
whom they are due; and that when you
judge between men, you judge with jus-
tice.” (Quran 4: 58)
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
was highly trusted by the people of Mak-
kah. Anyone that owned money or valuable
property and was afraid that it might be sto-
len or lost, would entrust him with it.
The Prophet used to keep these depos-
ited trusts and return them to their owners
whenever they asked for them. When he
was severely harmed by the disbelievers
Page 8
The Friday Bulletin INTERNATIONAL Safar 24, 1443/October 01, 2021

By: CJ Werleman
US drone admission is just a drop in the bucket
The US called its strike in Afghanistan a mis- civilians, and not suspected IS-K (Daesh-K) number of civilians the US has claimed to
take, but that was only because they were militants as initially claimed, because hun- have killed, and the number non-govern-
caught red-handed. What about the other dreds of international journalists, including mental agencies and human rights groups
victims of similar 'mistakes'? dozens of seasoned war correspondents, has claimed the US has killed, could hardly
Several days after a US drone strike killed were stationed in Kabul reporting the US be greater.
10 members of a family, including seven chil- withdrawal from Afghanistan at the time of For instance, when the Department of De-
dren, on the outskirts of Kabul on August 29, the attack. fence (DOD) released its first report on civil-
General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint They, including Al Jazeera correspondent ian casualties in 2018, it claimed its forces
Chiefs of Staff, called the attack “righteous.” Osama Bin Javaid, were able to visit the site, had killed a total of only 499 civilians in
But this time, unlike the thousands of oth- examine surveillance footage, gather foren- Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen and Syria during
er drone strikes the United States has ex- sic evidence, including missile remnants, the previous year, but Airwars, a non-profit
ecuted in secrecy across South and Central and meet with eyewitnesses and surviving transparency group, documented more than
Asia, Middle East and Africa during the past members of the family immediately after the 3,000 civilian casualties from US air strikes
two decades, the Pentagon was caught red- strike happened. in Iraq and Syria alone.
handed, clutching the metaphorical smoking In other words, a level of scrutiny not af- Even when confronted with allegations and
gun. forded to the vast majority of the at least even irrefutable evidence of civilian casu-
“The strike was a tragic mistake, General 14,040 drone strikes the US has carried out alties, the US either flatly rejects the find-
Frank McKenzie, Commander of US Central in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Soma- ings or waves them away without comment,
Command, told reporters after a Pentagon lia since 2010, according to the Bureau of which I learnt first-hand after speaking with
investigation was concluded on Friday. Investigation. US drone strike survivors at a refugee camp
“I covered countless US drone strikes and in Mogadishu, Somalia last year.
Cian Westmoreland, a former US drone
technician, who built the infrastructure in Af- civil casualties during the last years. Not a “They [US] began firing down on crops. We
ghanistan used by the US drone program to single time, Washington acknowledged that saw dead and wounded everywhere. Then
connect operations on the ground and the it murdered civilians. Why? Because strikes the next day it happened again [more strikes]
Combined Air Operations Centre (CAOC) mostly took place in rural Afghanistan and and then it happened a third day in a row,”
scoffed at the notion the strike was a “mis- not in Kabul,” observes Austrian-Afghan one survivor told me. “Our homes destroyed,
take.” journalist Emran Feroz. livestock destroyed, crops destroyed, peo-
One can only imagine how many civilians ple obliterated. Our children and I faced so
“It wasn’t a mistake, it’s not a mistake when
the US would be forced to admit it had killed much agony and suffering after being forced
it’s been happening for over a decade. It’s
were throngs of international journalists able to flee. And now we don’t even have a single
being caught red handed that they don’t
to reach all or most of the 14,000 sites it has bag, let alone a home to go to,” said another.
know who they are targeting most of the
time, that’s the mistake,” he tweeted. targeted during the past decade. While US AFRICOM acknowledged it had
As it stands, however, the gulf between the carried out five airstrikes in areas located
The US was forced to admit it had killed 10
near their village in Janaale on March 16
and 17, 2020 – the same dates the survivors
Be a Successful Business Owner said they were struck – it denied claims of
Continued From Page 8 civilian casualties, saying only it’s “aware of
than conquest and force in spreading the faith in Southeast Asia. social media reports alleging civilian casual-
Almost everywhere in the islands of the region, trading contacts paved the way for con- ties resulting from this strike.”
version. Muslim merchants and sailors introduced local people to the ideas and rituals “As with any allegation of civilian casualties,
of the new faith…” (The Spread of Islam to Southeast Asia: Islam from the Beginning To U.S. Africa Command will review any infor-
1300: 2002) mation it has about the incident, including
“The adage: “Actions speak louder than words” was well embodied in Muslim history, any relevant information provided by third
namely the spread of Islam in many non-Muslim countries – like parts of Asia, Africa and parties, and take appropriate action based
Europe – through the good conduct of Muslim merchants who came into commercial on the outcome of this review,” said AFRI-
contacts with the people of those countries. COM.
In the year 1500, the historian Anthony Reid notes that Muslim influence was present in But it hasn’t reviewed information regard-
coastal ports of Sumatra, Java, and Malaysia. Southeast Asian people came into direct ing the incident, not from me, nor from lo-
contact with Muslim traders who had been not just to India, but also to Arabia. Arabic cal journalists and NGOs. In fact, the US
scholars also came to Malaysia and Indonesia, facilitating information about the new military has admitted to killing only two civil-
religion. (The Role of Merchants in Spreading Islam) ians during its decade long aerial bombard-
ment campaign against the Somali group Al
Honest Contemporary Muslim Business Owners
Shabaab, a claim that flies in the face of al-
Today we have many positive examples of honest contemporary Muslim business own- legations made by local media outlets and
ers. Airwars, which estimate 139 to 284 Somali
An American Muslim of Palestinian origin has been praised as a role model for honesty civilian deaths from US drone strikes.
after he returned a stolen MacBook Air to a Jewish family. Ultimately, we will never know how many
In New York In 2008, a world-class violinist gave a free concert at an airport taxi stand to civilians the US military has killed in Soma-
show his gratitude to an honest Muslim cab driver who reunited him with his lost 4-million- lia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan and
dollar violin. Yemen, but what we do know for certain is
In November 2014, a Muslim owner of a Burger King branch in San Jose returned to the 10 members of a single family it killed
police a backpack which contained US$100,000. in Kabul on August 29 doesn’t even scratch
In Germany, a Syrian refugee in Minden near Hannover, the hero who handed €50,000 the surface.
(£41,000) cash he found hidden in a donated wardrobe over to the authorities. There will never be accountability until
A Muslim taxi driver has won praise and thumbs up, thus becoming a hero, after returning there’s transparency, and without both –
life savings to an elderly pensioner, who fell victim to a scam. They told him to withdraw there will never be a change in the way the
£12,000 – £8,000 in £50 notes and £4,128 worth of euros – and hand it over to a taxi US conducts its secretive drone program.
driver. (
More recently in Dubai, a Pakistani Muslim was praised for his honesty after returning
Dh50,000 he found at an ATM machine.

Page 9
The Friday Bulletin NATIONAL Safar 24, 1443/October 01, 2021

Court dismisses case challenging leadership changes at SUPKEM

A case that was filed by Mustafa Tobiko, as provided for under the SUPKEM consti- the dispute into.
a former member of the Supreme Council tution. The constitution of SUPKEM is not Judge Mrima further directed the petitioner
of Kenya (SUPKEM) in 2020 challenging part of the record in these proceedings. As shall pay the cost of the suit and any other
the leadership changes at the council, has a result, this court is unable to interrogate relevant damages caused.
been dismissed by the High Court. whether there is a truly a defined procedure SUPKEM chair Hassan Ole Naado wel-
The ruling which was delivered by Judge laid down under the SUPKEM constitution comed the ruling stating that it will galva-
A.C. Mrima last week pointed out that no as alleged, and if so, whether the excep- nize the council to continue with its vision
constitutional issues were raised in the tions to the doctrine of exhaustion apply,” of fostering unity in the community.
proceedings and as such, there was no the judge ruled. In January 2020 SUPKEM held a special
competent petition before the court for ad- The court also ruled that the dispute relates general meeting where new officials were
judication. to the internal affairs of SUPKEM which is appointed but Mustafa was dissatisfied
“The Respondents only stated that the a duly registered society and has its own with new changes at the council hence he
SUPKEM is a society and that all disputes internal procedures of settling disputes, went to challenge it at the High Court in
involving its affairs must be first dealt with which the petitioner had failed to subject Nairobi.

Northern-Eastern counties trailing behind in vaccine uptake

Counties in the Northern region have con- cially in North-
tinued to lag behind in the ongoing Cov- eastern re-
id-19 vaccination campaign despite state gion.
efforts to boost uptake. “Remember
Health data shows that as of last week, the President
6,857 people in Garissa had gotten their declared the
first dose while Isiolo had 4,998 people drought a na-
with at least one dose of the vaccine. tional disas-
Others lagging behind include Lamu with ter in most of
4,346, Mandera with 5,989, Marsabit with those coun-
2,649, Tana River with 3,065, Samburu ties. When we
with 6,358, Wajir with 4,765, Turkana with start food dis-
8,210 and West Pokot with 7,496. tribution that
A worrying trend deep-rooted in myths has will be a very
emerged in the Northern counties and is good entry
being blamed for the low uptake of the vac- point for us.
cine. As you get food, you get the jab. Chakula to ensure such counties get help especially
As a result, health professionals are al- na chanjo, maybe that can be our slogan,” in the distribution of vaccines,” he added.
ready on the ground organizing regular Health DG Patrick Amoth said on Friday. So far, a total of 3,600,187 vaccines have
public engagements to try and demystify Amoth said a meeting held in Nyeri last been administered across the country. Of
the myths. week resolved to ensure that counties in these, total first doses were 2,713,427
The Government also plans to target fami- the region get help in meeting the vacci- while second doses were 886,760 with the
lies in the ASAL areas who come for relief nation targets. “Counties such as Mandera proportion of adults fully vaccinated stand-
food, with the Covid-19 vaccine. are vast areas with pastoralist communi- ing at 3.3 per cent.
The health ministry plans to employ this ties, hence we came up with a work plan
strategy to boost vaccine uptake, espe-

14 years on, Al Huda girls centre empowers women in education

For more than 14 years
now, Al Huda Girls Cen-
tre has been providing
Islamic education to
promote a better under-
standing of Islam among
girls and women in Ka-
jiado county.
The centre which is cur-
rently located in Isinya,
along the Athi-River
Namanga highway had
its beginning in Ongata
Rongai in 2007.
It is the only centre of
its kind in the sprawling
county providing holistic

Islamic education and vocational students to tion facility was started to equip women with society,” he said.
female students. Islamic knowledge to enhance their spiritual Students receive training in various Islamic
It currently boasts of a student population of growth. “There is a lack of access of Islamic disciplines which include fiqh (Islamic juris-
37 students from surrounding areas while education to girls and women especially in prudence), Qur’an, hadith (prophetic tradi-
others come from various areas of the coun- many rural areas and we found it prudent tions), Arabic language and seerah ( biogra-
try. to start an education facility where they can phy of the prophet) among others. Besides,
According to the Director of Al Huda Girls obtain correct Islamic teachings and also vocational studies such as cookery, com-
Centre, Sheikh Shaban Ismail, the educa- mould them to be productive members of the puter training and tailoring are also offered.

Page 10
The Friday Bulletin NATIONAL Safar 24, 1443/October 01, 2021

Youth advised on Social media use

Youth have been advised to positively use He nevertheless cautioned on social media during this coming holiday to protect them
social media to promoting societal and moral addiction saying that it retarded productivity against immorality. “As community leaders
issues in the society. and social relations and could have nega- and parents, it is our obligations to educate
The North Rift Chairman of Council of tive implications on academic performance. our Muslim children and youth on the danger
Imams and Preachers of Kenya (CIPK) He observed that in the ongoing school holi- of involvement in harmful activities so that
Sheikh Abubakar Bini told the youth to en- days, the youth also have an obligation to they grow as responsible persons with good
gage in the proper use of social media to assist their parents and also involve them- moral values for progress,’’ he said.
inspire positive change and foster develop- selves in community work. The Sheikh pointed out that among factors
ment among young people and the society Sheikh Bini went on to advice the youth to fueling indiscipline and youth involvement in
at large. seek authentic and beneficial Islamic knowl- drug abuse and other immoralities was the
The Sheikh told young people to positively edge to avoid falling into traps of groups failure on the part of parents to assume their
use platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook whose insidious agendas are detrimental for role of shaping the character of their children
and Instagram to create networks to help their life both in this world and the hereafter. who are left with too much freedom.
each in increasing their knowledge of Islam, At the same time, the CIPK chair called on He emphasized that it was the responsi-
enhancing moral behaviours and contribut- Parents in the Muslim community to protect bility of parents to do whatever it takes to
ing to social-economic issues. their children against involvement in harmful prevent their children from deviating from
“Social media is like a double-edged sword. activities for better growth and moral values. Islamic teachings and underscored the need
It can be used positively for the benefit of Sheikh Bini observed that immorality and for Muslims to give priority to education and
an individual and the society but it can as drug abuse in the Muslim community was on urged parents during this vacation to enroll
well be detrimental for a person if it is used the increase and is impacted negatively on their children in Madrassa classes to acquire
to watch pornography and other anti-social the lives of the youth. He asked Muslim par- Islamic education.
habits,” said Sheikh Bini. ents to monitor their school-going children

Bahari School board appeal for Mosque

The Board of Management of Kilifi County- Prof Shauri who is a lecturer at Pwani Uni- students,’’ he said.
based national school, Bahari Girls High versity added at present, a small room acts The BOM chair called on the local Muslim
School is appealing for well-wishers and as a prayer area that can barely provide community, donors and Muslim charitable
donors to facilitate the construction of a space for the hundreds of students. “We organizations to support the project to ca-
mosque at the institution to cater for the spir- have challenges among our Muslim girls in ter for the spiritual needs of the Muslim stu-
itual needs of its Muslim students and staff. performing congregational prayers which dents.
Speaking to the Friday Bulletin, the BOD forces them to perform prayers in shifts of 50 Donations towards this noble cause can
Chairman Prof. Halimu Suleiman Shauri people at ago. Some of them miss afternoon be made through MPESA to paybill num-
called on the community leadership and classes because of lack of enough space. ber 7329063 account Bahari Girls Mosque
other well-wishers to take the initiative of fa- We are calling on well-wishers to come to project. More information can be obtained
cilitating a Mosque to cater for the over 300 our rescue and support the building of the through 0721516671.
Muslim students at the school. mosque to cater for the growing number of

Protect children from harmful TV content-Parents told

Parents have been urged to be wary of immorality and other social evils,” he said. parents to reconnect with their children and
negative content in the media which has the engage them in meaningful activities which
Some of the content promoting LGBT in-
harmful effects of destroying the moral and will promote their moral and spiritual devel-
clude House flowers, Black lightning, Sniper
spiritual values of children. opment.
assassins end, Man on fire and Colombiana.
Sheikh Rishard Rajab Ramadhan, the
During the holidays, Sheikh Reshard told
deputy headteacher of Sheikh
Khalifa Secondary School in
Mombasa said the modern
media is replete with harmful
content and parents need to
take measures to prevent their
children from accessing such
He said with the school holi- LOCATION: JAMIA TOWERS,
days, many children will be
engrossed on television and
social media easily accessing
video materials which have the
potential to harm their moral (TWO SHOPS)
and spiritual lives.
Sheikh Rishard pointed to the
online streaming service Netflix
SIZE: 2100 SQ FT
which he said is filled with ho-
mosexual (LGBT) content such
as movies and serials which ALL APPLICATIONS TO:
can easily be accessed.
“When you leave children with
the remote, make sure that pa-
rental controls are enabled to
prevent them accessing con- P.O. BOX 100786 00101 NAIROBI.
tent which is deliberately made
to entice them to the world of

Page 11
Education for our Children
Education is a basic human right that is recognized globally and educationalists and scholars who have vast experiences in the
documented in many education policies even among the third education sector. This has been the trend from the day this pro-
world countries. gram was incepted in the year 2006.
So many of our Students end up completing Primary education, The recipient must have received admission to a public or private
but due to financial restraints cannot afford transition to Second- secondary school that is recognized as such by the Ministry of
ary school. Education in Kenya. Together the application form has to be filled
Ummah Foundation helps intelligent Kenyan poor students with with due diligence without giving misleading information that can
limited financial resources to pursue and successfully complete warrant disqualification if the truth is otherwise. We also advice
secondary education. Over the past 15 years the programme has all the applicants to supply us with all the correct information and
enabled top performers from primary schools countrywide who documents as required in the forms. The Imam of your estate or
cannot pay the requisite school fees an opportunity to further their village mosque, the chief or the assistant and the School man-
education by offering them bursaries that caters for their four years agement should furnish us with independent information details
of secondary school education. that qualifies or disqualifies the applicant from our support. It is
A large number of our beneficiaries are orphans and vulnerable also important to note that the applications are only done once
children from rural marginalised areas who have excelled, and are each year and more specifically at the beginning of the academic
nationally in the top cadre. year as stipulated by the Ministry of Education.
To be considered for the scholarship, the applicant must have com- You can get an application from our offices located in Ngara,
pleted the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) in the Nairobi or you download the application forms from; http://www.
preceding year with a minimum marks of 350 and above. Our first We believe by fearing Allah swt and be-
priority is to orphans though poor and needy students are consid- ing honest in relaying to us the correct details, you will all have
ered by the selection committee after verification of each case. We participated in this noble work of helping our Orphans, Poor and
would like to notify all applicants that applying for this Bursary as- needy students achieve their ultimate goals.
sistance is not a guarantee that your request will meet automatic Contact us:
approval. Ummah Foundation
So many students apply and Ummah Foundation cannot meet the Village Plaza, Ngara Rd, Suite 2A
overwhelming demand of all the applicants hence there is an as- P.O Box 58717-00200 Nairobi
tute Education Committee in place that is tasked with the respon- Tel: (+254) 20-2680610/13, Mob: 0734845277
sibility of accessing each and every application to ascertain who Email:
more is deserving.
The Committee comprises of very prominent, veracious Muslim

The Friday Bulletin is a Publication of Jamia Masjid Committee, P. O. Box 100786-00101 Nairobi, Tel: 2243504/5 Fax: 342147
E-mail: Printed by Signal Press Limited-Lords House-Tom Mboya Street

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