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CA: February-March 2020

GS Paper-I: (TS21E101)

1. Answer: (d) 2. Answer: (d)

Explanation: Explanation:
The Constitution of India does not provide Detention orders under the Jammu and
for the creation of Law Commission of Kashmir Public Safety Act, 1978, can be
India, hence, it is not a constitutional passed by the Divisional Commissioners
body. The constitution of the Law or the District Magistrate, if they are
Commission is not carried through any satisfied that any person
fixed legislation, hence, it is non-  may hamper or obstruct the security
statutory. It is constituted through a of the state;
government order; hence, it is created  disturb the maintenance of the public
through an executive order. order;
The Charter Act of 1833, which was  to prevent the instances of smuggling
enacted by the British Parliament, or helping to smuggle timber or liquor
provided for the establishment of a Law in the state;
Commission for consolidation and  is a foreigner within the meaning of
codification of the Indian Laws. The said the Foreigners Act.
Act provided for the addition of a fourth
ordinary member to the Governor General 3. Answer: (c)
in Council for India, who was to be a legal Explanation:
expert in the making of laws. Lord The Kuno National Park is a protected
Macaulay was appointed as the fourth area in Madhya Pradesh that received the
ordinary member and was entitled to status of a National Park in 2018. The
participate in the meetings of the protected area was established in 1981 as
Governor General in Council for making a Wildlife Sanctuary.
of laws. In 1835, Lord Macaulay was In 2018, the state government changed
appointed as the Chairman of the First the status of the Wildlife Sanctuary to the
Law Commission. Sir James Stephen was Kuno National Park and enlarged the
appointed as a Law Member, in place of protected area.
Lord Macaulay. Differences between a Wildlife
The reports of the Law Commission are Sanctuary and a National Park :
advisory in nature. However, the reports Wildlife Sanctuary National Park
of the Law Commission are considered by
Human activities No human activities
the Ministry of Law, in consultation with
are allowed. are allowed.
the concerned administrative ministries
Main aim is to Can include flora,
and are submitted to the Parliament from
protect a particular fauna or any other
time to time. The reports of the Law
flora or fauna. objects of historical
Commission are also cited in the courts,
in academic and public discourses, and
are acted upon by the concerned There are no fixed Boundaries are
government departments, depending on boundaries. fixed and defined.
the government's recommendations. It is open to the Not usually open to

general public the public. 4. Answer: (c)
Sanctuaries are National Parks are Explanation:
usually formed by formed by the State These statements form part of the
the order of Central or Central judgment of the Supreme Court on
or the State Legislature. reservations in public services.
Government. Articles 16 (4) and 16 (4A) empower the
A Sanctuary can be A National Park state to make reservations in the matters
upgraded to a cannot be of appointment and promotion in favour
National Park. downgraded to a of the Scheduled Castes and the
Sanctuary. Scheduled Tribes, 'if in the opinion of the
state, they are not adequately represented
In the 1990s, it was selected as a possible
in the services of the state'.
site to implement the Asiatic Lion
1. Articles 16 (4) and 16 (4A) are in the
Reintroduction Project, which aimed at
nature of enabling provisions and
establishing a second lion population in
accordingly, the state has discretion
either to provide reservations in public
In 2009, the Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary was
services under Article 16(4) or
also proposed as a possible site for
reservation in promotions under
Cheetah Reintroduction in India.
Article 16(4A) or not to provide such
The Supreme Court has lifted the seven reservations.
year stay on a proposal to introduce the
2. If the states wish to provide
African Cheetahs from Namibia into the
reservations in promotion, then the
Indian habitat on an experimental basis.
states have to collect quantifiable
Note - Cheetah is the only mammal to data showing inadequacy of
become extinct in India in the last representation of that class in
1,000 years. public services.
In May 2012, the Supreme Court stalled 3. Even if under-representation of the
the plan to initiate the African Cheetahs Scheduled Castes and the Schedules
into the Kuno-Palpur Sanctuary. Tribes in public services is brought to
Currently, the Nauradehi Wildlife the notice of the Court, the state
Sanctuary, Madhya Pradesh, is being cannot be directed to provide such
considered for Cheetah reintroduction. reservations under the writ of
There were various reasons behind the Mandamus.
4. The Supreme Court effectively held
• The Cheetah may come into conflict that the state government is not
with a parallel project to reintroduce bound to make reservations and the
the lions into the same sanctuary. citizens cannot claim reservations in
• Priority has to be given for the public services under Article 16(4) and
preservation of our own species. reservations in promotion under
• Favourable climate and abundance of Article 16(4A) as a Fundamental
prey for the African Cheetahs was Right.
under question.
• Concern over man-animal conflict. 5. Answer: (b)
ABOUT THE CHEETAH – Explanation:
• A keystone and flagship species of the The said technology will enable two-way
dry forests, scrub forests and the electronic voting under a controlled
savannahs. environment by using the Blockchain
• It is also the world’s fastest land technology. The two-way electronic
mammal. transmission of vote envisages that a

registered voter from any location in 8. Answer: (d)
India, once his identity is proved, will be Explanation:
able to cast his vote electronically The scientists at the Agharkar Research
through a secure encrypted system and Institute (ARI), Pune, an autonomous
the same will reach the designated institute under the Department of Science
returning officer for counting. and Technology, have isolated 45 different
strains of methanotrophic bacteria, which
have been found to be capable of reducing
6. Answer: (c)
methane emissions from the rice plants.
Methanotrophs metabolize and convert
The postal ballot, after casting of the methane into carbon-dioxide. They can
vote, is sent by normal postal service effectively reduce the emission of
and not through e-mail. methane, which is the second most
The Electronically Transmitted Postal important greenhouse gas (GHG). In rice
Ballot System (ETPBS) is a one-way fields, methanotrophs are active near the
electronic transmission of the postal roots or the soil-water interfaces.
ballots to the service voters. The service Rice fields are human-made wetlands and
voters then cast their vote and send it to are waterlogged for a considerable period.
the respective Returning Officer via post. Anaerobic degradation of the organic
The complete process is secured by way matter results in the generation of
of multiple checks and transmission methane. Rice fields contribute to nearly
protocol to ensure safe transmission. 10% of the global methane emissions.
Very few studies in the world have
Upon receipt of the postal ballot at the
focused on methanotrophs from the
counting centres, the Returning Officer
tropical wetlands or the tropical rice
validates the receipt by a series of QR
codes with that of the transmitted
Native and relevant methanotrophs,
isolated from the rice fields, can be
excellent models to understand the effects
7. Answer: (c) of various factors on methane mitigation.
The Convention on Migratory Species 9. Answer: (a)
or the Bonn Convention and CMS COP Explanation:
is known as the Global Wildlife The Bengal Florican –
Conference. It aims to conserve • It lives in open tall grassland habitats
terrestrial, marine and avian migratory with scattered bushes.
species throughout their range. • The Bengal Florican is very well
• It is an international treaty, concluded known for its mating dance.
under the aegis of the United Nations • It is called the Bengal Bustard. It is
Environment Programme, concerned a bustard species native to the Indian
with the conservation of wildlife and sub-continent, Cambodia and
habitats on a global scale. Vietnam.
• The Convention was signed in 1979. • In India, it occurs from Uttar Pradesh,
• Appendix I – Threatened migratory through the Terai of Nepal to Assam
and Arunachal Pradesh in India, and
historically to Bangladesh.
• Appendix II – Migratory species
• It is listed as Critically Endangered on
requiring international co-operation.
the IUCN Red List.

10. Answer: (d) a joint air corridor to enhance bilateral
Explanation: trade, following Pakistan’s reluctance to
The International Maritime Organization allow transit rights through its territory.
(IMO) is a specialized agency of the United
Nations, responsible for regulating 12. Answer: (d)
shipping. Explanation:
The IMO is a global standard-setting The first India-Africa Defence Ministers’
authority for the safety, security and Conclave (IADMC), held in Lucknow,
environmental performance of coinciding with the Defence Expo-2020,
international shipping. It bears the adopted the Lucknow Declaration.
responsibility for the prevention of marine Important highlights are:
and atmospheric pollution by the ships.  Co-operation in Defence Preparedness
It currently has 174 member states and - It appreciated the initiation of the
three associate members. There are also Africa-India Field Training Exercise
scores of non-governmental and inter- with the first ever AFINDEX (Africa -
governmental organizations. India Field Training Exercise) in
The binding instruments are brought in March, 2019 and agrees that it will
through the conventions – to which the further strengthen co-operation in
member states sign on to for compliance – defence preparedness and security.
as well as amendments to the same and  Achieve conflict-free Africa.
related codes.  Enhancing Peacekeeping Efforts -
To curb the emissions from shipping, the Further strengthen co-operation in
IMO has agreed on an ambition to reduce enhancing peacekeeping capacity and
GHG emissions from shipping by at least peace- building efforts, including
50% by 2050. support to the African Standby Force
The IMO has set the target of de- (ASF) and through courses, such as
those at the Centre for UN
carbonization with the development and
Peacekeeping (CUNPK) in New Delhi
deployment of commercially viable deep-
and by other Peacekeeping Training
sea zero emission vessels by 2030.
Centres in Africa.
 Exchange of experts.
11. Answer: (b)
 Greater co-operation in the defence
Pointing to the lack of efficient overland
connectivity between India and the
13. Answer: (c)
Central Asian countries, the External
Affairs Minister said that the two regions
should examine the viability of “Operation Vanilla” has been launched by
establishing air corridors between them to the Indian Navy to help the cyclone-hit
boost trade and economic engagement. Madagascar. INS Airavat is a large
amphibious ship that was on a mission-
The air corridors – similar to what India
based deployment near Seychelles. It has
established with Afghanistan in 2018 –
been immediately diverted to Madagascar
would include regular cargo flights with
to provide assistance to the flood affected
special clearing and customs facilities to
expedite the movement of goods,
The assistance of India to Madagascar is
especially fresh fruits and other
in consonance with the Indian Navy's
agricultural produce.
Foreign Co-operation Initiatives, in line
Air corridors with Central Asia are not the with the Prime Minister's vision of
first of its kind. India and Afghanistan 'Security and Growth for all in the Region
have already announced a plan to create (SAGAR)'.

14. Answer: (c) 15. Answer: (b)
Explanation: Explanation:
The West Asia Peace Plan is unveiled by India, in partnership with Australia and
the U.S. President Donald Trump. It Indonesia, organized the fourth East Asia
seeks to give the Israelis an expansive Summit (EAS) Conference on Maritime
state with Jerusalem as its “undivided Security Co-operation in Chennai in
capital” and a tight security control over a February, 2020.
future Palestinian state. The Plan will The first Conference was organized in
revive the stalled two-state talks between New Delhi in November, 2015, the second
the Israelis and the Palestinians. in Goa in November, 2016 and the third
Highlights of the Plan – in Bhubaneswar in June, 2018.
The Plan proposes some land swap for the The EAS is a regional forum held
Israeli annexation of the West Bank annually by the leaders of, initially, 16
Jewish settlements. It seeks to enlarge countries in the East Asian, South-east
Gaza and connect the strip with the West Asian and South Asian regions, based on
Bank through a tunnel. the ASEAN Plus Six mechanism.
It proposes an independent Palestinian Its membership has expanded to 18
state and the recognition of Israeli countries, including Russia and the
sovereignty over the West Bank United States at the Sixth EAS in 2011.
settlements. The Plan says that
Jerusalem will not be divided and it will 16. Answer: (a)
remain “the sovereign capital of the State
of Israel”.
The landmark Bangladesh, Bhutan, India
The capital of Palestine can occupy far-
and Nepal on the Motor Vehicles
flung eastern neighbourhoods lying
Agreement (BBIN MVA) was signed by the
beyond “the existing security barrier”,
Transport Ministers of the BBIN countries
which can be renamed Al Quds, the
in Thimphu, Bhutan in 2015.
Arabic name for Jerusalem.
Trial runs for cargo vehicles under the
According to the Plan, “Jerusalem’s holy
MVA were conducted along the Kolkata-
sites should be subject to the same
Dhaka-Agartala and the Delhi-Kolkata-
governance regimes that exist today” and
Dhaka routes in the past. The trials were
“should remain open and available for the
successful in establishing the
peaceful worshippers and tourists of all
Agreement’s economic benefits.
Only Bangladesh, India and Nepal have
The Palestinian refugees, who were forced
already ratified the MVA.
out from their homes during the 1948
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has
Arab-Israeli war, that followed the
been providing technical, advisory and
declaration of the state of Israel in the
financial support to the BBIN MVA
historic Palestine, would not be allowed to
initiative, as part of its assistance to the
return. They could move to the future
South Asia Sub-Regional Economic Co-
Palestinian state, be integrated into the
operation (SASEC) Programme.
host countries or settled in other regional
The Jordan Valley, “which is critical for 17. Answer: (b)
Israel’s national security, will be under Explanation:
Israeli sovereignty”. It also says that the The Refugee Convention, 1951 defines
Israelis will observe a four-year “land refugees as persons fleeing persecution
freeze”, during which time the on grounds of race, religion, nationality,
Palestinians can reconsider whether to social group or political opinion. Refugees
engage in negotiations.

get legal rights – to education, work and will see more and more outbreaks of
property. zoonotic viruses.
The Convention also applies the principle  Bats prefer to live close to one
of ‘Non-refoulement’, which prevents the another (like the humans spreading
states from sending back the refugees to respiratory viruses, like flu during
persecution in their home countries. winter), giving plenty of opportunities
India is not a party to the 1951 Refugee for the pathogens to spread between
Convention or its 1967 Protocol. the bats.
 Heightened environmental threats
18. Answer: (c) to the bats may add to the threat of
Explanation: zoonosis. Disrupting bat habitat
appears to stress the animals and
A bat-borne virus is any virus whose
makes them shed even more virus in
primary reservoir is any species of bat.
their saliva, urine and faeces, that can
The viruses include coronaviruses, such
infect other animals.
as severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and severe acute But why are these lethal viruses not
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 deadly for the bats?
(SARS-CoV-2); Hantaviruses; rabies virus;  Their ability to fly. Bats are the only
Ebola virus and nipah virus. mammals that are naturally capable
Bats host more zoonotic viruses per of sustained flight. It takes a lot of
species – on average, each species of bat energy to fly and when a lot of energy
hosts 1.8 zoonotic viruses, while rodents is being utilized, a lot of waste is
host 1.48 viruses per species. produced. To prevent this from
damaging the DNA of the bats, they
What makes the bats source of virus?
have, over time, evolved a
 Bats are especially tolerant of
sophisticated defence mechanism that
viruses compared to the terrestrial
also helps prevent them from
mammals. Viral infection in these bats
succumbing to diseases. In bats, an
leads to a swift response that walls
anti-viral immune pathway, called the
the virus out of the cells. While this
STING-interferon pathway, is
may protect the bats from getting
dampened and the bats can maintain
infected with high viral loads, it
just enough defences against illness,
encourages these viruses to reproduce
without triggering the immune
more quickly within a host before a
systems from going into over-drive. In
defence can be mounted. This makes
humans and other mammals, an
bats a unique reservoir of rapidly
immune-based over-response to one of
reproducing and highly transmissible
these and other pathogenic viruses
viruses. While the bats can tolerate
can trigger severe illness. For
viruses like these, when these bat
example, in humans, an activated
viruses move into the animals that
STING pathway is linked with severe
lack a fast-response immune system,
auto-immune diseases.
the viruses quickly overwhelm their
 Their ability to generate large
new hosts, leading to high fatality
repertoires of naïve anti-bodies, or
the fact that when bats fly, their
 Humans have started creeping into
internal temperatures are increased
the areas where bats naturally live,
to around 40 degrees C (104 degrees
especially in the tropics, which has led
F), which is not ideal for many
to an increased risk of contact with
viruses. Only the viruses that have
these animals. As people continue to
evolved tolerance mechanisms survive
move into jungles on the planet, they
in the bats. These hardy viruses can,

therefore, tolerate human fever. What • It is called L1, because it is placed in
is a good thing for the bats is a bad the L1 orbit (Lagrange Point), which is
thing for the humans. outside the Earth’s magnetic field to
study the solar winds.
19. Answer: (a)
Explanation: 20. Answer: (a)
The atmosphere of the Sun is composed Explanation:
of several layers, mainly the photosphere, Recently, the scientists carrying out
the chromosphere and the corona. It is in excavation in the Kutch region of Gujarat,
these outer layers that the Sun's energy, stumbled upon a premolar tooth, which
which has bubbled up from belonged to an extinct ancient elephant,
the Sun's interior layers, is detected as called Deinotheriumindicum.
Sunlight. The lowest layer of the Sun's
atmosphere is the photosphere. 21. Answer: (c)
• It is the 1st ever visit to the star. It The Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous
will be 6.2 million kms to the Sun at District Council (TTAADC) has moved
the closest approach. It is also the resolutions to codify the customary laws
closest. A human-made object has of the three tribal clans. The Council
ever gone to the Sun. introduced separate Bills to adopt the law
• It will fly through the Sun’s inner of the Mizo, the Kaipeng and the Malsom
atmosphere to trace how energy flows communities to redress their long-
through the corona. standing demands.
• It is a robotic spacecraft to probe the Even after the codification, the
outer corona of the Sun. customary law has limited jurisdiction
THE PUNCH MISSION – and can only deal with the elected civil
• It is also a NASA mission, which aims law matters. Most of the customary laws
to understand the transition of of the numerous tribal groups in the
particles from the Sun’s outer north-east India are not in written
corona to the solar wind that fills structure.
the interplanetary space. About the Sixth Schedule:
• It will have a constellation of four 1. The Sixth Schedule to the
suitcase sized microsats, that will Constitution deals with the
orbit the Earth. administration of the tribal areas in
• It will image and track the solar wind the four north-eastern states of
and the coronal mass ejections. Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and
• It will be launched in 2022. Mizoram, as per Article 244. The
Sixth Schedule to the Constitution
provides for 10 Autonomous
• India’s 1st first mission to study the
District Councils in 4 states. But,
Sun, to be launched in early 2020.
they do not fall outside the executive
• Its main objective is to study the authority of the state concerned.
solar corona.
2. The Governor is empowered to
• Initially, Aditya-1 was meant to organize and re-organize the
observe the solar corona only. Autonomous Districts. Thus, he can
• Now additional payloads under increase or decrease their areas or
Aditya-L1 will observe corona, change their names or define their
chromosphere and photosphere. boundaries, and so on.

3. If there are different tribes in an Autonomous Regions, or apply with
Autonomous District, the Governor specified modifications and
can divide the district into several exceptions.
autonomous regions. 10. The Governor can appoint a
4. Each Autonomous District has a Commission to examine and report on
District Council, consisting of 30 any matter relating to the
members, of whom four are administration of the Autonomous
nominated by the Governor and the Districts or Autonomous Regions. He
remaining 26 are elected on the basis may dissolve a District or a Regional
Council on the recommendation of the
of adult franchise. The elected
members hold office for a term of five
years (unless the Council is dissolved
earlier) and the nominated members 22. Answer: (d)
hold office during the pleasure of the Explanation:
Governor. Each Autonomous Region The Deposit Insurance and Credit
also has a separate Regional Council. Guarantee Corporation (DICGC) is a
5. The District and the Regional Councils wholly owned subsidiary of the Reserve
administer the areas under their Bank of India. It was established for
jurisdiction. They can make laws on the purpose of providing insurance of
deposits and guaranteeing of credit
certain specified matters, like land,
facilities. The DICGC insures all bank
forests, canal water, shifting
deposits, such as saving, fixed, current,
cultivation, village administration,
recurring deposit for up to the limit of Rs.
inheritance of property, marriage and
5,00,000 of each deposit in a bank.
divorce, social customs, and so on.
Which banks are insured by the
But all such laws require the assent of
the Governor.
Commercial Banks: All commercial
6. The District and Regional Councils,
banks, including the branches of the
within their territorial jurisdictions, foreign banks functioning in India, the
can constitute Village Councils or local area banks and the regional rural
courts for the trial of suits and cases banks are insured by the DICGC.
among the tribes. They hear appeals Co-operative Banks : All State, Central
from them. The jurisdiction of the and Primary Co-operative banks, also
High Court over these suits and cases called the Urban Co-operative banks,
is specified by the Governor. functioning in the states / Union
7. The District Council can establish, Territories, which have amended the local
construct or manage primary schools, Co-operative Societies Act, empowering
dispensaries, markets, ferries, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to order
fisheries, roads and so on in the the Registrar of Co-operative Societies of
district. It can also make regulations the state / Union Territory to wind up a
for the control of money lending and Co-operative Bank or to supersede its
trading by non-tribals. But, such committee of management and requiring
regulations require the assent of the the Registrar not to take any action
Governor. regarding winding up, amalgamation or
reconstruction of a Co-operative Bank,
8. The District and Regional Councils are
without prior sanction in writing from the
empowered to assess and collect land
RBI, are covered under the Deposit
revenue, and to impose certain Insurance Scheme. At present, all Co-
specified taxes. operative Banks are covered by the
9. The Acts of the Parliament or the DICGC.
State Legislature do not apply to the Primary Co-operative Societies are not
Autonomous Districts and the insured by the DICGC.

23. Answer: (c) 26. Answer: (b)
Explanation: Explanation:
The Mahadayi River (The Mandovi River) The archaeological remains of the
originates in the Bhimgad Wildlife Harappan port-town of Lothal are located
Sanctuary in the Western Ghats, along the Bhogava River, a tributary of
Belagavi district of Karnataka. (Therefore, Sabarmati, in the Gulf of Khambat.
it passes through this Sanctuary). The excavated site of Lothal is the only
It flows in a westerly direction. port-town of the Indus Valley Civilization.
The Mandovi joins with the Zuari at a The availability of antiquities, whose
common creek at Cabo Aguada, forming origin is traceable to the Persian Gulf and
the Mormugao harbour. Mesopotamia, and the presence of what is
Panaji, the state capital and Old Goa, the identified as a bead making industry,
former capital of Goa, are both situated further attributes Lothal as an industrial
on the left bank of this river. port-town of the Harappan culture.
A joint burial discovered at Lothal (in
24. Answer: (a) Gujarat) is regarded as a probable
instance of a widow’s self-sacrifice,
demonstrative of the grief over her
SAARC (The South Asian Association
husband’s death.
for Regional Co-operation):
A joint burial of a couple was also found
SAARC was established with the signing
at Rakhigarhi in Haryana.
of the SAARC Charter in Dhaka on 8th
Note: The Government has announced
December, 1985.
allocation to the Ministry of Culture for
SAARC comprises eight Member States: the maritime museum at Lothal in
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Gujarat. The project is being implemented
India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and by the Ministry of Shipping through its
Sri Lanka. Sagarmala Programme, with the
The headquarter of the SAARC Secretariat involvement of the Archaeological Survey
is at Kathmandu, Nepal. of India (ASI).
BIMSTEC (The Bay of Bengal Initiative
for Multi-Sectoral Technical and 27. Answer: (d)
Economic Co-operation):
The members of BIMSTEC are India,
Archaeological evidences from the Indus
Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and
Valley sites (c. 3,300 BC to 1,300 BC), in
Bhutan from South Asia; with
present-day India and Pakistan, suggest
Myanmar and Thailand from South
that a purely vegetarian meal would not
East Asia.
provide a complete picture of what the
BIMSTEC Secretariat is located in Dhaka, Harappan people ate.
• Judging from the quantity of bones
left behind, animal foods were
25. Answer: (a) consumed in abundance: beef,
Explanation: buffalo, mutton, turtles, tortoises,
Sun Temple Associated River gharials, and river and sea fish.
• Apart from meat, the people of the
1. Modhera Pushpavati
Indus Valley Civilization cultivated
2. Konark Chandrabhaga and ate a variety of cereals and
3. Dakshinaarka Falgu pulses.
• There is archaeological evidence for
the cultivation of pea (matar),

chickpea (chana), pigeon pea 30. Answer: (a)
(tur/arhar), horse gram (chana dal) Explanation:
and green gram (moong).
 Currently, India has 22 operating
• Several varieties of wheat have been nuclear power reactors, with an
found at the Harappan sites. Barley of installed capacity of 6,780 Mega Watt
two-rowed and six-rowed kinds has electric (MWe). Among these, eighteen
also been found. reactors are Pressurized Heavy
• There is evidence that the Harappans Water Reactors (PHWRs) and four
cultivated the Italian millet, ragi and are Light Water Reactors (LWRs).
amaranth, as well as sorghum and
 India is not a member of the Nuclear
Suppliers Group (NSG). Recently, the
• Oilseeds, such as sesame, linseed and U.S.A has reaffirmed its strong
mustard, were also grown.
support to India’s early membership
in the 48-member NSG. Notably,
28. Answer: (a) China has blocked India’s pending
Explanation: membership to the elite grouping,
Sikandar Lodhi, in whose reign Vasco da that seeks to prevent proliferation of
Gama landed in India, was the most the nuclear weapons.
powerful of the Lodhi rulers. He made
conquests in Bihar and Bengal, 31. Answer: (c)
subjugated Gwalior and founded the city
of Agra in 1504.
The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is a
In the First Battle of Panipat, Babur
National Standard Body of India,
defeated his son Ibrahim Lodhi.
established under the BIS Act, 1986, for
Note: The Portuguese nobleman, Vasco
the harmonious development of the
da Gama, sailed from Lisbon in 1497 on a
activities of standardization, marking and
mission to reach India and open a sea
quality certification of goods, and for
route from Europe to the East. After
matters connected therewith or incidental
sailing down the western coast of Africa
there to.
and rounding the Cape of Good Hope, his
expedition made numerous stops in  The BIS Act allows multiple types
Africa before reaching the trading post of of simplified conformity assessment
Calicut, India, in 1498. schemes, including self-declaration of
29. Answer: (b)  The BIS Act provides enabling
Explanation: provisions for
making hallmarking of precious metal
As a defence against subsequent attacks
articles mandatory.
by the Mongols, Allauddin Khalji built a
new circular fortified city at Siri, near the  The Act enables the Central
Qutb Minar, that was designated as the Government to appoint
Khaljī capital. any authority/agency, in addition to
Muhammad bin Tughluq’s successor, the BIS, to verify the conformity of the
Fīrūz Shah Tughluq, abandoned the products and the services with the
Daulatabad site and in 1354, moved his established standard
capital farther north, near the ancient site and issue certificate of conformity.
of Indraprastha.  There is a provision for repair or
• The capital he founded, Firuzabad, recall of the products (bearing
was situated in what is now the Firoz Standard Mark), that do not conform
Shah Kotla area of contemporary to the relevant Indian Standard.

32. Answer: (a) angiotensin II type-I receptor blockers
Explanation: (ARBs).
 ‘Mini Moon’ is an asteroid, which  Hypertension is also treated with ACE
has entered into an orbit around the inhibitors and ARBs, which result in
Earth, acting as the ‘Second Moon’. an increased expression of ACE2.
 The asteroid is called 2020 CD3 and  Consequently, the increased
has a diameter of about 1.9 m to expression of ACE2 would facilitate
3.5m. It is about the size of a car and infection with COVID-19. The
was discovered in February, 2020. scientists, therefore, hypothesise
 The ‘Mini Moon’ is a temporarily that diabetes and hypertension
captured object (TCO). This means treatment with ACE2-stimulating
that it will escape the Earth’s orbit in drugs increases the risk of
a few years. Its orbit is unstable and it developing severe and fatal COVID-
has to contend with the gravitational 19.
influence of the Sun and the
permanent Moon. 34. Answer: (c)
33. Answer: (b)  Recently, the National Green Tribunal
Explanation: (NGT) has directed the constitution of
 The ACE2 receptor on our cells is the a joint committee to take samples of
binding site for SARS-CoV-2, the virus water from Bengaluru’s Ulsoor
that causes COVID-19. Lake and the neighbouring areas.

 Like other coronaviruses, SARS-CoV-2  Biochemical Oxygen Demand: BOD

virus particles are spherical and have is the amount of dissolved oxygen
mushroom-shaped proteins, called used by micro-organisms in the
spikes protruding from their surface, biological process of metabolizing
giving the particles a crown-like organic matter in water. The more
appearance. The spike binds and organic matter there is (e.g., in sewage
fuses to the human cells, allowing the and polluted bodies of water), the
virus to gain entry. greater the BOD; and the greater the
BOD, the lower the amount of
 The researchers also found that like in
dissolved oxygen available for higher
the case of the SARS coronavirus, the
animals, such as fish.
spike protein of the novel coronavirus
(SARS-CoV-2), that causes COVID-19  Chemical Oxygen Demand: COD is a
disease, binds to the cellular receptor method of estimating how much
called angiotensin-converting oxygen would be depleted from a body
enzyme 2 (ACE2), which serves as of receiving water as a result of the
the entry point into the human bacterial action.
 But, unlike in the case of SARS, the 35. Answer: (a)
spike protein of the novel Explanation:
coronavirus binds to the cell The Warehousing Development and
receptor with much higher affinity Regulatory Authority (WDRA) was
— 10 to 20-fold higher. established under the Warehousing
 The expression of ACE2 is (Development and Regulation) Act, 2007.
substantially increased in the patients It functions under the Department of
with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, who Food and Public Distribution, under the
are treated with ACE inhibitors and Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and
Public Distribution.

No person shall commence or carry on  The Global Competitiveness Report:
the business of warehousing, issuing the The World Economic Forum
Negotiable Warehouse Receipts (NWRs),
unless he has obtained a registration 37. Answer: (d)
certificate after fulfilling the prescribed
norms in respect of the concerned
The Solar Risk Mitigation Initiative
warehouse or warehouses granted by the
(SRMI) :
Authority under this Act.
It is an initiative of the World Bank;
Benefits of the Negotiable Warehouse
Agence Francaise de Development (AFD);
the International Solar Alliance (ISA);
The Negotiable Warehouse Receipts
and the International Renewable Energy
(NWRs), issued by the WDRA, will help
Agency (IRENA).
the farmers to seek loans from the banks
The SRMI aims to support countries in
against the NWRs to avoid distress sales
developing sustainable solar programmes,
of agricultural produce during the peak
that will attract private investments and
marketing season and to avoid the post-
so, reduce reliance on public finances.
harvest storage loss.
The SRMI helps the countries develop and
The warehouses, which intend to issue e-
implement their grid-connected and off-
NWRs, are required to be registered with
grid solar targets, by mitigating risks
the WDRA.
inherent to (i) solar deployment and (ii)
The WDRA has decided that from August,
attracting private capital.
2019 onwards, no warehouseman shall
The SRMI’s unique approach offers
issue any Negotiable Warehouse Receipt
development and climate financing for the
in physical form and shall get on-boarded
with one or more repositories registered
with the WDRA and shall issue Negotiable 1. Technical assistance to help the
Warehouse Receipts only in the electronic countries develop evidence-based
form. solar targets, implement a sustainable
solar programme and maintain robust
Presently two repositories are there:
procurement processes (with
1. The National E-Repository Limited;
transaction advisors).
2. Critical public investments to enable
2. The CDSL Commodity Repository
integration of variable renewable
energy (VRE), finance solar park
infrastructure (if applicable) and
36. Answer: (b) increase access to electricity.
Explanation: 3. Risk mitigation instruments to cover
The International IP (Intellectual Property) residual risks perceived by the private
Index is published by the US Chamber of investors.
Commerce’s Global Innovation Policy
Centre. The International IP Index 38. Answer: (a)
evaluates the IP infrastructure in each
economy, based on 50 unique indicators,
Gharial –
which are critical to the growth of
effective IP systems. IUCN status: Critically endangered.
Other International Indices related to The snout of the gharial is uniquely the
Innovation: thinnest and the most elongated among
all the crocodilians. In addition, the adult
 The Global Innovation Index (GII):
males sport a large bulb at the tip of their
snout, called the 'ghara'. The gharial is

also the most aquatic of all crocodilians, of the EACOA institutions. As
for it never moves far from the water. partners of the EAO, the EACOA
Females lay their eggs in steep, sandy institutes will help to establish the
river banks. funding and to oversee the governance
The species is largely piscivorous of all of the EAO. The communities
extant crocodilians. Possession of a represented by the partners in the
strongly attenuated snout and rows of EAO would have full access to all EAO
uniform sharp teeth, supported by a facilities.
relatively long, well-muscled neck, makes
it the most efficient fish catcher. 40. Answer: (c)
They are found in: Explanation:
1. Nepal: The Chitwan National Park The Solar Orbiter Mission – It aims to
(The Narayani Rapti river system) and study the Sun, up close and from high
the Bardia National Park (The Karnali- latitudes, providing first images of the
Babai river system). Sun's poles and investigating the
2. The Corbett National Park (The heliosphere.
Ramganga river) It is an ESA (The European Space Agency)
3. The Hastinapur Wildlife Sanctuary mission with strong partnership from
(Upper Ganga) NASA.
4. The Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary Multiple gravity assists with Venus will
(River Girwa) increase Solar Orbiter's inclination out of
5. The Valmiki Tiger Reserve (The the plane of the solar system.
Gandak River)
6. The National Chambal Sanctuary (The 41. Answer: (a)
Chambal River) Explanation:
7. The Mahanadi river (The Satkosia Commonwealth is a voluntary association
Gorge Sanctuary) of 54 independent and equal countries.
8. The Son river (Madhya Pradesh) The Commonwealth's roots go back to the
British Empire. But, today any country
39. Answer: (c) can join the modern Commonwealth. The
Explanation: last country to join the Commonwealth
was Rwanda in 2009.
 The East Asian Observatory (EAO) was
formed by the East Asian Core Recently, the Maldives re-joined the
Observatories Association (EACOA), Commonwealth in 2020. It had left the
for the purpose of pursuing joint Commonwealth in 2016.
projects in astronomy within the East
Asian region. In the era of very large 42. Answer: (a)
scale astronomical instruments, East Explanation:
Asia will be competitive internationally Bodo language had been added to the 8th
by combining their funding resources, Schedule to the Constitution in 2003.
their technical expertise and their
The traditional dance of the Bodos is
manpower. The intention of the EAO
is to build and operate facilities,
The Bwisagu Festival – The festival
which will enhance and leverage
begins with the worship of the cow on
existing and planned regional
the first day and continues with the
worship of their supreme God, Bathou
 Further, the intention of the EAO is to
(identified with Lord Shiva), and
raise funding and to build an
community feast and dancing on the
observatory staff, separate from that

second day, before it is concluded with a bring about national legislative and
prayer at a designated place, regulatory reforms. The Plenary meets
called Garjasal. three times per year.
Jurisdictions under the 'Grey List' face
43. Answer: (d) increased monitoring. When the FATF
Explanation: places a jurisdiction under increased
monitoring, the country has to resolve
No law of the State Legislature can cast
swiftly the identified strategic deficiencies
any duties or confer any powers upon the
within the agreed time-frames and is
Comptroller and Auditor General of India
subject to increased monitoring.
(CAG) or his representatives. Likewise,
Currently, there are 18 jurisdictions
the duties and powers of the CAG,
identified as having strategic deficiencies,
prescribed by law made by the
including Mauritius and Pakistan, as per
Parliament, cannot be superseded or
the FATF.
abridged by or under any law made by
the State Legislature. Mauritius has been a tax haven for the
foreign investors for the past three
The reports of the CAG are submitted to
decades to bet on the Indian stocks. For
the President in case of the Union and to
several years, there have been
the Governor in case of the state, who, in
apprehensions about Mauritius being a
turn, cause them to be tabled before the
money-laundering route for the FPIs, due
to its limited regulatory oversight. But,
Article 148 of the Constitution bars the
the Indian Ocean island nation has been
CAG from further employment under the
taking several steps in the recent years to
Union or the state governments, after he
address the concerns. The country will
ceases to hold the office of the CAG.
work actively with the FATF to address
strategic deficiencies in the regime to
44. Answer: (a) counter money laundering, terrorist
Explanation: financing and proliferation financing.
As the Financial Action Task Force FATF’s Black List - North Korea and
(FATF), the inter-governmental body that Iran.
sets anti-money laundering standards,
has put Mauritius on the “Grey List”, 45. Answer: (d)
alongside the likes of Pakistan, it has
dealt a body blow to the foreign
The Medical Termination of Pregnancy
institutional investors (FIIs) domiciled or
(Amendment) Bill 2020 –
registered there. There have been jitters
in the Indian equity markets ever since, Termination of Pregnancy: Under the
as these FIIs have significant exposure to Bill, a pregnancy may be terminated
the Indian markets. within 12 weeks, if a registered medical
practitioner is of the opinion that: (i)
The FATF was established in 1989 by the
continuation of the pregnancy may risk
Group of Seven (G-7) Summit in Paris.
the life of the mother, or cause grave
The FATF is an inter-governmental body,
injury to her health, or (ii) there is a
which sets standards and promotes
substantial risk that the child, if born,
effective implementation of legal,
would suffer physical or mental
regulatory and operational measures for
combating money laundering, terrorist
For the termination of a pregnancy
financing and other related threats to the
between 12 to 20 weeks, two medical
integrity of the international financial
practitioners are required to give their
system. It works with the countries to
generate the necessary political will to

The Bill amends this provision to state terminated, except to a person authorized
that a pregnancy may be terminated by any law. Anyone who contravenes this
within 20 weeks, with the opinion of a provision will be punishable with
registered medical practitioner. Approval imprisonment of upto one year, or with a
of two registered medical practitioners fine, or both.
will be required for the termination of
pregnancies between 20 to 24 weeks. The 46. Answer: (a)
termination of pregnancies up to 24
weeks will only apply to specific
The Constitution of India does not allow
categories of women, as may be
simultaneous holding of Indian
prescribed by the central government.
citizenship and the citizenship of a foreign
Further, the central government will
country. The Persons of Indian Origin
notify the norms for the medical
(PIO), satisfying certain criteria, are
practitioner whose opinion is required for
conferred the Overseas Citizenship of
the termination of pregnancy.
India (OCI) under the Citizenship Act,
Under the Act, if any pregnancy occurs as
a result of the failure of any device or
Persons registered as the OCI (The
method used by a married woman or her
Overseas Citizens of India) cardholder
husband to limit the number of children,
have not been given any voting rights,
such an unwanted pregnancy may
election to the Lok Sabha, the Rajya
constitute a grave injury to the mental
Sabha / Legislative Assembly / Council,
health of the pregnant woman. The Bill
holding Constitutional posts, such as the
amends this provision to replace ‘married
President, the Vice President, Judge of
woman or her husband’ with ‘woman or
the Supreme Court/High Court etc.
her partner’.
Registered OCI cardholders enjoy the
Constitution of a Medical Board: The
following benefits:
Bill states that the upper limit of the
1. Multiple entry life-long visa for visiting
termination of pregnancy will not apply in
India for any purpose.
cases where such termination is
necessary due to the diagnosis of 2. Exemption from registration with the
substantial foetal abnormalities. These Foreigners Regional Registration
abnormalities will be diagnosed by a Officer or the Foreigners Registration
Medical Board. Officer for any length of stay in India.

Under the Bill, every state government is 3. Parity with the NRIs, in respect of all
required to constitute a Medical Board. facilities available to them in
These Medical Boards will consist of the economic, financial and educational
following members: (i) a gynaecologist; (ii) fields, except in matters relating to the
a paediatrician; (iii) a radiologist or acquisition of agricultural or
sonologist; and (iv) any other number of plantation properties.
members, as may be notified by the state However, the OCI cardholders are still not
government. Note that the central the citizens of India. They are foreign
government will notify the powers and nationals who enjoy a life-long visa. The
functions of these Medical Boards. OCI cardholders must have a passport of
Protection of the privacy of a woman: a foreign country with them. They cannot
The Bill states that no registered medical have Indian passports. Also, they are not
practitioner will be allowed to reveal the eligible to enjoy the Fundamental Rights
name and other particulars of the in the Constitution, which have been
woman, whose pregnancy has been conferred upon the citizens of India.

47. Answer: (b) 2016 to provide statutory framework
Explanation: for the AEO programme.
Authorized Economic Operator (AEO): • Benefits:
It is a programme under the aegis of the o Expedited clearance times.
World Customs Organization (WCO) SAFE o Fewer examinations.
Framework of Standards, to secure and o Improved security and communication
facilitate global trade. It aims to enhance between the supply chain partners.
the international supply chain security
and facilitate the movement of goods.
48. Answer: (b)
Salient Features:
• Under this programme, an entity
The Empowered Technology Group – It
engaged in international trade is
is a 12-member Technology Group with
approved by the Customs as
the Principal Scientific Advisor to the
compliant with the supply chain
Government of India as its Chair.
security standards and granted the
The Technology Group intends to
AEO status. An entity with an 'AEO
status' is considered a 'secure' trader
and a reliable trading partner. 1. that India has appropriate policies
and strategies for effective, secure and
• It is a voluntary programme. It
context-sensitive exploitation of the
enables the Indian Customs to
latest technologies for economic
enhance and streamline cargo
growth and sustainable development
security through close co-operation
of the Indian industry, in all the
with the principle stakeholders of the
international supply chain -
importers, exporters, logistics 2. to advise the Government on priorities
providers, custodians or terminal and strategies for the research on
operators, custom brokers and emerging technologies across the
warehouse operators, who benefit sectors;
from preferential treatment from the 3. to maintain an updated map of
Customs authorities. technology and technology products
• There are three tiers of certification in available, and being developed, across
the new AEO programme for the India;
importers and the exporters: 4. to develop indigenization roadmap for
• AEO T1 - Verified on the basis of selected key technologies;
documents submission only. 5. to advise the Government on its
• AEO T2 - In addition to document technology supplier and procurement
verification, onsite verification is also strategy;
done. 6. to encourage all Ministries and
• AEO T3 - AEO T2 holders, who have Departments, as well as the state
enjoyed the status for two years, only governments to develop in-house
on the basis of document verification expertise in policy and use aspects of
and for AEO T2 holders, who have not emerging technologies, such as data
enjoyed the status continuously or science and artificial intelligence, and
have introduced changes to business, to this end, develop an approach to
the applicants are subjected to training and capacity building;
physical verification. 7. to formulate policies for the
• The Customs Department, under the sustainability of the public sector
Central Board of Indirect Taxes and technology at the PSUs/labs, while
Customs, has issued a circular in encouraging cross-sector
collaborations and research alliances

with the Universities and the private Bihar. Out of these, Uttar Pradesh shares
companies; the longest international border with
8. to formulate standards and common Nepal.
vocabulary to apply in vetting of the
proposals for R & D; and 52. Answer: (b)
9. commercialization of dual use Explanation:
technologies developed in the national
The Nagoba Jatara is a tribal festival held
laboratories and the government R &
in Keslapur village, Indervelly mandal,
D organizations.
Adilabad district, Telangana. It is the
second biggest tribal carnival and
49. Answer: (c)
celebrated by the Mesram clan of the
Explanation: Gond tribes for 10 days.
Kancharla Gopanna (1620 – 1680),
popularly known as Bhakta Ramadasu or
53. Answer: (d)
Bhadrachala Ramadasu, was a
17 century devotee of Lord Rama and a
th Explanation:
composer of the Carnatic music. Mooknayak (The Leader of the Mute), the
• He was a famous Vaggeyakara first journalistic venture of B.R.
(classical composer) from the Telugu Ambedkar, was a fortnightly newspaper.
classical era. B.R. Ambedkar was popularly known as
• His devotional lyrics to Rama are Baba Saheb. He was the Chairman of the
famous in the South Indian classical Drafting Committee of the Constituent
music as Ramadasu Keertanalu. Assembly and is called the ‘Father of the
• He also wrote Dasarathi Satakam, a Indian Constitution’.
collection of nearly 108 poems, • He earned doctoral degrees in
dedicated to the son of Dasaratha Economics from the Columbia
(Lord Rama). University and the London School of
50. Answer: (d) • He established the Bahishkrit
Explanation: Hitakarini Sabha, to promote
 The Gonds are a group of aboriginal education and socio-economic
people (now officially designated as improvement among the Dalits.
Scheduled Tribes) of the central and • He started various magazines, like
the south-central India, about two Mooknayak, Samta (Equality) Janta
million in number. and Bahishkrit Bharat.
• They live in the states of Madhya • Ambedkar founded the Independent
Pradesh, Maharashtra, Telangana, Labour Party (later transformed into
Andhra Pradesh, Bihar and Odisha.
the Scheduled Castes Federation)
• The majority speak various and, in in1936.
part, mutually unintelligible dialects
• He also worked as the Minister of
of Gondi, an unwritten language of the
Labour in the Viceroy’s Executive
Dravidian family.
• After independence, Ambedkar
51. Answer: (d)
became the first Law Minister of India,
in 1947. Later, he resigned due to
The Indian states, that share their differences with Jawaharlal Nehru on
borders with Nepal, are Uttarakhand, the Hindu Code Bill.
Uttar Pradesh, Sikkim, West Bengal and

54. Answer: (a) after obtaining the recommendations
Explanation: of a Selection Committee, consisting of
The impacts of criminalization of –
politics:  the Prime Minister – Chairperson;
 As per the National Commission to  the Speaker of the House of the People
Review the Working of the – Member;
Constitution, when a law breaker  the Leader of Opposition in the
becomes a law maker, it impacts the House of the People – Member;
overall quality of law making and  the Chief Justice of India or a Judge
halts important reforms towards of the Supreme Court nominated by
cleansing of politics from him – Member; and
criminalization.  one eminent jurist, as recommended
 Such people control the law by the Chairperson and the members.
enforcement agencies, and they can  The expenses of the Lokpal are to
influence and interfere with their own be charged on the Consolidated
criminal cases, where they are Fund of India - The administrative
implicated. expenses of the Lokpal, including all
 It increases money and muscle power salaries, allowances and pensions
during the elections and this payable to or in respect of the
increases the bargaining capacity of Chairperson, Members or Secretary,
such candidates to the extent of or other officers or staff of the Lokpal,
buying votes. shall be charged upon the
 It increases caste-based politics; as Consolidated Fund of India and any
such people can mobilize the voters fees or other moneys taken by the
from their specific community to vote Lokpal shall form part of that Fund.
for them. Supervisory Powers – The Lokpal enjoys
 The criminalization of politics erodes supervision over the Delhi Police
the trust of the people in the Establishment and the CVC (The Central
democratic process in India. Vigilance Commission).
 The Lokpal to have the powers of
55. Answer: (d) civil court in certain cases -The
Inquiry Wing of the Lokpal shall have
all the powers of a civil court, under
The Chairperson of the Lokpal shall be
the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.
appointed by the President of India, after
obtaining the recommendations of a
Selection Committee, headed by the 56. Answer: (b)
Prime Minister. Explanation:
The Lokpal and Lokayukta Act, 2013: The decision on anti-defection
 The Lokpal shall consist of a operates independently - The decision of
Chairperson, who is or has been a the Speaker, under Paragraph 6 (1) of the
Chief Justice of India or is or has been Tenth Schedule, is not the decision of the
a Judge of the Supreme Court or an House, nor is it subject to the approval by
eminent person. the House and the decision operates
independently from the functioning of the
 It shall have a maximum of eight
members, of which half shall be
judicial members. Decision on the questions as to
disqualification on the ground of
 The Chairperson and the members
defection – If any question arises as to
shall be appointed by the President,
whether a member of a House has

become subject to disqualification under is an inverse relationship between
this Schedule, the question shall be inflation and unemployment, i.e., as the
referred for the decision of the Chairman rate of inflation increases, the rate of
or, as the case may be, the Speaker of unemployment decreases and vice-versa.
such House and his decision shall be
59. Answer: (a)
Speaker/Chairman Quasi-Judicial
Authority - The Speaker or the
Chairman, acting under Paragraph 6(1) of Stagflation is a combination of two
the Tenth Schedule, is a Tribunal. The economic terms "stagnation" and
Speaker is a quasi-judicial authority, who "inflation". It implies an economic
is required to take a decision within a scenario which denotes simultaneous
reasonable time. existence of low GDP growth rates, high
No Blanket Ban of the Judicial Review rate of inflation and high rate of
on the Speaker’s Decision for unemployment within an economy
Disqualification under the Tenth
Schedule – Judicial Review to the High 60. Answer: (b)
Court and the Supreme Court is allowed
on the Speaker’s decision of
India has the world's third largest coal
disqualification under the Tenth Schedule
reserves. According to the Geological
on the grounds of infirmities based on
the violations of the constitutional Survey of India, the total estimated coal
mandates, mala fides, non-compliance resources in India are around 315 billion
with the Rules of Natural Justice and tonnes. India is also the third largest coal
perversity. producer in the world. The annual coal
production in India is around 730 MT.
57. Answer: (b) However, due to the growing needs of the
rapidly expanding economy, the annual
demand for coal has increased to around
The natural rate of unemployment is a
900 MT. Hence, the shortage of coal in
combination of structural and frictional
India is met through imports. Thus, in
unemployment. Structural unemployment
spite of having world's third largest coal
refers to unemployment which is caused
due to mismatch between the skill set of reserves, India imports about 25% of its
the workers and the demand of the job, domestic coal needs.
wherein the skill set of the workers may
not be sufficient enough to fulfil their job 61. Answer: (c)
requirements. Such form of Explanation:
unemployment is caused by rapid
The Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana
technological advances. Frictional
Yojana (PMVVY) aims to provide social
unemployment refers to temporary
security during old age and to protect the
unemployment which is caused when
elderly persons aged 60 years and above
people switch from one job to another.
against a future fall in their interest
income due to uncertain market
58. Answer: (d)
conditions. The scheme enables old age
Explanation: income security for the senior citizens
Traditionally, the nature of relationship through provision of assured
between inflation and unemployment was pension/return linked to the subscription
explained through the Phillips Curve. amount. The scheme is operated by the
According to this conventional view, there Life Insurance Corporation.

62. Answer: (a) 65. Answer: (b)
Explanation: Explanation:
The State Energy Efficiency Index 2019 The "Global Investment Trend Monitor"
tracks the progress of Energy Efficiency Report is published by the United Nations
(EE) initiatives in 36 states and Union Conference on Trade and Development
Territories, based on 97 significant (UNCTAD). This Report focuses on the
indicators. It incorporates qualitative, trends in foreign direct investment (FDI)
quantitative and outcome-based worldwide, at the regional and country
indicators to assess energy efficiency levels, and measures to improve its
initiatives, programmes and outcomes in contribution to development.
five distinct sectors – buildings, industry,
municipalities, transport and agriculture, 66. Answer: (b)
and DISCOMs. It has been developed by
the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE).
A Task Force has been constituted to
draw up the National Infrastructure
63. Answer: (a) Pipeline (NIP) for each of the years from
Explanation: Financial Year 2019-20 to Financial Year
The Act protects the constitutional right 2024-25, with the approval of the Finance
to equality of the married Muslim women, Minister. The Task force has now outlined
who are divorced through the the expenditure of around Rs. 102 lakh
pronouncement of Triple Talaq. crore over the next 5 years in order to
The Act provides for imprisonment, which realise $ 5 trillion economy. The funding
may extend to three years, to the married of the National Infrastructure Pipeline will
Muslim husband who divorces through be jointly made by the centre, the states
Triple Talaq. and the private sector in the proportion
A married Muslim woman shall be of 39:39:22 (39 % each by the centre
entitled to the custody of her minor and the states, and 22% by the private
children, in the event of the sector).
pronouncement of Talaq by her husband.
Sectorwise break-up of project capital expenditure
worth Rs 102 lakh crore during FY20-25
64. Answer: (a)
The Initiatives of the Energy Efficiency
Services Limited (EESL) include:
involves distribution of the energy
efficient LED bulbs to the consumers. Source: Ministries/departments/state governments
Street Lighting National Programme
(SLNP): Under this programme, EESL 67. Answer: (c)
replaces the conventional streetlights with
LEDs at its own cost.
GI Cloud (MeghRaj): MeghRaj initiative is
Atal Jyoti Yojana (AJAY): To illuminate
intended to deliver ICT services over cloud
dark regions through establishment of
to all the departments/Ministries at the
solar street lights.
centre and states/UTs. The vision of this
Both GRIHA and Energy Conservation initiative is to accelerate delivery of e-
Building Code (ECBC) are the initiatives services in the country, while optimizing
of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE). ICT spending of the government.

Electronic Transaction Aggregation 69. Answer: (b)
and Analysis Layer (eTaal): It acts as an Explanation:
electronic dashboard for providing a real The Paris Convention for the Protection of
time aggregated view of e-services being Industrial Property, signed in 1883, was
delivered across different states and levels one of the first intellectual property
of government. treaties. It established a Union for the
PRAGATI (Pro-Active Governance and protection of industrial property. It
Timely Implementation): It is a multi- applies to industrial property in the
purpose and multi-modal platform that is widest sense, including patents,
aimed at addressing the common man’s trademarks, industrial designs, utility
grievances, and simultaneously models (a kind of "small-scale patent"
monitoring and reviewing important provided for by the laws of some
programmes and projects of the countries), service marks, trade names
Government of India, as well as the (designations under which an industrial
projects flagged by the state governments. or commercial activity is carried out),
DARPAN (Dashboard for Analytical geographical indications etc. It is
Review of Projects across Nation): It is administered by the World Intellectual
an online tool that can be used to monitor Property Organization (WIPO). The
and analyze the implementation of critical purpose of Article 6ter under the Paris
and high priority projects of the state. Convention is to protect armorial
bearings, flags and other state emblems
68. Answer: (c) of the state’s party to the Paris
Convention, as well as official signs and
hallmarks indicating control and
Sustainable Action for Transforming
warranty adopted by them.
Human Capital (SATH): SATH is aimed
at initiating transformation in two key
social sectors — education and health, by 70. Answer: (d)
hand-holding the states towards Explanation:
improving their social sector indicators T×2 was launched by the World Wildlife
and providing technical support over Foundation at the 2010 St. Petersburg
three years. It was launched with the Tiger Summit held in Russia. Under it, 13
selection of the states through a unique Tiger Range Countries had agreed to
challenge method. double the world tiger population by
Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat: It was 2022. These 13 countries are
conceptualized to make our country Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China,
united, strong and promote excellence in India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia,
all walks of life by means of long-term Myanmar, Nepal, Russia, Thailand and
inter-state engagements through cultural Vietnam.
exchanges and education. It aims at driving political momentum to
‘SAMAVESH’: A major initiative, aimed at ensure that tigers remain top priority for
networking and partnership with the world leaders, professionalize wildlife
knowledge and research institutions, protection by training rangers, developing
using a hub and spoke model, was conservation standards (CA|TS –
launched. Thirty-four such institutions Conservation Assured/Tiger Standards)
have entered into a Memorandum of and technology (SMART - Spatial,
Understanding with the NITI Aayog with Monitoring and Reporting Tool) to achieve
the aim to share knowledge and link zero poaching, tackle illegal wildlife trade
policy with practice. through partnership with TRAFFIC (Trade
Record Analysis of Flora and Fauna in
Commerce), focus efforts in key tiger

landscapes and ensure that there is However, the fiscal deficit has failed to
space for both tigers and people in future. take into account these Bonds.
The government needs to pay the subsidy
71. Answer: (c) bill to the Food Corporation of India (FCI)
Explanation: for undertaking procurement and
distribution of food grains under the
The Kelkar Committee dealt with the
Public Distribution System (PDS).
Reforms in the Public Private Partnership
However, instead of paying this subsidy
bill, the government has been asking the
FCI to borrow money from the market
72. Answer: (d) through the issuance of bonds based on
Explanation: government guarantee. The government
Off-Budget Financing refers to the has also resorted to giving loans to the
expenditure undertaken by the Public FCI from the National Small Savings
Sector Undertakings (PSUs) through Fund (NSSF) maintained by it.
market borrowings based upon guarantee
of repayment of the loans given by the 73. Answer: (c)
government. For example, let us say the
government needs to invest in the
IOD measures the differences in the sea
Railways. It may ask the Indian Railway
surface temperatures between the
Finance Corporation (IRFC) to borrow
western and the eastern parts of the
money from the market and finance
Indian Ocean. Sustained changes in the
railway projects. However, the
difference between the sea surface
government guarantees the repayment of
temperatures of the tropical western and
the principal amount and the interest for
eastern Indian Ocean are known as the
the money borrowed by the Indian
Indian Ocean Dipole or IOD.
Railway Finance Corporation.
A negative IOD typically results in above-
Mechanism of Off-Budget Financing –
average winter–spring rainfall over parts
The Accelerated Irrigation Benefit
of Australia, as the warmer waters off
Programme (AIBP) was launched during
north-west Australia provide more
1996-97 to give assistance to the states to
available moisture to the weather systems
help them complete irrigation projects.
crossing the country.
Earlier, expenditure for AIBP was
provided directly through the Budget.
However, a dedicated Long Term 74. Answer: (a)
Irrigation Fund (LTIF) was created in Explanation:
2016 under the National Bank for  The right to protest peacefully is
Agriculture and Rural Development enshrined in the Indian Constitution –
(NABARD) for funding and fast tracking Article 19(1)(a) guarantees the
the implementation of the irrigation freedom of speech and
projects. The money to be spent under expression; Article 19(1)(b) assures
Long Term Irrigation Fund (LTIF) was the citizens the right to assemble
raised through the issuance of bonds by peaceably and without arms.
NABARD, but guaranteed by the  Article 19(2) imposes reasonable
Government of India. Further, the restrictions on the right to assemble
Government of India has infused around peaceably and without arms.
Rs. 80,000 crore into the Public Sector
 These reasonable restrictions are
Banks (PSBs) through the issuance of the
imposed in the interests of the
Recapitalization Bonds. Ideally, these
sovereignty and integrity of India, the
Recapitalization Bonds should be
security of the state, friendly relations
accounted as government's borrowings.

with foreign states, public order,  AGR is the usage and licensing fee
decency or morality or in relation to that the telecom operators are
contempt of court, defamation or charged by the Department of
incitement to an offence. Telecommunications (DoT).
 In the Ramlila Maidan Incident v/s  It is divided into spectrum usage
Home Secretary, Union of India & charges and licensing fees, pegged
Ors. Case (2012), the Supreme Court between 3%-5% and 8%,
had stated, “Citizens have respectively.
a fundamental right to assembly and
peaceful protest which cannot be 77. Answer: (c)
taken away by an arbitrary executive
or legislative action.”
 The international environmental think
tank ‘Germanwatch’ has recently
75. Answer: (b)
released the Global Climate Risk
Explanation: Index 2019.
Organization Name of the Report  The Index analyzes the extent to
The World Economic The Global which the countries and the regions
Forum (WEF) Competitiveness have been affected by the impacts of
Report (GCR) weather-related loss events (storms,
floods, heat waves etc.).
The World Economic The Travel and
Forum (WEF) Tourism  India, which suffered water shortages,
Competitiveness crop failures and worst flooding, holds
Report the 5th position. It has fallen from its
14th rank of countries hit most by the
The World Economic The Global climate change-induced weather
Forum (WEF) Information phenomena in 2017.
Technology Report
 India has also recorded the highest
The International World Energy number of fatalities due to climate
Energy Agency Outlook (WEO) change and the second-highest
The International Southeast Asia monetary losses from its impact in
Energy Agency Energy Outlook 2018.
The International The Global Financial
Monetary Fund (IMF) Stability Report 78. Answer: (b)
The International World Economic Explanation:
Monetary Fund (IMF) Outlook  Considering the increasing instances
of global financial crisis, the BRICS
IBRD (World Bank) Ease of Doing
nations signed the BRICS Contingent
Reserve Arrangement (CRA) in 2014
IBRD (World Bank) The World as a part of the Fortaleza Declaration
Development Report at the Sixth BRICS Summit.
 The BRICS CRA aims to provide short-
76. Answer: (c) term liquidity support to the members
Explanation: through currency swaps to help
 Recently, the Supreme Court has mitigating the BoP crisis situation and
upheld the definition of Adjusted further strengthen financial stability.
Gross Revenue (AGR) calculation, as  The initial total committed resources
stipulated by the Department of of the CRA shall be one hundred

billion dollars of the United States of of Doing Business score and the Ease
America (USD 100 billion). of Doing Business ranking.
 It would also contribute to  World Economic Outlook Report: A
strengthening the global financial survey by the IMF staff, usually
safety net and complement the published twice a year. It presents
existing international arrangements IMF staff economists' analyses of
from the IMF. global economic developments during
the near and medium term.
79. Answer: (c)
Explanation: 80. Answer: (b)
 Global Economic Prospects is a World Explanation:
Bank Group flagship report that  The Indian Skimmer, Rynchops
examines the global economic albicollis, (Vulnerable), clearly draws
developments and prospects, with a its name from its feeding habits, when
special focus on emerging markets it gets hungry. The bird flies low over
and developing economies. water, its bill wide open. Its
 The World Bank’s World Development specialized lower mandible, much
Report, published annually since longer than its upper counterpart,
1978, is an invaluable guide to the skims the surface of the water. This
economic, social and environmental way, this tern-like bird is able to
state of the world today. Each Report forage for fish, crustaceans and insect
provides in-depth analysis and policy larvae.
recommendations on a specific and  More widespread in winter, the Indian
important aspect of development— Skimmer is found in the coastal
from agriculture, the role of the state, estuaries of western and eastern
transition economies and labour, to India. It occurs primarily on larger,
infrastructure, health, the sandy, lowland rivers, around lakes
environment and poverty. and adjacent marshes and, in the
 Ease of Doing Business 2020, a World non-breeding season, in estuaries and
Bank Group flagship publication, is coasts.
the 17th in a series of annual studies  Presently, the species is distributed
measuring the regulations that across northern South Asia,
enhance business activity and those principally in India and Bangladesh,
that constrain it. The Ease of Doing with additional populations in
Business presents quantitative Myanmar, Pakistan and even as far
indicators on business regulations south as Thailand. Thus, it is
and the protection of property rights indigenous to the Indian sub-
that can be compared across 190 continent.
economies — from Afghanistan to  The National Chambal Sanctuary in
Zimbabwe — and over time. India is one of the few places where a
 It covers 12 areas of business significant Indian Skimmer population
regulation. Ten of these areas— breeds. Elsewhere, it is limited to a
starting a business, dealing with handful of nesting colonies on the
construction permits, getting rivers Mahanadi, Ganga and Son. This
electricity, registering property, getting species breeds on sand bars and
credit, protecting minority investors, islands that are exposed during low
paying taxes, trading across borders, water levels in summer – a habitat
enforcing contracts and resolving that is not without risk.
insolvency—are included in the Ease

 The damming of the Chambal River, in taking antimicrobials for viral
upstream Rajasthan, has adversely infections, such as colds and
affected its population at the National influenza, and giving antimicrobials to
Chambal Sanctuary (Uttar Pradesh), the animals and the fish as growth
due to the dropping water levels promoters.
allowing the predators and livestock  Antimicrobial resistant microbes are
access to the breeding islands. found in the people, animals, food and
 In India, an innovative community the environment (in water, soil and
conservation experiment is helping to air). They can spread between the
safeguard the globally threatened people and the animals, and from
Indian Skimmer’s nesting colonies person to person. Poor infection
from free-ranging dogs and trampling control, inadequate sanitary
cattle. conditions and inappropriate food
handling encourage the spread of
81. Answer: (d) AMR.
Explanation:  Lack of government commitment to
address these issues, poor
 Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) occurs
surveillance and a diminishing
when micro-organisms, such as
arsenal of tools to diagnose, treat and
bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites,
prevent also hinder the control of
change in ways that render the
antimicrobial drug resistance.
medications used to cure the
infections they cause ineffective. When  In 2017, the World Health
the micro-organisms become resistant Organization, in an effort to address
to most antimicrobials, they are often these challenges, classified antibiotics
referred to as “superbugs”. This is a into three groups and issued guidance
major concern because a resistant for how each class of drugs should be
infection may kill, can spread to used to treat most common infections.
others and imposes huge costs to the For example, the first of these groups
individuals and the society. consists of medicines that should
always be available to patients,
 Antimicrobial resistance is a broader
preferably by prescription.
term for resistance in different types
Amoxicillin, the preferred medicine for
of micro-organisms and encompasses
respiratory-tract infections in
resistance to antibacterial, antiviral,
children, is in this group. The second
antiparasitic and antifungal drugs.
tier includes carbapenems, which, as
While antibiotic resistance occurs
many patients last year discovered,
when bacteria change in response to
are increasingly ineffective. And the
the use of antibiotics used to treat
third group, including colistin and
bacterial infections (such as urinary
other “last resort” antibiotics are
tract infections, pneumonia,
drugs that must be used sparingly
bloodstream infections), making them
and only for medical emergencies.
 The Global Action Plan on
 AMR occurs naturally over time,
Antimicrobial Resistance: At the
usually through genetic changes.
Sixty-eighth World Health Assembly in
However, the misuse and overuse of
2015, the World Health Assembly
antimicrobials is accelerating this
endorsed a global action plan to tackle
process. In many places, antibiotics
antimicrobial resistance, including
are overused and misused for the
antibiotic resistance, the most urgent
people and the animals, and are often
drug resistance trend. The goal of the
given without professional oversight.
draft global action plan is to ensure,
Examples of such misuse include

for as long as possible, continuity of common policies in macro-economic
successful treatment and prevention sphere, transport, industry and
of infectious diseases with effective agriculture, energy, foreign trade and
and safe medicines that are quality- investment, customs, technical
assured, used in a responsible way regulation, competition and anti-trust
and accessible to all who need them. regulation. Unlike the treaty forming the
 The Global Antimicrobial Eurozone, the treaty forming the EAEU
Resistance Surveillance System has not, to date, established a single
(GLASS) is being developed to support currency.
the global action plan on antimicrobial
resistance. The aim is to support
global surveillance and research, in
order to strengthen the evidence base
on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and
help informing decision-making and
drive national, regional and global
 India has developed a National Action
Plan to combat antimicrobial Russia has pushed for India’s entry into
resistance. the EAEU that will open up opportunities
 India’s Red Line Campaign – which of the third country partnerships in the
demands that prescription-only Central Asia-Eurasian region.
antibiotics be marked with a red line,
to discourage the over-the-counter 83. Answer: (c)
sale of antibiotics – is a step forward. Explanation:
 India’s telecommunication satellite
82. Answer: (c) GSAT-30 was successfully launched
Explanation: into a Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit
The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is (GTO) in January, 2020, from the
an international economic union that Kourou launch base, French Guiana,
comprises countries located in northern by Ariane-5 VA-251.
Eurasia.  The 3,357-kg satellite, which was
The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU or deployed from the lower passenger
EEU) turned three in 2018. With four position of Ariane-5 launch vehicle
founding members — Russia, (VA-251) into the geostationary
Kazakhstan, Belarus and Armenia — the transfer orbit (GTO), is configured on
Union was formally established in 2015. ISRO's enhanced I-3K Bus structure
Kyrgyzstan joined officially in August to provide communication services
2015, but since, no other states in from the geostationary orbit in the C
Eurasia have made efforts to join. and the Ku bands.
The key objectives of the EAEU include  GSAT-30 has a unique configuration
increasing co-operation and economic of providing flexible frequency
competitiveness for the member states segments and flexible coverage. The
and the promotion of stable development, satellite will provide communication
in order to raise the standard of living in services to the Indian mainland and
the member states. islands through the Ku-band and wide
The EAEU ensures free movement of coverage covering the Gulf countries,
goods, services, labour and capital a large number of Asian countries and
between the states and provides for Australia through the C-band.

 GSAT-30 is to serve as a replacement all vehicle segments, i.e., 2-Wheelers;
to INSAT-4A spacecraft services with 3-Wheelers Auto; Passenger 4-Wheeler
enhanced coverage. Vehicles; Light Commercial Vehicles;
 The designed in-orbit operational life and Buses.
of GSAT-30 is more than 15 years.  The main objective of the scheme is to
encourage faster adoption of electric
84. Answer: (c) and hybrid vehicle by way of offering
upfront incentive on purchase of the
electric vehicles and also by
 The National Electric Mobility Mission establishing the necessary charging
Plan (NEMMP) 2020 is a National infrastructure for the electric vehicles.
Mission document providing the vision
and the roadmap for faster adoption of
85. Answer: (c)
electric vehicles and their
manufacturing in the country. This Explanation:
plan has been designed to enhance Large bushfires have been ravaging
national fuel security, to provide Australia, affecting more than 10.3
affordable and environmentally million hectares of land. Although the fire
friendly transportation and to enable season began way back in late July,
the Indian automotive industry to 2019, it has extended for longer duration
achieve global manufacturing as a result of positive Indian Ocean
leadership. Dipole experienced this year.
 Under NEMMP 2020, there is an Bushfires –
ambitious target to achieve 6-7 million • They are basically grassfires (similar
sales of hybrid and electric vehicles by to the forest fires in India).
the year 2020. • Since Australian continent is semi-
 As part of NEMMP 2020, the arid, it has large expanse of
Department of Heavy Industry grasslands, which provide readymade
formulated a scheme, viz., Faster material for large fires.
Adoption and Manufacturing of • Although 2019 bushfire has been
(Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles in India exceptional in its devastation, it is a
(FAME India) Scheme, in the year common phenomenon in Australia
2015, to promote the manufacturing since thousands of years.
of electric and hybrid vehicle • The bushfires have burnt down one
technology and to ensure sustainable lakh square kilometre land in
growth of the same. Australia in 2019.
 Phase-I of this Scheme was initially Causes of Bushfires –
launched for a period of 2 years,
 The basic cause for massive bushfires
commencing from 1st April, 2015,
is the presence of hot and dry
which was subsequently extended conditions over a long time scale.
from time to time and the last
 The main factor which leads to the
extension was allowed up to 31st
creation of such condition is the
March, 2019. The 1st Phase of FAME
Indian Ocean Dipole, which creates
India Scheme was implemented
exceptionally dry conditions (low
through four focus areas, namely: (i)
rainfall and high aridity) and
Demand Creation; (ii) Technology
abnormally high temperatures
Platform; (iii) Pilot Project; and (iv)
(positive temperature anomaly).
Charging Infrastructure.
 The actual trigger is provided by arson
 Market creation through demand
or lightning strike.
incentives was aimed at incentivizing

86. Answer: (c)  There are also ancient Buddhist stupa
Explanation: mounds on the same island.
Mahayana School –  The cave complex has been given the
 It was started by Nagarjuna, with its status of World Heritage by UNESCO
prime centre in Andhra Pradesh. in 1987.
 Its scriptures are written in Pali.
 They see Buddha as an incarnation of 88. Answer: (c)
the God and started his idol worship. Explanation:
 Mahayana attaches importance to the Recently, after a sustained campaign,
role of the Bodhisattvas, who delay heritage lovers and officials have been
their own salvation in order to help successful in almost stopping the stone-
others to its path. pelting ritual at Bojjannakonda and
Lingalametta, located at Sankaram
 They believed in the concept of
(Andhra Pradesh).
transmigration of soul and rebirth.
Bojjannakonda and Lingalametta are the
 It was later divided into two sects, viz.,
twin Buddhist monasteries dating back to
Shunyavaad and Vigyanvaad.
the 3rd century BC.
These sites have seen three forms of
87. Answer: (a)
Buddhism – the Theravada period, when
Explanation: Lord Buddha was considered a teacher,
 The Elephanta caves are located in the the Mahayana, where Buddhism was
Elephanta Island. more devotional and the Vajrayana,
 The Elephanta Island is also known as where Buddhist tradition was more
the Gharapuri Island. practised as Tantra and esoteric form.
 The Elephanta Island was the capital The name Sankaram is derived from the
of the Konkan Mauryas. term, ‘Sangharama’. It is famous for the
 The Elephanta caves are celebrated whole lot of votive stupas, rock-cut caves,
for the colossal image of Mahesamurti brick-built structural edifices, early
with three heads, each representing a historic pottery and Satavahana coins,
different form. that date back to the 1st century AD.
Note: Visakhapatnam (The nearest city to
 The cave temple, dedicated to Lord
Bojjannakonda and Lingalametta sites) is
Shiva, was excavated sometime in the
famous for Buddhist sites at
8th century by the Rashtrakuta kings,
Thotlakonda, Appikonda and Bavikonda.
who ruled the area between A.D. 757-
 The Elephanta caves are a 89. Answer: (d)
conglomeration of seven caves, out of Explanation:
which the most important is the Theravada School –
Mahesamurti cave.  Theravada saw Buddha as a great
 The gigantic figures of the soul, but not God.
'Dvarapalas' or the door-keepers are  They were orthodox in nature.
very impressive.
 Their followers believed in helping
 There are sculptured compartments in themselves over others in order to
this cave with remarkable images of attain salvation.
Ardhanarisvara, Kalyana-sundara
 They did not believe in Bhakti and idol
Shiva, Ravana lifting Kailasa,
Andhakari-Murti (slaying of Andhaka
demon) and Nataraja Shiva. It was later divided into two sects, viz.,
Vaibhashika and Sautrantika.

90. Answer: (a) development in and around the transit
Explanation: stations as shown in the figure.
Kalaripayattu –
 It is one of the oldest existing martial
arts in the world, which dates back to
the 3rd century.
 The disciples start learning the art of
Payattu (fight) at the age of seven in
the Kalaries, i.e., the gymnasium for  Accordingly, the influential zone of
martial exercises. Years of discipline transit stations (red nodes) will have
and hard work are required to train residential complexes, shopping malls,
the body, mind and oneself. recreation zones, work places, etc.
 The heroic ballads of Kerala are the Besides, the transit stations will also
legendary sagas of the heroes of include pedestrian and non-motorized
Payattu. transport friendly infrastructure.
 Kalaripayattu reached its pinnacle of  A new World Bank study recommends
glory during wars between the Cholas, looking simultaneously at the “three
Cheras and Pandyas in the early part values” (3V) of a neighbourhood—
of the first millennium. The warring transit connectivity, quality of the
states refined the fighting skills and urban environment and market
techniques prevalent in the area into a potential—to identify which stations
martial art form. are good candidates for TOD and what
 The inherent beauty of this art form kind of development makes sense in
lies in the harmonious synergy of art, each neighbourhood.
science and medicine. The benefits of Transit-oriented
Development –
91. Answer: (d)  Promoting higher densities and the
concentration of jobs within relatively
small areas, TOD creates
India’s 1st Transit-oriented Development
agglomeration effects proven to boost
(TOD) project was started in Delhi. The
a city’s competitiveness. Studies have
project is called as the East Delhi Hub
shown that doubling job density, for
instance, increases economic
Transit-Oriented Development – productivity by 5% to 10%.
 Transit-oriented Development (TOD) is  This concentration creates vibrant
a sustainable solution to urban communities with high-quality public
sprawl under which land-use areas and shorter commuting
planning and infrastructure distances – making cities more
development is integrated with liveable.
transport planning to avoid long
 Proximity to mass transit improves
distance travel in cities.
access to TOD neighbourhoods,
 TOD basically refers to the boosting their attractiveness
development in and around transit and increasing real estate value.
corridors to promote living close to In 2017, the Ministry of Housing and
these transit corridors. Urban Affairs launched the National TOD
 TOD is particularly important to Policy as a guideline document for the
reduce the distance travelled by states to implement TOD in urban
creating high-density mixed land use planning.

92. Answer: (b) (CEDAW) in 1993, which addresses
Explanation: gender-based discrimination.
The International Labour Organization  Accordingly, India has enacted the
adopted a significant convention, C190 or Sexual Harassment of Women at
Convention 190, related to the Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition
elimination of violence and harassment in and Redressal) Act, 2013, in line with
the ‘world of work’. the Vishaka Guidelines.
Convention 190 –
 C190 is the first legally binding 93. Answer: (c)
international standard for the workers Explanation:
to deal with violence and harassment In a significant step to end violence, a
in the ‘world of work’. tripartite agreement has been signed by
 According to C190, everyone has the the Bodos, led by National Democratic
right to a ‘world of work’ free from Front of Bodoland (NDFB), the Central
violence and harassment, including Government and the State Government.
gender-based violence and The agreement will pave way for re-
harassment. organization of the Bodoland Territorial
 It is the 1st ever Convention adopted Administrative District into wider
after the Domestic Workers Bodoland Territorial Region.
Convention in 2011.  Assam is a hot-bed of regionalism and
Key highlights of C190 – sub-regionalism, as a result of the
 Defines violence and harassment: pluralistic nature of the society,
While there is no clear demarcation comprising various ethnicities.
line between violence and harassment,  Notwithstanding the pluralistic nature
C190 recognizes harassment and of the society, Assam consists of the
violence as a continuum. Brahmaputra valley, dominated by
 It defines violence and harassment as Assamese speaking populace and the
“a range of unacceptable behaviours Cachar region, dominated by Bengali-
and practices” that “aim at, result in, speaking people.
or are likely to result in physical,  As a result, ethnicity-based
psychological, sexual or economic imbalances in a plural, but
harm”. fragmented, society have led to
 Inclusivity: C190 protects every assertion of sub-regional identities
worker in the world, regardless of age, hinging on issues like control over
disability status, race, ethnicity, land, exploitation of resources from
indigenous status, sexual orientation, outsiders, unemployment and lack of
gender identity or any social marker. development, etc.
Accordingly, it extends protection to the  Bodoland represents one such
contract workers, jobseekers, trainees, ethnicity-based regionalistic
interns, apprentices, volunteers etc. undercurrent in the Assam society.
Convention190 and India – India is not The Bodoland Movement – The Bodo is
a signatory to the Convention. the largest ethno-linguistic group in the
 India is a founding member of the Assam state of India. The Bodo people are
International Labour Organization and recognized as a ‘plains’ tribe in the Sixth
Schedule to the Indian Constitution.
has been a permanent member since
1922. The Bodo people are the largest tribe of
Assam, settled in the northern part of the
 India has also ratified the Convention
Brahmaputra river valley. These tribes
on the Elimination of All Forms of
claimed themselves as the natives of
Discrimination Against Women

Assam . According to an estimate , the • There are two core technologies
Bodo tribe is about 28% of Assam ’s behind these virtual humans.
population . The Bodo tribe has been 1 . First , there is the proprietary CORE
complaining that their land in Assam was R3 technology that drives the “ reality ,
occupied by other cultures and real time and responsiveness ” behind
communities with different identities . In NEONs . The CORE R3 focuses on the
1966 , the Bodo tribals formed the Plain domains of Behavioural Neural
Tribals’ Council of Assam ( PTCA ) and Networks ; Evolutionary Generative
demanded a separate union territory Intelligence ; and Computational
TJdayachal’. The Bodo movement started Reality ” , and is “extensively trained ”
witnessing violence post- 1980 s . on how the humans look , behave and
interact .
2 . The next stage will be SPECTRA ,
Chif afwj Ud .i ’ i) uri which will complement CORE R3 with
Kokrajtor I
the “ spectrum of intelligence , learning ,
emotions and memory”.
• These virtual humans can interface
Bangladesh Bodoland Territorial for technologies and services .
Autonomous Oistrkts

• Virtual assistance would be more
effective while teaching languages , as
NEONs will be capable of
The Bodo Peace Accord 2020 - understanding and sympathizing.
• The current Peace Accord will re - Difference between NEONs and Virtual
organize the present Bodoland Assistants -
Territorial Area District ( BTAD ) into a
wider Bodoland Territorial Region .
• Virtual Assistants now learn from all
the data they are plugged into.
• The Bodoland Territorial Region will • NEONs will be limited to what they
include Bodo-dominated villages , know and learn . Their learning could
presently outside the BTAD and will potentially be limited to the person
exclude the areas dominated by the they are catering to , but not the entire
non - Bodo population . internet . They will not be an interface ,
• Amnesty to the NDFB. so as to request a song , rather they
• A sports university and job -oriented will be a friend to speak to and share
higher -education institution experiences with .
• Besides , Bodos living in the hills
would be granted the Scheduled Hill 95 . Answer: ( d )
Tribe status. Explanation:
Smog is often caused by heavy traffic ,
94 . Answer: ( c ) high temperatures , sunshine and calm
Explanation: winds . These are a few of the factors
NEONs are being called the world ’s first behind an increasing level of air pollution
artificial humans . They look and behave in the atmosphere.
like real humans , and could one day During the winter months , when the wind
develop memories and emotions. speeds are low , it helps the smoke and
About NEONs - fog to become stagnate at a place forming
smog and increasing pollution levels near
• These are computationally created
the ground closer to where people are
virtual humans the word derives
respiring . It hampers visibility and
from NEO ( new ) + human .
disturbs the environment .

R AUSIAS-TS21El 01 31
Temperature inversions are the situations being offered for the purchase of the
when warm air does not rise , instead Happy Seeders .
stays near the ground . During situations
of temperature inversions , if the wind is 97 . Answer: ( d )
calm , smog may get trapped and remain
over a place for days .
Since pollution is generally produced at • The Irrawaddy Dolphin is a variety of
Oceanic Dolphin .
ground level , temperature inversions can
trap the pollution to form smog at the • Habitat: Shallow oceans , rivers and
ground level. estuaries.
Smog Towers - A smog tower is a large • Since they inhabit the shallow regions
vertical structure designed as a large - of the oceans , they go through
scale air purifier to reduce air pollution maximum confrontation with the
particles . humans.
It has been fitted with exhaust fans that • Threats: Fishing nets , dam
will help in sucking polluted air . ,
construction and gold mining leads to
Anti -Smog Guns In India , water toxic effluent discharge into the ocean .
cannons have been used recently in an • IUCN Status: Endangered .
attempt to wash out particles . • The Chilika Lake in Odisha has
The anti-smog gun is a cannon shaped emerged as the “single largest habitat
device that sprays atomized water of the Irrawaddy Dolphins in the
droplets in the air . The gun is attached to world ” , according to a fresh
a water tank built on a movable vehicle , monitoring survey that pegs the
which can be taken to various parts of the number of individuals of the
city . endangered species at 155.
• Chilika is Asia’s largest brackish -
96 . Answer: (b ) water lagoon with an estuarine
Explanation: character and one of India’s first
Ramsar Convention Sites (The
• The Happy Seeder is a tractor -
Wetlands of International Importance ) .
mounted machine that cuts and lifts
rice straw sows wheat into the bare • Distribution: As shown in the map .
soil and deposits the straw over the
sown area as mulch . Thus , it removes /\
the need to burn rice stubble before
planting wheat , therefore reducing air
pollution .
• Direct sowing also reduces soil
disturbance, enabling it to retain more
nutrients and organic content . It
improves the soil health .
• Crop residue helps in moisture and
temperature conservation .
• It is , thus , an environment friendly
technology to check air pollution .
98 . Answer: ( b )
• Despite the benefits of the Happy
Seeder , there are some barriers to its Explanation:
adoption . These barriers include cost , • Project Tiger: Project Tiger is an
risk aversion and existing subsidies ongoing Centrally Sponsored Scheme
for using herbicides and electricity . To of the Ministry of Environment , Forest
overcome these barriers , subsidies are and Climate Change , providing central

assistance to the tiger states for tiger Extinction Rebellion was launched in
conservation in the designated Tiger 2018 and the organizers say it now has
Reserves. groups willing to take action in dozens of
• It was launched in 1973. countries.
• There are 50 Tiger Reserves under The group uses an hourglass inside a
Project Tiger, spread out in 18 of the circle as its logo, to represent time
Tiger Range States. running out for many species.
• The National Tiger Conservation In the UK, Extinction Rebellion has three
Authority: The National Tiger main demands:
Conservation Authority (NTCA) is a 1. The government must declare a
statutory body of the Ministry of climate "emergency".
Environment, Forest and Climate 2. The UK must legally commit to
Change under the Wildlife (Protection) reducing carbon emissions to net zero
Act, 1972. by 2025.
• M-STrIPES: M-STrIPES (Monitoring 3. A citizens' assembly must be formed
System for Tigers-Intensive Protection to "oversee the changes".
and Ecological Status) is a patrolling
app installed in every Tiger Reserve.
100. Answer: (a)
• The system's objective is to strengthen
patrolling and surveillance of the
The first-ever comprehensive National
Nutrition Survey has been conducted by
the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
99. Answer: (b) and the United Nations Children Fund
Explanation: (UNICEF) to assess the malnutrition
Extinction Rebellion (XR for short) burden amongst the children and the
describes itself as an international "non- adolescents in India.
violent civil disobedience activist It recorded not only micronutrient
movement". deficiencies, but also the details of non-
It wants the governments to declare a communicable diseases, such as
"climate and ecological emergency", and diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol and
take immediate action to address climate kidney function in the children and the
change. adolescents.


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