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A close-coiled helical spring of st of stiffness 60 N/mm. The {120 Nimm_ [130 Nfmm ‘At which stage in the design oycle would orthographic grawings be most [ J Feasibility study [ ] Preliminary design ( ] Detail Design ‘6 serew ig said to bea self locking serew ifs efficiency #8 []<50% [1= 50% [1>50% 10, Rivets are generally specified by [ ] Thickness of plate E [ JLength of rivet { ] Diameter of head { ]Nominal diameter H1. The lubrication in which load of beating is cared solely by 8 film of fluid and there is no co” between the two bearings surface is called [ ] Boundary condition [ 1 Full film condition [ 1 Dry condition [ ]Nore of the above auuse of bearing failure? [ J Inappropriate bearing selection { JAW of the above St r mm pitch diameter and 2mm pite! Bt a 30mm outside diameter and 2mm pitch +s of 30mm outside diameter and 2mm thread length ng to IRR, when the thickness of the boi is less than 8mm, t e rivet hole is obtained by — ’ [ J equating tearing resistance of the plate to shearing resistance of rivet i Jequating tearing resistance of the plate to the crushing resistance of the rivets [ ] equating shearing resistance of the rivet to crushing resistance of the rivets [ Jnone of the above 19, In hydrodynamic bearings [ J grease is used for lubrication { ]do not require external supply of lubricant [ ] the ol film is maintained by supplying oil under pressure [ ] the oil film pressure is generated only by the rotation of the journal 20. Identify the incorrect statement { ] The longitudinal joint makes a ring from steel plate [ ] In boiler joint, circumferential joint is twice the longitudinal stress { ] The circumferential joint is used to get the required length of boiler shell { ] Circumferential joint should be stronger than the longitudinal joint in boiler triple riveted but joint with doubl “shell. The pitch of the rivets in the outer row ‘iveting is proposed. How many rivets are there double shear? (6) Design the longitudinal joint for a boiler with shell plete triple-iveted, double cover plate but joint with steaps of unea are made of mild steel having ultimate strength in tension, crushing and sheat 100 N/mm? and 45 N/mm: respectively. Consider efficiency of the joint as ¢ (© Anangle of size 200 mm x 150 mm x 20 mim is welded t9 = flat plate wit angle along the length of the plate, 25 show in figure 3 with Axial Toad of allowable shear sires for static loading may be taken as 70 MPa, Design the joint. 20h SA steam Be Figure 3 (@) Compare the working of acme and buitress thread forms inclading: 36) vantages of each (b) Explain Lock nut, Shake proo’ Locking with a plate & Pena, ring and vimum value and which has some mean as Wel ayersed stress (yep quctuating, stress (1 varying the incorrect statement ny forced filed weld, the throat thickness is 0.85 the distance from center line of the row of rivet holes othe edge of the pl {the approximate efficiency ‘of a single riveted lap joint is of the order ofS according to the Unwin’s formula, ‘the diameter of the rivet is Bi given by 6VE { rivet is specified by ] shank diameter [ Vlength of rivet J type of head {material of rivet dards and regulations is not correct? vltiple stand ing statement related to stan zed body — there can bem ¥hich of the followi approved by a recogni ] standard is a document one product. J regulations are mandatory but standards are not mandatory. |. ] standards after widespread adoption may become, de facto regulations. seace of standards and regulations fora project is always known ng if its efficiency is [J more than 50% { J equal or more than 50% screw is said to be over hauli Jequal to 50% less than 50% Which of the following methods is not used for increasi welded joint [ hammer pening { J coating { Jexinging ‘An open coiled helical spring subjected to an axial forces subjected 10 : {[ Jeombines shear and ‘pending om! { ] direct shear only [ Jeombined shea bending and twisting { Jeombined shear and vvisting only Starting friction is low in { ] Hyaro-dynamic \ubrication {| Hydro-static Tubricat™ [ ] Mixed (or Semt ‘qvid) lubrication ) Boundary \ubrication. The Wahl’s correction factor ounts for a. Directs! of curvature (jase to that of 6101 series Beating: {J Not applicable g of cattle manure considering 40 days wind speed at site A for a wind farm is 20% higher than at site Bu . in electricity production at site A compared to site B is “A feed in tariff guarantees producers of renewable energy a supplied electricity. Modern renewable energy supply is approximately use in Nepal. _produces typically less than 1% of tar-oils and so are widely us engine operation. ‘Anaerobic digestion is the decomposition of organic matter in the microorganisms. Time required to heat the fuel to the pyrolysis temperature is much shorter than t characteristic pyrolysis reaction time is called yrolysis. f of biogas is equivalent to Jargest contributor of greenhouse gas emissions in non e sector. ar a 15, Typically biogas consists of __to % of carbon dioxide which 16. 17. For the anaerobic digestion process the optimum C/N ratio is 18. The calorific value of most of the biomass ranges fom ‘a Milkg. a‘ 19. The liquid fuel yield in a typical pyrolysis has___———___calorific value th parent biomass. 20. Moisture in a biomass is of no use because

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