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Worksheet 10 in Religious Education 111

Topic: The Pentateuch (Torah)


What to do: Answer the following questions comprehensively. Avoid simply

“copy and paste” from the internet. Observe academic and critical thinking in
answering the activity. Read and understand what you can find in the web and
include only information that are relevant to each question.


1. Watch and listen to the video from the link below and answer the
questions that follows.

- What is the message of God in the story of creation?

Based on my understanding God created his manifesto with wisdom and order, showing
that the things he created are good or very good. We are also seeing this in the process
of gradually giving a cosmic structure without form and void. Finally, creation is
presented as a series of orderly events. For example, create living spaces (sky, land,
and sea) for creatures before creating creatures.

- What is the meaning of the story of creation to you?

God’s creation was good, full of beauty, order, complexity, and variety. It was indeed
very good. The amount of thought and detail that went into creation shows us God’s
goodness. He didn’t have to make so many colors, flavors, smells, varieties, animals,
and everything else. But he did. Why? Because he’s a good God who wants us to enjoy
what he’s created. 

- How will you respond to God’s love manifested in creation?

Showing love to God is a good thing because without God, we wouldn't have anything.
Being aware of God's love for you can make you a stronger, better and more confident ill Pray to God. Tell God that you love him and love his creation. Tell him you
appreciate everything you have. The Bible says that we are to "pray without ceasing."
And ill Practice forgiveness and compassion with others. Jesus had compassion on
every person he saw. Jesus also said that we are to forgive anyone who sins against
2. Watch and listen to the video from the link below and answer the
questions that follows.

- What is Original Sin?

Base on my understanding Adam causes death to spread through the whole human
race because everyone has sinned (because the sin of Adam make sin came into the
world through him and through sin death) it is however clear that the work of Jesus
didn't change the consequence of the original sin for the new births of the humanity
under the New Alliance but that the justification Paul speaks of comes through faith in
the work of Christ and not directly as a consequence of this work like it was for the
original sin. So that overwhelming God' grace only reveals itself through faith in the
work and not by inherently changing the human condition who is still under the original

- What is the effect of original sin?

Adam, a perfect man sinned and was sentenced to death. His children, namely us,
inherited that imperfection.

- What did God do to restore or redeem humanity from sin?

God sends his son from heaven to be born as a human and end up as a perfect man as
Adam was. Eye for and eye, life for a life. Jesus gives his life to pay off Adam's sin's
penalty. This releases all Adam's children from this imperfection of being born just to
age and die.

3. Watch and listen to the video from the link below and answer the
questions that follows.

- Describe the important role of the following characters in the history

of salvation.

1. Adam and Eve- they’re the one who make sins after disobey what
god says about the fruit or role.

2. Noah- Noah was an obedient servant of God amidst a sinful world.

He is most well-known for building an ark that preserved himself
and his family, as well as representatives of every land animal,
from a great flood that God unleashed in judgment upon the earth.
3. Moses- Moses is best known from the story in the biblical Book of
Exodus and Quran as the lawgiver who met God face-to-face on
Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments after leading his
people, the Hebrews, out of bondage in Egypt and to the
"promised land" of Canaan. 

4. Abraham- Abraham was the first person to teach the idea that
there was only one God; before then, people believed in many

5. Isaac- Isaac obeyed God and obeyed his commands. He is

Rebekah's faithful husband. He became the patriarch of the
Jewish nation and gave birth to Jacob and Esau. Jacob's 12 sons
will continue to lead the 12 tribes of Israel.

6. Jacob- He wisely rationed the country's produce in preparation for

a time of famine. Joseph is often seen as an Old Testament
equivalent, or prefiguration, of Christ.

7. David-  king of the United Monarchy of Israel and Judah. ... In the
Book of Samuel, David is a young shepherd who gains fame first
as a musician and later by killing the giant Goliath, champion of
the Philistines.

- How will you describe the continuous work of God to save us from
our wickedness?

Troubles point out our weaknesses and prompt us to rely on God in ways that we
wouldn’t unless we had significant needs. Christ’s invitation to those who are weary
becomes very attractive in the midst of trials so As we accept our unchangeable
features and embrace God’s purposes for our difficulties, we will experience the power
of Christ in our lives. We can trust God to care for us and to provide all that we need. 

- What would be our appropriate response to God’s call and promise

of salvation?

God has provided each of us with unique gifts intending for each of us to play a
distinctive role in carrying out his divine plan. Mature stewards understand what unique
gifts God has given them; they understand their strengths and passions what they love
to do what gives them joy. However, acknowledging our gifts and blessings is only one-
half of the equation. Just as important is putting these gifts of ours into action in service
to the Lord.

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