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Audits Inspections and Preventive -

Corrective Actions Procedure

Name Designation Signature

Reviewed By Emmanuel Chu OSH MR

Approved By Engr. Sameer Rababah General Manager

Doc. Number Rev/Issue Date
ASMI-OSHMS-PR-15 00/02 22.12.2020
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Al Sahraa For Metal Industries

Management Review

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Doc. Number Rev/Issue Date
ASMI-OSHMS-PR-15 00/02 22.12.2020
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Al Sahraa For Metal Industries

Management Review







1. Annual Review – GENERAL 5

2. Review Team 5

3. Preparing for the Review & Review Meeting 5

4. Annual Review & Review Meeting Minimum Requirements 6

5. Action from Meeting 7

6. Management Review Recording 7

Doc. Number Rev/Issue Date
ASMI-OSHMS-PR-15 00/02 22.12.2020
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Al Sahraa For Metal Industries

Management Review


This procedure defines the ASMI management review process as committed through the
OSHMS and SRA & OSHAD SF v3.1 Mar 2017-element 9 compliance and management review
that needs periodic review to ensure that it meets the requirements in respect of policies,
objectives, suitability & effectiveness, resources, planning and is kept up to date. Management
Review Meetings shall be held annually at a minimum to discuss any problem / areas of
improvement with the top management and relevant personnel and minutes of meetings shall
be recorded.

Management review procedures and its scope covers the operations and review of company
OSHMS fully and annual intervals or as and when necessary.

Top management; is responsible to ensure management review are conducted and continual
improvement is achieved of the company OSHMS, ensures participation in review along with the
team identified by MR, ensure necessary resources are allocated to complete the action required
from the meeting.

It is the responsibility of the OSH / Management Representative (MR) to ensure that:

 The OSHMS is reviewed regularly to ensure its continued suitability and effectiveness.
 Relevant key personal are identified and participated in review process.
 Minimum requirements of review as per OSHAD SF v3.1 Mar 2017- element 9
compliance and management review and this procedures are followed in the review
 The minutes of the meeting are recorded.
 Any actions are identified and corrected.
 Opportunities for improvement are identified and implemented.
ASMI/Organization/Company : Al S ahraa for Metal Industries
MR : OSH / Management Representative
Top management : General Manager (GM), Dept. Heads.
OSH : Occupational Safety & Health
OSHMS : ASMI Occupational Safety & Health management system
PR : OSHMS Procedure
NCR : Non Conformance report
Doc. Number Rev/Issue Date
ASMI-OSHMS-PR-15 00/02 22.12.2020
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Al Sahraa For Metal Industries

Management Review

SRA : Sector regulatory Authority appointed by OSHAD Centre to regulate company

OSH in the emirate of Abu Dhabi which is IDB (Industrial development bureau).
OSHAD SF: Abu Dhabi Occupational Safety & Health Management System- System Frame Work

Records Procedural Steps Resp.

1. Annual Review- General:
Top management, MR and review team shall conduct Management MR, & review
review annually at a minimum and shall address all relevant parts of the team
Company OSHMS:

 To determine whether it is operating effectively to the benefit of

the company.
 To identify opportunities for improvement.
 To determine its suitability.

2. Review team:
MR shall identify and form review team which shall contain employees
from different process areas and department heads, GM shall also be
participating in the review process.

The team members shall be responsible for conducting review according

to the minimum requirements set in this procedures and OSHAD SF v3.0
JULY 20116- element 9 compliance and management review. MR shall
review the full OSHMS in consultation and participation with other

MR shall prepare the review requirements in line with minimum

requirements of this document for conducting review and for discussing
in the annual review meeting and all review team and GM shall attend the
review meeting.

MR shall prepare the final review reports and action required shall be
completed by the responsible persons identified in the management
review report action plan.

3. Preparing for the Review & Review Meeting: MR

 An agenda is prepared according to this document requirements, with

the minutes of the previous meeting. Copies are provided to all
personnel that will attend the meeting, together with those that have
actions assigned to them.
Doc. Number Rev/Issue Date
ASMI-OSHMS-PR-15 00/02 22.12.2020
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Al Sahraa For Metal Industries

Management Review

Records Procedural Steps Resp.

 The MR prepares a summary of all corrective actions that have been

issued since the last meeting for discussion. He also checks previous
meeting minutes, to ensure that problems are not recurring and that
corrective action taken has been effective. Where problems are still
apparent he will address this during the meeting.

 From this summary, additional corrective and preventive actions will

be suggested, agreed and assigned to members of the meeting.
MR & Review
4. Annual review and review Meeting Minimum requirements: team

The MR attends the meetings together with other members as appropriate.

The meeting addresses the following topics:

 The MR is responsible for putting before the meeting for

consideration information on any outside influences that may have
an effect on the operation of the OSHMS (e.g. Legislation, new
equipment etc.).
 The members of the meeting look at all aspects of the company
activities and where problems exist, and they consider any
preventive actions that can be put in place.
 From the information produced the members of the meeting
review the relevance of the company's policies, aims and
objectives to ensure their continued relevance.

4.1 Standard Agenda points for management review and meeting:

 Review of OSHMS; the OSHMS is reviewed by company OSH
resources to check that they are still suitable and effective for the
company, and changes shall be made with consultation and
communicated to all levels.
The review team shall identify and confirm the needs for changes
and shall assign responsibilities with target dates.
 Previous review results; to ensure that the previous actions have
been corrected.
 Internal and external audits; the results are reviewed to check
that any non-conformances were corrected within an acceptable
time scale. The frequency of auditing will be reviewed based on
the audit results.
 OSH performance, Targets and Objective; This includes analysis,
evaluation of suitability and monitoring of OSH performance and
objectives against set targets. New objectives shall be set and
communicated at this stage if required.
Doc. Number Rev/Issue Date
ASMI-OSHMS-PR-15 00/02 22.12.2020
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Al Sahraa For Metal Industries

Management Review

Records Procedural Steps Resp.

 Changes in legal and other requirements; that may impinge upon

the company and/or the operation of the OSHMS shall be
 Relevant communication and complaints; The external &
internal communication activities and its effectiveness such as
trainings, OSH meetings, complaints from customers, employees,
visitors, neighboring establishments and other interested parties,
legal enforcement actions, SRA & other relevant authority
notification etc. shall be reviewed.
 Incidents, investigations, Non-conformances; they are reviewed
to check that the underlying cause has been addressed. Their effect
on OSHMS is also addressed and applicable corrective preventive
actions are taken.
 Corrective and preventive action; they are reviewed to check that
they have been effective in achieving an improvement in the
 Recommendation for continual improvement; the meeting
addresses methods of improvement to the system based on the
review results and other opportunities identified for improvement
of company OSHMS and its operation. Where areas for
improvement are identified, appropriate objectives and methods of
monitoring are agreed and action plan for the same are
incorporated to review report.

5. Actions from meeting:

MR & Actionees
 The person responsible for any actions identified at the meeting,
records in minutes of meetings together with agreed target dates
for completion of all actions where appropriate.
 Top Management allocates the necessary personnel and resources
for these corrective actions.
 When discussed changes are accepted, the MR completes the
changes to OSHMS (fully or to its elements as applicable and
identified), re-issues the new / revised OSHMS and / changes or
revised elements such as policy, procedures, forms, objectives etc.
and audits each sections to ensure its continued relevance in the
light of the changes made.
 The MR is responsible for progressing and verifying that these
actions have been effectively carried out within the agreed

ASMI- 6. Management review recording.

MR shall prepare the review report using ASMI-OSHMS-FM-15-01- GM &
Doc. Number Rev/Issue Date
ASMI-OSHMS-PR-15 00/02 22.12.2020
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Al Sahraa For Metal Industries

Management Review

Records Procedural Steps Resp.

Management Management Review Report. All minimum requirements set in this MR

Review document shall be considered and in the review and details shall be
Report discussed in the review meeting, the discussion results shall be minted by
MR and shall be recorded in the above report. The report shall be submitted
to GM for verification and up on verification and approval the same shall
be circulated to all attendees, relevant stakeholders, and persons responsible
for auctioning recommendations and corrective actions identified in the
review report action plan section.

Records: Record related to this procedure is ASMI-OSHMS-FM-15-01-Management Review Report

and shall be maintained for five years.

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