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Magic Custard Cake - The Cooks Room

Magic Custard Cake

 Serves: 10 slices  Cooking Time: 45-60 minutes

125g butter, melted & cooled

500ml milk

1 tsp vanilla extract or vanilla paste

130g pure icing sugar, si�ed

4 x 70g eggs, at room temperature

pinch salt

1 tbs caster sugar

115g plain flour

finely grated zest of 1 orange (optional)

extra icing sugar, for dusting

1 Preheat oven to 150C, fan-forced. Butter and line 20cm square cake tin with baking paper.

2 Warm the milk and vanilla in a small saucepan on the stove until it is lukewarm. Or microwave on
MEDIUM for approx. 3 minutes. Set aside.

3 With a stand mixer or handheld mixer, whisk the egg yolks and the icing sugar until light and flu�y. Add
the melted butter and stir until well combined.

4 Now fold the flour into the batter, and slowly add the lukewarm warm milk. It is a very liquidy batter.

5 In the bowl of a stand mixer, beat the eggwhites with a pinch of salt until they are foamy, add the caster
sugar and beat until thick.

6 Gently fold in the eggwhites, one third at a time. I found it best to use a whisk for this. The whites will
look a little curd-like a�er mixing them in, just try to mix/fold them to the point where there are no big

7 Pour the batter into the prepared cake tin and bake for between 45 - 60 minutes. (mine took 55 minutes,

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Magic Custard Cake - The Cooks Room

but it will depend on your oven) If you find the top is browning too quickly, just cover with a piece of baking
paper. The cake is cooked when there is a sight 'jiggle' when you gently shake the tin. If it is still quite runny,
leave it in for another few minutes.

8 Remove the tin from the oven and allow the cake to cool completely.

9 I like to trim o� the edges, but it's not necessary. Cut the cake into serving portions and dust with icing


If you've forgotten to get the eggs to room temperature, you can quickly do this by placing them in a bowl of hot
tap water for 5 minutes. Egg whites at room temperature have more li� when whisked.

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