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Countable and uncountable nouns-Revision

I. Read the words carefully and put them in correct column.

apple cheese lemonade hot dog rice sausage

milk potato tomato juice burger fish

Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns


II. Complete the sentences. Use some or any in correct place.

1. There isn`t any salad in the fridge.

2. There are _____ hot dogs in the basket.

3. Are there _____ carrots in this soup?

4. Is there _____ ice cream in the fridge?

5. I don`t want _____French fires with my burger.

6. Is there any _____ cake left?

7. My sister wants _____ ketchup on her sandwich.

III. Read and write. Use: who, whose, where, when, what.

1. What is your name? My name`s Carl.

2. _______ is he? He is my friend John.
3. _______ are you from? I`m from London.
4. _______ is this? It`s a present.
5. _______ `s jacket is this? It`s Ann`s.
6. _______ is your teacher`s birthday? It`s in February.
IV. Complete the questions with How many or How much

1. How many eggs do you buy?

2. ________ _______ oranges are there in the fridge?

3. ________ _______ sugar would you like in the tea?

4. ________ _______ biscuits are there?

5. ________ _______flour do you put?

6. ________ _______ pancakes do you want?

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