Theme 1: What Is Your Ideal Family ?

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Omar Ahmed Ezzat


Theme 1
?What is your ideal Family
An Ideal family in my opinion is set on the base of a family that has the values of caring, respecting,
understanding and loving for each other at all times, A family that will always stand up for each
other, A family that will be able to overcome any challenges or difficulties they might face. For the
sake of a healthy relationship between the members of the family both the parent and the child
should always be friends and close to one another, maybe every day/week at launch they can all sit
down while having launch and each one would get the ability to talk about how did his day go and
the rest would listen and support him. Personally, I can't say my family has it all, we go through a lot
of heated arguments but at the end of the day we are family, I've always tried my best to improve
the relationship between us, and I can say that we improved, we were much worse a year ago. And
we will be much better together as a loving family, to create memories we would remember when
.we are old and to spend some happy quality time

?What do you like doing with your family

Spending time with my family was much fun back then when I was young, I remember waiting hours
just so we can go to the park, or going to my cousins house but in the meantime as I grew up now I
really lost interest in doing the same things, but at our house daily, when my father is back from work
and me back from school, my mother calls us for dinner where we sit, enjoy what my mother did us
for dinner while we talk and have discussions about the hot topic today or this week, Unfortunately
most of them end with a heated argument but I really enjoy it, Fridays where we live is probably the
best day in the week for most Arabic families, we wake up, go pray, then come back home to a big
tray of our favorite breakfast. We sit down together eat and just chill out, but as good as it can get, I
.really choose going out with my friends more

?What have you done with your friends recently

Recently, I have travelled from KSA and Kuwait to my home country, lived out for 13 years and it is
my 2nd year here at my home country. So, I can say I have a pretty big group of friends from different
places, with some we like to hang out at our sports club, we train boxing our training lasts 2 hours
and, in this time, we finish all of our energy and sometimes we even fight each other. With others we
go to a gaming center, a place full of gaming computers, there we stay hours away from the whole
world just having fun, it is a great distraction from all of our home problems or any negative energy
so most of the times it is our only place to go, we play video shooting games so the one with the least
.kills would have to pay for our drinks

?How do you use social media to keep in contact with your friends

The everyday enhancements and improvement of social media applications or technology

mainly day by day makes our lives easier, in the past I believe people used a specific type of
birds (homing pigeons) to send messages to others, it would usually take a very long time unlike
sending messages today, it takes you seconds to send a message to someone in a different content,
not only texting but a lot of other ways to contact anyone you want. If I have a question about the
homework, needed help, wanted to hang out with my friends I can always use social media to get in
touch with them easily, we have this application called Discord, I and my friends use it to talk while
in video games say like we in a game and I can see an enemy Infront of me I can tell him where he is
and we can easily kill him, When we can't leave our house we can easily talk in our
snapchat/Instagram group chat and talk as much as we want. We will also do a surprise birthday call
for our friend, he left the country and we cannot see him but now it's much easier to talk to him and
.draw a smile on his face

?What are the best uses of mobile technology

You cannot count how did technology help us with everything, how we think, how we move, how we
do things, it helped a lot. Helped us with Communication, it takes 0 effort to text or call your loved
ones from your bed, all you need is to touch a couple of touches and you can hear and see someone
in the next apartment, neighborhood, country, and even continent. Entertainment, you're having a
terrible day? Surrounded by bad vibes? Too bored? A 4.5-inch device might be all you want to make
you feel better, let you laugh, allows you to talk to anyone you want. To record memories, I
personally always forget things, I go to a big party and have a great time but in a couple of days I
forgot what happened and I go back to my miserable life, but with my mobile I can capture the good
times maybe a group photo that I can look at months after and remember how good it was. For
emergencies, my mother was really sick and in pain a couple of days ago and thanks to my phone I
was able to identify what was really wrong and what I needed to give her. My house was set on fire
months ago and thanks to my phone I was able to contact the emergency services immediately, and
.even a lot of other amazing useful features it carries

?How does music enrich the lives of people

In our generation music is an essential part of most of the teen's day, certain type of music just has a
special way that makes it very important to us. The sad music genre, some people like to hear it
because maybe they can relate to the lyrics, late nights when you are alone in your room, some love
to hear it and not everyone will know how to explain why do they listen to it, something inside you
just needs to listen to it alone and vibe. The hype hip-hop or rap songs, songs you listen to with your
friends, songs you listen to in a party, songs that will just hype you up and make you feel happy, I
personally used and still to this day listen to them while running, jogging, or while working out, just
sing your heart out while working out to hype yourself up. Other chilling type of music is the relaxing
soothing music also known as Lo-Fi music to listen to while studying, while writing, some listen to
this type even to sleep, some listen to it to chill out and calm down after a long stressing day. My
music taste was always hype music only but now it changed to hype, chill, and sad music. it
.depending on my mood

?What is the best film you have seen at the cinema, why
I'm not a cinema or movies in general type of person, I don’t watch a lot of movies. But when I do, I
like watching comedy and action movies, they're my favorite. Last time I entered a cinema I watched
Bloodshot" I watched it because of the cast, Vin diesel, Eiza Gonzalez they were a great duo in the
movie, the movie is talking about a marine solider and his wife that got murdered, the solider was
then rescued by a team of scientists that had something called "nanotechnology' it made him a
superhuman, he wasn’t able to recall anything from his past life but eventually he does and goes
after his revenge, a really cool movie that I enjoyed watching, and watched another movie called
"Murder Mystery" that had Adam Sandler, an amazing funny movie that I loved watching, brilliant
.and funny work as always from Adam Sandler
?Why do you think so many people like to play sport
Sports is surely one of the most important things people should practice especially younger ones,
Sports are very essential for a human being, it gives you power and without power you can't do
anything, you cannot as a young girl/boy wake up every day lazy and do nothing. sports are really
helpful for your body, it makes you healthy, fit, energetic. Not only that, sports boost your Self-
esteem and confidence, say you are in a bad situation where you need to protect yourself otherwise
you will get hurt, if you practice no sports you won't be able to know what you should do, not only
sports that teaches you how to fight would help in a situation like this, say you practice football it
makes your legs very strong and trains your lungs to have bigger capacity so if they are stronger than
you, running might be the best way to escape, guess what? No sports equal no energy so it'll cause
you to be lazy always, look around you, people who practice sports now mostly takes it as a career
and a way of living, it does also help with your brain power. Sports active students get highest in
.academics, also sports build your ability to concentrate and focus in your classes

?How do you celebrate your birthday

Celebrating your birthday is really something some people find it very important and good while
others find it useless and as a waste of time. Honestly what I find the best in birthdays are the
parties, a day where you can enjoy time out with your loved ones and get gifts, opening or receiving
gifts may be the coolest part in a birthday party. My last birthday was ruined because of the virus
outbreak in the world but I really found it good because it is a day where you have no responsibilities
and just be happy and have fun. My friend's birthday is this week and we plan on going to a yacht
and spending the day there partying and playing together with no problems and fights hopefully,
getting my gift and happy birthday would be enough no need for too much celebration in my

?Why is it important to continue local customs

What differentiates you from any person around you outdoors is how you talk, how you dress in
some countries, your behavior, The way we are talking right now is taught to you by your parents
your parents by theirs, it all came from your ancestors, from generation to another they all followed
their grandparents traditions, what was allowed and what was not. Of course, it might’ve changed
slightly because of how different the world is now. Following them is not a choice, it is very valuable
and important, following your culture makes you different if you're in a different country from
anyone else, going out with revealing clothes in some cultures might be an acceptable thing to do in
some places but in others it might be prohibited. Some actions you might do where you live may be
unaccepted or even illegal in other places. I myself when I travel somewhere with different traditions
always stay connected with my customs and it is my duty to copy what we do in our customs now
.and teach it to my child
Theme 2
?What is there for young people to do in the area where you live
Where I live it's pretty similar everywhere what do the young ones like to do, in our culture its
known for the kids to spend 4 hours minimum in the street just playing football, racing, cycling. It
might sound funny or boring but we all did that here when we were young, I remember me at 7
years old spending almost half of the day in our street we would play games of football then end the
game with someone injured, most of the times I would be the one injured you would go up to your
home wash your injury then get shouted at from your mother then go down again, round 2 would be
us cycling around the area till our legs feel numb. Another activity we did was go to my friend's
house with a garden and have races. after that we would play video games, at the end of the day you
would go to your home and end up passed out in the bed. Wasn’t much but always made us happy.
.Now we just might go play PlayStation 4 in someone's house and walk around the area

?How have you helped a neighbor in the past

One day I was at home alone late at night, my parents were out. I heard our neighbors young girl
screaming, at first I was scared to go out but then I thought to myself that they might need help so I
opened my door and went to check up on them to see what was wrong, their daughter was 11 and
her brother was 6 and to my shock they were alone I asked about their parents and she said they
just left the house and that after they did her young brother kept puking out of nowhere, I panicked
because I didn’t know what shall I do, I didn’t have my phone on me so I took the kid and tried to
know what was wrong with him but I couldn’t do anything so I told their daughter to close the door
and wait for me. I rushed down to the pharmacy under our house but as worse as it can get it was
closed, the nearest one was a street away and I didn’t know what would be the next right decision to
do. I stopped a guy with a bike and told him to take me there, I went to the doctor in the pharmacy
and told him, we rushed to the house and thankfully I wasn’t too late. Turns out the boy shocked on
a very small plastic toy which was enough to cause all of this. Their parents got back minutes after
.and they were very thankful that I did that for them and till this day they still thank me

?Which charity do you think most deserves support? why

In my opinion I don’t think there is such thing as a charity that deserves more support than the
other. They all should follow a cause, if you choose to support one over one it is because you feel
sorry for these certain people more but they all deserve support for sure. If I had money in my hand
and I decided to give them out to charities I would split my money and give to a couple of charities,
all you need to know is if they are legit and trust worthy, they all suffer and they all need help. I think
a smaller but trustworthy charity would win my choice because if we keep on donating to the big
.ones the smaller ones wouldn’t get as much attention and donations

?What are the best ways to keep fit and healthy

Staying healthy and fit is really a great goal that people should aim for, staying fit and healthy really
would make your life a lot easier than being lazy overweight or skinny, but at the end it is a choice
that you cannot shame people for choosing. Being healthy has a very great impact on your body and
your everyday routine, to be healthy isn’t only practicing a sport you cannot stay fit and play a sport
well if you do not have a healthy sleeping schedule and healthy food diet or plan. Being healthy also
helps with your mental health, if you are working on staying fit you will tend to turn over any
negative energy into positive. I personally am proud to say I am doing that, I used to be super skinny,
my parents and family always turned me down for that. this year I started being athletic I practice
sports, walk and run a lot, what I have left is just to have a full healthy food plan and I won't lie I am
.really not strict about it but I'll be able to fix it eventually

?Why is it important that people eat healthy

Eating healthy is really important but everyone find it difficult to stop eating the things we love like
fast food, food with sugar, chocolates however it will have a really great effect on us like losing
weight with losing weight risks of getting heart disease, some cancers, poor bone density, and a type
of diabetes decreases, not only that it will give you strong bones and teeth, struggle with forgetting
to quick? Eating healthy also improves memory, always feeling unwell? Eating healthy also, also
makes your mood better. I myself was able to almost stop eating some unhealthy food like
chocolates, I barely eat them, and unhealthy fast food. In the month I can eat it 2-3 times, years ago I
ate them a lot and it never helped. And I hope in the near future I win over them and eat healthy
.food only

?What are main problems faced by homeless people

As good as life can get good with you, it might not be fair to everyone, some people can't afford
living in a house so they become homeless. And every day they face a lot of difficulties and
problems. They always have health problems, Streets aren’t made for living so when they live and
sleep in streets, they will face problems like unintentional injuries by cats, rats, dogs, and maybe
even people passing by, the sleep itself might cause them chronic pain or disorders in some body
parts. Imagine the skin diseases they might catch while sleeping. there mental state after a long day
of mistreatment from people and bad sleep. All of that without mentioning not having a roof to
.cover their head, clean food and water

?What are the effects of global warming

A huge problem we are facing but not everyone seems to realize how bad it is, global warming.
Some effects of the global warming will cause huge problems to us, problem is we are the ones
causing it. We all have heard about the glaciers in the north and south poles of our world. What
happens when they melt from the greenhouse gasses effect? Water level increases. What happens
when water level increases? Some lands will drown under the water, these lands would have people
living in it but water will cover it, if this goes on The Maldives would be completely under water in 30
years. Huge heat waves that can be deadly will come too! There will be floods and Storms. In just 30
years the strongest hurricanes might hit us. Heat waves will also cause drought and it will increase
by 66% at least. Diseases will spread out. Distractions of some Ecosystems. Food decreases, Conflicts
.and wars between Countries. And hundreds of other negative effects

?Why do you think so many people like to visit other countries

By the persons nature we get bored eventually from going to the same places or doing the same
things or even eating the same things continuously, visiting new places, knowing new cultures,
having fun in different places is usually a very exciting thing to do for most people. Getting to know
new people with different minds and different traditions also might be fun to know how different
you and them are, I personally would love to travel to different places to explore new places and
have some memories that I will look up to one day in the future. I travelled to Kuwait and found it
really cool to hang out with people with different mind sets and go to the cool places there that we
don’t have here. Like the Kuwait towers, 360 mall, Marina Mall, the avenues mall which is the largest
shopping mall there and one of the biggest in the middle east. And I really look forward to travel to
the United states one day as I'm in love with the country, their traditions and honestly everything

?Where have you been in holiday

Last Holiday I went to Alexandria with my Parents to a pretty luxurious Hotel called Four Seasons, we
went there for 4 days, honestly it was a great place. First day I met one of the biggest female actors
in Egypt, we had a big suit with two separated rooms one for me and my younger brother one for my
parents, I loved the bathroom it had a big jacuzzi, and my room had a big comfortable bed with a
balcony with sea and swimming pool view, it was really relaxing. Unlike the rest of my family I didn’t
leave the room, I liked staying in the room with the great hotel Wi-Fi and play with my friends, at the
time the video game Fortnite was really popping and everyone played it, I had a certain group of
friends that I played with, we begun playing from 7 am and would finish around 10-11 am, then I
would sleep, wake up go to eat then go take my breakfast then up to the room, they were really
mad that I spent all my time up instead of doing anything else but I enjoyed the days there and it
.was really relaxing and chill

?What is your ideal holiday? Why

In my opinion, my ideal holiday would be me alone or with a small group of people I love and
people that I know I would enjoy my time with, in a relaxing big place with not too much people
there, it should be a place where you can sit and forget everything in the world, not responsibilities
no problems, a place where you can clear your mind at and just chill out, maybe meditate in a cool
room then watch a cool movie, play a game you love and clear your mind. Without anything that
might cause stress no young kids, nothing that might grab your attention, just a distraction from all
the problems you had, it doesn’t have to be for a long time, just some time with someone you love
.away from all the negativities and problems

Theme 3

?Which subject do you most enjoy studying? Why

English. I love the subject a lot. I enjoy writing, listening, and reading English. In fact, the way
I talk now isn't mainly taught to me from school. Every day I watch a lot of YouTube videos, not
teaching how to talk but just any entertainment video, also songs did help improve my English
massively. My life now is all in English apart from the communication between our family and people
outdoors, in my past school I used to be the helper of my English teacher I used to help him set the
next class's lesson and even with checking some marks that he would recheck after me. I have no
problems in putting everything aside to study English while I really find most of the other subjects
.too long and boring

?Tell me about something you have enjoyed at school

Apart from this year, past years I really didn’t give my full attention to school to get good
marks, I really just went there to have fun, meet my friends and play. My intentions changed now as
I need to get the best marks I can get. Most of the times the free day in school would be the most
fun, I had some events like national day, international day were each class would get a country to
represent with its food, clothes and a PowerPoint that has some info about their country. It’s a day
with no studying just eating and spending time with your favorite teacher and friends. School days
.are usually long and boring but with my friends we can make it a great funny enjoyable day

?Explain why is it important to learn other languages

Learning another language apart from your main language is always optional, some people think it's
essential and some think that it isn’t important. You can learn another language to be able to
connect with people talking in another language easily without translating, it is an incredible gift to
be able to connect with people. Advancing your career, if you are working in a career where you
interact with people you don’t know if everyone you will talk to will share the same language so it's
always good to have a backup language you know. If you're someone that loves traveling and
exploring the world you will need to know how to talk with the citizens of the country you're going
too. Comes with learning a new language is probably knowing some of the traditions and cultures
.which will give you more knowledge and basic information about the language's main speakers

?What could be done to improve your life in school/college

In most case scenarios high school and college friendships are the ones that might last till graduating
and some people might prioritize studying and getting the best degrees but some others would have
something else added with that to the prioritized list, personally I would add having connections,
knowing a lot of people. It makes life a lot easier. I used to have a lot of close friends and it wasn’t
always for the best, having a big circle is great but you should be close with certain ones. So,
improving it isn’t always about friends it's also about doing what makes you happy, and putting the
right ones beside you and know that your future is depending on what you would do next not what
.you did before

?In your opinion what makes a good teacher

You see nowadays in every school not all teachers are loved, you can ask the students, there are only
specific teachers we love and the rest we find boring or is just are unloved, there are certain values
that most students would need to find in a teacher to win their love, a teacher that would be non-
judgmental and would appreciate your work, a teacher that wouldn’t guilt trip you for your mistakes
or your failings, a teacher who knows how to communicate with you, knows how to listen to you,
what makes a session fun or cool is when the teacher can throw in some jokes that would let you
laugh to enlighten the mood, a teacher that might collaborate with us to let something specific to
get in your mind, a teacher that lets everyone excitingly engage with them in a certain topic. A
.teacher that would be understanding and patient with you

?What do you plan to study next year

Hopefully I will star my exams or get the best marks I can get, if I do so I plan on taking ICT with
another subject which might be biology but I still am unsure about it, and I choose not to think about
it now so I can concentrate on what I'm studying now not to stress myself. I chose ICT because I'm
good with computers and computer softwares too, I always loved editing and photoshop, I had an
Instagram account that had a couple thousands of followers, people would pay me from a dollar to
five dollars for an edit or a logo. I did logos to gaming clans and some logos for my friends, others
would ask for edits to some clips and I would do them sometimes for free just so I can get more
.people to know me
?What could be advantages of going to a university
Going to a university nowadays became a decision to take for some people just because they
see millionaires that were high school dropouts and take them as proof you don’t need to go to a
college or a university but going to a university can let you be sure you are having a higher
percentage of a brighter future, it increases your earning potential, your university degree always
has your back, tomorrow isn’t promised, you don’t know if you'd stay in the same place you were
yesterday, but when you have a degree it always has your back, and gives you job security, health
insurance, and if you are launching a business it will be a lot easier if you have a degree because it
will give you support and will help make lasting connections and make you become more financially

?Would you like to work in England? Why/Why not

Working in a place different from the place you live at might always be the best, especially if
you're going to a place with better facilities, improves your skills and makes you even get more
valuable and better information/knowledge. Gives training to make you even better at your job,
gives better income in most cases, which benefits you. Change of lifestyle that would make
everything new and interesting to know and study, Will also make anything you knew taught to you
again but in a whole different new way, makes your language better, there the economy is even
stronger, with high standards of living and great work experience. My cousin went to work and study
there and he thinks it was his best opportunity so if I get a chance, its surely a yes

?Why is it important to have a good job

A good job in life is usually the key to automatic respect from people around you, not always
but in most scenarios, but sometimes your luck isn’t too good so you fail in achieving your dream for
a specific career, but if you have a good job it will help make you proud when someone asks what do
you work, in our religion when we are willing to marry a woman we need to go ask the parents for
their consent, almost everyone would wish for her/his daughter to marry a man with a good income
and a good title or job position, so if you have a good job, you got that covered, a good job gives a
good life to get whatever you or your children need, and that itself gives you joy that you have the
ability to put roof above your head and do whatever you want to do. And gives you purpose in life to
go after brighter and better success. And I can see that in my father, he worked hard to get where he
.is and now thankfully do what he wants to do to make himself and his family happy

.Describe your ideal job

After long years of studying hard to make your future bright and good you just now need to work in
a place where you would spend a couple of years of your life at, so everyone has his values that he
needs for his job to be the ideal job, a job where you feel comfortable at, a job that fits your
personality and is something that you enjoy and love doing, something you are passionate about. A
job that you feel appreciated and valued at, a place where you will work hard to grow in, a job that
would let you have at the end of the day time to spend with your family and loved ones, a job that
won't drain all of your energy, so you can balance your work with family time or time with the loved
ones. A job where you can feel like you're home while doing and a place that brings you satisfaction,
.I wish I would be able to follow my dreams and accomplish them in the future

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