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) Research the
mathematical programming software MATLAB about its following
items below. And
examine the difference between MATLAB and Scilab.
1. History of
MATLAB became a programming language in 1984 when it was developed by
MathWorks as a commercial product. In the late 1970s, it was just a basic
calculator written in Fortran. There were only 71 commands and functions.
Now, the
new data structure comes with multiple built-in toolboxes, graphics, and
A series of research papers which are collectively
known now as the Handbook
for Automatic Computation, Volume II, Linear Algebra by
J. H. Wilkinson and 18 of his
colleagues, originally published from 1965 to 1970, were the basis for the first
of MATLAB. Included in this material are present algorithms, implemented in
Algol 60,
for solving matrix linear equation and eigenvalue problems.
Cleve Moler did not have any business plan when
he studied Niklaus Wirth’s
book Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs and learned
how to parse programming
languages in order to write the first version of MATLAB. He
was actually a professor of
Linear Algebra and Numerical Analysis at the University of New Mexico in the
and early 1980s who just wanted to spare his students from the troublesome
procedures that were required by the campus central mainframe computer
accessing LINPACK and EISPACK without writing Fortran programs. He then
the graduate course in the subject to the students of Stanford University
where he
introduced his simple matrix calculator which the class found helpful. He also
showed it
to his colleague and friend named Jack Little, who adopted the program for
his own
work. Little suggested that Moler developed the item into a commercial
product. At the
time, PCs could barely run a powerful application like the latter but Little
was convinced
that MATLAB can be something bigger so he wrote it in C with the
help of Steve
Bangert. In 1984, MATLAB debuted in IEEE Conference on Decision
and Control in
Las Vegas.
2. Functions
MATLAB became popular over the years. More ways to represent data were
added since before, it had only one numeric data type: IEEE standard 754
precision floating point, stored in the 64-bit format. The following are the data
types: 1)
Single Precision and Integer, 2) Sparse Matrices, 3) Cell Arrays, 4)
Structures, and 5)
Objects.TCPC 531 - Numerical Solutions to CE Problems
1ST SEM, AY 2021–2022
The interface of the software is called the Desktop. Four panels are visible:
current folder viewer (left), the workspace viewer (right), the editor/debugger
center), and the traditional command window (bottom center). A file viewer
and a
command history window can also be included in personalized layouts. Any
panel can
be closed or undocked into a standalone window.
The Live Editor is another
feature. Descriptive text and MATLAB input, output,
and graphics are combined in a
single interactive document that can be exported to
HTML, PDF, or LaTeX.
Toolboxes are also available. Since 2018, these are Application Deployment;
Code Generation; Computational Biology; Computational Finance; Control
Database Access and Reporting; Image Processing and Computer Vision;
Statistics, and Optimization; Parallel Computing; Signal Processing and
Communications; and Test and Measurement.
Other features include:
array and matrix problems, 2) solving
complex algebraic equations,
analyze data, and 4) processing and
communicating the signals.
3. Capabilities and uses
MATLAB is a programming platform that can analyze data, develop
and create models and applications. It is designed specifically for engineers
scientists for technical computing in 2D and 3D form. These professionals use
MATLAB to organize, clean, and analyze complex data sets from diverse
fields such as
climatology, predictive maintenance, medical research, and finance. MATLAB

Datatypes and preprocessing capabilities designed for engineering and
scientific data

Interactive and highly customizable data visualizations

Thousands of prebuilt functions for statistical analysis, machine learning,
and signal processing

Extensive and professionally written documentation

Accelerated performance with simple code changes and

Expanded analysis to big data without big code changes

Automatic packaging of analysis into freely distributable
components or embeddable source code without manually

Sharable reports automatically generated from your analysis TCPC 531 - Numerical
Solutions to CE Problems
1ST SEM, AY 2021–2022
MATLAB is a powerful software that takes ideas from research to production
deploying to enterprise applications and embedded devices, as well as
integrating with
Simulink and Model-Based Design.
4. Application
The motivation behind the development of MATLAB as a commercial product
the demand for numerical computing. Using the software, complex problems
can be
solved in a matter of milliseconds--there is a significant and unwanted
difference when
this is compared to the hours it would take when the work is done by humans.
Numerical computing is useful in designing structures such as bridges, roads,
dams, and the like. Solving an equation for a physical model which represents
physical problem is a necessity with the enumerated projects. These often
difficult and lengthy methods. Thus, computer aid is highly useful and very
helpful in the
field of engineering. MATLAB can also be used to design more programs
intended for
specific operations or certain type of numerical computing or in other words,
to analyze
and design systems and products that transform the world
5. Programming language
The software uses the MATLAB language--a high-performance, matrix-based
language allowing the most natural expression of computational mathematics.
is a programming language that is used for computing the technical
algorithms. It
consists of the computation, programming, and visualization to generate the
easy to
use situations where the issues and solutions are represented like a
notation. Matlab is the abbreviation of the Matrix Laboratory, which is the
generation high-level language It is used for the technical computations such
as matrix
manipulations, implementation of the algorithms, plotting of the functions, and
data. Unlike other programming languages which work on one number at a
time, it can
operate on whole matrices and arrays. Language fundamentals include basic
operations, such as creating variables, array indexing, arithmetic, and data
Difference between MATLAB and SCILAB
MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory)
SCILAB (Scientific Laboratory)
Type of
Alternative to MATLAB since it is
High-level programming
language that is used for
performing mathematical
Software that is used for performing
scientific computations
Considered as separate files
Considered as variables in the
SCILAB environment
Written in C, C++, and Java
Software programmed with C, C++,
and FortranTCPC 531 - Numerical Solutions to CE Problems
1ST SEM, AY 2021–2022

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