Z. Sirozhiddinov: Are HR

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Z. Sirozhiddinov UDC 624.

Refined standard resistances are suggested for sandy soils under a point and along the side surface of piles, and also
their reliability coefficients with different confidence levels established by statistical-probability processing of fidl-scale
static tests. The suggested procedure not only makes it possible to raise the transmitted load on piles, but to efficient-
ty use their bearing capacity with consideration of the degree of responsibility of the buildings and structures being

In limit-state calculations of foundations, a system of reliability, coefficients is used: with respect to the soil, for the
transition from standard characteristics to calculated ones; with respect to the load, for the transition from standard to calculat-
ed; and for pile foundations, 7c as well, for example, in the inequality N _< Fa/r,c. If the first two coefficients are explained by the
random nature of characteristics of soils and loads and have statistical substantiation, then Yc is assigned intuitively. Thus, in
determining the bearing capacity of a pile with the use of tabular values of the resistances of soils under a point R and along the
side surface f given in Construction Standards and Rules [1], Yc is taken as constant and equal to 1.4. Obviously, in assigning Yc
it is necessary to take into account the variability of values of R and f, and also the effect of the other two reliability coefficients.
Quantitative evaluation of the level of reliability makes it possible to correct reliability coefficients incorporated in the method
of limit-state calculation in the form of an overall margin [2]. Approximate evaluation of the level of reliability of pile founda-
tions, the bearing capacity of which was established with the use of R,f, and 7c = 1.4 [1] showed that, with a predominance of
sandy soils in the base, the levels of reliability are too high. This indicates the possibility of raising the transmitted load on piles
To refine R and f, and also parameters of their variability, we conducted statistical-probability processing of the results
of 1274 tests of full-scale piles performed after "resting," according to the standard procedure, in the absence of their mutual
effect. For the most part, the piles had a cross section of 30 x 30 or 35 x 35 cm; the depth of their sinking was from 3 to 16 m.
We analyzed piles sunk in homogeneous sandy soil, as well as layered strata alternating with silty-clay soils.
To derive values of R and f, we used the procedure set £orth in [4]. Then, these values were grouped depending on
various parameters and dimensions of the piles in order to carry out dispersion analysis in accordance with the requirements of
[5, 61.
As factors causing variability of random values of R and f, we considered: the average depth of location of the layer of
soil hf for ~,, the depth of sinking of the pile h R for R; and the size of sands, their bulk density, water saturation, and strength
indices affecting R and f.
As a result of processing of mass standard tests, it was established that the most "significant" factors are h R and h o the
classification of sands by size, and their bulk density. We were unable to establish clear patterns of change in R and f depending
on the degree of moisture content and strength indices of the soil. According to statistical criteria, these factors were evaluated
as insignificantly influencing changes in R and f, which is explained by qualitative and quantitative shortcomings of these indices
in mass standard tests.
To investigate the dependence of R and f with different values of the density and size of sands, we used the same
procedure of correlation and regression analysis [6] that was set forth in [7] for silty-clay soils.

Moscow Construction Engineering Institute. Translated from Osnovaniya, Fundamenty i Mekhanika Gruntov, No. 5, pp.
14-17, September-October, 1992.

0038-0741192/2905-0149512.50 ©1993 Plenum Publishing Corporation 149

..... For dependence RS = f[hr] For dependence fs = f[hf]
number coef- stan- coef- number coef- start- coef-
S a n d y soils Bulk density ficient dardTde- ficient
of test ficient dard de-ficient of test
)oints of cor- viation of vari- points of cor- viation of vari-
n relation ation Y n relation ation Y
r r
Medium density 194 0,643 810 0,14 235 0,714 7,5 0.14
Dense 232 0,702 690 0,08 40 0,851 6,6 0,08

Fine Medium d e n s i t y 221 0,615 560 0,15 210 0,888 4,9 0,11

Dense 211 0,629 780 0,12 165 0,815 7,5 0,11

Silty Medium density 215 0,624 370 0,1B 291 0,887 4,5 0,14

Dense 201 0,605 570 0,16 246 0,892 4,4 0,11

Standard resistance of sandy

Depth ot sln~xng
of lower-end of
Isgils under thellower end of
,the pile, R s, kPa
sized fine silty
the pile, m ~ ~ .


3 4450 7300 2900 4900 1400 2600

4 4700 7600 3050 5250 1550 2800
5 49S0 7900 3200 SSSO 1650 3050
6 5200 8150 3300 5850 t 800 3250
7 5400 8400 3450 6! 50 t900 3400
8 5650 8650 3550 6400 2000 3550
9 5850 8850 3700 6600 2100 3700
10 6050 9050 3800 6800 2200 3800
11 6250 9200 3900 7000 2300 3850
t2 6500 9350 4000 71S0 2400 3900
13 6700 9500 41 O0 7300 2450 3950
14 6900 9600 4200 7400 2500 4000
15 7100 9700 4250 7500 2550 : 4050
16 7250 9800 4300 7600 2600 41 O0

Reliabil- a=0,90 t,20 1,15 1,2S t20 t,30 t,25

ity co . . . . . . . . "
efficient, ==0,95 1,30 1,20 1,35 12-.5 1,40 ! ,35
7f with "
e.= 0,9'8 1,40 1,25 1,50 1,3S ! ,60 1,50

The best approximation of test points for computation of standard values of R s is given by second-degree parabolas; and
for3~, by second- and third-degree parabolas. Characteristics of the variability of R s a n d J s given in Table 1 indicate the presence
of close correlations between RS,]~, and h. In all cases, Fisher's dispersion ratio had a value much higher than the corresponding
tabular values [5], which also indicates the significance of the correlation.
However, in comparison with data obtained for silty-clay soils [7], a large spread of test points is observed, which was
also reflected in the coefficients of correlation and other statistical characteristics of variability. Apparently, this occurred due to
parameters that were not taken into account: strength indices and the degree of moisture content, and also clue to the fact that
classification of sandy soils by density and size includes a fairly wide range of change in coefficients of porosity and grain
composition. It does not seem possible to establish a correlation of R and f with their quantitative values according to the results
of mass tests.
Application of statistical-probability methods of processing test results makes it possible, to a definite degree, to
eliminate the noted shortcomings, which are taken into account in a concealed form by reliability coefficients characterizing the
inhomogeneity of soil bases.
The standard values of R s computed according to correlation equations, and the corresponding reliability coefficients ~'R
with different confidence levels a are given in Table 2; and values o f f and the corresponding 7f, in Table 3.

Standard resistance of. sandy
soils on the side surface,-fs, kPa
Average depth ....
of location of medium- fine silty
soil layer~ m size

I 40,0 52,5 25,0 41,0 15,0 19,0

2 44,0 59,5 30,0 47,0 21,0 25,0
3 47,5 65,0 35,0 52,0 25,0 30,5
4 50,5 70,0 39,0 57,0 29,0 3S,0
5 53,0 75,0 43,0 61,0 32,0 38,0
6 55,0 78,5 46,0 65,0 34,5 41,0
7 57,0 81,5 48,5 68,0 37.0 43,0
8 59,0 84,0 50,5 71,0 38,5 45,0
9 61,0 87,5 52,0 73,0 40,0 46,5
10 62,0 90,0 53.5 75,0 41,0 48,0
11 63,0 92,0 55,0 76,5 42,0 49,0
12 64,0 94,0 56,0 77,5 :43,0 50,0
13 64,5 96,0 57,0 78,5 43,5 50,5
14 65,0 97,5 57,5 79,0 44,0 51,0
15 65,5 99,0 58,0 79,5 44,5 51,5
16 66,0 100,5 58,5 80,0 45,0 52.0

Reliabil- 1,20 .1,1S 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20

ity coef- ,,
ficient, 1,30 1 , 2 0 1,25 1,25 1,30 1,25
7f with .........
1,40 1.25 1,35 1,35 1,40 1,30

a b
# tOO# 28#0 Z#,#O ¢00,# ,q, ~ a 3000 ¢### YOOO 600# 700# R, ~ a
Z J ...... 2 , ....... ~..........................., , x .......

10 I0 3

12 2 t2
f~ f#

Fig. 1. Dependences of resistance under the point of a pile R for fine sand of medium density (a) and dense (b)
on the depth of sinking h R. 1) according to Construction Standards and Rules [1]; 2) the same, with ~'c = 1.4;
3) standard values according to results of processing; 4) the same, calculated values with a = 0.90; 5) the same,
with a = 0.95; 6) the same, with a = 0.98.

Values of the reliability coefficients with respect to soil, like the characteristics of variability given above, depend on the
size and density of sands: the weaker the soil, the greater the reliability coefficient.
For comparison, Fig. 1 shows graphs of the dependence R = f(hR); and Fig. 2, f = f(hf), for fine sands of medium
density and dense ones. Analogous results were obtained for sands of silty and medium size. Qualitatively, the dependences
constructed according to the data in tables of Construction Standards and Rules [1] correspond to our investigations. However,
the data in Tables 2 and 3 do not confirm the constancy of relationships of R and f, regardless of their size, as is suggested in
Construction Standards and Rules [1].
Analyzing the graphs and tabular data presented, we can note that the suggested probability approach makes it possible
to use the bearing capacity of piles more fully, on account of an increase in R and f, as well as efficient use of the soil's resis-
tances, taking into account the degree of responsibility of the buildings and structures being designed.

a b

6 6 ×

1o /o


Fig. 2. Dependences of resistance on the side surface of a pile f for fine sand of medium density. (a) and dense
(b) on average depth of location of the layer hr. 1) according to Construction Standards and Rules [1]; 2) the
same, with 7 C = 1.4; 3) standard values according to results of processing: 4) the same, calculated values with
a = 0.90; 5) the same, with a = 0.95; 6) the same, with a = 0.98.


1. Construction Standards and Rules 2.02.03-85. Pile Foundations.

2. N. N. Ermolaev and V. V. Mikheev, Reliability of Structures' Foundations [in Russian], Stroiizclat, Leningrad (1976).
3. Z. Sirozhiddinov, "Questions of the reliability of pile foundations," in: Nonlinear Methods of Calculating Bases and
Foundations: Interinstitutional Collection [in Russian], MarPI, Ioshkar-Ola (1990), pp. 38-40.
4. Z. Sirozhidclinov, "Probability. problems of the bearing capacity and reliability of pile foundations," in: Pile Foundations.
Collection of Scientific Works [in Russian], ed. by V. A. II'ichev, Stroiizdat, Moscow (1991), pp. 62-67.
, A. M. Dlin, Factor Analysis in Production [in Russian], Statistika, Moscow (1975).
6. N. Draper and T. Smith, Applied Regression Analysis ~ u s s i a n translation], Statistika, Moscow (1973).
7. Z. Sirozhiddinov, "Determination of the bearing capacity of driven piles on the basis of refinement of calculated
resistances of silty-clay soils," Osn., Fundam. Mekh. Gruntov, No. 3, 14-17 (1992).


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