Tugas Bahasa Inggris Ayu Firda Faradilla

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your education background

Full Name : ayu firda fardilla

Nickname : firda


Place, Date of Birth : Fakfak,Papua Barat, 9 january 2002

Nationality : Indonesia

Religions : Moslem

Address : Teuku Umar Street

Hobby : Reading Book,Traveling.

Number phone : 082230939496

Social Media : instagram(firdafaradilla9)

Email Address : Ayufirdafaradila2002@gmail.com

Father’s Name : La Nurdin

Occupation : Contractor

Mother’s Name : Umi hayun Pagesa

Occupation : nurse

Education Bacground

2007-2008 : TK PERTIWI

2009-2015 : Elementary School of inpres Nemewikarya

2015-2017 : Junior High school 2 Fakfak

2017-2020 : Senior High school 1 Fakfak

Course & Education

-English Training

-Mathematics Course
2. Your difficulties in learning English
There are some difficulties that I often experience when I learn English

Among other are ;

1.difficult to memorize vocabulary

Some writing in English vocabulary that is similar but has a different meaning,

This makes it difficult for me.

2.Learning methods used by the teacher

When the learning method my teacher uses is different from the method I usually use, this is the
biggest difficulty I have experienced.

Based on the experience I had at school,I really don’t understand what learning method my teacher
brings. I always try to follow my teaching method with the hope that I will understand the lesson that
is given. And I turns out I still don’t understand the material he is giving.because the method he uses is
very difficult for me.

3.embarrased or insecure

With the two difficulties above,I feel ashamed and not confident in learning English.

Especialyy studying with a lot of peple.

3. your motivation to choose your department

My motivaton for choosing the planning Engineering department was that I was that saw the urban
arrangement in my city was not well managed,then I started to dream that I would create a new
atmosphere,with the development and arrangement of a better city for the future.

Furthermore, I motivated myself by looking for information,news and articles on regional city
planning. I am more excited about this department.

and my main motivation is that I want to become a generation that has sales value and quality. With
the department I choose, I am sure that all my dreams can come true.

This is my motivation thanks.

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