Naga National Movement

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ancestral homeland and we/Naga have been living as free nation until British colonization taking place in
south East Asia. Nagas have been fighting to British and to the India and Burma for their illegal
occupation of Nagalim. The Naga nationalism begin in 1 91 8 when 2000 Nagas as labor corps sent by
British Government to France returned. They together with the British officials, formed the Naga Club in
1 91 8 providing the sociopolitical foundation for the Naga nationalist movement. The social legitimacy
has been a part of the Naga struggle for unique history, political representation and dignity. Starting way
back in 1918 by the Naga Club, the Naga ethnic movement was further entrenched in 1929 when the
Club submitted a memorandum to the Simon Commission in which it stated that those from mainland
India and the Nagas have nothing in common. The Naga Club was followed up by the Naga National
Council (NNC) formed in 1946 by the charismatic leader A Z Phizo. We need to study what happened to
Naga's Freedom Declaration on 1 4 August 1 947 which was an undeniable fact? Why wouldn't the UN
recognize the Nagas independent Declaration even when it was said to have communicated via

NNC conducted plebiscite in 1951 where 99.9% voted for free Nagaland. The period of the 1950s, 1960s
and the 1970s were turbulent periods in Naga inhabited area with insurgency and counterinsurgency
resulting in civilian deaths. In 1964, a Nagaland Peace Mission was formed which signed a ceasefire with
Phizo, only to last till 1968. In 1975, the Shillong Accord was signed in which the NNC agreed to give up
arms and accept the Indian Constitution. Muivah and Swu, who were then NNC members revolted, and
went on to form the National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN) in 1980 with S S Khaplang. In 1988,
the NSCN split due to leadership differences into the NSCN (IM) and the NSCN (K). Then came NSCN (U)
out of NSCN IM, and Likewise NSCN K split into NSCN KK & NSCN R in the recent past. At the end of the
day, whether it is NSCN-K, NSCN-IM, NSCN-R, NSCN-KK etc they are Nagas, they are our people. Thus,
the discourse of Naga's political movement suggests that the Naga national movement had earned with
blood, sweat and tears. And it was technically and forcefully fragmented and put them into the hands of
many internal and external actors creating multiple stakeholders so that until all these slices are brought
together, it cannot be put to shape. Thereby, I strongly advocate for reconciliation and shun factional
clashes for money (taxes collection) and power (leadership). Listen to people’s voice and work together
by leaving all differences aside in order to attain our goal. There are many professional experts in their
own field of which collective leaderships is an example. They know exactly what is to be done. We ought
to respect one another and support toward reconciliation for NPGs. Without peaceful solution and
without unity of Nagas it will be fighting a losing war; and we must select the deserve candidate to lead
our society.

When I was young, I heard that Naga Club was form on 1918 to protect Nagalim from British
Empire and later on come Nation National Council and I was one of the hard-core supporters of
NNC and I heard many story of Naga National Movement from my grandpa who was an active
member of NNC but when I grew up, there are many version of the story which gives me better
ideas to understand the Naga National Movement. I read many books on Naga issues and I find
that Nagas are ‘nationalist and religious’ but factionalism is the main problem, and on the other
hand, Indian are not honest in politics. However, recently Modi led NDA govt. are very much
positive with NSCN IM for some reasons. When I was professionally trained in Law and
Governance at APU, I remember one of the focal points that the road is the backbone of
economic development and quality education is the powerhouse of social progress in the
modern society and the pride of the state. We can reflect back to our National movement that
the constant support of every citizen directly or indirectly to Naga leaders for every activity is
very essential to come for final settlement, and using the power-house of the members in our
society is the pride of the Naga Nation. The current burning issue in our Naga political scenario
signifies our positions, and the demand for IPL by Meitei diverted to pass three bills which
affect the Nagas tribal in Manipur in long term policy; because it is not surprising that the JCILPS
has been able to dictate terms to the state government into accepting them: However, that
may turn out to be the easier part. For the proposed legislation to become law, and if the hill
areas are to be within its ambit, that will require the concurrence of the HAC which is unlikely
to happen. The bill, if passed in the assembly, will have to go to the Governor and the Union
where it will most probably be stuck. Thereby every concern citizens should understand that
representative govt. is not always responsive govt. in our society. On the other hand, “Peace
Accord” has signed on 3rd August 2015 between Indian and NSCN (IM) in New Delhi. Mr. Modi
led NDA govt. foreign policy especially ‘Act East Policy’ has articulated his vision for
transforming the Northeast and has attached priority to peace, security, connectivity and
economic development in the region. The Peace Accord has with great finesse been termed by
the govt. of India as Framework Agreement signed between NSCN(IM) and GOI which was
hatched with the firm belief of the centre to end the oldest insurgency issue in the country and
to restore peace and pave the way for prosperity in the North East, a step that’s bound to
herald into a life of dignity, integrity and equity for the Nagas based on the uniqueness of the
Naga people and their cultures and traditions, which can eventually lead to Naga Nation. We
should think critically that the two demands are successful in different versions because
working-together as a team is very essential to achieve some goal. But the question is - are
we/Naga trust to collective leadership and Naga leaders as a team? 
Support for the claim on Naga nationhood: Naga have every right to be independence nation
based on the historical rights and the interest of the people. Naga sovereignty is neither given
by India nor Burma but it always belong to Naga people. Naga Nation does not have to be all or
nothing. There are many constitutional arrangements where high autonomy has allowed under
Constitution, a nation to pursue many of its national goals while remaining part of a larger
sovereign state. Scotland in UK is one good example of a people who have a strong sense of
National identity, and enjoy a large measure of political independence while remaining part of
Naga Nation-states: A community of people who claim the right of self-determination based on
a common ethnicity, history and culture might seek to establish sovereignty over a region, thus
creating a nation-state. Such nations are sometimes recognized as autonomous areas rather
than as fully sovereign, independent states. 
Evidence from current negotiation: Centre prepared to accept 80% of NSCN (IM)'s demands for
Naga solution: Parliamentary Working Committee (PWC). "Prime Minister is prepared to offer
us 80 percent out of 100 and 20 percent for further negotiation," Home Minister Y Patton told
the House. He said both Prime Minister and Home Minister were serious about the Naga issue
and wanted solution at the earliest even within few months. However, I heard that the recent
‘peace accord’ is just a framework; I can’t comment on it, because till date it’s not make public
for some political reason, but I do believed in collective leaderships that they have learned from
the Naga history and they will not betray to Naga people, Naga History and to almighty God. I
suggest them to reach out, starting from shareholders to grassroots (village-level) by making
the ‘peace accord public’ and to take initiative for reconciliation of all factions before they sign
the ‘Final Peace Accord”. I wish them all, to have a successful talk on ‘Pan Naga Hoho’ and May
God give a peace to all Naga people for once and all. On the other hand, I want to request other
factions to give a chance to NSCN IM by stopping to spread false rumors and shun the violent in
Naga Homeland. Let’s wait and watch for the greater interest of Naga society.
Support from Nagaland Government:
Nagaland Legislative Assembly members were very much positive toward peace and permanent
solution for Naga people. 
Nagaland CM ready to step down if acceptable & honorable solution is found
• Naga customary & land holding system will be respected by Centre
• Naga issue to be resolved by sharing of power between GoI and Naga people
- T R Zeliang, CM Nagaland
Support from Naga Hoho, NSF, NMA, UNC, ENPO etc and many civilians: They support the
peace accord because Naga society deserves peace and Naga Nation; not because they are
afraid of NSCN. Long live Nagalim.
There are some reasons Goi want to solve Naga issues:
1. Mr. Modi led NDA govt. foreign policy especially ‘Act East Policy’ has articulated his vision for
transforming the Northeast and has attached priority to peace, security, connectivity and
economic development in the region.
2. Once Naga issues is solve then they will wipes out other remaining insurgencies in North-East
India. -Sources Indian Intelligence officer. 
3. After few decade China will come to help Nagas indirectly or directly to encroach land in
North-East part of India and treat to Indian security. –
4. NSCN and Naga National Movement were supported by civil society and intellects. Indian
didn’t afraid of their weapons but GoI afraid of Naga scholars and Intellects who support to
NSCN. And now they are working in their best level to solve Naga issue. 
5. Some pressure comes from international organization and other countries to India for
Human Right violation in J & K and North-East India. So, India want to solve Naga Issues in the
earliest in order to avoid bad name in international community.
Note: Naga people know what we want better than anyone else; thereby, every solution should
be based on Naga’s rights and Interests.

While agreeing with almost all the contentions on the talk between the two party this one thing
still perturbs me ,before placing the framework of the peace accord why the consensus
consultation of the nagas in general was not taken knowing that every single Naga is a
stallholders to this peace process ,honestly this has created the shadow of doubt ,mistrust
,confusion ,anger in the minds of the people .our leaders should have taken in the confidence
of the Naga people in general ,now look at what the GOI is doing, waving a white flag from one
hand and flashing a sword on the other hand ,at this given situation what are we suppose to
read ? It's creating more apprehensions and mistrust; for once I wish from the bottom of my
heart that this long drawn conflict ends on a positive outcome. Sometime what we are thinking
can be difference from those people who are working in the political field, politically speaking.
1. Regarding your first point I think, it is clear from Naga civilians that we want complete
sovereignty, and NSCN completely aware of what the Nagas want; before the signing of peace
accord as a ‘Framework’ both the party (India and NSCN) has meet to various parties like, NLAs,
Naga scholar Delhi, Naga Hoho, NMA, ENPO NSF etc. however, it is their political strategy for
not making the peace accord publics in the first place. And I don’t want to criticized on their
political strategy because we can’t say it is right or wrong when their policies is in the mid of
political arena and there are many senior Naga scholars behind on it. As for my understanding,
it should reach out starting from shareholders to grassroots level sooner or later through
democratization process and transparence ways before they has sign final settlement. So that
there will be less miscommunication and which can avoid misunderstanding between us. 
2. I am completely aware of present Indian politics, her constitution, and internal security
challenges; The Indian have a peace with NSCN IM and conflict with his brother NSCN K because
defense minister has given full encharge to NIA and RAW for arresting the responsible faction
to those who killed 18 Indian soldiers in Manipur, which was responsible by NSCN K. And GoI
tries to differentiate the Naga issues and that attacking issues but in my eyes or for Nagas
people, every one of them are Naga army. I think NSCN IM and Naga civil society should
pressurized to GoI to stop playing dirty politics. I have receive a news from my friend that NSF
has already submitted a memorandum on this issue to Ravi, Governor and PM of India, and the
govt. has given positive respond. Thank to NSF executives for their great job (if it is true)

During the last 60 years, we have witnessed the Naga national movement
a “returning of nationalism” if not of “ethics” per se, at least the movement of a mode of
ethico-juridical reasoning which politically engages the difficult questions of
violence, factionalism and the sacred; terror and the law; life, death and sovereignty; loss and
melancholia; or, as we can see in Naga Homeland, the political dilemmas of
truth, hope, justice, and reconciliation. I am wondering whether the emergence of these
factionalisms and political criticism on peace accord and the turn to the ethico-juridical has
something to do with the fact of our disjointed world experiencing in multi-taxation what for
lack of a better policies; I should call politicos uncertainty regarding reconciliation. In such
situation, NSCN could play a secondary role and Nagas peoples could play primary role for
reconciliation and push to peace accord for the greater interest of Naga society. There are
some rumors spread by some people who opposed the peace accord; rumors are spread by bad
citizens and coward citizens, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots.  Many civilians are in the
stage of fear for the rumors at the point, "I/we fear, it might be another Hyderi or 9/16 points
agreement" and there is a question, 'if BJP led NDA lost it central power congress govt. Will
never recognize Naga issue'? According to my understanding, they will make the accord public
based on their political timeline in some form before they has signed the agreement. Actually
they need not to hide it from anyone but in order to avoid disturbance from all angle, I think
they are not making peace accord public for some time. On the other hand, whether Congress
or BJP come to power but Naga right will not change and their policies for dealing internal
security challenges is almost same but BJP are more straight-forward and tough when
compared. Congress never belief in Naga History, and they refuse to talk to Nagas if their
demand included sovereignty. I heard that Mr. Rahul Ganghi laugh when he heard that Nagas
are demanding complete sovereignty and they never take it seriously; and all chief minister
take a U-turn after Sonia Gandhi against the peace accord. One the other hand, yeah in peace-
talk/negotiation for nagas they might be soft and friendly but their stand are clear that they will
play delaying politics by pushing Indianization politics and divide and rule policy to Nagas.
Thereby, since the BJP are looking for development and trying to sovle based on the historical
right and the interest of Nagas there is a high chances to solve Naga issues under Modi led NDA
govt. Nagas should not miss this chances and we should not waste the time by believing to false
rumors which come from some selfish people. If we miss this opportunity then Nagas will spend
another decade to reach to this stage. I am neither NSCN nor their supporter, we have our own
problem but I really support from my heart for “peace and permanent settlement” for Naga
people. We should study logically; how Naga problem started? What is the cause of
factionalism and how to solve? Who are our enemies and our naga families? What is the affect
of multiples-taxation and corruption in Naga society? Why the BJP govet. Interest to solve
decade long insurgencies in south-East asia? Why the peace accord has sign and can it bring
peace and development for Naga society? Why some Nagas are opposing to the peace accord?
Is the Indian government ready to grand Naga Nation-State? We don’t have ready-made
answers to such fundamental problem. However, theologico-political can help for reconciliation
in Naga polity. ? In order to productively engage with these difficult questions, on ‘peace
accord’ we have to take seriously on the present political scenario toward permanent peace
and final solution and of itself and complete the critique of the reconciliation as myth and
therefore of final settlement itself that started long ago. Thereby, Nagas should reason together
to find the reasonable and permanent solution for one and all.
Note: it is just my opinion as a concern citizen. 

Thanks and Regards

Kharingyo Henry Shimrah.
Address: Pixel Park B Block electronic city phase II Bangalore-560100. 
Email Id:
Contact No: +919916638692.

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