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CA: June-July 2020

CA: June-July 2020
GS Paper-I: (TS21E103)

1. Answer: (d) 3. Answer: (c)

Explanation: Explanation:
THAAD is an acronym for “Terminal High  Guru Nanak emphasized on the
Altitude Area Defence”, a transportable, equality of the women, rejected the
ground-based missile defence system. In path of renunciation and he rejected
the book, Theater Missile Defense (TMD) in the authority of the Vedas.
East Asia: Implications for Beijing and  His approach aimed at bridging the
Tokyo, Lars Assmann writes: “THAAD is distinctions between the Hindus and
coupled with space-based and ground- the Muslims.
based surveillance stations, which  Janam-Sakhis are the hagiographic
transfer data about the incoming missile narratives of his life.
and inform the THAAD interceptor missile  He was the contemporary of the
of the threat type classification. THAAD is Mughal emperor - Babur.
alarmed about the incoming missiles by
the space-based satellites with infrared
4. Answer: (b)
This anti-ballistic missile defence system
The Proposed G 11 Grouping –
has been designed and manufactured by
the US Company Lockheed Martin. South  It will include the members of the
Korea is not the only country with the present G7, along with India, Russia,
THAAD missile defence system. It has South Korea and Australia.
been previously deployed in the UAE,  The American President has
Guam, Israel and Romania. deliberately avoided the inclusion of
China in this expanded Group.
2. Answer: (b) This is mainly because of the on-going
trade war between the two countries,
along with the accusation by the USA
The decrease in the overall number of that China influenced the WHO in
nuclear weapons in the world is mainly delaying the reporting of the COVID-19
due to Russia and the USA – which pandemic outbreak.
together still account for over 90% of all
nuclear weapons – further reducing their
5. Answer: (a)
strategic nuclear forces, pursuant to the
implementation of the 2010 Treaty on Explanation:
Measures for the Further Reduction and Project Ahana is Plan India’s national
Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms programme, working towards an AIDS
(The New START Treaty), while also free generation. Plan India is an NGO.
making unilateral reductions. Partners: The National AIDS Control
The New START (Strategic Arms Organization and the Global Fund to
Reduction Treaty) Treaty will expire in Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
2021, unless both the parties agree to (GFATM).
extend it. Its focus is on preventing parent-to-child
transmission among the women in the

most vulnerable and marginalized Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh and
communities. Jammu & Kashmir). The annual central
contribution is released in two equal
6. Answer: (d) instalments, as per the recommendation
of the Finance Commission. The SDRF
shall be used only for meeting the
 Bhagat Singh is accredited with
expenditure for providing immediate relief
popularizing the catchphrase “Inquilab
to the victims.
Zindabad” (Long live the revolutions).
Disasters covered under the
 1924: The Hindustan Republican SDRF: Cyclone, drought, earthquake,
Association was founded, which was fire, flood, tsunami, hailstorm, landslide,
later renamed as the Hindustan avalanche, cloudburst, pest attack, frost
Socialist Republican Association and cold waves.
The Local Disasters: A state government
 1926: Bhagat Singh founded the may use up to 10% of the funds available
Indian socialist youth under the SDRF, for providing immediate
organization, the Naujawan Bharat relief to the victims of the natural
Sabha. disasters, that they consider to be
 1928: HSRA was joined by Bhagat ‘disasters’ within the local context in the
Singh. state and which are not included in the
 In 1931, Bhagat Singh wrote a Notified List of Disasters of the Ministry of
pamphlet, “Why am I an Atheist”, Home Affairs, subject to the condition
while in jail. that the state government has listed the
 From Bhagat Singh’s letters and state specific natural disasters, and
writings, it is evident that he was notified clear and transparent norms and
influenced by Karl Marx, Mazzini, guidelines for such disasters, with the
Garibaldi, Tolstoy, Rousseau, Voltaire approval of the State Authority, i.e., the
and Gorky. State Executive Authority.
 He strongly critiqued the practice of
untouchability and communalism, 8. Answer: (d)
and advocated the idea of a plural and Explanation:
inclusive India. The Treasury Bills, or the T-Bills, have a
 Bhagat Singh expressed his maximum maturity period of 364 days.
disenchantment with the politics of So, they are categorized as money market
Lala Lajpat Rai, whom he and other instruments (money market deals with
youth otherwise venerated. the funds with a maturity of less than one
year). At present, The Treasury Bills are
7. Answer: (d) issued in three maturities – 91-day, 182-
day and 364-day. In 1997, the
government also issued 14-day immediate
The State Disaster Response Fund Treasury Bills.
(SDRF), constituted under Section 48 (1)
The Treasury Bills were first issued in
(a) of the Disaster Management Act, 2005,
India in 1917. They are issued via
is the primary fund available with the
auctions, conducted by the Reserve Bank
state governments for responses to the
of India (RBI) at regular intervals.
notified disasters. The central government
Individuals, trusts, institutions and
contributes 75% of the SDRF allocation
banks can purchase the T-Bills. But, they
for the general category states/UTs and
are usually held by the financial
90% for the special category states/UTs
institutions. They have a very important
(The north-east states, Sikkim,
role in the financial market, beyond the

investment instruments. The banks give Regulation Act, 1949, and are, hence, not
Treasury Bills to the RBI to get money regulated by the Reserve Bank of India
under ‘Repo’. Similarly, they can also (RBI). The NABARD conducts voluntary
keep it to fulfil their Statutory Liquid inspections of the State Co-operative
Ratio (SLR) requirements. Agriculture and Rural Development
The Treasury Bills are issued at a Banks (SCARDBs).
discount to the original value and the Regulation of the StCBs and the
buyer gets the original value upon DCCBs: The StCBs/DCCBs are registered
maturity. For example, a Rs. 100 under the provisions of the State Co-
Treasury Bill can be availed of at Rs. 95, operative Societies Act of the state
but the buyer is paid Rs. 100 on the concerned. There is dual regulation of
maturity date. The return on the Treasury such banks by the RBI and the Registrar
Bill depends on the liquidity position in of Co-operative Societies. The banking
the economy. When there is a liquidity related functions are regulated by the
crisis, the returns are higher, and vice RBI, while the management related
versa. functions are regulated by the Registrar
The Treasury Bills have an advantage of Co-operative Societies. Here, the RBI
over other market instruments, because has delegated its powers to the NABARD,
of the zero-risk weightage associated with under Section 35A of the Banking
them. The secondary market of T-Bills is Regulation Act, to conduct the inspection
very active and they have a higher degree of the State and the Central Co-operative
of tradability. Banks.
The Regulation of the Urban Co-
9. Answer: (b) operative Banks: There is duality of
control over such banks by the RBI and
the Registrar of Co-operative Societies of
The Co-operative Banking in India is
the concerned state/Central Registrar of
divided into two distinct segments: Rural
Co-operative Societies.
and Urban.
The Rural Co-operative Structure
10. Answer: (b)
comprises: The Short-Term Co-operative
Credit Structure; and the Long-Term Co- Explanation:
operative Credit Structure. The “net financial assets of the
The Short-Term Co-operative Credit households” are calculated as: ‘Financial
Structure operates with a three-tier Assets’ minus ‘Financial Liabilities’ of the
system: (i) The Primary Agricultural households. The financial assets include
Credit Societies (PACSs) at the village currency, bank deposits, debt securities,
level; (ii) The Central Co-operative Banks mutual funds, insurance, pension funds
(CCBs) at the district level; and (iii) The and small savings. The financial liabilities
State Co-operative Banks (StCBs) at the are primarily held in the form of loans
state level. and borrowings from the banks, non-
banking financial companies (NBFCs) and
The Long-Term Co-operative Credit
housing finance companies (HFCs).
Structure comprises: (i) The State Co-
operative Agriculture and Rural Several studies show that the households
Development Banks (SCARDBs); and The tend to save more during a slowdown and
Primary Co-operative Agriculture and income uncertainty. The present
Rural Development Banks (PCARDBs). economic slowdown has led to higher
uncertainty for the households. Hence,
Non-Applicability: The PACSs and the
the households have refrained from
Long-Term Credit Co-operatives are
borrowings loans from the banks, leading
outside the purview of the Banking
to a contraction in the household

financial liabilities. This decrease in the effectively put to use the Model Code
household financial liabilities has led to of Conduct in the year 1991, to
an increase in the net financial savings of ensure fair elections and a level
the households. playing field.
 The Model Code of Conduct is
11. Answer: (a) enforced from the date of the
Explanation: announcement of the election
Presently, there is huge political schedule by the Election Commission
and is operational until the process of
interference in the working of the Public
elections is completed.
Sector Banks (PSBs), leading to
inefficiency and higher NPAs (Non-  The electoral roll is a list of all the
Performing Assets). In some of the cases, people in the constituency, who are
the appointment of the top-level registered to vote in the Indian
executives of the PSBs has been made on elections. Only those people, with
the political considerations, rather than their names on the electoral roll, are
based on merit. Hence, the P. J. Nayak allowed to vote. The electoral roll is
Committee recommended for the setting normally revised every year to add the
up of the Banks Board Bureau (BBB), to names of those who are to turn 18 on
improve the governance of the PSBs. 1st January of that year, or have
Accordingly, the Banks Board Bureau moved into a constituency and to
was set up in 2016, as a non-statutory remove the names of those who have
body to advise the government on the died or moved out of a constituency.
appointments of the chiefs of the PSBs.
The role of the BBB is limited to the 14. Answer: (a)
recommendation of the names. The Explanation:
appointment is finally approved by the The Balance of Payments (BoP) shows the
Cabinet Committee on Appointments.
transactions between the residents and
the non-residents of an economy for a
12. Answer: (a) period of one year. These economic
Explanation: transactions may lead to two results:
In Tirunelveli (Tamil Nadu), V.O. 1. The residents from India owning
Chidambaram Pillai, Subramania Siva assets in other countries (such as
and some lawyers formed the Swadeshi foreign investments, equities, debt,
Sangam, which inspired the local masses. deposits, etc., in other countries) 
V.O. Chidambaram Pillai’s venture into a Assets for the Indian economy.
national shipbuilding enterprise – The 2. The residents from other countries
Swadeshi Steam Navigation Company – at owning assets in India (such as FDI,
Tuticorin, however, gave a challenge to FPI, deposits, etc.)  Liabilities for the
the British Indian Steam Navigation Indian economy.
Company. Due to these transactions recorded on the
Subramania Siva and Chidambaram Pillai BoP, a particular economy builds up the
led strikes in Tuticorin and Tirunelveli in stock of the external financial assets and
a foreign-owned cotton mill. liabilities. Thus, the Net International
Investment Position (NIIP) has been
13. Answer: (a) introduced, in order to measure the total
stock of the external financial assets and
liabilities. It is calculated as: “The assets
 The Model Code of Conduct was
owned by the residents in other
agreed to by all the political parties in
1968. The Election Commission first

countries” minus “The assets owned by 2017 and held its meeting a day before
the non-residents within India”. the ASEAN Summit.
A positive NIIP indicates that the Soon after the meeting, India, Australia
residents own more assets abroad, as and Japan issued separate statements
compared to the assets owned by the listing the Indo-Pacific as the major area
non-residents within a country (Net
of the deliberations and resolved to
Creditor). While a negative NIIP indicates
expand the co-operation to uphold a
that a country's residents own less assets
rules-based order and respect for the
abroad, than the assets of the non-
residents (Net Debtor). international law in the strategically
important region.

15. Answer: (d)

Explanation: 18. Answer: (c)
India is currently the sixth largest Explanation:
producer and second largest consumer of The International Atomic Energy Agency
natural rubber in the world. The (IAEA) –
traditional rubber-growing states,
1. It was set up as the world’s “Atoms
comprising Kerala and Tamil Nadu,
for Peace” organization in 1957,
account for 81% of the production. The
within the United Nations family.
major non-traditional rubber growing
regions are the north-eastern states of 2. It reports to both the United Nations
Tripura, Assam & Meghalaya, Odisha, General Assembly and the UN
Karnataka, Maharashtra and West Security Council.
Bengal. 3. India is a founding member of the
16. Answer: (c) 4. The IAEA is an autonomous
Explanation: organization within the United
The Location of the Galwan Valley – Nations system.
 It lies along the course of river 5. It is considered to be a ‘related
Galwan. organization’ by the United Nations.
Source –
6. It is not a specialized agency, because
 Aksai Chin, on China’s side of the LA. of the political nature of the work
• It flows east into Ladakh, where it done by it.
meets the Shyok River on India’s side
7. It seeks to promote the peaceful use of
of the LAC.
the nuclear energy and to inhibit its
use for any military purpose,
17. Answer: (c)
including the nuclear weapons.
8. It works with its member states and
The grouping of four democracies : India,
multiple partners worldwide to
Australia, the US and Japan, known as
promote the safe, secure and peaceful
the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue or
“Quad”, was first mooted by the Japanese use of the nuclear technologies.
Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, in 2007. It aims at applying mandatory
However, the idea could not move ahead comprehensive safeguards in the non-
with Australia pulling out of it, apparently nuclear weapon states (NNWS), under
due to the Chinese pressure. the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
India, Australia, the US and Japan (NPT) and other international treaties.
formed the “Quadrilateral” coalition in

19. Answer: (c) FATF Standards, which ensure a co-
Explanation: ordinated global response to prevent
The external debt includes the total organized crime, corruption and
money owed by the government, the terrorism.
corporations, or the Indian citizens to the  It helps the authorities go after the
foreign creditors. Major heads under money of the criminals dealing in
external debt include: illegal drugs, human trafficking and
 Multilateral Debt: Debt from the other crimes.
multilateral institutions, such as the  The FATF also works to stop funding
World Bank, IMF, ADB, etc. for the weapons of mass
 Bilateral Debt: Debt from the destruction.
sovereign countries, such as Japan,
 The FATF reviews money laundering
Germany, etc.
and terrorist financing techniques,
 Trade credits/export credits: Loans
and continuously strengthens its
and credits extended for imports
standards to address new risks, such
directly by the overseas suppliers,
as the regulation of the virtual assets,
banks and financial institutions.
which have spread as the crypto-
 External Commercial Borrowings:
currencies gain popularity.
Loans from the commercial banks and
other commercial financial  The FATF monitors the countries to
institutions. ensure that they implement the FATF
Standards fully and effectively, and it
 Non-resident deposits in the banks
and financial institutions. also holds the countries to account
that do not comply.
 External Commercial Borrowings
(ECBs), accounting for 40% of the
external debt, remain the largest 21. Answer: (a)
source of external debt, followed by Explanation:
the non-resident deposits. During the First World War, the Jugantar
Party arranged to import German arms
20. Answer: (d) and ammunition through the
Explanation: sympathizers and the revolutionaries
About the Financial Action Task Force abroad. Jatin (a revolutionary) asked
(FATF) – Rashbehari Bose to take charge of the
 The Financial Action Task Force Upper India, aiming to bring about an all-
(FATF) is the global money India insurrection in what has come to be
laundering and terrorist financing called the ‘German Plot’ or the
watchdog. ‘Zimmerman Plan’. The Jugantar Party
 The inter-governmental body sets raised funds through a series of dacoities,
international standards that aim to which came to be known as the “taxicab
prevent these illegal activities and the dacoities” and the “boat dacoities”, so as
harm they cause to the society. to work out the Indo-German conspiracy.
 As a policy-making body, the FATF It was planned that a guerrilla force
works to generate the necessary would be organized to start an uprising in
political will to bring about the the country, with the seizure of Fort
national legislative and the regulatory William and a mutiny by the armed
reforms in these areas. forces. Unfortunately for the
 The FATF has developed the revolutionaries, the plot was leaked out
FATF Recommendations, or the by a traitor.

22. Answer: (a) the former Solicitor-General for Scotland
Explanation: and the Senator of the College of Justice
In line with the government policy, in Scotland.
contained in Montagu’s statement of There were three Indians among the
August 1917, the government announced members, namely, Sir Chimanlal Harilal
further Constitutional reforms in 1918, Setalvad (The Vice-Chancellor of the
known as the Montagu-Chelmsford or the Bombay University and an advocate of
Montford Reforms. Based on these, the the Bombay High Court); Pandit Jagat
Government of India Act, 1919 was Narayan (A lawyer and a member of the
enacted. Legislative Council of the United
Salient Features – Provinces); and Sardar Sahibzada Sultan
Ahmad Khan (A lawyer from Gwalior
1. The women were given the right to
Though Dyer’s statement caused racial
2. On the home government (in Britain)
tensions among the members of the
front, the Government of India Act,
Committee, the final Report, released in
1919, made an important change—the
1920, unanimously condemned Dyer’s
Secretary of the State for India was
actions. The Report stated that the lack of
henceforth to be paid out of the
notice to disperse from the Bagh in the
British Exchequer.
beginning was an error; the length of
3. The Provincial Legislative Councils
firing showed a grave error; Dyer’s motive
were further expanded and 70 per
of producing a sufficient moral effect was
cent of the members were to be
to be condemned; Dyer had overstepped
elected. A bicameral arrangement was
the bounds of his authority; and there
introduced. The Lower House or the
had been no conspiracy to overthrow the
Central Legislative Assembly would
British rule in the Punjab.
consist of 145 members (41
The minority report of the Indian
nominated and 104 elected— 52
members further added that the
General, 30 Muslims, 2 Sikhs and 20
proclamations banning public meetings
Special) and the Upper House or the
were insufficiently publicized; there were
Council of State would have 60
innocent people in the crowd and there
members, of which 26 were to be
had not been any violence in the Bagh
nominated and 34 elected—20
beforehand; Dyer should have either
General, 10 Muslims, 3 Europeans
ordered his troops to help the wounded or
and 1 Sikh.
instructed the civil authorities to do so;
Dyer’s actions had been “inhuman and
23. Answer: (b) un-British”; and had greatly injured the
Explanation: image of the British rule in India.
The massacre at the Jallianwalla Bagh The Hunter Committee did not impose
shocked the Indians and many British as any penal or disciplinary action, because
well. The Secretary of the State for India, Dyer’s actions were condoned by various
Edwin Montagu, ordered that a superiors (later upheld by the Army
Committee of Inquiry be formed to Council).
investigate the matter. So, in 1919, the
Government of India announced the
24. Answer: (a)
formation of the Disorders Inquiry
Committee, which came to be more widely
and variously known as the Hunter What is the Dark Net?
Committee/Commission, after the name  The Dark Net is a network of
of the Chairman, Lord William Hunter, computers on the internet, that are:

(a) not accessible through the normal 26. Answer: (a)
search engines; and Explanation:
(b) provide anonymity to the source of About the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) –
the web content.  The ATT was adopted by the UN
 In order to access the contents of the General Assembly in 2013.
Dark Net, we need special software to  It entered into force in 2014.
get into this network of computers.  It is a multilateral Treaty, that
 In simple words, the web content on regulates the trade in the conventional
the Dark Net is intentionally hidden, weapons.
in order to provide anonymity to the  It comes under the UN Office for
service provider. Disarmament Affairs.

Features  India has abstained from joining the

 While it is hidden from a search
engine, the web pages on the Dark Net
27. Answer: (b)
can be accessed and downloaded by
anyone, who has the exact address of
the webpage. Various disputed islands in the South
China Sea –
 The Dark Net does not provide any
protection against the malware, virus Disputed Claimant Country
attack, etc.
 Since the data is routed through a Senkaku Island China & Japan
number of relay computers, between Spartly Island China & Philippines;
the source and the destination, the Malaysia, Indonesia
communication is slower in the Dark and Brunei too claim
Net. parts of the island

25. Answer: (c) Scarborough China & Philippines

About the 5G Club – Parcel Island China and Vietnam

 Also called the D10, it includes the

democracies of the G7 countries, 28. Answer: (d)
including the UK, the US, Italy, Explanation:
Germany, France, Japan and Canada, Maritime choke points, or the oil choke
as well as Australia, South Korea and points, are the congestive pathways in
India. some of the world’s famous shipping
 It is basically mooted in order to routes. There are many such choke points
develop the alternate supply chain of around the world. However, a few of them
the 5G technology. are extremely famous for the ships and
thus, face high international security
 The main aim is to cut out Huawei out
conflicts and cross-border terrorism
of the 5G supply chain network by threats.
2023. Some of the famous maritime choke
 It is aimed at channelling the points around the world are:
investments into the existing  The Strait of Malacca in the Indian
telecommunication companies, within Ocean.
the 10 member states.

 The Strait of Hormuz in the Persian scientists, the crater was formed after
Gulf. a comet or an asteroid hit the area at
 The Suez Canal, linking the a speed of 90,000 km per hour.
Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. 2. The Lonar Lake is the best preserved
 The Panama Canal, linking the and the youngest crater formed in the
Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean. basalt rock.
 The Strait of Bosporus (The Turkish 3. The crater on which the lake sits is
Strait), linking the Mediterranean Sea oval in shape, indicating that the
to the Black Sea. comet or the asteroid hit the spot at
 The three Danish Straits, linking the an angle of 35 to 40 degrees.
Baltic Sea with the North Sea. 4. The most prominent reptiles found in
 The Strait of Bab el-Mandeb, forming the Lonar Lake are the monitor
a gateway for the vessels to pass lizards.
through the Suez Canal, through the 5. It is located in Maharashtra.
east coast of Africa in the Red Sea.
31. Answer: (c)
29. Answer: (d) Explanation:
Explanation: Epicentre is the point on the surface of
 Bioremediation is the cleaning of the the Earth, that is directly above the
polluted sites, through the underground point (called the focus),
naturally occurring or introduced where the fault rupture commences,
micro-organisms for breaking down producing an earthquake. The effects of
the environmental pollutants. the earthquake may not be most severe in
the vicinity of the epicentre.
 Bioremediation deals with the use of
the living organisms, such as micro- The epicentre can be located by
organisms, like bacteria and fungi, to computing arcs from each of the three or
remove the contaminants, pollutants more seismic observatories, with the arcs’
and toxins from the soil and water. It radii proportional to the time of travel
can be used to clean up the of the seismic waves from the focus to
environmental problems, like an oil each station. The point of intersection of
spill or contaminated groundwater. the arcs marks the epicentre.

 The most important principle of The second type of body wave is the S
bioremediation is that the micro- wave or the secondary wave, which is the
organisms can be used to destroy second wave we feel in an earthquake. An
the hazardous contaminants or S wave is slower than a P wave and can
transform them into less harmful only move through solid rock, not
forms. through any liquid medium. It is this
property of the S waves that led the
 Bioremediation relies on stimulating
seismologists to conclude that the Earth's
the growth of certain microbes, that
outer core is a liquid.
use the contaminants, like oil,
solvents and pesticides, as a source of
food and energy. 32. Answer: (b)
30. Answer: (b) The Nagar Van Scheme
Explanation: The Nagar Van or Urban Forests aims at
developing 200 Urban Forests pan India
1. The Lonar Lake is located in the
in the coming five years.
world's only high velocity impact
formed in the basaltic rock. As per the Under this Scheme, a minimum of 20
hectares of forests will be created in the

city. These city forests will provide the 34. Answer: (a)
city dwellers a wholesome natural Explanation:
environment for recreation and will Committees –
contribute to the improvement of the
1. V. L. Kantha Rao Committee:
city's environment by pollution
Corporatization of the Ordnance
mitigation, cleaner air, noise reduction,
Factory Boards.
water harvesting and the reduction of the
heat island effect. The city authorities are 2. Bimal Julka Committee:
encouraged to have a city forest, Rationalization of the Film Media
comprising an area up to 100 ha in the Units.
forest area within their jurisdiction, for 3. Sumit Bose Committee: Expert
deriving the maximum ecological and Committee on the Cantonment
environmental benefits. Boards.
This is also linked to the School Nursery
Yojana, that aims to build lasting bond 35. Answer: (d)
between the students and the nature.
Assistance under the CAMPA
The Attorney General for India –
(Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act)
According to Article 76 of the
Fund will be provided for this initiative. It
is a programme of the Ministry of Constitution –
Environment, Forest and Climate Change. 1. The President shall appoint a person
who is qualified to be appointed a
33. Answer: (a) Judge of the Supreme Court to be the
Attorney General for India.
2. It shall be the duty of the Attorney
Events during Prime Minister
Narasimha Rao's regime – General to give advice to the
Government of India upon such legal
1. Implementation of the LPG
matters, and to perform such other
(Liberalisation, Privatisation and
duties of a legal character, as may
Globalisation) reforms.
from time to time be referred or
2. The enactment of the 73rd and the 74th
assigned to him by the President, and
Constitutional Amendment Acts,
to discharge the functions conferred
giving constitutional status to the
local governments and the on him by or under this Constitution
Panchayats. or any other law for the time being in
3. Statutory status to the SEBI was
given by the SEBI Act of 1992. 3. In the performance of his duties the
4. Establishment of diplomatic relations Attorney General shall have the right
with Israel-1992 of audience in all courts in the
territory of India.
5. The Mandal Commission Report was
implemented during the regime of 4. The Attorney General shall hold office
Prime Minister V. P. Singh. It led to during the pleasure of the President,
the creation of a separate category of and shall receive such remuneration
OBC, who were given 27% reservation as the President may determine.
in the government jobs. 5. The law officers, including the
The Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Attorney General, are not considered
Practices Act, 1969, was repealed and to be government servants and are not
replaced by the Competition Act, 2002. debarred from the private practice.

36. Answer: (d) launcher, battery command post, loader-
Explanation: cum-replenishment vehicle,
The National Productivity Council is an replenishment vehicle and Digicora MET
autonomous body, under the Department radar.
for Promotion of Industry and Internal Astra: Astra is an all-weather, beyond
Trade, Ministry of Commerce and visual range air-to-air missile, developed
Industry, Government of India. by the Defence Research and
The Governing Council of the National Development Organization (DRDO). It is
Productivity Council is headed by the the first air-to-air missile developed by
Union Minister for Commerce and India.
Industry. Nirbhay: It is a long-range, sub-sonic
cruise missile, developed by the DRDO. It
has a range of 1,000 kms.
37. Answer: (a)
39. Answer: (a)
According to the Livestock Census
2019 – The total cattle population in the Explanation:
country is 192.49 million, during 2019. Raja Parba is a festival celebrated in the
The total cattle have increased by 0.8% state of Odisha. This is a three-day-long
over the previous Livestock Census festival, dedicated to Mother Earth and
(2012). womanhood at large. The festivities begin
a day before the Mithuna Sankranti and
The female cattle population has
conclude two days after that.
increased by 18.0%, whereas the male
cattle have decreased by 30.2% over the Ashadhi Bij is a festival celebrated in the
previous census. Kutch area of Gujarat. It is related to the
Kutchi New Year.
The Jyestha Ashtami Festival is
celebrated by the Kashmiri Pandits
community. Devotees flock to the Mata
Kheer Bhawani Temple or the Tulmula
Mandir in Kashmir in huge numbers. The
temple premises turn home to thousands
of Kashmiri Pandits and other devotees,
who travel all the way to pay obeisance to
Goddess Ragnya Bhawani residing in the

40. Answer: (a)

38. Answer: (a) Explanation:
Explanation: Presently, the government borrows money
Maareech is an Anti-Torpedo Decoy from the market by issuing various
System, inducted recently in the Indian financial instruments, such as the T-Bills
Navy. and Dated Securities. Similarly, in recent
times, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
The System offers a complete solution to
has been carrying out the Open Market
detect and locate an incoming torpedo,
Operations (OMOs) in order to indirectly
and to apply counter-measures to protect
lend money to the government. However,
the naval platform against the torpedo
in the case of ‘Direct Monetization’, the
government borrows money directly from
Pinaka: The Pinaka Weapon System
consists of rocket, multi-barrel rocket

the RBI by using the T-Bills and Dated and the Human Rights Courts for the
Securities. protection of the human rights.
The Protection of Human Rights
41. Answer: (a) (Amendment) Act, 2019, provides for
Explanation: the following changes –
The Open Data Charter – In 2013, the • A person, who has been a Judge of the
G8 leaders signed the G8 Open Data Supreme Court, is also made eligible
Charter, which outlined a set of five core to be appointed as the Chairperson of
open data principles. Many nations and the Commission (The NHRC), in
open government advocates welcomed the
addition to the person, who has been
G8 Charter, but there was a general
the Chief Justice of India.
sense that the principles could be refined
and improved to support the broader • To increase the members of the
global adoption of the open data Commission from two to three, of
principles. which, one shall be a woman.
Building on these efforts, and through an • To include the Chairperson of the
open, inclusive and representative National Commission for Backward
process, a number of open data Classes; the Chairperson of the
champions from the governments, National Commission for Protection of
multilateral organizations, civil society Child Rights; and the Chief
and private sector developed the
Commissioner for Persons with
International Open Data Charter. (It is
Disabilities as the deemed members of
independent of the United Nations).
the Commission.
The Charter has 6 principles, which were
developed in 2015 by the governments, • To reduce the term of the Chairperson
civil society and experts around the world and the members of the Commission
to represent a globally agreed set of and the State Commissions from five
aspirational norms for how to publish the to three years, and the fact that they
data. shall be eligible for re-appointment.
The Six Principles are: • To provide that a person, who has
1. Open by default; been a Judge of a High Court, is also
2. Timely and comprehensive; made eligible to be appointed as the
3. Accessible and usable; Chairperson of the State Commission,
4. Comparable and interoperable; in addition to the person, who has
5. For improved governance and citizen been the Chief Justice of the High
engagement; and Court.
6. For inclusive development and • The Central Government may, by
innovation. order, confer upon the State
The Government of India has not adopted Commissions the functions relating to
the Open Data Charter. the human rights being discharged by
the Union Territories, other than the
42. Answer: (d) Union Territory of Delhi.
Explanation: • The functions relating to the human
• The Protection of Human Rights Act, rights, in case of the Union Territory
1993, was enacted to provide for the of Delhi, shall be dealt with by the
constitution of a National Human Commission.
Rights Commission (NHRC), the State
Human Rights Commissions (SHRCs)

43. Answer: (a) account all relevant considerations,
Explanation: including, where applicable, the
• The National Human Rights existence in the state concerned of a
Commission (NHRC) of India was consistent pattern of gross, flagrant or
established in 1993, under the mass violations of the human rights.
Protection of Human Rights Act India is a signatory to the UN Convention
(PHRA), 1993. The Act has been Against Torture. However, India has not
amended in 2006 and very recently in ratified the Convention.
• The NHRC has been established in 45. Answer: (b)
conformity with the Paris Principles, Explanation:
adopted at the first international Free education for the children with
workshop on national institutions, for benchmark disabilities –
the promotion and protection of the
(1) Notwithstanding anything contained
human rights, held in Paris in 1991
in the Right of Children to Free and
and endorsed by the General
Compulsory Education Act, 2009,
Assembly of the United Nations, by its
every child with benchmark disability,
Resolutions 48/134 of in 1993.
between the age of six to eighteen
years, shall have the right to free
44. Answer: (b) education in a neighbourhood school,
Explanation: or in a special school of his choice.
The Convention against Torture and (2) The appropriate government and local
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading authorities shall ensure that every
Treatment or Punishment – child with benchmark disability has
Article 2 access to free education in an
1. Each state party shall take effective appropriate environment, till he
legislative, administrative, judicial or attains the age of eighteen years.
other measures to prevent the acts of Reservation in the higher educational
torture in any territory under its institutions –
jurisdiction. (1) All government institutions of higher
2. No exceptional circumstances education and other higher education
whatsoever, whether a state of war or institutions, receiving aid from the
a threat of war, internal political government, shall reserve not less
instability, or any other public than 5% seats for the persons with
emergency, may be invoked as a benchmark disabilities.
justification of torture. (2) The persons with benchmark
3. An order from a superior officer or a disabilities shall be given an upper
public authority may not be invoked age relaxation of five years for
as a justification of torture. admission in the institutions of higher
Article 3 education.
1. No state party shall expel, return
(refouler) or extradite a person to 46. Answer: (c)
another state, where there are Explanation:
substantial grounds for believing that In pursuance to the recently announced
he would be in danger of being Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan stimulus
subjected to torture. package, the Cabinet has approved the
2. For the purpose of determining setting up of the Animal Husbandry
whether there are such grounds, the Infrastructure Development Fund
competent authorities shall take into (AHIDF), amounting to Rs. 15,000 crore.

The government had earlier approved the It would be brought out once in two
Dairy Processing and Infrastructure months. It would be published on the last
Development Fund (DIDF) worth Rs. date of every second month.
10,000 crore for incentivizing investment The Coal Controller’s Organization (CCO)
by the co-operative sector, for the would be responsible for collecting all
development of the dairy infrastructure. data pertaining to the coal prices, from all
However, the MSMEs and private the price channels on a bi-monthly basis.
companies also need to be promoted and The CCO will compile the National Coal
incentivized for their participation in Index.
processing and value addition
infrastructure in the animal husbandry
48. Answer: (c)
The eligible beneficiaries under the
Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR)
Scheme would be the Farmer Producer
– The LFPR is defined as the percentage of
Organizations (FPOs), MSMEs, Section 8
the persons in the labour force (i.e.,
Companies, private companies and
working or seeking, or available for work)
individual entrepreneurs, with only 10%
in the population.
margin money contribution by them. The
balance 90% would be the loan Worker Population Ratio (WPR) – The
component to be made available to them WPR is defined as the percentage of the
by the scheduled banks. employed persons in the population.
The Government of India will provide 3% Unemployment Rate (UR) – The UR is
interest subvention to the eligible defined as the percentage of the persons
beneficiaries. unemployed among the persons in the
labour force.

47. Answer: (a)

49. Answer: (c)
The National Coal Index (NCI) – It has
been developed on the recommendation of  Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar’s most
the Pratyush Sinha Committee. It will be enduring contributions were as an
used for the purpose of the auction of the educationist and a reformer of the
coal mines for commercial mining on traditional upper caste Hindu society.
revenue sharing basis.  The focus of his reform was the
NCI is the weighted average of the change women.
in the price level of coal, based on the  He spent his life’s energies trying to
price level of Financial Year 2017-18. The ensure an end to the practice of the
Index is compiled and presented at 5 sub- child marriage and to initiate the
sectors level, which are the groups of the widow marriage.
grades of coal. These sub-sector indices  Vidyasagar and Akshay Kumar Dutt
are averaged to compile the Index of the were agnostics, who refused to
non-coking coal and the coking coal, and discuss the supernatural.
finally for the whole of the Indian coal  Alongside the campaign for the widow
sector. remarriage, Vidyasagar campaigned
The Index will use three price channels: against polygamy.
 Notified prices of Coal India; WCL; and
SCCL. 50. Answer: (b)
 Auction prices of Coal India. Explanation:
 Import prices of coal. Under the Special Liquidity Window for
the NBFCs, SBICAP, which is a

subsidiary of the State Bank of India, has  In the First Battle of Panipat, Babur
set up a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), defeated his son, Ibrahim Lodhi.
known as the Special Liquidity Scheme
(SLS) Trust, to manage this operation. 53. Answer: (a)
The SLS Trust would raise money by
issuing government guaranteed special
The International Comparison Programme
securities to the RBI. The total amount of
(ICP) is the largest world-wide data
the value of such securities would be Rs.
collection initiative with the goal of
30,000 crore. Under this Scheme, certain
producing Purchasing Power Parities
eligible NBFCs and HFCs would be
(PPPs). It is managed by the World Bank
issuing commercial papers to borrow
and carried out under the guidance of the
money from the SLS Trust. These
UN Statistical Commission (UNSC). The
commercial papers should have maturity
World Bank has released the new
period of less than 3 months. The
Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs) for
borrowed money should be used by the
reference year 2017. India has retained
NBFCs and the HFCs only for the purpose
its global position as the third
of repaying their borrowed money. The
largest economy (in terms of PPP). Top
money cannot be used by the NBFCs and
two countries are China and the USA.
the HFCs for any other purpose.

54. Answer: (c)

51. Answer: (d)
Aksai Chin is important for China, as it
The Government Final Consumption
connects two backward provinces of
Expenditure (GFCE) accounts for around
China, viz., Tibet and Xinjiang.
12% of India's GDP. As highlighted by the
Economic Survey 2019-20, the present The territories of India, Bhutan and
economic slowdown is on account of China intersect in an area, called the
decline in investment, accompanied by Doklam Plateau, adjacent to the Chumbi
decline in consumption expenditure. Even Valley.
though the contribution of the GFCE is
only around 12% of India's GDP, the 55. Answer: (c)
increase in the rate of the GFCE has Explanation:
enabled the Indian economy to register Article 159 - Oath or affirmation by the
the GDP growth rate of 4.2% in 2019-20. Governor – Every Governor and every
Had the government not increased its person discharging the functions of the
expenditure, the GDP growth rate would Governor shall, before entering upon his
have been still lower in 2019-20. office, make and subscribe in the
presence of the Chief Justice of the
52. Answer: (d) High Court exercising jurisdiction in
Explanation: relation to the state, or, in his absence,
 Bahlol’s son, Nizam Khan Sikandar the senior most Judge of that Court
Lodhi, who succeeded him, became available, an oath or affirmation.
the most powerful ruler of the Lodhi Schedule V – The Governor, by public
dynasty. notification, can direct the following:
 Under Sikandar Lodhi’ s reign, Vasco  That any particular Act of the
da Gama landed in India. Parliament or of the State Legislature
 Sikandar Lodhi made conquests in shall not apply to a Scheduled Area
Bihar and Bengal, subjugated Gwalior or any part of the Scheduled Area in
and founded the city of Agra in 1504. the state; or

 That any particular Act of the constitutional recognition to the
Parliament or of the State Legislature Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs).
shall apply to a Scheduled Area or Whereas the Constitution (Seventy-fourth
any part of the Scheduled Area in the Amendment) Act, 1992, gives
state and the Governor can specify constitutional recognition to the
any modification or exception
Municipalities and the Urban Local
regarding the implementation of any
Bodies (ULBs).
law made by the Parliament or the
State Legislature. Organizing the Village Panchayats and
endowing them with the powers and
 The Governor is empowered to issue
notification, giving it a retrospective authority necessary to enable them to
effect. function as the units of self-government
Article 166 – The Conduct of the is a part of the Directive Principles of
business of the Government of a State - State Policy, under Article 40 and not
All executive actions of the government of the Fundamental Duties.
a state shall be expressed to be taken in Article 40 – The Organization of the
the name of the Governor. Village Panchayats - The State shall take
Article 166 – The Conduct of the steps to organize the Village Panchayats
business of the Government of a State- and endow them with such powers and
The Governor shall make rules for the authority, as may be necessary to enable
more convenient transaction of the
them to function as the units of self-
business of the government of the state
and for the allocation among the
Ministers of the said business, in so far Article 243K – The Elections to the
as it is not business with respect to which Panchayats - The superintendence,
the Governor is by, or under this direction and control of the preparation of
Constitution, required to act in his the electoral rolls for, and the conduct of
discretion. all elections to the Panchayats, shall be
vested in a State Election Commission,
56. Answer: (a) consisting of a State Election
Explanation: Commissioner, to be appointed by the
Vande Bharat Mission aims at bringing Governor.
home stranded Indians in many countries
due to Covid-19 pandemic. 58. Answer: (a)
Under the Mission, the people evacuated
are to compulsorily download the
“Aarogya Setu” application. After The National Crisis Management
returning to India, these people are to be Committee (NCMC) is headed by the
kept under quarantine for 14 days. Cabinet Secretary. It comprises high level
The flights are being operated, based on officials of the Government of India. It
the standard operating procedure (SOP), deals with the crises, which have national
issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs. ramifications. It is supported by the
The cost of travel will be borne by such Crisis Management Groups of the Central
travelers. Nodal Ministries and assisted by the
National Executive Council, as may be
57. Answer: (b) necessary.
Explanation: Whereas, such other emergencies,
The Constitution (Seventy-third including those requiring close
Amendment) Act, 1992, gives involvement of the security forces and/or

the intelligence agencies, such as examining and reviewing the working of
terrorism (counter-insurgency), law and the existing arrangements between the
order situations, serial bomb blasts, Union and the States, and making
hijacking, air accidents, CBRN weapon recommendations as to the changes and
systems, mine disasters, port and measures needed, the Commission will
harbour emergencies, forest fires, oilfield keep in view the social and economic
fires and oil spills will continue to be developments that have taken place over
handled by the extant mechanism, i.e., the years and have due regard to the
the National Crisis Management scheme and framework of the
Committee (NCMC). The NCMC plays an Constitution, which the founding fathers
important role in the handling of the have so sedulously designed to protect
multi-state disasters. the independence and to ensure the unity
It is a statutory body under the Disaster and integrity of the country which is of
Management Act, 2005. paramount importance for promoting the
The Role of the NCMC – welfare of the people."

(i) To oversee the command, control and These are the separate topics which have
co-ordination of the disaster been discussed in the Report of the
response; Sarkaria Commission:

(ii) To give directions to the Crisis  Legislative Relations

Management Groups, as deemed  Administrative Relations
necessary; and  The Role of the Governors
(iii) To give directions for specific actions  The Reservation of the Bills by the
to face the crisis situations. Governors for the President’s
consideration and the Promulgation of
59. Answer: (d) the Ordinances
Explanation:  The Emergency Provisions
The Sarkaria Commission – With a view  Deployment of Union Armed Forces in
to reviewing the working of the existing the states for public order duties
arrangements between the Union and the  All India Services
States in the changed socio-economic  Inter-Governmental Council
scenario, the government, vide a
 Financial Relations
notification of the Ministry of Home
Affairs, dated June 9, 1983, constituted a  Economic and Social Planning
Commission under the Chairmanship of  Industries
Justice R.S. Sarkaria, with Shri B.  Mines and Minerals
Sivaraman and Dr. S.R. Sen as its  Agriculture
members. The terms of the reference of
 Forests
the Commission, as enunciated in this
 Food and Civil Supplies
notification, were as under:
 Inter-State River Water Disputes
"The Commission will examine and review
the working of the existing arrangements  Trade, Commerce and Inter-course
between the Union and the States in within the territory of India
regard to powers, functions and  Mass Media
responsibilities in all spheres and
recommend such changes or other
measures as may be appropriate." "In

60. Answer: (d) that House, present and voting, it shall
Explanation: be presented to the President, who shall
give his assent to the Bill and thereupon
the Constitution shall stand amended in
accordance with the terms of the Bill.
Article 108 (4) – If, at the Joint Sitting of
the two Houses, the Bill, with such
amendments, if any, as are agreed to in
the Joint Sitting, is passed by a majority
of the total number of the members of
both the Houses, present and voting, it
shall be deemed for the purposes of this
Constitution to have been passed by both
the Houses.

62. Answer: (a)

61. Answer: (d) The Konark Sun Temple – On the
shores of the Bay of Bengal, bathed in the
rays of the rising Sun, the temple at
Article 88 – The Rights of the Ministers Konark is a monumental representation
and the Attorney-General as respects of the Sun God Surya's chariot. Its 24
the Houses – Every Minister and the wheels are decorated with the symbolic
Attorney-General of India shall have the designs and it is led by a team of six
right to speak in, and otherwise to take horses. Built in the 13th century, it is one
part in the proceedings of, either House, of India's most famous Brahman
any joint sitting of the Houses, and any sanctuaries.
It was built during the reign of the Ganga
Committee of the Parliament, of which he
may be named a member, but shall not
It is called Black Pagoda. White Pagoda is
by virtue of this Article be entitled to vote. the name of the Jagannath temple, Puri.
So, the Attorney General can attend
the Joint Sitting of both the Houses.
63. Answer: (c)
Two Bills cannot be referred for the Joint
Sitting are the Money Bill and the
Constitution Amendment Bill. Proviso “One Belt One Road (OBOR)”, the
Clause to Article 108(1) - Provided that brainchild of the Chinese President, Xi
nothing in this Clause shall apply to a Jinping, is an ambitious economic
Money Bill. development and commercial project, that
focuses on improving the connectivity and
According to Article 368, the
co-operation among multiple countries,
Constitution Amendment Bill needs to be
spread across the continents of Asia,
introduced and passed separately by each
Africa and Europe. It was dubbed as the
House of the Parliament.
“Project of the Century” by the Chinese
Article 368(2) - An amendment of this authorities. OBOR spans about 78
Constitution may be initiated only by the countries.
introduction of a Bill for the purpose in
The project covers two parts:
either House of the Parliament, and
when the Bill is passed in each House  The first is called the “Silk Road
by a majority of the total membership Economic Belt,” which is primarily
of that House and by a majority of not land-based and is expected to connect
less than two-thirds of the members of

China with Central Asia, Eastern Intelligence) and understand how to
Europe and Western Europe. identify the social impact ideas/projects,
 The second is called the “21st Century that may be created using AI and submit
Maritime Silk Road” which is sea- their ideas through a 60 seconds video,
based and is expected to connect explaining a proposed AI enabled
China's southern coast to the solution.
Mediterranean, Africa, South-East From the submitted ideas, in the form of
Asia and Central Asia. the videos, top 100 ideas will be
 The names are confusing, as the ‘Belt’ shortlisted and these students will be
is actually a network of roads and the invited to attend the residential boot-
‘Road’ is a sea route. camps or online sessions (subject to
COVID-19 situation), to take them
through a deep dive AI journey. Post the
64. Answer: (b)
boot-camps/ online sessions, these
Explanation: students will be asked to create real time
The Somasila Hydro Power Project is projects and submit their final project in
located in Andhra Pradesh. It is a dam a video format on the website.
built on the Pennar River. Adequate handholding will be provided by
The Chutak Hydro Power Project is a “run the Intel certified AI coaches and mentors
of the river project”, located in the Union throughout, to ensure that the ideas
Territory of Ladakh. It is located on the mature as prototypes. The experts will
Suru River. shortlist top 50 project ideas and the
The Nimoo Bazgo Hydro Power Project is a students will be invited to showcase their
“run of the river” hydro power project, projects, either face to face or in an online
also located in the Union Territory of format. Further, top 20 innovative
Ladakh. It is located on the Indus River. projects will be selected by an
independent committee of experts and
65. Answer: (b) provided opportunities to showcase at
Explanation: relevant platform.

The Responsible AI for Youth Programme The Programme has been created and
is open to the students of classes 8 – 12, launched by the National e-Governance
from the central and the state Division, Ministry of Electronics and IT,
government run schools (including KVS, in collaboration with Intel India, with
NVS, JNV), from across the country, in all support from the Department of School
the 28 states and 8 Union Territories. It Education and Literacy, Ministry of
aims to bring about a change in the Human Resource Development.
thought process and create a bridge for
the digital divide. The Programme will be 66. Answer: (d)
implemented in a phase-wise manner and Explanation:
in its first phase, each of the State The Dzukou valley is situated between
Education Department will nominate 10 Manipur and Nagaland, which is the
teachers, as per the eligibility criteria. The crater base of an extinct volcano and the
teachers may also self-nominate most famous Dzukou Lily (a flower) is
themselves by fulfilling the eligibility found only in this region.
criteria. These teachers will be provided The Gumti River flows from Tripura into
orientation sessions, aimed to help them Bangladesh.
understand the premise and identify 25-
The Bharatapuzha River is not a tributary
50 potential students for the Programme.
of the Cauvery River. It flows into the
The identified students will attend online
Indian Ocean. It is the longest river in
training sessions on AI (Artificial

67. Answer: (d) Gadgil Report. This implies that according
Explanation: to the Kasturirangan Committee, around
Dekho Apna Desh Initiative is a 37.5 % of the total area of the Western
programme by the Ministry of Tourism, Ghats is Ecologically Sensitive.
under which webinars are conducted, A beel or a bheel is a term for a pond
which make people learn about the with static water, in the Ganges -
important tourist destinations of the Brahmaputra flood plains of the Eastern
country. These videos are later uploaded Indian states of West Bengal and Assam,
on YouTube. and in Bangladesh. They are not located
in the Western Ghats.
68. Answer: (a) Myristica Swamps – The freshwater low-
lying valleys of the evergreen tropical
forests of the Western Ghats harbour a
In 2019, the Delhi District Courts, under
rare, ancient ecosystem: the Myristica
the aegis of the e-Committee, Supreme
Swamps. Comprised mainly of evergreen
Court of India; and the I.T. Committee,
trees of the Myristicaceae family, one of
High Court of Delhi, had established the
the most primitive families of the
first Virtual Court in the country. The
flowering plants, renowned for the
Virtual Court dealt digitally with the “on-
nutmeg tree species, the swamps are rich
spot traffic challans”, generated by the
in biodiversity and the scientists have
Delhi Traffic Police, via the e-Challan
been discovering new species to this day.
application developed by the NIC
(National Informatics Centre).
70. Answer: (b)
The Supreme Court uses the Vidyo App,
developed by the NIC for conducting the Explanation:
court sessions digitally. “Delimitation” literally means the act or
The Chief Justice of India is the process of fixing limits or boundaries of
Chairperson of the e-Committee of the the territorial constituencies in a country
Supreme Court of India. or a province, having a legislative body.
The job of delimitation is assigned to a
high-power body. Such a body is known
69. Answer: (c)
as the Delimitation Commission or the
Explanation: Boundary Commission.
The Western Ghats are older than the In India, such Delimitation Commissions
Himalayas. have been constituted 4 times – in 1952
Madhav Gadgil recommended a much under the Delimitation Commission Act,
larger area to be protected as the “Eco- 1952, in 1963 under Delimitation
Sensitive Zones” in the Western Ghat, as Commission Act, 1962, in 1973 under
compared to the Kasturirangan Delimitation Commission Act, 1972 and
Committee. Madhav Gadgil recommended in 2002 under Delimitation Commission
to turn the entire Western Ghats region Act, 2002.
into an Ecologically Sensitive Area, which The Delimitation Commission in India is a
is divided into two parts: (i) The protected high-power body, whose orders have the
areas (National Parks and Wildlife force of law and cannot be called in
Sanctuaries); and (ii) Three Eco-Sensitive question before any court. These orders
Zones (ESZ-1, ESZ-2 and ESZ-3). come into force on a date to be specified
The Kasturirangan Panel recommended by the President of India, in this behalf.
the identification of 60,000 km² The copies of its orders are laid before the
Ecologically Sensitive Area, spread over House of the People and the State
six states. Thus, it diluted the protection Legislative Assembly concerned, but no
of 1,37,000 km² area, as stipulated in the

modifications are permissible therein by density. As a result, the lead-acid
them. batteries are still one of the most reliable,
So, delimitation is not done after every economical and environmentally friendly
census. options. However, electrodes in the lead-
The Central Government shall constitute acid batteries suffer from the problem of
a Commission, to be called the heavyweight, corrosion, poor thermal
Delimitation Commission, which shall stability and diffusion of electrolytes in
consist of three members, as follows:— (a) one dimension, which ultimately affects
one member, who shall be a person, who the output power.
is or has been a Judge of the Supreme The scientists from the CSIR have
Court, to be appointed by the Central developed a ‘carbon foam’, which is less
Government, who shall be the in density, has high porosity and good
Chairperson of the Commission; (b) the mechanical strength. The foam is highly
Chief Election Commissioner or an resistive to corrosion, has good electrical
Election Commissioner nominated by the and thermal conductivity with high
Chief Election Commissioner, ex officio: surface area, and have recently attracted
Provided that after the nomination of an a lot of attention owing to their potential
Election Commissioner as a member applications in various field. Carbon
under this clause, no further nomination foams, in future, can replace the Li-ion
under this clause shall be made, except batteries.
to fill the casual vacancy of such member The carbon foams are cost-effective for
under Section 6; and (c) the State the removal of arsenic, oil, and other
Election Commissioner of the concerned metals from the contaminated water.
state, ex officio. These carbon foams are non-toxic, easy to
The newly created Union Territory of fabricate, affordable and insoluble in
Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) will be the water. The raw material for the
only one in the country to undergo a fabrication of carbon foams is easily
delimitation exercise, based upon the available everywhere and there is no
population figures recorded in the 2011 requirement of any costly equipment for
Census. The latest re-adjustment of the the fabrication of the carbon foams and
boundaries of the constituencies in other filtration. Such materials can be safely
states and UTs has been done on the used in the remote areas where power
basis of the 2001 Census and in future, it supply is scarce.
will be carried out according to the 2021
Census. 72. Answer: (d)
71. Answer: (a) • The Open Skies Treaty (OST) was first
Explanation: proposed in 1955 by the former US
The present grid-scale energy-storage President, Dwight Eisenhower, as a
sector is dominated by the lithium-ion (Li- means to de-escalate tensions during
ion) batteries, because of their higher the Cold War.
energy density and specific power, and • The landmark Treaty was eventually
long cycle life. However, there are some signed after the demise of the Soviet
serious concerns regarding the Li-ion Union in 1992, between the NATO
batteries, such as safety risk, limited members and the former Warsaw Pact
resource supply, high cost and lack of countries.
recycling infrastructure. This necessitates • The Treaty entered into force on
the development of an alternative battery January 1, 2002, and currently 34
system with lower environmental states are party to the Treaty, while a
concerns, economic and higher energy

35th, Kyrgyzstan, has signed, but not upgradation and it is not economically
ratified it. viable for the individual defence
• The OST aims at building confidence industrial units to set up in-house
among the members through mutual testing facilities.
openness, thus reducing the chances  The Scheme aims at setting up of the
of an accidental war. Greenfield Defence Testing
• Under the Treaty, a member state can Infrastructure (required for the
“spy” on any part of the host nation, Defence and the Aerospace related
with the latter’s consent. A country production), as a common facility
can undertake aerial imaging over the under the private sector, with
host state after giving a notice 72 government assistance, mainly in the
hours before and sharing its exact DICs.
flight path 24 hours before. The Treaty Objective: The objective of the proposed
permits each state-party to conduct Scheme is to promote the indigenous
short-notice, unarmed, defence production, with special focus on
reconnaissance flights over the others' the participation of the MSMEs and the
entire territories, to collect data on Start Ups, by bridging gaps in the
military forces and activities. Defence Testing Infrastructure in the
• The information gathered, such as on country. Setting up of the Defence Testing
troop movements, military exercises Infrastructure will provide easy access
and missile deployments, has to be and thus, meet the testing needs of the
shared with all the member states. domestic defence industry.
• All of a state-party's territory can be About the Defence Testing
overflown. No territory can be declared Infrastructure Scheme –
off-limits by the host nation. Even the  The Scheme would run for duration of
Treaty allows for multiple states- five years and it envisages to set up
parties to take part in an overflight. six to eight new test facilities in
• India is not a member country. partnership with the private industry.
 This will facilitate the indigenous
73. Answer: (c) defence production and consequently
reduce the imports of the military
equipment, and help make the
Background –
country self-reliant.
 Under “Make in India”, the
 The projects under the Scheme will be
government has accorded high priority
provided with up to 75% government
to the development of the
funding, in the form of ‘Grant-in-Aid’.
manufacturing base of the Defence
The remaining 25% of the project cost
and the Aerospace sectors in the
will have to be borne by the Special
country, to reduce dependence on
Purpose Vehicle (SPV), whose
imports. Towards this, the
constituents will be the Indian private
government has announced
entities and the state governments.
establishment of the Defence
 The SPVs, under the Scheme, will be
Industrial Corridors (DICs) in Uttar
registered under the Companies Act,
Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.
2013, and shall also operate and
 One of the main impediments for
maintain all the assets under the
domestic defence production is the
Scheme, in a self-sustainable manner
lack of easily accessible state-of-the-
by collecting the user charges.
art testing infrastructure. The Defence
 The equipments/systems tested will
Testing Infrastructure is often capital
be certified as per the appropriate
intensive, requiring continuous

 While majority of the test facilities are "peaceful nuclear explosion," on 18th
expected to come up in the two May, 1974.
Defence Industrial Corridors (DICs), This year (2020), India has observed the
the Scheme is not limited to setting up
46th anniversary of its first nuclear test
the test facilities in the DICs only.
in Rajasthan's Pokhran. The peaceful test
was code-named 'Smiling Buddha'. The
74. Answer: (a) test was named 'Smiling Buddha',
Explanation: because it was conducted on Buddha
The Infant Mortality Rate (IMR), which is Purnima that year. "The Buddha has
widely accepted as a crude indicator of smiled," Dr. Ramanna is learnt to have
the overall health scenario of a country or
told the then Prime Minister Indira
a region, is defined as the infant deaths
Gandhi, after the test.
(less than one year of age) per thousand
live births in a given time period and for a The test was conducted under the
given region. supervision of Dr. Raja Ramanna, who
The current national average of infant was then the director of India's premier
mortality rate stands at 32. Among the nuclear research institute, the Bhabha
states/Union Territories, the IMR ranges Atomic Research Centre (BARC).
from 4 in Nagaland to 48 in Madhya With this feat, India became the first
Pradesh for 2018. Thus, Nagaland has country, outside the five permanent
the lowest IMR among all the states. United Nations Security Council (UNSC)
The IMR for the rural areas is 36, while members, to conduct the test.
for the urban areas the IMR stands at 23.
For many states, female IMR is less
76. Answer: (b)
than male IMR. They are:
1. Andhra Pradesh Explanation:
2. Chhattisgarh Australia has informed India that their
3. Delhi premier multilateral air combat training
4. Gujarat exercise, Pitch Black 2020 has been
5. Haryana cancelled due to the COVID-19 situation.

6. Kerala Exercise Pitch Black is a biennial

7. Madhya Pradesh warfare exercise hosted by the Royal
Australian Air Force (RAAF). The exercise
8. Odisha
is normally held in Northern Australia,
9. Punjab
primarily at the RAAF Bases, Darwin and
10. Tamil Nadu
Tindal. The aim of the exercise is to
11. Telangana
practice Offensive Counter Air (OCA) and
12. Uttarakhand
Defensive Counter Air (DCA) combat, in a
13. Goa
simulated war environment. It
14. Meghalaya traditionally consists of a 'Red Team' and
15. Tripura a 'Blue Team', based at separate
16. Lakshadweep locations, with one attacking the other.
The Indian Air Force has participated in
75. Answer: (d) two multilateral air combat exercises over
Explanation: the last three years: The Red Flag
India conducted its first nuclear Exercise, held in the United States in
detonation, described by India as a 2016; and the Blue Flag Air Combat
Drill in Israel in 2017.

77. Answer: (d) growth. It gives the number of live births
Explanation: per thousand population in a given region
The global military expenditure rose to and year.
$1,917 billion in 2019, with India and The birth rate of India stands at 20 in
China emerging among the top three 2018, according to the Sample
spenders, according to a report by the Registration Survey. The birth rate at the
Swedish think-tank, the Stockholm all-India level has declined drastically
International Peace Research Institute over the last four decades, from 36.9 in
(SIPRI). 1971 to 20.0 in 2018. The rural-urban
“In 2019, China and India were, differential has also narrowed over these
respectively, the second and the third years. However, the birth rate has
largest military spenders in the world. continued to be higher in the rural areas,
China’s military expenditure reached as compared to the urban areas in the
$261 billion in 2019, a 5.1% increase last four decades.
compared with 2018, while India’s grew
In 2018, the birth rate for India varies
by 6.8% to $71.1 billion,” the report said.
from 16.7 in the urban regions to 21.6 in
In 2019, the top five largest spenders –
the rural regions. The highest birth rate
U.S. ($732 billion), China, India, Russia
($65.1 billion) and Saudi Arabia ($61.9 has been recorded in Bihar (26.2), while
billion) – accounted for 62% of the global the lowest in the Andaman and Nicobar
expenditure. The annual report ‘Trends in Islands (11.2).
World Military Expenditure, 2019’ was Death Rate – Mortality is one of the basic
released by the SIPRI, recently. components of population change and the
The SIPRI is an international institute related data is essential for the
based in Sweden, dedicated to research demographic studies and public health
into conflict, armaments, arms control administration. Death rate is one of the
and disarmament. Established in 1966, simplest measures of mortality and is
the SIPRI provides data, analysis and defined as the number of deaths per
recommendations, based on the open thousand population in a given region
sources, to the policymakers, researchers, and time period. The death rate of India
media and the interested public. The has witnessed a significant decline over
SIPRI is based in Stockholm. the last four decades, from 14.9 in 1971
to 6.2 in 2018. The decline has been
78. Answer: (b) steeper in the rural areas, as compared to
Explanation: the urban areas.
The Sample Registration System (SRS) For the year 2018, the death rate for
Survey is a large-scale demographic India varies from 5.1 in the urban areas
survey for providing reliable annual to 6.7 in the rural areas. The death rate
estimates of IMR (Infant Mortality Rate), for the states/Union Territories ranges
birth rate, death rate, and other fertility from 3.3 in Delhi to 8.0 in Chhattisgarh
and mortality indicators at the national for 2018.
and the sub-national levels. Note: Death rate for males is higher than
It is conducted by the office of the that for females
Registrar General and Census
Commissioner of India.
80. Answer: (b)
79. Answer: (c)
The ILO Convention 144 has been in the
news, after some state governments
Birth Rate – Birth rate is a crude
passed amendments to the labour laws,
measure of fertility of a population and is
diluting the protection of labour in the
a crucial determinant of the population

These ordinances were passed by the 82. Answer: (a)
state governments without consultations Explanation:
with the labour organizations, such as In March 2019, the Reserve Bank of India
the trade unions. (RBI) had introduced a separate channel,
India is a signatory to the ILO Convention called the ‘Voluntary Retention Route’
144. According to the ILO Convention (VRR). Such a route enables the FPIs (The
144, each signatory to the Convention Foreign Portfolio Investments) to invest in
should create procedures for ensuring the debt markets in India. Broadly, the
effective consultations between the investments through the VRR are free
governments, the employers and the from the macro-prudential and other
employees. The employers and the regulatory norms applicable to the FPI
workers shall be represented on an equal investments in the debt markets.
However, for availing such a benefit, the
footing on anybody/bodies, through
FPIs should voluntarily commit to retain
which the consultations are undertaken.
a required minimum percentage of their
investments in India for a certain period.
81. Answer: (a) The RBI's Regulations on the VRR –
Explanation:  Any FPI registered with the SEBI (The
The Reverse Repo is the rate at which the Securities and Exchange Board of
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) absorbs the India) is eligible to participate through
liquidity from the economy. Under this this Route. Participation through this
route, the banks can park their surplus Route shall be voluntary.
funds with the RBI and earn an interest  The FPIs are eligible to invest in any
which is equal to the Reverse Repo. Government Securities i.e., the
However, when the banks park their Central Government dated Securities
funds under this route, the RBI would be (G-Secs); the Treasury Bills (T-Bills);
required to give the G-Secs as collateral to as well as the State Development
the banks. Loans (SDLs). They can also invest in
The Standing Deposit Facility (SDF) the corporate bonds.
works similar to the Reverse Repo.  The RBI imposes a limit on the
However, the SDF would be different from investments under this Route.
the Reverse Repo in the following ways: Presently, it is Rs. 1.5 lakh crore.
1. Under the SDF route, the RBI would  The minimum retention period for the
investment is 3 years.
not be required to provide the G-Secs
as collateral to the banks. Hence, it  The minimum percentage of
would enable the RBI to absorb huge investment, which has to be retained,
is 75%.
amount of liquidity from the economy,
without the G-Secs acting as  The allocation of investment amount
collateral. to the FPIs under this Route shall be
made on tap or through auctions.
2. The SDF would be lower than the
The FPIs that wish to liquidate their
Reverse Repo.
investments under the Route, prior to the
The Reverse Repo exercise is carried out
end of the retention period, may do so by
as per the discretion of the RBI, selling their investments to another FPI.
depending upon the market conditions. However, the FPI buying such investment
However, the SDF would enable the shall abide by all the terms and
banks to keep their surplus funds with conditions applicable under the Route.
the RBI at their own discretion.

83. Answer: (c) identification number and shall be
Explanation: portable.
The Sinking Fund is a separate dedicated The Workers’ Facilitation Centre – The
fund that may be set up in order to meet state government may set up such centre
the debt repayment obligations on the to disseminate the information on the
bonds. Just like how the companies available social security schemes for the
borrow money from the market, even the unorganized workers, facilitate the filling,
state governments also borrow money. processing and forwarding of the
So, even the state governments may set application forms for registration of the
up the Consolidated Sinking Fund to unorganized workers, assist the
efficiently manage their debts. In this unorganized worker to obtain registration
regard, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) from the District Administration and
had introduced the Consolidated Sinking facilitate the enrollment of the registered
Fund (CSF) as a scheme for the states. unorganized workers in the social
The Fund is maintained outside the security schemes.
Consolidated Fund of the States and the
Public Account, and is used only for the 85. Answer: (d)
redemption of the loans. Explanation:
Presently, around 23 states in India have The Factories Act, 1948, regulates the
parked around Rs. 1.3 lakh crore with the working conditions in the factories and
RBI, in the form of the Consolidated industries of India, and also provides for
Sinking Fund. the working hours of the adults, including
women, adolescents and children,
84. Answer: (b) employment of young persons and
Explanation: children in the factories, and also certain
Both the central and the state penalties. The Act defines a child as
governments shall provide certain social someone who has not completed 15 years
security benefits to the workers of the of age, whereas an adolescent means a
unorganized sector. The central person who has completed his/her 15
government may formulate suitable years, but has not completed 18 years of
welfare schemes for life and disability age.
cover, health & maternity benefits and
old age protection, whereas the state 86. Answer: (b)
government can formulate schemes for Explanation:
provident fund, employment injury The Central Bank Digital Currency
benefit, housing, educational schemes (CBDC) is a digital currency backed by
for the children, skill upgradation of the Central Bank of a country. Just like
the workers, funeral assistance and old the currency notes issued by the Central
age homes for the unorganized workers. Bank, the CDBC is a legal tender and
Eligibility for registration and social accepted for the payment of various
security benefits - Every unorganized transactions within a country.
worker shall be eligible for registration, if Secondly, unlike the crypto-currencies,
he has completed fourteen years of age the CBDC is backed by the Central Bank
and must self-declare in the application and hence, enjoys more amount of
that he is an unorganized worker. The stability and less volatility.
district administration, upon the
Thirdly, it is considered as a
registration of such unorganized worker,
"programmable money”. The Central
shall issue an identity card, which shall
Bank can enable the usage of the CBDC
be a smart card carrying a unique

for certain selected users - either the empowerment of the Scheduled
people or only the Financial Institutions. Tribes.
Further, the CBDC is also referred as a  Para 5 of Schedule V – The
programmable money, because it can be Governor, by public notification,
programmed only for certain selected can direct the following:
transactions or they may be enabled in  That any particular Act of the
certain specific regions of the country Parliament or of the State Legislature
only. shall not apply to a Scheduled Area
Lastly, just like the crypto-currencies, the or any part of the Scheduled Area in
CBDC works on the ‘Blockchain the state; or
Technology’ and hence, the details of  That any particular Act of the
every transaction- amount, accounts Parliament or of the State Legislature
involved, purpose etc., are recorded. shall apply to a Scheduled Area or
Tunisia became one of the first countries any part of the Scheduled Area in the
in the world to issue a ‘Blockchain based state and the Governor can specify
National Currency’, called eDinar, also any modification or exception
known as Digicash and BitDinar. regarding the implementation of any
law made by the Parliament or the
87. Answer: (b) State Legislature.
Explanation: The Governor is empowered to issue
notification, giving it a retrospective
The Maharashtra Governor has modified
the Scheduled Tribes and Other
Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition
of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, allowing the 88. Answer: (c)
rightful claimants of the forest rights to Explanation:
appeal against the decisions of the  A binary system is one that consists of
District Level Committee (DLC), by two stars that are gravitationally
amending Section 6 of the Act. The right bound. The two stars obey the
to appeal against the decision of the DLCs Kepler’s Laws of planetary motion and
was not available prior to the orbit their common centre of mass
amendment. This amendment has been in elliptical or circular orbits.
proposed under Sub-paragraph (1) of
 Actually, most stars are in the binary
Paragraph 5 of the Fifth Schedule to the
systems. Perhaps up to 85% of the
Constitution of India.
stars are in the binary systems, with
 The Fifth Schedule finds reference in some in triple or even higher-multiple
Article 244 of the Constitution, which systems.
deals with the administration of the
 The brighter star is officially classified
Scheduled Areas and the Tribal
as the primary star, while the dimmer
of the two is the secondary star. In
 Article 244 - The provisions of the cases where the stars are of equal
Fifth Schedule shall apply to the brightness, the designation given by
administration and control of the the discoverer is respected.
Scheduled Areas and the Scheduled
 The Binary Star Systems provide the
Tribes in any state, other than the
best means for the scientists to
states of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura
determine the mass of a star. As the
and Mizoram.
pair pulls on each other, the
 The purpose of Para 5 of Schedule V astronomers can calculate the size
is to establish an egalitarian society and from there determine the
and to ensure socio-economic characteristics, such as the

temperature and the radius. These 91. Answer: (c)
factors help characterize single main Explanation:
sequence stars in the universe.  Recently, over 2,900 pigs have died in
 The closest star system to the Earth – India due to the African Swine Fever
Alpha Centauri – includes a binary (ASF), which does not affect the
pair of stars. humans, but can be catastrophic for
 Luhman 16A is a part of a binary pigs. This is the first time that an ASF
system (Luhman 16), containing a outbreak has been reported in India.
second brown dwarf, Luhman 16B.  The African Swine Fever (ASF) is a
This pair of brown dwarfs Luhman severe viral disease, affecting the
16A and Luhman 16B orbit each domestic and wild pigs, and is
other. Despite the fact that Luhman responsible for serious production and
16A and 16B have similar masses and economic losses.
temperatures, and presumably formed  This transboundary animal disease
at the same time, they show markedly (TAD) can be spread by live or dead
different weather. pigs, domestic or wild, and pork
89. Answer: (c)  Furthermore, transmission can occur
Explanation: via direct contact with the infected
The Minor Forest Produce (MFP) include domestic or wild pigs; indirect contact,
tamarind seeds, honey, Sal seeds, Mohua through ingestion of contaminated
seeds, Neem seeds etc. Around 100 material (e.g. food waste, feed, or
million forest dwellers depend on the MFP garbage); and even contaminated
for food, shelter, medicines, income etc. fomites, or biological vectors, as the
Declaration of the MSP: It is declared by environmental resistance of ASF virus
the Ministry of Tribal Affairs. It is done is very high.
based upon the recommendations of the  There is no approved vaccine against
Pricing Cell set up within TRIFED. ASF [unlike the Classical Swine Fever
Coverage: Initially, the scheme included (Hog Cholera)], which is caused by a
10 MFPs in 9 Panchayats (Extension to different virus.
Scheduled Areas) states. Subsequently, it  It is important that the determination
has been expanded to cover all the states of the ASF is made through laboratory
and 50 MFPs. testing and it is differentiated from the
Nodal Agency: TRIFED. Classical Swine Fever (CSF), whose
Procurement by: State-level designated signs may be similar to the ASF, but
agencies. is caused by a different virus for
which a vaccine exists.

90. Answer: (b)  Swine flu viruses do not typically

infect the humans, cases have been
reported in the past (for instance
‘Energy Transition’ refers to the shift in
during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic),
the energy system from the fossil-based
most commonly when the humans
fuels towards renewable energy. The
have contact with the infected pigs.
Energy Transition Index (ETI) measures
the extent of energy transition taking
place across 115 countries, including 92. Answer: (c)
India. It is published by the World Explanation:
Economic Forum (WEF). Tropical cyclones originate and intensify
over the warm tropical oceans. The
conditions favourable for the formation

and intensification of the tropical storms
 Large sea surface with temperature
higher than 27° C;
 Presence of the Coriolis Force;
 Small variations in the vertical wind
 A pre-existing weak low-pressure area
or low-level-cyclonic circulation; and
 Upper divergence above the sea level
 They are associated with the Inter- 94. Answer: (d)
Tropical Convergence Zone during the Explanation:
summer season. The following four species of locusts are
There should be a presence of anti- found in India –
cyclonic circulation in the upper 1. Desert locust
troposphere. It sucks the air from the 2. Migratory locust
ocean surface above, due to which the 3. Bombay locust
upper movement of the air is accelerated
4. Tree locust
and the low pressure centre at the
surface is intensified.  The desert locust is regarded as the
most important in India, as well as
93. Answer: (b)
 The attack of 2019-2020 has been
Explanation: caused mainly due to the desert
The favourable conditions for the locusts (Schistocerca gregaria).
occurrence of the heat waves include:
 Transportation / prevalence of hot dry 95. Answer: (d)
air over a region. There should be a
region of warm dry air and
Recently, Styrene gas was released in the
appropriate flow pattern for
Vishakhapatnam Plant of LG Chemicals.
transporting hot air over the region.
Many people lost their life and a lot of
 Absence of moisture in the upper
people were hospitalized.
atmosphere, as the presence of
 It is a flammable liquid that is used in
moisture restricts the temperature
rise. the manufacturing of polystyrene
plastics, fibreglass, rubber and latex.
 The sky should be practically
 Styrene is also found in vehicle
cloudless, to allow maximum
exhaust, cigarette smoke and in
insolation over the region.
natural foods like fruits and
 Large amplitude anti-cyclonic flow
over the area.
 Heat waves generally develop over
96. Answer: (b)
north-west India, and spread
gradually eastwards and southwards, Explanation:
but not westwards (since the  The International Day of Light (IDL) is
prevailing winds during the season celebrated on 16th May each year,
are westerly to north westerly). the anniversary of the first successful
operation of the laser in 1960 by
physicist and engineer, Theodore

• It is an initiative by the UNESCO . millions of years , though the heat
• In 2015, to raise global awareness of slowly radiates away into the space in
the achievements of light science the form of the lukewarm light .
and its applications the UN • They are neither categorized as
observed the International Year of planets or as stars , as they have the
Light and Light - based Technologies features of both the planets and the
2015 (IYL 2015) . stars. Some Brown Dwarfs are cool
enough to maintain atmospheres ,
• Following the success of the IYL 2015,
Ghana , Mexico , New Zealand and much like the planets . The Brown
Russia placed a resolution before the Dwarfs can host planets like stars and
UNESCO Executive Board supporting can have moons in their orbit , as well .
the idea of an International Day of • It is believed that some of the more
Light . It was adopted on September massive Brown Dwarfs fuse deuterium
19 , 2016 at the Board’s 200th or lithium and glow faintly .
session at the UNESCO • The International Astronomical
headquarters in Paris , France . Union considers any object with
Some of the major objectives of the IDL is enough mass to fuse deuterium to be
to improve the public understanding of a Brown Dwarf , while objects with less
the light and light -based technologies , than that - approximately 13 Jupiter
highlight and explain the intimate link masses - are considered planets .
between light , and art and culture ,
enhancing the role of optical technology 98 . Answer: (a )
to preserve cultural heritage , emphasise Explanation:
the importance of basic research and
Recently , the NITI Aayog has launched a
promote the importance of lighting
behaviour change campaign , ' Navigating
the New Normal ' and its website to help
people follow the norms to contain the
97 . Answer: ( d ) spread of Covid - 19 .
Explanation: Focusing on the Covid - safe behaviour ,
• The Brown Dwarfs are the types of the especially wearing the masks , during the
substellar objects , whose mass is ' Unlock ' phase of the Covid - 19 pandemic ,
greater than the planets , but lighter the campaign has been developed under
than the stars . It is for this reason the guidance of the Empowered Group 6,
they are also called the “failed stars ” , chaired by the NITI Aayog CEO Amitabh
because due to their small masses , Kant .
they are unable to sustain fusion of The campaign has two parts . The first is
their hydrogen to produce energy and a web portal containing resources
light unlike normal stars . informed by behavioural science , and the
• Unlike the stars , the Brown Dwarfs do use of nudge and social norms theory ,
not glow from the heat of the nuclear related to Covid -safe behavioural norms
fires raging in their hearts . Instead , during the ongoing ‘Unlock ’ phase and
their light and heat are simply the second is a media campaign focused
leftovers from their initial formation . on the wearing of the masks .
The objects were birthed from the
collapsing clouds of gas and dust ( just 99 . Answer: (a )
like the stars , only less of it ) , and that
gravitational collapse released a
In order to facilitate and support the
tremendous amount of energy . But ,
development of the polymer industry in
the energy got trapped in the infalling
material , locked inside for tens of Odisha and the eastern part of the

R AUSIAS-TS21El 03 30
country , a Product Application and • Visits and long- term stay of top
Development Centre ( PADC) has been set international faculty / researchers in
up by the Indian Oil Corporation Ltd . the Indian institutions to pursue
( IOCL) at Paradip . teaching and research ;
The technical centre , the sixth of its kind • Visits by the Indian students for
in the country and second such technical training and experimentation in
establishment in the east , is a recognised premier laboratories worldwide ;
laboratory of the Department of Scientific
• Joint development of niche courses ,
and Industrial Research ( DSIR ) , under world -class books and monographs ,
the Ministry of Science and Technology . translatable patents , demonstrable
In line with the 'Atmanirbhar Bharat ' technologies or action research
scheme of the Union Government , the outcomes and products;
PADC will be working on the development
• Consolidation of bilateral co -operation
of newer grades from Paradip and curtail through academic and research
polymer imports through substitution . partnerships through Indo-X
Workshops in India ; and
100 . Answer: ( c ) • Publication , dissemination and
Explanation: visibility through a high profile annual
The Scheme for Promotion of Academic international conference in India .
and Research Collaboration ( SPARC) aims
at improving the research ecosystem of
India’s Higher Educational Institutions ,
by facilitating academic and research
collaborations between the Indian
institutions and the best institutions in
the world from 28 selected nations to
jointly solve problems of national and / or
international relevance .
It is implemented by the Ministry of
Human Resource Development .
The Scheme proposes to enable
productive academic co-operation by
supporting the following critical
components that can catalyze impact
making research , namely:


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