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Kickstarter Preview

and the Skirmisher Game Development Group

By Michael O. Varhola and the Skirmisher Game Development Group
At the Shrine of Othrys
By Michael O. Varhola and the Skirmisher Game Development Group

Skirmisher Publishing LLC

499 Mystic Parkway
Spring Branch, TX 78070

d-Infinity Online:

Artists: Bob Greyvenstein, Art Gowie, Amanda Kahl

Portions of this book are published under Open Game Li- Product Identity in accordance with section 1(e) of Open
cense version 1.0a. “Wizards of the Coast” is a registered Game License version 1.0a: Skirmisher Publishing and any
trademark of Wizards of the Coast Inc. and is used with and all associated logos and identifying marks, including
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Designation of Open Game Content: Open Game Con- names, campaign settings and any elements of those set-
tent may only be used in accordance with the terms of Open tings; any and all artwork, designs, depictions, illustra-
Game License version 1.0a, which is found on page 12. tions, maps, likenesses, symbols, and graphic designs pre-
Open Game License version 1.0a allows you to use Open sented in the context of this book; and any and all dialogue,
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ing questions or concerns about reproducing Open Game This book is Copyright 2021 by Skirmisher Publishing.
Content contained in this book in their own works should All rights reserved. Reproduction of non-Open Game Con-
contact Skirmisher Publishing in writing at the snail mail tent contained in this work by any means without written
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“At the Shrine of Othrys” are designated as Open Game cept for purposes of review. This book is protected under
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Game License version 1.0a: All game-terms text and tables States of America. Mention or reference to any company,
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Designation of Product Identity: Product Identity is not tions, places, or events is purely coincidental.
Open Game Content. The following is hereby designated as First publication: August 2021.
t the Shrine of Othrys” begins in the rugged foothills surrounding ominous Mount Othrys,
located in a desolate wilderness on the Greek mainland and the legendary headquarters
of the Titans during their war with the Olympian Gods. Characters have learned about
the presence of an ancient shrine that has lain untouched and hidden beneath the hills
for a century and, even as cultists respond to a call-to-arms and converge on it, set out
to explore it. Lost knowledge, treasure, and a chance to strike a blow against chaos and
evil await those brave and canny enough to breach the cyclopean portals that guard it …
“At the Shrine of Othrys” is a fun, detailed, and com- ● Descriptions and stats for two-dozen new monsters,
pelling 5th Edition D&D adventure designed to take a including six basic Mephits; 12 advanced Mephits,
party of four or five characters from 1st to 4th level. It including the Lightning Mephit Stormrider, Smoke
is also intended to both lay the groundwork for and pro- Mephit Deceiver, and Vacuum Mephit Annihilator; an
vide a storyteller with the resources needed to continue alchemical Proto-Lich; an undead hatchling Dragon; a
the campaign into upper levels. mini Bronze Golem; and more.

This adventure has been designed so that it can be used ● A map and detailed set of encounter tables for the
in conjunction with Skirmisher Publishing’s bestselling area around Mount Othrys that reveal more information
Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign Setting, highlighting about the setting and which storytellers can use to cre-
some of the themes and tensions associated with it, or as ate side quests and to allow sandbox adventures.
part of any other “traditional fantasy campaign” setting
a storyteller chooses. ● A fun, lively, and detailed novella-length campaign
report that describes what one party experienced in this
This project will include: adventure, suggests innovative ways that storytellers
might make use of it, and which is intended to in addi-
● A complete dungeon that is divided into five general tion to anything else to be a fun and compelling read.
areas and contains more than two-dozen encounter ar- A complete character party that includes detailed write-
eas, and which includes thorough descriptions, detailed ups and stats for all the characters used in the playtest
maps by cartographer Wilhelmina T. Thrasher, and cus- for this adventure and featured in the campaign report
tom illustrations by fantasy artist Bob Greyvenstein. for it.
Rewards then back us at this level to receive a softbound print
Following are the backer levels associated with “At copy of the fun and detailed campaign report for “At
the Shrine of Othrys,” all of which also include the the Shrine of Othrys”! Backers will also receive a
option of several add-ons. PDF copy of the publication. Shipping costs are sep-
arate and based on backer location.
Pledge $1 or more: Moral Support ESTIMATED DELIVERY: Feb 2022
If you aren’t sure what this is all about or can’t use
it yourself but still want to show your support for us Pledge $10 or more: PDF Adventure
then please do so by contributing just $1 or some oth- Backers at this level will receive a fully-illustrated
er nominal amount to this campaign! PDF copy of “At the Shrine of Othrys,” to include all
ESTIMATED DELIVERY Sep 2021 the monsters, characters, and encounter tables associ-
ated with it and the detailed campaign report!
Pledge $4 or more: PDF Campaign Report ESTIMATED DELIVERY: Feb 2022
If you are not into D&D but enjoy fantasy fiction and
would like to read a great account of an adventure Pledge $20 or more: Print Adventure Early Bird
then back us at this level to receive a PDF copy of the Backers at this level will receive a fully-illustrated
fun and detailed campaign report for “At the Shrine softbound print copy of “At the Shrine of Othrys,”
of Othrys”! to include all the monsters, characters, and encounter
ESTIMATED DELIVERY: Jan 2022 tables associated with it and the detailed campaign re-
port (as well as a PDF copy of the publication). Ship-
Pledge $5 or more: PDF Adventure Early Bird ping costs are separate and based on backer location.
Backers at this level will receive a fully-illustrated ESTIMATED DELIVERY: Mar 2022
PDF copy of “At the Shrine of Othrys,” to include all
the monsters, characters, and encounter tables associ- Pledge $30 or more: Print Adventure
ated with it and the detailed campaign report! Backers at this level will receive a fully-illustrated
ESTIMATED DELIVERY: Feb 2022 softbound print copy of “At the Shrine of Othrys,”
to include all the monsters, characters, and encounter
Pledge $8 or more: Print Campaign Report tables associated with it and the detailed campaign
If you are not into D&D but enjoy fantasy fiction and report (as well as a PDF copy of the book). Shipping
would like to read a great account of an adventure costs are separate and based on backer location.

Backers at this level will receive a PDF copy of “At
the Shrine of Othrys” and everything associated with
it, along with a PDF copy of the complete 360-page
“Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign Setting” (which
normally sells for $29.99 by itself as a PDF).

Pledge $70 or more: Print Adventure & Campaign Setting

Backers at this level will receive softbound print cop-
ies of “At the Shrine of Othrys” and the associated
campaign report, along with a print copy of the com-
plete 360-page “Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign
Setting” (which normally sells for $59.95 by itself in
print). Shipping costs are separate and based on back-
er location.
Stretch Goals them like windows where maps can be displayed;
Following are a number of stretch goal rewards we and preparing for, running, and wrapping up sessions.
will provide to backers of “At the Shrine of Oth- (Estimated delivery: October 2021)
rys” if we exceed our basic $3,000 funding goal for
it. All will be accompanied by custom illustrations, $6,000: "Epic Boons": At this level we will provide
including ones by fantasy artists Bob Greyvenstein a new PDF publication currently in development that
and Amanda Kahl, and maps if appropriate, includ- includes 200 new Boons for 5th Edition! (Estimated
ing ones by artists Wilhelmina T. Thrasher and Art delivery: November 2021)
Gowie. Material tying in directly with “At the Shrine
of Othrys” will be included in an expanded edition of $7,000: Cult of the Fish-Born: At this level we will
that book and self-standing ones will be provided as provide an expanded version of one of the cults that
separate PDF publications. appears in “At the Shrine of Othrys,” to include a
writeup on their bizarre and dangerous ship, a number
$4,000: Full-Color Maps: If we exceed our ba- of unique NPCs, and a monster entry for Dagonites!
sic funding goals by just $1,000 we will be able to
provide deluxe color rather than standard black-and- $8,000: Cult of the Fire-Blood: At this level we
white versions of the maps that will appear in “At the will provide an expanded version of one of the cults
Shrine of Othrys”! that appears in “At the Shrine of Othrys,” a band of
humanoids descended from Fire Giants, to include a
$5,000: "Speed Round 5E": At this level we will number of unique NPCs and two new monster entries!
provide backers with a PDF copy of the “Speed
Round 5E” guide to remote tabletop gaming currently $9,000: Cult of the Earth-Born: At this level we
in development! This publication is designed to make will provide an expanded version of one of the cults
online 5th Edition games smoother, quicker, and more that appears in “At the Shrine of Othrys,” a unit of
pleasant with tips and guidance on teleconferencing; Myrmidon insectoid humanoids, to include a number
use of virtual tabletops and features associated with of unique NPCs and an entry for a new monster!
$10,000: Cult of the Wind-Born: At this level we sion and which includes maps and devices for send-
will provide an expanded version of one of the cults ing characters to this other world and getting them
that appears in “At the Shrine of Othrys,” a group back home from it!
with winged leaders that wield the power of air and
which includes detailed NPCs and a new monster! $14,000: Mound of the Lizardfolk: At this level
we will provide a PDF of a self-standing encounter
$11,000: Mephit NPCs: At this level we will provide area that can be used either with “At the Shrine of
descriptions and stats for 12 unique Mephit NPCs Othrys” or in conjunction with any other adventure or
that can serve variously as commanders for their less- campaign setting! It will include a detailed map and
er cousins, assistants to cult leaders, or challenging descriptions and stats for a number of special Lizard-
monsters on their own. folk, including the Huntmaster, Lair Warden, Greater
Shaman, Crocodile Warrior, and Marauder.
$12,000: “Player’s Guide to the Aegean”: At this
level we will provide a PDF of a fully-illustrated 5th $15,000: Lair of the Goblins: At this level we will
Edition sourcebook that provides complete guidelines provide a PDF of a self-standing encounter area that
for playing several new character races compatible can be used either with “At the Shrine of Othrys” or
with “At the Shrine of Othrys”! These will include in conjunction with any other adventure or campaign
Antaeans, Arachnaeans, Boreads, Bull Centaurs, Cy- setting! This lair and the ones that follow below will
nocephalians, Myrmidons, Ophidians, and Satyrs. It each include a variety of unique leaders, monsters,
will also include information about the origins, roles, and challenges.
and sub-races of traditional peoples like Dwarves,
Elves, Gnomes, Haflings, and Half-Orcs in an Aegean $16,000: Lair of the Red Fang Orcs: At this level
campaign setting. we will provide a PDF of a self-standing encounter
area that can be used either with “At the Shrine of
$13,000: On the Plane of Magma: At this level we Othrys” or in conjunction with any other adventure or
will provide a mini-adventure set on the Elemental campaign setting! It will include a detailed map and
Plane of Magma that is designed to play in one ses- descriptions and stats for a number of special Orcs.

$17,000: Lair of the Yellow Sign Orcs:

At this level we will provide a PDF of a
self-standing encounter area that can be used
either with “At the Shrine of Othrys” or in
conjunction with any other adventure or cam-
paign setting! It will include a detailed map
and descriptions and stats for a number of
special Orcs and a bonus map for an area that
this tribe and its Red Fang Orc rivals use to
stalk and kill each other.

$18,000: Lair of the Hobgoblins: At this

level we will provide a PDF of a self-stand-
ing encounter area that can be used either
with “At the Shrine of Othrys” or in conjunc-
tion with any other adventure or campaign
setting! It will include a detailed map and
descriptions and stats for a number of special
Hobgoblins, including a Battle Mage.

$19,000: Lair of the Bugbears: At this level

we will provide a PDF of a self-standing en-
counter area that can be used either with “At
the Shrine of Othrys” or in conjunction with
any other adventure or campaign setting! It will in-
clude a detailed map and descriptions and stats for a
number of special Bugbears.

$20,000: Lair of the Gnolls: At this level we will

provide a PDF of a self-standing encounter area that
can be used either with “At the Shrine of Othrys” or
in conjunction with any other adventure or campaign
setting! It will include a detailed map and descrip-
tions and stats for a number of special Gnolls, include
a Crocuta spellcaster and several new spells.

$21,000: Lair of the Giant: At this level we will

provide a PDF of a self-standing encounter area that
can be used either with “At the Shrine of Othrys” or
in conjunction with any other adventure or campaign
setting! It will include a detailed map and descrip-
tions and stats for a number of variant inhabitants of
this encounter area.

$22,000: Lair of the Owlbear: At this level we will

provide a PDF of a self-standing encounter area that
can be used either with “At the Shrine of Othrys” or $27,000+: For every $1,000 from this point forward
in conjunction with any other adventure or campaign we will provide one thematic and fully-illustrated
setting! compilation of 5th Edition content similar in size,
quality, and content to those described above, to in-
$23,000: Lair of the Minotaur: At this level we will clude mini-adventures, encounter areas and small
provide a PDF of a self-standing encounter area that self-contained dungeons, and collections of monsters
can be used either with “At the Shrine of Othrys” or or NPCs. All such items will be suitable for use with
in conjunction with any other adventure or campaign ongoing adventures around Mount Othrys or in con-
setting! It will include a custom labyrinth map. junction with any other campaigns a storyteller wants
to use them with.
$24,000: Temple of the Necromancer: At this level
we will provide a PDF of a self-standing encounter Fulfillment
area that can be used either with “At the Shrine of Backers entitled to PDF copies of publications as-
Othrys” or in conjunction with any other adventure or sociated with this Kickstarter campaign will receive
campaign setting! It will include a detailed map and download links they can use to obtain them from the
descriptions and stats for a number of special NPCs secure Skirmisher Publishing website.
and monsters.
Optional fulfillment for PDF copies of publications
$25,000: “Men & Monsters of the Aegean”: At this via the DriveThruRPG retail site will be available to
level we will provide a PDF of a fully-illustrated 5th backers who would like to use it. Such backers enti-
Edition sourcebook that provides entries for numer- tled to electronic copies of publications will receive
ous monsters that might be found in ongoing adven- discount links for 20¢ copies of each of them.
tures around the Shrine of Othrys!
Backers entitled to print copies of publications will
$26,000: “Krampushölle”: At this level we will pro- have shipping costs added to their pledges and have
vide a PDF of a sourcebook devoted to an evil Out- such rewards mailed to them at the addresses they
er Plane that includes write-ups and stats for NPCs, specify.
monsters, and encounter areas, several adventure
hooks, and a complete set of random encounter ta-
LIGHTNING MEPHIT pable of on their own. They relish frisking through
Lightning Mephits are composed of elemental Air thunder storms and flying up as high as they can
and Positive Energy and look like small winged into the windswept nighttime sky.
creatures with bright blue skin. They are the very
quickest monsters of their kind. In addition to Auran,
Lightning Mephits are also able to speak Quidan, Lightning Mephit Stormrider
the language of the Positive Energy Plane. Small Elemental, Neutral Evil


Lightning Mephit Stormriders are creatures of el- Hit Points 36 (8d6+8)
emental Air and Positive Energy that look much Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft.
like their lesser cousins but which are slightly larg- STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
er and have arcane runes flickering electrically 8 (-1) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 13 (+1)
across their hides. They are intellectually superior
to normal Lightning Mephits, are able to speak Au- Skills Perception +4
ran, Quidan, and Common, and often lead and di- Damage Vulnerabilities Necrotic
Damage Immunities Thunder, Poison, Radiance
rect activities that weaker creatures would be inca- Condition Immunities Poisoned
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages Auran, Common, Quidan
Lightning Mephit Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Small Elemental, Neutral Evil
Death Burst. When a Lightning Mephit Stormrider dies,
it explodes in a burst of electricity. Each creature within
Armor Class 13 5 feet of it must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw,
Hit Points 21 (6d6) taking 9 (2d8) lightning damage on a failed save, or half
Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft. as much damage on a successful one.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Levitate (1/day). A Lightning Mephit Stormrider can in-
7 (-2) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) nately cast Levitate. It requires no material components
and its spellcasting ability is Charisma.
Skills Perception +2
Damage Vulnerabilities Necrotic Summon Mephits (1/Day). A Lightning Mephit Stormrid-
Damage Immunities Thunder, Poison, Radiance er has a 25 percent chance of summoning 1d4 normal
Condition Immunities Poisoned Lightning Mephits. A summoned mephit appears in an
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 unoccupied space within 60 feet of its summoner, acts
Languages Auran, Quidan as an ally of its summoner, and cannot summon other
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Mephits. It remains for 1 minute, until it or its summoner
dies, or until its summoner dismisses it as an action.
Death Burst. When a Lightning Mephit dies, it explodes
in a burst of electricity. Each creature within 5 feet of Witch Bolt (1/day). A Lightning Mephit Stormrider can
it must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 innately cast Witch Bolt. It requires no material compo-
(2d6) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much nents and its spellcasting ability is Charisma.
damage on a successful one.
Innate Spellcasting (1/day). A Lightning Mephit can Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
innately cast Witch Bolt. It requires no material compo- target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) slashing damage.
nents and its spellcasting ability is Charisma.
Shocking Grasp. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
Actions 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d8) lightning damage. A Light-
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one ning Mephit Stormrider has advantage on the attack roll
target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) slashing damage. if the target is wearing armor made of metal.

Lightning Breath (Recharge 6). A Lightning Mephit can Lightning Breath (Recharge 6). A Lightning Mephit
exhale a 30-foot long, 1-foot-wide line of lightning. Each Stormrider can exhale a 40-foot long, 1-foot-wide line of
creature in that area must make a DC 13 Dexterity sav- lightning. Each creature in that area must make a DC 13
ing throw, taking 10 (3d6) lightning damage on a failed Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) lightning damage
save, or no damage on a successful one. on a failed save, or no damage on a successful one.
Open Game License Version 1.0.a
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, LLC. 6.Notice of  License  Copyright: You must update the COPY-
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4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game  License  v 1.0a Copy-
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Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce
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